I Am Gaia, Mother Earth speaking. As the energies pouring onto the Earth plane increase in might and velocity and intensity, anchor yourself to my heart, the heart of Mother Earth. Ground yourselves to my core and hold on fast, for I will soon explode into a brilliant Light, into the Sun Star that I AM. And as you hold on, and keep yourselves centered to the core of my planet, you will rise with me. You will ascend as I ascend, into a dazzling Light, the dazzling Light of your I AM PRESENCE.
For we are all the same Heart
We are all the same Light
We are all ONE
As you stand within the dazzling Light of your I AM PRESENCE, you will know all, for all is contained within you. To reach your full Light, which is where you experience the ascension process, you must keep your focus on who you are, why you are here and what you came here to achieve.
You came here to achieve many things; foremost, which is your ascension and the planetary ascension. You came here to bring ALL LIFE FORMS into the Light. You work for the Light. The Light is your employer and you are the employee. You work diligently to bring Light everywhere you go. You hold the plans of Light in your DNA cells. Your DNA are now exploding with the Light you have been holding for eons and eons on your trek through Earth incarnations. As this Light comes to the fore, it washes away all the dross and impurities that have accumulated over lifetimes and lifetimes of Earthly incarnations.
Sometimes you may wonder if the ascension ever will happen, for time on my Earth plane appears to go by so slowly for you, and yet what you have accomplished in just the last few years has been quite earth shaking, literally; for you have accomplished the work of hundreds of lifetimes in just these last few years.
Time is greatly speeding up, as you have felt, and it will even speed up more in ratios of higher proportions. So yes, the ascension is about to occur. You are all ascending now in consciousness. All life forms are ascending now in consciousness. All cells are ascending in consciousness; and, before you know it, you will have ascended. It will happen that fast. One day you will open your eyes and you will be on Earth; and the next moment you will be in a higher frequency of Light—a higher dimension.
So, it will be just a little longer, and in the meantime while you are still in the 3rd dimension, know that I am surrounding you with my love every moment of your time and that you are not separated from me at all. Just reach through the time zone into “no-time” and feel my presence. I send you great waves of Love and Light from deep within my core. This is Mother Earth, working with you, and I thank you for this transmission.
Copyright © Dianne Robbins