miércoles, diciembre 28, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - CELEBRATE! You are moving to awaken - December 28, 2016


CELEBRATE! You are moving to awaken.

As 2017 approaches rapidly many on Earth are anxious and concerned. For many 2016 has been tough with much “stuff” of an unexpected nature arising seemingly unbidden into their conscious awareness, and whence they know not. They thought that they had cleared all their stuff, the stuff that was draining their energy and dragging them even deeper into the illusion, even as they were hoping to rise above it finally by living in the world but not being of it, being more above it, observing it, being of service within it, but free of all their old baggage which they felt that they had done a very good job of discarding.

Laura Pleiadian - The New Year/Timeline ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - December 28, 2016

Love ~ Romance, those experiences you have desired to have. That LIFE you always wanted.

The Abundance, the JOY deep within, that is not dependent on any of those things. YET ~ is there and is the very force of consciousness that materializes your reality. That is, your thoughts your emotions. The patterns behind your thoughts and emotions. Your subconscious mind.

Let us begin with where we are NOW. Going deeper into those feelings that when overlooked (avoided) lead to a subconscious projection of desires that are not in harmony with your conscious desires.

Your New Timeline, the expanded you where you concretely manifest and MATCH your inner subconscious world and your conscious world is the alignment, with the very Source of You. Your Higher Self, You.

martes, diciembre 27, 2016

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - New Moon Update 12-28-16

Dear Friends,

This is a great day to bring in new expanded ideas about how you can improve your life. Remember to include kindness in all of your interactions with others not only on this day but throughout the whole month.

In your goal setting and new intentions be sure to include how you will use your inner masculine to support how you want to show up in the coming year and what action you want to take to improve your life and stay in that higher vibration and the positive aspects of the influences for 2017.

Happy New Year!



Jamye Price - Un Amor Que Permite - Diciembre 15, 2016

Allowing Love
video: https://jamyeprice.com/allowing-love-2/?mc_cid=24b2816b9a&mc_eid=91f1783291

Bedito Ser:

Tú eres creativo por naturaleza, y por lo tanto es natural para tí crear activamente. Tú deseas, persigues, continúas. El permitir parece ser lo opuesto a esto..

El Permitir es entendido por muchos a nivel intelectual, pero el vivirlo requiere de paciencia y de confianza, cosas que no se enseñan a menudo. De hecho, a la mayoría se le enseña que la paciencia y la confianza son solamente una respuesta impotente a una acción o control inefectivos. Eso es una respuesta temerosa desplazada a circunstancias externas, y a menudo, al futuro.

Estás aprendiendo a emplear el flujo natural de la Vida en su experiencia más plena.

Esto crea una paz en tu interior que satisface y continúa para crear. Todo Tiempo — el pasado, el presente, y el futuro — se conectan dentro de tí por medio de la paz del Amor. Como un encarnado de la paz del Amor, tu Amor que permite crea más Amor en la Tierra. El antídoto al temor.

Para Permitir el Amor, nutre un ambiente de paciencia y confianza dentro de tí. Crea un ambiente de paciencia y confianza dentro de tí. Continúa buscando tu paciencia y confianza dentro de tí mismo, y reconocerás el apoyo de la Vida que está fluyendo a través de tí. Al igual que el oxígeno, él llena cada espacio disponible. Es el poder del Permitir.

Al tiempo que nos sentamos a Vocear Un Amor Que Permite, estamos respirando con facilidad en medio del caos, permitiendo que se forme el cambio en nuestros poderosos corazones. Estamos percibiendo el potencial que el caos crea puesto que somos amantes ilimitados de la Vida. Somos el futuro formándose y el regalo del presente, sosteniendo un espacio de Amor tan vasto que contenemos universos dentro de cada célula. Estamos permitiendo al Amor formar un nuevo mundo que empieza en nuestro interior. ¡Sigue Voceando!

