sábado, agosto 13, 2016

Ailia Mira - Consejo de la Luz Radiante - La Promesa de la Ascensiòn - 10-08-2016

Promise of Ascension_edited-1

Los Saludamos Con Amor,

Está ocurriendo un tremendo cambio en sus vidas y en las vidas de los demás en su planeta.
Hoy les deseamos recordar de la promesa de la ascensión.
Primero, vamos a empezar ofreciéndoles unos puntos de vista para calmarlos y ayudarlos a cambiar a un estado de calma.
Deseamos reconocer que estamos conscientes de que muchos de ustedes están batallando últimamente, y continuamos alentándolos y asegurándoles que todo está bien.
Sabemos que quizá se estén sintiendo retados y deseamos afirmar que lo que están experimentando no es un paso atrás.
Lo que está sucediendo ahora, y lo que siempre es, es el mejoramiento de su encarnación divina.
Lo que están experimentando en el mundo y todo lo que está sucediendo en él en estos momentos tampoco es un paso atrás.
Hay progreso todo a su alrededor. Es la expresión y transformación visible de la energía.
Hay creaciones todo a su entorno en las que la vasta Unidad verdadera está infundiendo y organizando la materia, refinándola y recreándola.

Suzanne Lie - los Pleyadianos - PREPARÁNDOSE PARA EL PRIMER CONTACTO Capìtulo 20 - ¿DÓNDE ESTÁ SHARMAN? - 1-8-16


Por los Pleyadianos — A través de Suzanne Lie


Dónde está Sharman?

Habla Sheila:

Hola, Sheila hablando aquí. Estoy reuniendo a todos ustedes para informarles que hemos perdido todo contacto con Sharman. Fue llamado repentinamente de nuevo a la Tierra. Me dijo que era una reunión importante que tenía que atender en la Tierra, y desde entonces no hemos sabido de él. Usualmente soy capaz de al menos percibirlo cuando va a la Tierra, pero algo sucedió y perdí todo contacto con {el. Todo lo que sé es que tenía una importante reunión con un humano que tiene una gran cantidad de influencia en la Tierra.

Nos dijo que tenía que "ir a ciegas". Lo cual significa que no lo vemos, y él tendría que verificar con nosotros. Dijo que sabía que esta persona, o personas, no confiarían en él si supieran que su conversación NO eras solo entre ellos. No obstante, han pasado varias semanas del tiempo de la Tierra, y no se ha reportado. Yo, su Complemento Divino estoy muy preocupada ya que la única imagen que puedo recibir de él es que está en el suelo en un lugar oscuro y está sangrando.


VIDEO (recommended)

If we do not withdraw our attention from the mere appearances and demands of the outer world and turn to the powerful luminous current of our Inner and Outer Self, this world continues on the downward spiral, that destructive forces have created for us – because we are giving to these forces our energy away.

We are giving them energy by considering the alleged reality they present to our collective consciousness as irrevocable, and thereby manifesting it: by our fear, by our wrath, but also by our good faith and naïve acceptance of their flimsy lies, pretending a sane surface world, while they are threatening with terrible scenes of wars, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness and fainting weakness.

Those who do not reflect on themselves, do not have the power to step back from the constant manipulation of our consciousness, helplessly being the victim and at the mercy of those who arrogate power for themselves only, by the indoctrination of our subconscious mind.

John Smallman - Jesus - Allow awareness of your Oneness with your Father and of His infinite Love for You to suffuse You - August 13, 2016

These are inspiring times! If you avoid your fascination with the mainstream media and its constant diet of disasters and catastrophes, and look for the Good News, you will be astonished at the amount that is out there awaiting your discovery. Humanity is waking up! Whatever others may tell you – their opinions and fears – about the state of the world, you know, deep within yourselves, that all is flowing along just as divinely planned. You are not alone, abandoned, and lost, small and insignificant beings adrift in what appears to be a vast and infinite number of unaware and uncaring universes. You are the beloved children of God, held eternally in His loving embrace, an embrace from which you have never been separated. And you do know this! Go within, visit your holy altar where the flame of His Love burns continuously to remind you that separation never occurred, and to nudge you gently back into full wakefulness.

Crop Circles 2016 - Ansty, Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK - 12th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Crop Circles 2016 Rumours - Nossa Senhora das Graças, Brazil - 25th july 2016 - UFO 2016 Brazil

Crop Circles 2016 - Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, UK - 8th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Conferencia de Alex Collier 2016 - Nuestro sitio en el universo

viernes, agosto 12, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Using the Higher Light by the Arcturians and Reflection on a VERY Eventful Year - 8-12-16

Hello everyone. I am still traveling, so I am posting a "Blast From the Past," which is almost a year ago today from 8-16-15...
Using The Higher Light

The Arcturians

 "As you read this post, you may want to ponder your life one year ago..."

Welcome, we the Arcturians are here for section two of Accepting the Higher Light. As you accept the higher Light it goes into your consciousness, your aura, your body and your cells to discover any remaining darkness, so that it can be healed. 
This “darkness” is “blocks” within you that are afraid to change, afraid to transmute. Once you are aware of these blockages that have not yet been released, you can participate in your own clearing. Once you remember how to clear yourself, you can assist others with their clearing. The higher light arrives from the dimensions beyond time. Hence, it moves into your present, past, and alternate realities.
Once you remember how to allow the light to enter your earth vessel in this manner, you can assist others to do the same. You will also remember how you can assist Gaia by grounding this multidimensional light into the core of Her Being. In this way, you will merge your personal form with Gaia’s planetary form.
Then, your personal, and Gaia’s planetary elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water will share the higher frequency light with all life. Because this higher frequency light is continually finding, and clearing blockages, you can more easily transmute your self and your reality. With the blockages discovered and released, your daily consciousness expands into higher brainwaves.
With these higher brainwaves, states of consciousness, your perceptions of reality begin to include higher frequencies of reality. As you adapt to the transmutations of your vessel, you learn/remember how to find that which is wounded, distorted or out of sync. With this expanded perception you will be able to identify, unconditionally love and transmute your reality with the Violet Fire.