Jamye Price

Jamye Price es autora, sanadora energética, canalizadora y maestra. Su singular modalidad de sanación energética, Crystalline Soul Healing, junto con el lenguaje de la Luz son una poderosa experiencia transformativa. Ella canaliza también a Areón, el Concejo Lyrano del Tiempo, con información enfocada en el equilibrio mental y emocional de la Ascensión. El trabajo de Jamye es práctico y profundo,mezcla temas altamente esotéricos con un uso aplicable para una forma de vida empoderada.

Copyright © 2005-2016 | Crystalline Soul Healing.


Kryon por Lee Carroll - ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (29) en Las Vegas, diciembre de 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (29)
en Las Vegas, diciembre de 2016

Saludos, queridas mujeres, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se aleja. Hay una gran historia espiritual representada por la idea de esto que ustedes llaman la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana. A través del tiempo y de 30 canalizaciones - o más - hemos presentado lentamente los conceptos de aquello en que ustedes participaron.
Ahora hablamos para todas las que escuchan y son mujeres, y les decimos esto: que en este cambio, en este tiempo mágico, el final de esta precesión de los equinoccios, su género no es un error. Esa es la manera en que las cosas se han establecido y así ha sido el plan: que todas las partícipes de la Hermandad original a través de tantos años estén hoy vivas otra vez como mujeres. Y eso es para que puedan sentir, tal vez percibir, esta historia de la que hablamos; que hubo un tiempo en que las mujeres sostenían la bandera, la antorcha del chamanismo, y que eso era natural. Y que los hombres lo necesitaban y lo esperaban, y acudían a las mujeres por este tipo de consejo y ayuda. Esta ha sido la premisa todo el tiempo.

Sheldan Nidle Update~12-27-16~Across this globe a grand renaissance of consciousness...

11 Batz, 14 Mol. 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! We start today with a brief progress report. Currency items that are earmarked for distribution are in the process of being readied. We know that it has been a long and difficult journey for all. It is therefore important that you know that those at the top of the various distribution levels are preparing to initiate a most amazing process. Once launched, and barring unforeseen circumstances, this process is expected to take over a month to complete. As you know, it has been a truly arduous journey for all. Delivery of prosperity funds is simply the initial stage of this intricate operation. We know that the protracted length of this procedure was complicated by the imperative to keep these actions secure and above board. It therefore created the commitment to go as slow as was necessary. Our purpose was to work with our allies and keep them satisfied about what was unfolding. This series of requirements forced us into a very slow and deliberate mode. Thus, it has taken over two decades to finish this component of our large and complex project. It is our joy to see that your consciousness and perception of this task have allowed a better comprehension of what this journey is all about.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 28, 2016

Faith and trust work together to be both the accelerant and the anchor of what you wish to create. ~Archangel Gabriel

lunes, diciembre 26, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 2017 Energy Reports: Releasing These in a Segmented Series - 12/26/2016

Aloha love family,

I am working on the 2017 Energy Report(s) in many different segments, because of how much information there is, the different dimensions and collectives there are, and how each dimension will experience is vastly different. Those who have been doing this process intentionally will understand this....

I will be typing these up in segments and am not sure if it will be 2 segments or 10... we will find out... They will all be titled: 2017 Energy Report: (Then followed by the primary focus of each report.) I hope to voice record them as well at some point, yet vibrationally all has to align for me to accomplish everything here.

Carla Thompson - The Hyperboreans’ Lecture: The Role and Function of the Blue Light of God’s Divine Will That Flooded Gaia and Humanity During the Winter Solstice Portal of Ascension on December 21, 2016 - December 24, 2016

Georgi Stankov
Carla Thompson, December 24, 2016


A warm Hello to everyone!

The Winter Solstice Portal was a magnificent experience for us and I feel compelled to share my side of the story (in addition to Georgi’s report) in case any one of you may also relate to what I saw and felt throughout the 21st and carrying on since then. Confirmation through others is very important these days.