Lion's Gate Activation - Blue Star, Rainbow Grid - Astral Body Upgrade

Triangular UFOs, UFO - rod and other types of UFOs near the Sun for August 11 and August 12, 2016

Christine Meleriessee - MASTER THOTH ~ THE CONTINUAL MOVEMENT INTO ONENESS - August 12, 2016

A Divine Light Language message from Master Thoth on using our connection to Self for mastering the daily energies we encounter. Transmitted by Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

“The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.”

In the world today the element of going through changes is a constant experience for all souls. No one can go through life without the effect of movement which can either be in a backwards downward spiral effect or an upwards increase of vibrational energies.

Change is constant and will never stagnate unless an individual allows that non-movement to occur within their consciousness. One example of this may be someone who truly does not desire to experience any elements outside of their current conditions which causes one to stagnate in their personal existence. This is when the element of change can be very challenging and almost debilitating to that individual.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 12/08/16


Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Mike Quinsey – Channeling His Higher Self – August 12, 2016

You are rapidly approaching the time of completion for the various changes that are underway. You have patiently awaited the outer signs that indicate all is beginning to manifest and speedily take you to Ascension. Matters are at a stage where re-valuation of the currency of each country is taking place. The object is to ensure that each change fairly reflects the state and potential of each one, so that you can operate in a market that represents a fair exchange. The changes will ensure that there is equality for the purposes of trading. There should be the removal of old trade barriers so that all can operate in a free market. Time will sort out the areas of exchange where adjustment is required.

Europe is in a state of turmoil as the after effects of Brexit are being felt. It was the desired outcome and it will open the way for more countries to follow, that will put a stop to the plans of the Illuminati for World control. At present people cannot see the potential for improvement or realise that you have taken a step towards freedom. The changes do not come easily but be assured that every country receives guidance according to their karma. As the barriers are removed so people will come more together, recognising that they are All One on the pathway to a new World. All will work out perfectly and fulfils every souls needs according to their life plan.

Star Children Called Home (Poetry of the Soul - DNA Activation)

jueves, agosto 11, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan - The Collective - Message to Lightworkers - Aug 11, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones!

We are not only observing, but are also experiencing with you the tremendous onslaught of energies you are feeling and seeing the results of, in many situations in your world, as well as in your own lives.

Understand that things will not always be so overwhelming, so taxing and tiring, and so confusing as they feel to be at present.

You are seeing the establishing of a higher frequency as the base frequency of your Earth—a New Earth, with all the expressions of freedom, equality, abundance, and creativity that you could imagine a fifth dimensional planet experiencing.

From this new base frequency, increasingly higher frequencies of consciousness, wisdom, and understanding will continue to come forward, birthing new fifth dimensional forms and experiences on your planet that were once only the stuff of science fiction.

And we would say, that though you may feel impatient at all the shifts and disturbances you are experiencing now—in Earth Herself, and in your own bodies, hearts, and minds—you nevertheless are holding now a frequency of Higher Light that you could not have withstood even one year ago.

Shanta Gabriel para el Arcángel Gabriel - Tú atraes a tí solamente aquello que está en tu conciencia - 24 de julio del 2016

Querido Mía: Tus pensamientos son magnéticos. 

Aún cuando no eres consciente de lo que estás pensando, el poder de tus pensamientos afecta tu vida.
Lo que mantienes en tu mente crea un nivel de conciencia, lo cual influye qué experimentas en tu mundo; así que si quieres cambiar el mundo en el que vives, empieza con tus propios pensamientos y sentimientos.
Hay muchos niveles de conciencia. La conciencia total puede ser llamada la unidad con la Mente de Dios, que es donde los Maestros Maestros habitan, y es el nivel de conciencia que todos los humanos desean alcanzar a fin de cuentas. Mientras más cerca llegues a sumergirte en la Presencia Divina, mayor será la fuerza del bien que seas en el planeta.
Orando por lograr la unión consciente con Dios incrementará el nivel de energía con el que trabajas en tu vida diaria, generando una alta frecuencia vibracional en tu mente, y por consiguiente, fomentando pensamientos más positivos en todo momento.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 10-07-2016


Cariñosos saludos del Grupo Arcturiano:
Venimos con mensajes de esperanza y un entendimiento más profundo para ustedes en estos tiempos de violencia y sufrimiento para tantos.
Elevadas y poderosas energías de ascensión están afectando a la Tierra y a todos actualmente, ocasionando que quienes no entienden lo que está pasando se insolenten frustrados y temerosos, pues esos son los únicos medios que conocen.
Estas energías están sirviendo para exponer todas las cosas viejas y obsoletas, creando el deseo de un cambio en todos los que son receptivos a ellas.
Sin embargo, como hemos mencionado a menudo, todos perciben y actúan según su estado de conciencia, por lo que ustedes están viendo tanta violencia en estos tiempos.

Webinar - Building Your 5D Point of Observation

Benjamín Fulford - 09-08-16. La mafia jázara ofrece la ASEAN, Japón y Corea a China -

11 Ago

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulfordtranslations.blogspot.de/2016/08/english-benjamin-fulford-09082016-full.html

Un agente que informa al presidente de China, Xi Jinping, dijo a un representante de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco la semana pasada que Hillary Clinton había ofrecido entregar a Corea, la ASEAN y a Japón para ayudar a crear unos “Estados Unidos de China” si los chinos apoyaban su intento de convertirse en Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Clinton también dijo a los chinos que se necesitaría una guerra corta e intensa con el ejército de Estados Unidos para poner este plan en marcha y establecer a China como la superpotencia número 1 del mundo. Por esta razón, China apoya a Clinton, dijo el agente.

El representante del SDB dijo a los chinos que los gángsteres jázaros como Hillary dicen a la gente lo que quiere oír, pero siempre les traicionan tan pronto como tienen una oportunidad. También se le dijo que no importa cuántas veces el ejército de Estados Unidos realizó simulaciones de una guerra total con China, el resultado fue siempre que moriría el 90% de la población mundial y el hemisferio norte del planeta se volvería inhabitable.

Alcyon Pléyades 44: Pokemon Go, Selfies, Exobiología, Proyecto Blue Beam, Seres de Luz-antiluz, NWO

miércoles, agosto 10, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - A PEEK INTO THE FIFTH DIMENSION - 8-10 16


By The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie 

Within this NOW you are not fully in your third/fourth dimensional body. Nor are you fully in your fifth dimensional body. This is not because you did something wrong, but because you are a prototype.