First of all, we three, Georgi, Julia and myself, were in a restaurant by the beach at the Infinity portal in White Rock. Just after Julia joined us, we all began to feel a shift and Julia said “This is once in a blue moon – today’s event – today’s alignment“. Just as she said this our gaze took us outside where we saw a white paneled van with a blue moon on it. “Blue Moon Contracting” was written over the large sliver of a blue moon. Both Julia and I thought and stated out loud at the same time, that this van would disappear immediately after driving out of sight, as it was clearly “one of those signs from above” that we all get from time to time, if we are open to receiving them.

Kryon - The path is Not Yet Decided

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Puerta del 21 al 27 /diciembre/ 2016 ~ ¡Den el Salto!

Bendiciones, Tribu del Amor, y benditos Saludos de Solsticio:

El movimiento de lo viejo a ser liberado y deportado ha sido iniciado por la última luna llena de este mes. El Universo nos despojará de todo lo que ya no es necesario. No se lo pueden llevar consigo. Están a mano decisiones y elecciones por medio de auto entendimientos. Ahora, entrando a la puerta del solsticio, ¡vamos a encontrarnos en un viaje loco de conciencia! Las energías solares están trabajando como medios de afinación de nuestro ADN y sistema nervioso, reconectándonos de nuevo con el nivel más auténtico del YO que PODEMOS SER en este momento. Preparándonos mediante este portal del solsticio para el punto final del 26 de diciembre – el final del ciclo de 9 años y la onda de 3 fases ~ la Puerta de conclusión y completamiento. íDen el salto!!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday December 26, 2016


Dear Ones, when you start to navigate life by following your joy and making choices based on honouring the truth of who you really are, the energies of resentment and resistance are no longer part of your life experience. Imagine the freedom, lightness, and truer connections that would create for you! Why not start now? ~Archangel Gabriel

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Kryon nos invita a volar - Las Vegas, Nevada, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Las Vegas, Nevada, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Ayer hice un anuncio: que ese mensaje era el último de información. Este de ahora es el último mensaje personal. Son dos tipos de mensajes diferentes que les damos a los grupos ante nosotros. Uno es un despliegue de información: dada en amor, una parte nueva, otra parte una revisión. Y luego está el otro tipo: no trae enseñanza, realmente, no trae información; en cambio trae reflexión; es el Espíritu hablando con ustedes. Eso es lo que queremos hacer ahora.
En esta época del año, en todo el planeta es tradición celebrar el final de un año viejo y el comienzo de uno nuevo. En algunas culturas le agregan una temporada de vacaciones, un tiempo de dar, de reflexión, de familia. Esa es la tradición de la Tierra, y es buen momento para hablar de lo que quiero hablar.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica y Jerarquía Espiritual - Un tiempo para ALEGRARSE - 20 de Diciembre, 2016

4 Kan, 7 Mol, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Los que están al cargo de la distribución de la RV y de los paquetes de prosperidad están trabajando rápido para asegurarse de que sean lanzados juntos. Actualmente, la RV se está revelando en los diferentes niveles establecidos por esos diligentes trabajadores de la Luz. Ellos conocen la importancia de esos diversos paquetes de prosperidad. Cuando se hayan repartido más del 70% de esos dineros especiales, la creación de la República NESARA estará legalmente asegurada. Este factor hace que este proceso sea esencial para lo que actualmente se está llevando a cabo por nuestros asociados terrestres. Mientras tanto está el proceso para la RV. Esto va a asegurar que las cantidades extremadamente grandes de dinero sean transferidas con éxito a los no privilegiados de todo este globo. Esos proyectos humanitarios posibilitan que este mundo suministre con facilidad la libertad, la alimentación, la sanidad, la vivienda, la vestimenta y la electricidad necesarias para que todo el mundo se ponga al día. Esto proporciona la alfabetización y la educación sobre Internet necesarios para comprender lo que estamos haciendo. Como podéis ver, se está haciendo una gran cantidad de progreso. Se necesita mucho más antes de que alcancemos nuestros objetivos prescritos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Numerología - en Las Vegas, Nevada, 10 de diciembre de 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Las Vegas, Nevada, 10 de diciembre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se hace a un lado. Esta es la última canalización principal de 2016; habrá dos más, pero no dedicadas a un tema, como resulta apropiado para esta reunión. De modo que voy a tomarla y hacer algo que no hice antes: una enseñanza; es una enseñanza sobre algo que muchos me han pedido, porque querían saber algo de lo elemental de lo que voy a hablar. Porque hay una razón para este tema, que les daré en un momento; está relacionado, o sea que es específico para lo que está sucediendo ahora mismo en el planeta; es específico en cuanto ustedes ingresan a otro año.
Quiero hablarles sobre energías. Lo que quiero decir es que las energías de las que hablo suelen ser objeto de controversia, porque representan sistemas muy antiguos. Y representan cosas que algunos creen y otros no. Entonces quiero que se sienten y simplemente escuchen, y comprendan más plenamente algunas cosas que probablemente no se les han explicado a fondo. Existe una razón para todo esto, como verán.