A prototype is defined as: “An original or first model from which other forms are copied or developed.” Hence, your transmutation into your Lightbody SELF is an early example that will be used as a model for what comes later.

In fact, you (if you have volunteered before this incarnation) are someone who has offered to “test the equipment” for transmuting your third/fourth dimensional Earth vessel into your fifth dimensional Light vessel.

To complete your process, you will be called on to release your third and fourth dimensional manner of thinking before your fifth dimensional brain is fully online. For this NOW, we suggest that you focus primarily on the third dimension as your baseline and the fifth dimension as where YOU go, but do not live yet.

John Smallman - Saul - Forgive and love yourselves as your heavenly Father does - 08/10/2016

There is no one on Earth now who is not feeling the energy shifts that are leading up to humanity’s awakening. As many have told you, your awakening is inevitable, and even those remaining unaware of their true nature, as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience, are aware that enormous change is in the air. It is impossible not to feel the power of the Tsunami of Love as It sweeps back and forth across the planet empowering the changes that are essential aspects of your awakening process, even if it is not clear to many what it is that they are feeling.

And of course it also shows up all across the world in conflicts that seem insoluble, endless, and utterly insane. Conflict is insane, and most of humanity now understands that, although they are also unable to see any way to resolve the outstanding issues that are causing conflict all over the globe, without resorting to conflict. It seems to be a Catch 22 Situation!

Ailia Mira - Passé Energy Structures are Clearing - 10 August 2016

Notes from the Ascending Energy Arc
by Ailia Mira

There are big changes happening energetically right now in many levels of reality, in the planetary matrix and in our lives and forms/human energy systems. You are probably feeling this!

Diverse experiences of ascension are in play and this is happening simultaneously.

It's important to remember that after the shift in 2012, the energies of our planet opened up. The reason I mention this now is that there is not one way to have an ascension experience. There are diverse ascension timelines in play and that includes timelines for those still living largely in lower frequency states of awareness and that is perfectly fine. It's not impairing your experience or slowing down what is unfolding in perfect divine timing.

As we are all different and in different states of expression energetically, we are all having our own experience of these changes. We become increasingly empowered as we discover how to honor our own unique experience. Each of us have different paths. We can choose to know it's all moving in the same direction and in that awareness, we can focus on optimizing our energy and experience.

Sheldan Nidle - .. era de poder, de prosperidad y de vuelta… 09-08-2016


1 Batz, 14 Pop, 13 Caban 

¡Dratzo! Los primeros fondos iniciales están preparados.
El nuevo sistema de seguridad ya está plenamente efectivo.
Aún más, los fondos humanitarios, de prosperidad y de gobierno están cerca de su terminación y esperan el escenario real de reparto.
La financiación del gobierno incluye lo que se conoce como una revalorización masiva de moneda que es el preludio del Reseteo Global de Moneda.
La primera cosa necesaria es que el viejo libro de monedas del mundo refleje el valor real de cada una de ellas y que la moneda nuevamente reeditada siga ese proceso.
El mundo necesita ser devuelto al valor real y a un estándar global basado en el oro.
Este proceso es diferente del que tuvo lugar cuando las nuevas naciones declararon la independencia.

Jennifer Hoffman - Intuition The 4D Bridge to 5D Living - 10 August, 2016

When someone uses the word intuition we think of a psychic who can read the energy of the future and tell us what is going to happen next, or an inner voice that is going to tell us what to do next. While there are people who have the degree of intuition that allows them to be an intuitive resource for others (I can do that and so can many of you), is a small part of intuition and not the best use of it, especially within the context of our 3D to 5D transition. Intuition is the bridge between 3D and higher dimensions and it works best when we use it to explore our expanded potential. So we need to redefine intuition and expand it to now use it in the context of our new 5D realities.
Intuition is defined today as ‘inner knowing’ but it is more correct to define it as ‘inner consideration’ or contemplation (from the Latin for tuition). What happens when we begin our journey to inner contemplation or consideration? First we remember the past that we wanted to forget. If we can move one step beyond that, we can find long forgotten dreams and desires that we had pushed to the side because they didn’t happen. And if we can move one step beyond that we see new potentials and possibilities that are now possible because we are open to them. Our inner planes reveal our potential which we can then move to our outer domains with alignment, integration, and action.

Jenny Schiltz - Navigating the New Energies - August 10, 2016

Wow! That’s the only word that instantly comes to mind when I think of the energy that has come to earth as we head into the eclipse season. This flow of energy is requiring us to maintain as much balance as possible while opening ourselves to the new. In many ways it feels as if the field becomes unstable because of the flux of energies and it is dedication to staying centered that secures it again.

Deep Integration is taking place within the body:

Physically we are all over the place. Some are finding they need to sleep extra as it is the body’s way to integrate the energies. For me, I am finding that sleep is not coming as easy as it normally does. There is an undercurrent of excitement in my body that feels very similar to how I feel during a full moon. The bonus to the sleeplessness is the lucid dreams and ideas that are streaming in. The biggest complaint I am hearing and have experienced are the headaches. The skull feels like it is being squeezed. For some this is debilitating and for others it is a back ground pain. Children and pets are not immune to what is taking place, so you may find them extra clingy and moody. My little one woke in the middle of the night with a terrible headache and just held her head telling me how badly it hurt. She also felt warm, but by morning she was perfectly fine again. Vision is really interesting right now. This is a direct result of the light codes altering the brain. Some may experience blurry vision or even the eyes jumping when you try to read.

martes, agosto 09, 2016

James Gilliland COSMIC UPDATE June 2016

Patricia Cota-Robles - Our Time Is NOW! - August 9, 2016

We have completed the final stages of preparation and now it is time for us to BE the Instruments of God we have been preparing to BE for literally lifetimes. KNOW that we each have within us everything we need to be God Victorious for this essential facet of the unfolding Divine Plan which will occur during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016. We will ALL be in our right and perfect place during those sacred days. Regardless of what you are experiencing in the outer world know that your I AM Presence is in command and has taken full dominion of this critical facet of your Divine Mission. Through your I AM Presence you have all of the skill, strength, courage, wisdom, ability and willingness that you will need to succeed during this monumental time. Listen to your Heart and pay attention to your inner guidance. The profound Truth of your Being is that THE LIGHT OF GOD IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS AND YOU ARE THAT LIGHT! Stay centered and know ALL IS WELL.