domingo, diciembre 25, 2016

Brenda Hoffman - Understanding Power Mongers - December 25, 2016

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel little different from yesterday or last week. Such will not continue. For you added segments just days ago that are likely beyond your comprehension.

The segments you added are the revolutionary, strong, not always morally correct pieces that once pushed you to the forefront in a fear-based world – those pieces you have tried to negate ever since.

All of you have been extremely powerful in other earth lifetimes for you were preparing for this lifetime, this transition. You needed to know from within the powers you held in a fear-based world. So it is that strong piece(s) is now within you.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Las Vegas - Introducción - en Las Vegas, Nevada, 10 de diciembre de 2016

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Las Vegas, Nevada, 10 de diciembre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
La primera canalización del día es siempre la más difícil. La razón es que aquí, en esta silla, hemos hecho un cambio, pero en las de ustedes tal vez no. En este punto de la reunión la pregunta es siempre la misma: ¿Quién está hablando? Queridos, me gustaría presentarles nuevamente una premisa y la pregunta que ustedes debieran hacerse siempre empieza así: ¿Creen en Dios? ¿Creen en el Espíritu? La palabra "Dios" ha sido alterada de tantas maneras que a veces ustedes no quieren usarla. ¿Creen en el Creador? ¿Creen que el Creador ama?
Este planeta es monoteísta, y casi 80% o más de este planeta tiene al Creador dentro de sí y lo sabe, y habla de ello de algún modo, y ha construido creencias, incluso aquellos que están solos en una tribu en una jungla, han construido creencias sobre un Creador amoroso. De modo que ustedes, sentados en la audiencia, probablemente responden: "Sí, creo en un Creador amoroso."

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Campo - Parte 2 - Reedición - Kryon - en Anchorage, Alaska, el 7 de Agosto de 2016

EL CAMPO – Parte 2
Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Anchorage, Alaska, el 7 de Agosto de 2016

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces incluso se agrega información. Lo que se da en vivo suele tener implícita una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que la página impresa no ofrece. Disfruten de este mensaje realzado, dado en Anchorage, Alaska.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se hace a un lado literalmente; su consciencia se divide. Cada vez que lo hace, es nuevo. Él sabe qué esperar, pero cada vez es ligeramente distinto. Queridos, esto es la canalización según él la hace y, como dijimos antes, no hay una forma genérica de canalizar. Los Seres Humanos se abren y la canalización puede surgir como canción o como los más grandiosos cuadros que hayan visto alguna vez. Algunas de las creaciones más grandiosas que han experimentado y disfrutado durante siglos han sido canalizadas. Las melodías más grandiosas del planeta han sido canalizadas. Las bellas esculturas que ustedes ven y que les hablan, han sido canalizadas. De manera que esta conexión con el Creador surge de muchas maneras distintas, pero incluso aquellos que lo hacen con palabras, como mi socio, tienen muchas maneras diferentes de hacerlo.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom. They are within you - December 25, 2016

Dear One,

You have within you all the love and wisdom you need to be whole and live in a holy way in the world. Each time you seek outside yourself for these qualities, you find a little more of your confidence and self-esteem slipping away.

This is not to say that you should not seek advice from others. But when this advice is received, there must be a time of reflection before you act on it. When advice is appropriate for you to act on, there will be a sense of resonance within you, a little feeling of rightness, if not a wholehearted “Yes!”

Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson - The Return of the Agarthans - The Final ID Shift is in Full Sway -

Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, December 21, 2016


Punctually on the December 21, 2016 portal I am bringing you the good news: The final ID shift is in full sway and today we made a huge leap of ascension. I will spare you the details as not to spoil the effect of the surprise. But this time it is earnest and there will be no more delays. However, this holds true only for those light warriors of the first and the last hour who have already ascended many years ago and have already become multidimensional personalities. For them the final clearance has been given today to transfigure and merge with the Source in the coming days. Their final ascension has already commenced.

When the final transformation will happen is irrelevant in this context as the ascension process is now running at a maximal speed. The joy in the higher realms is beyond description. The Source, which is the creator of infinite galaxies and universes, has focused the blue light of ascension onto this tiny planet as it brings it back to All-That-Is together with its best and glorious warriors. This is not my interpretation, this is what the Agarthans conveyed to us when they came to us today (see below).

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Sunday December 25, 2016

On this holiest of days when you honour the Christed energies, we encourage you to absorb the influx of divine energy and to carry it forward in all you do, allowing unconditional love, unity consciousness, and peace to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Gateway 21 - 27 December 2016 ~ take the leap! - December 25, 2016

Blessings Love Tribe and blessed Solstice Greetings,

The movement of the old to be released and deported has been initiated by the last Full Moon of this month. Everything will be stripped off by the Universe of what you no longer need. You can't take it with you, this time it is very strong. Decisions, choices through self realizations are at hand. Now entering the Solstice Gateway we are in for a wild ride in consciousness! Solar energies working as fine tuning tools in our DNA and nerve system, rebooting our brain system and returning us back to the most authentic level of Self we CAN BE at this now moment. Gearing up through this Solstice portal towards the end marking of December 26, 2016 ~ The end cycle of the 9 year cycle and 3 phase wave ~ the conclusion and completion Gateway. Take the leap!!

Fran Zepeda - Message to Lightworkers from Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven - Christmas Message - 12.24.11

Hello Everyone! I am reposting this message from Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven that I channeled 5 years ago tonight … I was nudged to share it with you again, now, with Mother Mary’s Blessing, as it is still very, very timely, and speaks to us just as powerfully as if it was current, I feel … It is something we all can enjoy and also take in and utilize at this very auspicious time … I feel like she was nudging me to share it with you because it deeply pertains to what we are experiencing and needing to focus on with the end of this 9 year and beginning of the 1 year, 2017, the Year of Unity and Oneness. and New Beginnings! I wish you all a JOYous Season and send you all Blessings and Love, along with my deep Gratitude for your beautiful presence in my life….Namaste.

December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones. I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

sábado, diciembre 24, 2016

John Smallman - You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season - 12/23/2016

The Christmas Season is a time for reflecting, forgiving, and opening to Love. In every moment you have your eternal existence within the divine field of Love which envelops you and all of creation in one vast milieu of unconditional loving acceptance. As you have been told so often you are Love, you have just lost contact with the truth of this as you play the games of distraction and disruption that the illusion thrives on.

Stand back from the “outside world,” go within to your holy place or altar where the divine flame burns unceasingly, calling you back to Source, and open your hearts to feel the intensity of Love that awaits your willing acceptance of It. It is your true nature, and when you open to It, It embraces you, supports you, and empowers you. As you allow It into your hearts your fears and anxieties will fall away, and the energy, the Life force with which It endows you will strengthen your will and intent to align completely with the divine Will, which, in essence, is unconditional Love and acceptance of all conscious entities without exception.