Sheldan Nidle - August 9, 2016

1 Batz, 14 Pop, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The initial first fundings are in place. The new security system is now in full effect. Moreover, the humanities, prosperity and government funds are nearing completion and await the actual delivery stage. The government funding includes what is known as a massive currency revaluation that is a prelude to the Global Currency Reset. It is first necessary that the old book on the world’s currency reflect the true value of each currency, and the newly reissued currency continue this process. The world needs to be returned to true value and to a global gold standard. This procedure is different from what took place when new nations declared independence. Then, the old colonial nations took advantage of a process of exploitation that had been put in place by the West. The West, through the International Monetary Fund (IMF), had set up a loan system that immediately mired each new nation within a cycle of permanent debt, abetted by a government system that encouraged bribery and corruption. This forged an oppressive reality of haves and have-nots, and was in effect until the early 2010s.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Resumen del Seminario No Más Secretos

Canalizado por Steve Rother

El Grupo nos ha pedido a quienes hemos asistido al seminario No Más Secretos que divulguemos lo que nos revelaron para que ustedes lo compartan y comenten. Cuando algo se expone a la luz, deja de ser secreto y es más fácil revertirlo. De nosotros depende.

Recibido y traducido por Susana Peralta


Al Grupo le preocupa sobremanera el creciente deterioro de nuestros cuerpos físicos ante la polución del medio ambiente, el agua, los alimentos, y nos aconseja que cuidemos lo que ingerimos. A medida que cambiamos, muchos ya no queremos consumir ciertos alimentos por la simple razón de que no nos brindan los nutrientes necesarios.

(Agrego yo que muchos se han vuelto vegetarianos luego de ver el hacinamiento y la crueldad con la que se trata a los animales. El que tiene un jardín puede hacer una pequeña huerta, otros pueden comprar alimentos orgánicos que si bien cuestan más que los cultivados con agroquímicos, tienen todos los nutrientes necesarios. Y si guardan un trozo con la raíz o las semillas, pueden plantarlos en una maceta. Así cultivo en el lavadero cebollín, cebolla amarilla, morada y de verdeo y puerro y planté ajo, palta, pimiento, tomate, limonero, zapallo y kiwi. Las instrucciones se pueden bajar de Internet.)

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Conectarse – 1° Parte - Portland, Maine - 9 de Abril de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Lo que deseo presentarles esta noche podría no ser comprendido. Es información avanzada y puede crear confusión, de modo que le pediré a mi socio que vaya despacio y use los ejemplos que le daré.

En esta silla ahora está sucediendo algo hermoso; se llama conexión. La razón para que esto de canalizar sea tan polémico en este planeta es que muchos ponen los ojos en blanco y dicen que no es posible, u oculto, o sencillamente demasiado raro. Más aún: muchos dicen que no es apropiado. De modo que se puede decir que la humanidad está espiritualmente inclinada en contra.

El hecho es que mi socio realmente está conectado con la fuente creadora. Está bien conectarse por medio de la oración y la meditación, pero muy a menudo sucede que la canalización suele cruzar el límite. Sin embargo, esto es real, y mi socio se hace a un lado para este mensaje. Literalmente, toma lo que es su consciencia y la funde con la mía, permitiéndome usar todo lo que está en él para el mensaje; pero él no está aquí del todo.

Hace mucho dijo que no permitiría una posesión al canalizar, y yo le dije que no hay posesión en la nueva energía. Es una sociedad, una fusión. ¿Acaso hay una posesión cuando tienes un maravilloso pensamiento intuitivo? ¿Acaso vuelas en un trance extraño cuando recibes buena orientación espiritual? No. Las cosas han cambiado en las últimas décadas en lo que se refiere a la capacidad humana para percibir la orientación del Espíritu.

Sarah Varcas - Marte en Sagitario: 2 Agosto al 27 Septiembre 2016 - 6 de Agosto 2016

Heart light

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El progreso es nuestro

El retorno de Marte a Sagitario, donde estuvo entre Marzo y Mayo de este año, marca un punto de inflexión en las energías reinantes. Profundamente arraigado junto con emociones poderosas reveladas por su viaje de ida y vuelta a través de Escorpio (en inglés) comenzado en Enero, han creado un telón inquietante de demoras. Es difícil ignorar nuestros miedos más profundos, la rabia que consume, o los deseos obsesivos, cuando Marte viaja a través del signo de Escorpio. No tenemos más elección que enfrentarlos, y si es posible, encararlos con total conciencia, en vez de desterrarlos a los confines más lejanos de nuestro inconsciente, ¡esperando que se vuelvan a dormir lo antes posible!

Su entrada en Sagitario indica un giro hacia una energía más liviana y más orientada a concentrarse en el futuro. Una energía que transporta inspiración y entusiasmo: una visión de posibilidad que nos motiva a perseverar con valor. Si últimamente han estado vadeando terreno sentimental, demonios luchadores que parecen no cansarse en sus esfuerzos por mantener la mano en alto, la llegada de Marte en Sagitario llega para liberarlos de viejos anzuelos, liberándolos para que decidan por ustedes mismos, a partir de aquí a dónde ir.

lunes, agosto 08, 2016

Ute Posegga-Rudel - OUR GOD-SELF: THE PURE TRUTH OF YOUR BEING - 08 Aug 2016

Video (recommended)

My Beloveds!

The world is the mirage that I Mirror with Perfect Light.


the reflections of colors in the hall of mirrors. How many mirrors do YOU count in your life?

If you transcend all colors into Me, the One Radiance of Love-Bliss remains.

You experience many mirrors. The mirrors of your senses, the mirrors of your imaginations, the worlds - high and low, gross worlds and subtle worlds, sound worlds. Heavy and dull colors and radiant colors that take your breath away.

You: captured in the visions of millions of Kaleidoscopes, imagining their reality. Measuring the geometrical seizes and proportions of your world, with the measure of your linear mind.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 7 al 13 de Agosto, 2016

Nota: Para esta semana Marlene está publicando nuevamente el mensaje recibido en Sept.-2015 por su vigencia en estos momentos....el mismo se copia a continuación:

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Por todas partes hay augurios que le informan a la gente del mundo que un gran cambio está produciéndose en su planeta y que es hora de que despierten al conocimiento de que todos están conectados entre sí. Los que han tratado de separar a la humanidad entre sí y de su conexión con lo divino están siendo enfrentados con la realidad de sus decisiones y elecciones. Cada vez es más difícil ocultar el creciente número de los pueblos del mundo que buscan una existencia pacífica. Esto simplemente continuará hasta que no se atienda la causa raíz. Los que buscan la dominación a través de actos de guerra seguirán siendo expuestos a los efectos de la misma y tendrán que lidiar con los problemas que han creado para que estén a satisfacción de la población mundial. Cuanto más pronto se dan cuenta de que todo el mundo en la Tierra se merece una vida de convivencia pacífica, más pronto habrá paz en la Tierra. Todos sus esfuerzos hasta la fecha les reflejan directamente los problemas que han creado a través de sus decisiones y acciones. Deben asumir la responsabilidad y ser considerados responsables por ellos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana en Grand Portland, Oregón, el 25 de Julio de 2016

Saludos, queridas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Lo digo cada vez: mi socio se hace a un lado, lejos, lejos. Y otra vez les damos información que yo llamaré relacionada con la energía de esta noche. Cada vez que nos reunimos lo digo: mi socio no recuerda este mensaje. Es diferente en honor al género que está aquí, al chamanismo que está aquí, a la historia que está aquí; y repito que no es un secreto, es un homenaje. También les decimos que no se dejen engañar por la voz masculina.

El Espíritu no tiene género; para ustedes es difícil imaginar algo así, porque en el planeta y en su realidad, ustedes son de uno u otro género. Pero uno y otro vienen con responsabilidades y acciones que se le asignan a uno o al otro. Les dijimos otra vez que su Akasha está lleno con lo que ustedes podrían recordar, porque ustedes son los puestos indicadores para todos. El planeta está literalmente lleno de esto. Muchas, muchas generaciones de la humanidad participaron en el sistema en que se recurría a su género para buscar consejo.

Brenda Hoffman - Eres un Súper Bebé en 5D - 1° de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora



Las nuevas energías que flotan a su alrededor son más suaves que cualquier otra que hayan experimentado previamente. Notarán el efecto de estas energías en forma de interacciones gentiles con quienes aman y conocen. Porque su caparazón 3D de negación era tan profunda que se requirieron energías de bombardeo para disolverla.

No importa si todos están experimentando estas energías más suaves – ellos lo harán en su momento porque las energías que se liberan hacia la tierra nunca se retiran sino que se añaden.

Están internalizando estas energías nuevas, más suaves porque ustedes son de la 5D y están en la avanzada de esta transición.

Selacia - Las Palabras Importan Más Ahora - Lo que hace que estos momentos sean Únicos - 6 de Agosto 2016

Hay un aumento en la sensación de urgencia que se siente en todo el mundo ahora. Lo más probable es que se sienta en lo profundo de sus huesos. Los caminos de la Humanidad de co-existir están listos para quizás la revisión aún más importante. Y gracias a la tecnología y al flujo de información del 24/7, cada uno de nosotros tiene un asiento en primera fila de esta revisión.

71 Años: Hiroshima y Nagasaki

Se nos recuerda que esta semana se cumplen 71 años desde que más de 200.000 personas murieron por los bombardeos atómicos estadounidenses de Hiroshima y Nagasaki. Al mismo tiempo, a pesar de lo que el mundo aprendió de esa tragedia y un progreso real en la abolición de las armas nucleares, escuchamos hablar de individuos y gobiernos que continúan favoreciendo la opción nuclear.

Este es sólo un ejemplo clave de la guerra de las ideas que se está llevando a cabo en todo el mundo. Estas no son la antigua forma de guerras que nuestros antepasados lucharon por los recursos. Se basan en ideas y proliferaron con palabras altamente cargadas que evocan la emoción. Continúen leyendo para aprender lo que esto significa para ustedes personalmente.

Lauren C. Gorgo - De la Búsqueda a la Creación: nuevas expresiones del Sí Mismo - 1° de Agosto

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora



Primero y ante todo ... RESPIREN. Aunque en última instancia, todo es por AMOR, lo cierto es que todos hemos estado atravesando algunas energías supercargadas, altamente discordantes y realmente inarmónicas este mes, y tanto si están "en el mundo, o son parte de él", todavía arde en algunas partes.

Tragedias, calamidades, desastres naturales, locura social y política, inestabilidad financiera, etc ...todos ellos patean hacia arriba (reflejan) intensos miedos de raíz colectivos de los cuales cada parte de la familia humana es de alguna manera responsable. Pero como sabemos que estas energías sólo se pueden alquimizar desde dentro, nuestro trabajo durante los momentos de agitación es exactamente lo que hemos practicado en la seguridad de nuestros capullos durante varios años previos ... anclarnos en el interior, examinar nuestras propias reacciones / respuestas a las energías, transmutar / trascender cualquier disenso personal, y luego regresar a la perspectiva panorámica más amplia LO ANTES POSIBLE. Enjuagar, repetir.

Ciertamente este proceso no nos es extraño, pero las últimas semanas puso a prueba seriamente nuestra determinación.

John Smallman - Jesus - It is time for you to discard your faith, your belief in the illusion and WAKE UP! - August 8, 2016

You know that moods affect you as they pass through you, and you also know that they do pass through. The human experience, as a separated being within the collective dream or illusion, is a passing experience, it does not last, it is temporary, impermanent, in fact it is momentary! However time appears very real to you, like a river flowing through an ever changing environment of moods – emotions, feelings, worries, anxieties, fears, pain and suffering, interspersed briefly with hopes, desires, contentment, and pleasures. But it always flows – slowly or rapidly depending on the individual’s choice in that moment – it is never still.