John Smallman - Your Father awaits your awakening with joyful enthusiasm - December 24, 2016

On the anniversary of my birth it is always a joy to see so many celebrating it. As we move forward powerfully toward the moment of humanity’s awakening celebration is a most appropriate activity in which to engage. To awaken will be stunning for you all. You have prayed and hoped for this for a long time, and now that it is imminent, celebrations put you in the right frame of mind to accept the wonders that are being offered, and acceptance of them will bring you great joy. Our divine Source has planned a most exalting welcome for you all, a welcome that we here in the spiritual realms as yet have no knowledge of except that it will be absolutely astounding for all present.

As time ends and all move into full conscious awareness of NOW, all that was not in complete alignment with God’s Will, all that is unreal, will be gone as though it had never existed, which of course it never has. The now moment, the unitary and only state of Presence, will bring all consciousness together as One and many simultaneously, without any remaining sense or feeling of separation which, over the eons, you have come to consider and accept as the normal state of being.

Nancy Tate - Mike Quinsey Sent This to Me - December 24, 2016

Happy Christmas and New Year, from Mike and Nancy

Mike Quinsey Sent This to Me, 

I, Nancy Agree to Send it To All Of You on Both Lists

Hi Friends,
I rarely send out messages other than my own unless I believe it is genuine, and I feel it is vital to get this information out to as many people as possible. As I can totally resonate with it I have no hesitation in forwarding it on to you.

In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

Kryon - Stem cells in Human Body(Berkley Springs Channeling)

Ron Head - El Consejo - Quién eres tú - 02-11-16


Hay varias verdades y conceptos esenciales, relacionados e implícitos en toda la información que les hemos brincado por algún tiempo ya. Cuando usamos la palabra esencial, queremos decir exactamente eso. Pero no es meramente esencial para ustedes entender con su intelecto lo que se está diciendo pero es esencial que sepan, en la parte más profunda de su ser, que estas son verdades.

Hasta que hayan aprendido lo que es el verdadero poder y dónde reside, hasta que hayan aprendido quiénes son en verdad, hasta que sepan estas cosas, viviéndolas y respirándolas, el despertar debe continuar.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Punto Crucial - 28-10-16



Sabemos que muchos de ustedes se sienten perdidos en el mar, y perplejos por lo que ven que ocurre a su alrededor ahora. El proceso de desmantelamiento de todo lo que necesita ser remplazado ha empezado en verdad. La idea de que esto es lo que está pasando cruza sus mentes de vez en cuando pero eso no lo hace fácil de digerir. Y decirles que les habíamos advertido tampoco les servirá.

Mucho de lo que debe ser renovado ya se les ha mostrado y nuevas formas han empezado a intentarse. Esto ha sido muy exitoso en lugares, pero no se le ha dado mucha atención. Una de las cosas que quizá deseen hacer cuando el éxito de esta naturaleza venga a su atención es ayudar a esparcir el conocimiento de eso dentro de sus mejores habilidades. Su nuevo mundo está siendo construido por ustedes aunque parezca que el caos está surgiendo.

Free Quantum Light Activation - Reminder in Present Moment I AM A Master

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Divine Sacred Holy Union - December 24, 2016

Lisa Brown

We are in a 3-Day Passageway that began a few hours ago. Each year, unbeknownst to me at that time, I experienced a deeply sacred union within myself that has continued substantially and profoundly every time during this phase and each time this process begins. The last was in August/September 2016 and now we move through the next part of this phase for us all as souls here. We've been going through these for years. Each one brings us further into who we truly are and our connectedness with/as all as ONE again.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Comunicación - 13-10-16

https://i0.wp.com/ronahead.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/the-council.jpg?w=324El tema que discutimos con ustedes hoy es comunicación. Pero no es un mensaje sobre una comunicación en general que es para una audiencia genérica. Esto es sobre ustedes, los lectores de este texto y nuestra comunicación con ustedes.