However, you are each eternal beings living in the eternal and timeless now moment, always present in God’s divine Presence, the only state of existence. Anything else is unreal, a figment of your imagination, a game in which you, like a small child, have put your hands over your eyes and, in the very brief moment before you remove them, you feel alone, separate, abandoned, in fact terrified. There is nothing to fear because only Love is Real, so rest in the joyful certainty that that seeming sense of separation, aloneness, abandonment is utterly unreal!

Benjamin Fulford 8-9-16… “Khazarian mafia offer ASEAN, Japan and Korea to China”

An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Society last week that Hillary Clinton had offered to hand over Korea, ASEAN and Japan to help create a “United States of China,” if the Chinese supported her bid to become President of the United States. Clinton also told the Chinese that a short sharp war with the US military would be needed to put this plan in place and establish China as the world’s number 1 superpower. For this reason China supports Clinton, the official said.

The WDS representative told the Chinese that Khazarian gangsters like Hillary tell people what they want to hear but always betray them as soon as they get a chance. He was also told that no matter how many times the US military ran simulations of an all-out war with China, the result was always 90% of the world’s population dying and the Northern hemisphere of the planet becoming uninhabitable.

Brenda Hoffman - Are You Afraid of You? - August 8, 2016

Dear Ones,
Many of you fear you are returning to your 3D being with your recent emotional ups and downs. Instead, you are claiming yourself.
You have completed your fear lessons. Even though you might slip into fear once in a while, that fear is not overwhelming or long-lasting. The fears you experience now are that you are not good enough, complete enough or smart enough to fulfill your earth mission in this lifetime.
These self-worth fears will also be fleeting. Not because you have to clear more pieces, but because you know deep within your worth, your skill set – and it frightens you.
Such is to be expected. Just as was true when you started a 3D job with concerns of if you could complete the tasks required by your new employer that you so definitely agreed to during your interview.
You are ready. You have the skills. It is time for you to start your new life in your new being.
Many energies are floating about earth now encouraging you to be fully you. You are discovering that you are so attuned to functioning at a minimal level on earth that you need to ramp-up, as it were, to the full being you have become.
You depend on the being you accepted when you first arrived on earth in this lifetime, ignoring the being you have become. To label yourself as god or goddess is not inappropriate for that is what you are now.
Yet, you project feelings of worthlessness to yourself. “Please help me,” continues to be your cry even though you have more capabilities than those you cry out to.
Perhaps our last statement seems blasphemous for how can you be more capable than angels or your guides? While it is true that those you cry out to have amazing capabilities, they are not of earth at this time. Their capabilities are more about helping you create new you so that you, in turn, can help those who wish to follow.
Those you cry out to have skills different from you – perhaps more sophisticated than are your skills. But they are not of earth at this time. They can encourage, remind and point you in your new direction. But they are not you, and they are not of earth.
Such is an extremely important distinction for you to remember. For you have more skills than those you cry out to because you are of the earth during this transition. Even though most of the entities you cry out to have experienced at least one earth life, they did not create earth nor did they become the Olympic earth champions you are now.
Think of those you cry out to as coaches that you have outgrown. For you have developed beyond a point that anyone not of earth in this lifetime, completing this transition can understand.
It is time for you to move out of the nest. Of course, it is much easier to cry out to the angels and your guides in both love and anger than to accept that you are more skilled in what you require now than anyone of the earth or in the ethers.
None of those you cry out to are infants of the 5D earth as is true for you.
That knowingness deep within you frightens you a great deal. Just as was true when you left your 3D home never to return. “Am I skilled enough? Do I know how to live without the emotional and financial support of my 3D family?”
So it is you are moving through that fear. For you are blazing trails that have never before been blazed. And you are doing so alone. Even though you might have friends on similar paths, their excitement about their path does not touch you as was true when you were both of 3D sharing your fears and adventures.
You are different as are your friends. Such is so for a reason. If all of you at the forefront of this earth/being transition were on the same path, those following would have an either/or decision. Instead, you en masse are blazing millions of trails so those who follow can select or add more.
You are creating the base of the beautiful tapestry that is to become new earth, new you and new others.
So it is you are finally acknowledging you are IT. That you have left your comfortable 3D nest and are creating a unique thread/path others can follow or not depending on their inner calling.
At the same time, you are terrified that you will do something wrong so that the tapestry is tattered or otherwise unpleasant. Such is not possible for you are creating the base, while others will fill in the image you en masse wish to create.
Such a concept does not necessarily alleviate your fears of not being good enough – especially if you have not yet created your earth dream.
Do not fret or fear. If you have not yet created your earth dream – you will. It is just that the timing changed a bit once you moved into different phases. Now, you are all more like dancers waiting in the wings for your turn to be in the spotlight.
Some of you have created your earth dream – or partial earth dream – so you are feeling more secure in expanding into new you. Which is little different from those who have the financial resources to quickly leave 3D positions that do not feel right.
Those of you who have not yet created your earth dream are a bit more adventuresome for you are shifting into new you without a comfortable earth security blanket. You will create that security blanket. Just as you will shine in your new you being once you accept that you are skilled, valued, courageous and most definitely at the right place at the right time.
You are free to be you in your totality instead of one or two segments on a fearful 3D earth plane. You need to realize how powerful you are – which you will in a very short time.
You are indeed the god/goddesses of earth and the Universes with skills unknown by most in the Universes. You are YOU in all your blazing love and glory. So be it. Amen.
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Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Aisha North - Water Speaks - 08/08/16

Posted on August 8, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Suzanne Lie - the Pleiadians - PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT Chapter 21 - The Rescue by the Pleiadians

By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie



The Rescue

As soon as I could release John to what I discovered was the immense healing ability of his children, I realized that John actually was the person whom I had come to Earth to meet. No wonder I had such a sense of urgency to come on this mission. If I had arrived just a few minutes later, I would have found John dead in the dark alley.

His attack was not a random mugging. It was an assassination attempt. Since I was no longer sharing my consciousness with John, I was able to relax my concentration on keeping him alive, so that I could receive the entire situation.

I knew that I had about an hour earth-time before we were discovered by the “police,” so I took some of that “earth time” to gather what I had learned so far and to begin my meeting with John, consciousness to consciousness. As I connected again with John, I could see that he was healing quickly.

domingo, agosto 07, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Stargates are active again...- August 7, 2016

Aloha beautiful Light Family,

Stargates are active again, as we've been further anchoring, re-aligning and re-configuring over the last few days for this culmination phase we are in right now with the Lion's Gateway....

We are entering the next huge phase of our journeys/missions here. New Sirian Light Codes to upgrade our own consciousness and systems here. The gravitational adjustments have been quite substantial as well. Anchoring in our physical structures these higher light frequencies pushes our physical bodies to hold more and clearing old obsolete programs while we do.

Balance of all dimensions requires Mastery of All from within. Balancing your physical reality, with the other dimensions that you have access to, feel/sense/see. For each it will be different, by way of that which we chose to experience here, yet the process is the same for all emerging and evolving as a Light BEing and the Pure NEW Earth HUman here.

Sarah Varcas - Mars in Sagittarius: 2nd August– 27th September 2016 - 06/08/2016

Progress Is Ours
Sarah Varcas

Mars’s return to Sagittarius, where he resided between March and May this year, marks a turning point in the prevalent energies. Deeply entrenched and powerful emotions revealed by his journey back and forth through Scorpio which began in January, have created an unsettling backdrop of late. It’s hard to ignore our deeper fears, consuming anger or obsessive desires when Mars travels through the sign of the Scorpion. We have no choice but to face up to and, if at all possible, address them in full awareness rather than relegating them to the further reaches of our unconscious hoping they’ll go back to sleep a.s.a.p!

His entry into Sagittarius indicates a shift to a lighter and more future-focused energy. One which carries with it inspiration and excitement: a vision of possibility that motivates us to soldier on. If you’ve been wading through emotional treacle lately, wrestling demons that seem tireless in their efforts to maintain the upper hand, Mars’s arrival in Sagittarius comes to free you from old hooks, liberating you to decide for yourself where to go from here.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek -August 7, 2016

Dear One,

Just as a ship at sea can find the land it is seeking through the beacon light on shore, so is the power of your prayers. The guiding light of your prayers sets an intention for your life that leads the way to all you require for an abundant, healthy and joy-filled life. Prayer is an alignment with God's energy. It connects you to the abundant Source where all is provided. Prayer is not something you save until there is a dire need. Prayer is a way of aligning your thoughts to create the opening for miracles in your life.

When you pray you are sending out a powerful thought which is like a beacon light. This thought not only attracts what you are asking for, it sets a pattern of energy for the highest good in your life. It increases your conscious awareness of the power of great possibilities. Prayer creates a shift in your attitude so you can be a magnet for your good.

James Tyberonn - The Earth-Keeper Chronicles - August Forecast - The Uranus-Neptune Factor

August 2016

Written By James Tyberonn

The astrological outlook for August continues for the first half of the month with the intense astronomical gravity blends that can be emotionally topsy-turvy with wildly chaotic swings and a marked trend of uncharacteristic illogical thinking. There is an aspect of illusion that comes into play, at a time in which fuzzy thinking can leave one especially vulnerable & rather incognizant of deceptions.

Normally, we focus our astrological interpretations on the duality, meaning that every aspect has its positive and not so positive aspects. But we are presently in a highly charged amalgam of energies, and there are some unusual influences & forces given leeway during the month of August that we feel must be duly noted. The old adage of 'Measure twice before cutting once', may be better stated as 'measure thrice' throughout the 1st three weeks of August. This is a time to circle the wagons & avoid compulsive decisions. Emotions are running erratic, as is logic, so don't shoot from the hip, don't over react. Discretion, as the better part of valor, truly applies in the present.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - August 7-13, 2016 …Repost from September 20-27, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There are portents everywhere that are informing the people of the world that a great change is taking place upon their planet and that it is time for them to awaken to the knowledge that all are connected to each other. Those who have tried to separate humanity from each other and from their connection to the divine are now being faced with the realities of their decisions and choices. It is becoming increasingly difficult to hide the growing numbers of the world’s peoples who are seeking a peaceful existence. Until the root cause of this is addressed, it will only continue. Those who seek domination through acts of war will continue to be exposed to the effects of it and will have to deal with the problems they have created so that it is to the satisfaction of the world’s population. The sooner they realize that everyone on Earth deserves a life of peaceful co-existence, the sooner peace on Earth will come to pass. All their efforts to date are reflecting directly back to them the problems they have created through their decisions and actions. They must take responsibility and be held accountable for them.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Gravitational adjustments continue...- August 7, 2016


Gravitational adjustments continue as many ascend to BE... while many are further descending and anchoring higher dimensional realities further into physical matter-changing-form. Balancing BEing & DOing (Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine) and birthing their own NEW Earth Realities (Divine Child)..... While many of us have merged the Three Fold Flame in Divine Union... everyone is in a different place.... So open up loves... share and be visible.... pull away to honor your most important process..... Beyond pivotal for us all here. Do your upgrade and REMEMBERING process however is appropriate for you.

Suzanne Lie - los Pleyadianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto - La Escalera Interior - 28-7-16

 Por los Pleyadianos - A través de Suzanne Lie


La escalera interior al Hogar

Aquí Sharman . He regresado de mi última visita a la Tierra como un “humano normal”. He aprendido mucho y deseaba compartir con ustedes lo que he descubierto. Por supuesto, muchos de ustedes en la Tierra están familiarizados con lo que diré. No obstante, espero que mi percepción de la realidad actual, pueda, de alguna manera, ayudarlos en los muchos desafíos que están enfrentando en las versiones tri/tetradimensionales de su realidad.