Muchos de ustedes pensarán, cuando lean esto, que el Concejo no les habla. Pensarán que el Concejo es un cuerpo por el cual se comunica y a un número limitado de ustedes en el planeta. No obstante, hemos insistido en explicarles en el pasado que somos un cuerpo que está compuesto de guías, maestros y seres de luz que están trabajando a través de cada uno de ustedes, trayendo a su mundo la gran consciencia que son ustedes.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - It IS the NOW - 12-24-16


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, are with you as always, and we want you all to know that you that you can contact us whenever you need assistance. Many of you have asked us about the survival of your money. Many of you will live to see the end of money. Money was, and still is, the creation of the dark ones, who are often known as the Illuminati.

Money in your reality is merely numbers or pieces of paper, and very little of the “money” that the people receive have any value at all. It has no value because the gold that is supposed to “back up the money,” is not at all affiliated with the holders of the money.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 24, 2016

Dear Ones, as you continue through the healing journey that is the enlightenment process, all that is required is that you have a desire to accept healing and the healing will come. It will come by the perfect person/modality coming into your awareness. It will come through the releasing/integrating of energies. It will come through meditation, or your sleep state. There are a myriad of ways healing can happen! All that is required is that you have the desire and the openness for it to occur, and it will surely find its way to you. ~Archangel Gabriel


Deseándoles tengan unas Felices Fiestas en este día

Piano Music Special - Christmas 2016

viernes, diciembre 23, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday December 23, 2016


Dear Ones, if we are not interested in judging you at all, why judge yourselves? Why judge others?

Think of an innocent child learning to walk. If they falter, or if they stumble or fall, do you judge them? Or do you know they will master the task at hand when the timing is perfect for them, in their own speed and unique way?

Sandra Walter - Gateways of Transformation: New Realities Step Forth - December 23, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This is a powerful consciousness-shifting passage, and the next two weeks will be quite potent. Many are already receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, as the Galactics and our Higher levels weave this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits.

Gatekeepers and the Galactics have called forth the influx of dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting frequencies which will affect those choosing Crystalline/Christ/Unity consciousness embodiment. This is why so many experienced a powerful clearing during the last Gate (December 15-16). While the light hit the physical structure hard (most likely your right side, as a physical representation of the release of the old patriarchal structures), it prepared us for the massive influx we are aligning with for the final Gateways of 2016. We continue to open these Ascension gateways and the Solar aspects of the grids and Gaia. Feel free to call this forth and add your permission/intention to this acceleration.

James Gilliland - Ascension Wave, Transdimensional War, Days to Come - December 23, 2016

Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is. It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited. It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid. It has everything to do with the arrival of 13th dimensional beings as well as the Andromedans whose ships can block out the entire eastern sky and when powered up can be as bright as 10,000 suns. This might be a hint as to the sun NASA observed coming our way that keeps changing speeds. How is this going to affect earth? It all has to do with frequency. Those holding on to the past, old grudges attitudes and emotions especially the frequency of tyranny and the arrogance of separation are not frequency specific to this wave. They will not fare well. The masks are all coming down. This is a healing energy yet along with it is the program of Universal Law. The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.

Natalie Glasson - A Gathering with Mary Magdalene and Jesus - A Glimpse into the Past by Maryham - 23rd December 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

As I viewed the scene before me, my heart glowed with such delight; I felt as if a golden well of light had awoken within the core of my soul overflowing into my entire being. My body shimmered and pulsated in rhythm with the light unfolding. As if reflecting the truth emerging within my being a blazing fire had been created in the centre of our gathering. Friends, family, and members of the Essene community sat in a large circle around the fire. Everyone was busy talking, sharing, laughing and expressing their truth, the atmosphere was lively as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon surrounding us in a darkness which seemed to only enhance the love present within our community.

jueves, diciembre 22, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday December 22, 2016


The most common ascension symptoms people struggle with – dizziness, memory issues, headaches, weakness, sluggishness, heart palpitations, dry eyes – are all due to one thing, dehydration. You can greatly decrease your discomfort by increasing your water intake.

You are beings who are greatly affected by planetary influences. You are also beings of flow. Just as your plants and flowers may require more hydration and care during phases of solar intensity, so do you. Making your hydration a priority will have many positive benefits to you, and it is a wonderful, loving act of self care and nurturing, as well, which as you know we are always encouraging for you.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Celebrating You! - 21 December 2016

Celebrating You!

Message from the Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

​Hello, Beautiful Beings!

Today we want to riff a little bit about you, celebrate you. We love you. We love you and we have so much enthusiasm for what you're doing. It feels like a good time in our co-creation to reflect back to you what we're noticing.

​We know you to be the most adventurous souls. Do you see yourself like that? We do. Because we see you exploring life in this amazingly complex and rich environment with a perpetual return to some sort of inner optimism and sense of meaning. You are learning to feel within you to tune to the soul that you are and you're realizing more and more that your alignment with all that you are is the vehicle for your ascending consciousness. We love to see this and we love to see you believe in yourself, and trust yourself, and start to really get familiar and comfortable with shaping your energy.


Ascension Mastery channeled message through Rev.Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. 
“As the earth is now upon the entryway of the December Solstice, it brings to Light what has been Dark in all things.” ~ Lord Metatron
This is Lord Metatron at your service to bring forth understanding of the present energies of yet another season that will be experienced upon the Earth.
It does not matter where you are physically located in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Each element around the earth is going to be feeling the effects of this magnificent light storm arriving into Gaia.
As the Winter Solstice represents bringing Light into a Dark year, it allows for the transference of energies to be felt far and wide. As the Summer Solstice represents the Light being the focal point for the Darkness that has been experienced through this past season. So as you see it doesn’t relate to where you are living, but how you allow yourself to be blessed by the incoming light frequencies.
Each of us is riding the Wave Of Light ~ all of humanity and all of the Divine Beings associated within the Inner Plane. It depends upon how you will experience this Wave Of Light and what it may mean for your planetary existence at this time.

miércoles, diciembre 21, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Completion Phase Has Been Completed: WE Did It! - 12/21/2016

The last few days is observing the simplicity of our existence and how easy it is. I dare not say it, (but I will), this has been the easiest and absolutely serene initiation for SOULstice, StarGate alignment, physical body upgrades, physical reality everything.... more pristine, more sacred, more beautiful, more everything....

I know we still have a couple weeks of this phase and I know that these alignments rock the human reality, because it has to, that's how this works. Yet transcending human'ness allows for complete peace, ease and magical amazing abundant everything.... and we all came here to experience THIS PART of the PROCESS FULLY....

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de Nube Blanca - Diciembre 16, 2016


Un mensaje de Navidad de voz directa de Nube Blanca



Una cálida bienvenida a cada alma que escoge escuchar estas palabras que tengo para ofrecer en este momento de extravagante celebración. Mis amigos, mucho, mucho tiempo atrás en su Planeta … … … Blossom está luchando un poco y le pido permiso para dejarme hablar, porque le preocupa lo que supo en un instante de lo que debo hablar, y la confunde un poco. Por lo que le mostré una imagen conocida a través de sus historias del niño en el pesebre, con los sabios, los pastores, los bueyes … de la madre y el padre mirando amorosamente a este niño y de la estrella brillante en el cielo.

Celestial Grid - Blue Star Alchemy, 21st December 2016 (Blue Star Solstice series PART 9)

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua Channelings - How do You Recognize Your Soul's Plan?

Dear friends,

Welcome everyone, I am Jeshua. I greet you all from my heart. I am connected to you, so feel my presence. I am that which connects your hearts, for I represent the unity that is between us all.
I ask you, now, to ground yourself, to connect your body with the Earth beneath your feet and to imagine that roots sprout from your feet into the soil. Feel how your consciousness is completely present in this space and penetrates, through the roots from your feet, into the Earth. Feel the power of our collective energy, so that together we create a field of consciousness with a deep and pure intention.