Hay cambios masivos tomando lugar dentro del cuerpo de la querida Gaia, así como dentro de los corazones y mentes de muchos de Sus humanos. Por otro lado, hay muchos otros humanos quienes parecen estar yendo hacia atrás hacia miedos, mentiras y engaños, en vez de hacia adelante hacia el amor incondicional y la verdad cósmica. Es bastante común para una realidad en la cúspide de la transmutación experimentar esta forma dualista de la realidad. Lo que está ocurriendo es que los habitantes de Gaia están decidiendo si están listos para mirar profundo adentro suyo para limpiar sus PROPIOS viejos miedos.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 24 // JULY - AUGUST

sábado, agosto 06, 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - Matterley Basin, Winchester, Hampshire, UK - 25th July 2016 - UFO 2016

Suzanne Lie - Los Arcturianos - ¿Qué Significa La Ascensión? - 4-8-16

Los Arcturianos - ¿Qué Significa La Ascensión?
Por los Arcturianos

Viendo lo Oculto
Oyendo lo Inaudible
Sintiendo lo Invisible

La Ascensión no es una acción. La Ascensión es un “estado de la mente” y “una frecuencia del corazón”. El estado de la mente de la Ascensión es el flujo de las polaridades equilibradas en su pensamiento para encontrar el camino del medio. La frecuencia de su corazón es el enfoque constante y el re-enfoque de sus emociones del Amor Incondicional.

La Ascensión es el proceso de regresar al USTEDES que eran antes de comenzar su proceso de ser humanos tri/tetradimensionales. Sus expresiones dimensionales superiores están constantemente con ustedes para ayudarlos a recordar su verdadero SER durante su encarnación actual en una Tierra en un gran cambio. Una vez que recuerden al menos una de las expresiones superiores de su SER Multidimensional, han comenzado el proceso de restaurar la conciencia multidimensional que es innata a Su SER Superior.

Death Is Just An Illusion: We Continue To Live In A Parallel Universe

MessageToEagle November 23, 2014

MessageToEagle.com – For as long as anyone can remember philosophers, scientists and religious men have pondered what happens after death.

Is there life after death, or do we just vanish into the great unknown?

There is also a possibility there is no such thing as what we usually define as death.

A new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.

A while ago, scientists reported they found the first evidence of parallel universe.

This discovery lead us to a thought-provoking subject called “Biocentrism”

Robert Lanza, M.D, scientist, theoretician and author of “Biocentrism” – How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe thinks there are many reasons why we won’t die.

Magenta Pixie - The Violet Tree (Lion's Gate Portal Meditation)

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana en Grand Rapids, Michigan, el 19 de Julio de 2016

Saludos, queridas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estos mensajes son distintos, lo he dicho muchas veces, pero quizás lo oyen por primera vez. En estos mensajes mi socio se aparta, muy lejos. Su método consiste en recordar todas las cosas. En esta forma de canalización, que algunos llaman trance, cada individuo único tiene su propio proceso. Solo hay un ser humano por vez, cada uno es único, de modo que no hay una forma genérica de canalizar. Mi socio recuerda todo lo que sucede, y eso fue convenido antes de la Hermandad Femenina. Desde este momento, él no recordará nada, y tendrá que oír lo que dijo en la grabación. Esto es en honor de este grupo de género específico. Aquí no hay ningún secreto; es simplemente el humano cuya voz oyen. El Espíritu no tiene género, el amor del Espíritu es puro, sin género, sin sesgos, su elegancia es inconfundible. Y sin embargo, si tuvieran que asignarle un género, tendrían que decir que es más cercano a la madre que ninguna otra cosa en el planeta.

Y entonces ingresamos información sobre la Hermandad Femenina, sobre la sabiduría de la Hermandad. Tal vez me habrán oído muchas veces hablar de lo que sucedió en Lemuria, pero me gustaría repetirlo otra vez, lo dijimos en el mensaje anterior: Lemuria fue distinto; fue diferente de cualquier otro lugar del planeta. Lo que hizo tan diferente a Lemuria es que permaneció pura mucho más tiempo que otros lugares. Y así, las Hermandades en Lemuria también permanecieron puras. Y aquí está lo que quiero que recuerden, la premisa que enseñamos. El Akasha, que es lo que ustedes han experimentado, no tiene tiempo, en cuanto que sería más difícil recordar si ustedes tuvieran más edad; eso es lineal. Lo que recuerdan en el Akasha y que se presenta primero, es lo más dramático. Y el dramatismo de eso - no el drama - el dramatismo fue para ustedes la belleza y la sabiduría, y la energía chamánica, literalmente, asignada a su género. Resulta inusual; inusual porque el planeta ahora no es así.

Lena Stevens - Agosto 2016 Pronóstico Mensual - El tema principal para Agosto es la COLABORACIÓN - 2 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
El tema principal para Agosto es la COLABORACIÓN.

Aunque las experiencias que puedan tener durante el mes podrían ser tan diversas como la población del planeta, el tema de la COLABORACIÓN va a la raíz de lo que se necesita ahora mismo en la vida de todos, si es que vamos a definir cosas de la mejor manera posible para un futuro positivo.

¿Qué es la COLABORACIÓN? Colaboración es trabajar en cooperación con otros para lograr un objetivo común.

El tiempo de atravesarlo solo terminó. Estamos entrando de lleno en el ciclo de la orientación a las relaciones, y si estamos para sobrevivir y lograr lo que vinimos a hacer, necesitamos colaborar no sólo con otros sino también con nosotros mismos. ¿Qué tan seguido nos saboteamos a nosotros mismos, cuando el corazón quiere seguir pero la mente tiene otras ideas? ¿O cuando la mente tiene una idea pero el corazón está congelado de miedo? ¿O cuando el cuerpo simplemente se rehúsa a cooperar?

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de Energía de Agosto 2016 - 1 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada mes, cuando empiezo a escribir el Informe, me llega una imagen que representa la energía de ese mes. Para Agosto la imagen era la de unos pañales, blancos como la nieve, tendidos al sol en una cuerda de la ropa. Si alguna vez han usado pañales de tela de bebés, como hice yo, saben que nunca están blancos cuando los cuelgan; tienen manchas y parecen sucios. Pero, después de estar unas horas al sol, se ponen completamente blancos. Así que, no importa lo que Julio nos haya traído, la energía de Agosto podrá limpiarlo y sacarlo brillo, aunque antes tendrán que ponerse al sol durante un tiempo. No me refiero a que tengan que broncearse, sino a que tendrán que pasar algún tiempo irradiando su luz. Agosto es el mes del signo de Leo; los leones y leonas son conocidos por su valentía. Si nos atrevemos a brillar, habrá muchas oportunidades de manifestación creativa, de amor, de apertura de corazón y nuevos potenciales. Los temas de este mes son: el coraje, la creatividad, la claridad, el amor (en su forma energética), y la integración.