lunes, mayo 18, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Has Captado el Anillo de Bronce Que Eres - 11 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Este es un tiempo de regocijo. No en el sentido 3D en que ustedes, sus amigos y familiares saben que ustedes han logrado una meta largamente añorada. Sino una alegría interna al saber que ustedes han logrado algo que no pensaban fuese posible antes de entrar a la vida esta vez.

Se han afirmado a sí mismos en toda su gloria.

Quizás todavía no lo sientas totalmente. Quizás haya hasta una sensación recurrente de “¿es eso todo lo que es?” Pero sabe en cada segmento y célula de tu ser que has captado el anillo de bronce que eres.

Quizás sientan poco o nada. Quizás hasta se sientan huecos. Como les sucedía cuando a veces lograban algo en su vida 3D. Trabajaban diligentemente para completar esa tarea 3D – solamente para descubrir en los primeros momentos de culminación una sensación de vacío.

Earth Changes - The 2015 Colorado Upshift & Planetary Crystallization


Kryon por Lee Carroll - Consciencia acelerada - El aumento en el sentido común espiritual Introducción - Asheville, Carolina del Norte - 9 de mayo de 2015

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Asheville, Carolina del Norte, sábado 9 de mayo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchos no han visto esto. Cuando estás en el salón, es diferente. Están disponibles para ti energías que no recibirán los que escuchan. Para ti está disponible una conversación en ambos sentidos, porque está sucediendo en tiempo real, que los oyentes no tendrán. Sin embargo, con todo el potencial de esto, en este momento muchos tienen sus cerebros hiperactivos preguntando, "¿Esto será real?"

Así es la realidad, querido ser humano. Si nunca lo viste, si te dicen que no puede ser porque es demasiado raro, extraño con respecto a lo que tú harías, la psiquis del ser humano lo pone en una caja que dice "Lo veré luego, es un poco raro."

En tanto, en el salón hay una presencia angélica; Dios está aquí; Dios siempre está aquí. Los Maestros del planeta te dijeron esto una y otra vez, sin importar cuán extrañas eran las cosas que hacían y los milagros que realizaban. Siempre es el resultado de que la Fuente Creadora está en ti, está en el planeta, en el polvo, a tu alrededor siempre; te ama y te mira mientras tratas de decidir si la canalización es real. Podría haber aquí entidades que te conocen tan bien como para iniciar un proceso que tú pediste de rodillas, mientras tú calculas si el individuo en la silla es real. Eso es lo que está sucediendo ahora, aquí.

Méline Lafont - asExperiencing being Multidimensional ~ opening portals

Excellent ! The Sasquatch-Bigfoot Phenonmena - Earth-Keeper

domingo, mayo 17, 2015

Ascension to New Earth [FULL VIDEO]


 “Ascension is a natural function of the multiverse. It’s happening to everybody in the multiverse all the time. Ascension is for everyone.” – Guy Needler (History of God) Capricorn Radio in Partnership with Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Academy. World's Most Advance Professional Hypnosis Therapy Training Academy. Exclusive 5% discount on QHHT Online Class Level 1 Enter Capricornradio888 code during the registration We are all individually ascending through the frequencies. But it is a slow and gradual process. We can become normalized to the slightly higher frequencies without noticing any change. For example: The frequency level that was expected by December 21, 2012 was reached and surpassed by February 2012, even though most people didn’t even notice it. December 21, 2012 was a milestone for planet Earth, which increased its base frequency slightly. Some sensitive people may have perceived that. Contrary to what you might think, it’s not the the best way to have a steep jump from a lower to a higher frequency level. Why? Because then it’s just as easy to drop back down the levels, if the higher level is not sustainable or tolerable.

Planets Lining Up - Big Week Ahead | S0 News May 17, 2015

John Smallman - Saul - Love is VAST. All that exists is God’s divine creation which is Love.- 05/17/2015

Here in the spiritual realms we are well aware of your increasing impatience as it seems to you that the spiritual evolution of humanity is proceeding far too slowly, or may even be backsliding.  The mainstream media continues to avoid reporting on the true issues that concern humanity, and focuses instead on items that serve to increase the energies of fear and anxiety in the general population, energies on which those who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart feed voraciously.
However, all is not as it seems, those negative energies are weakening daily, and those who feed on them are starving.  The Tsunami of Love is all pervasive, it is infiltrating every area of human activity on every continent, and as a direct result change is occurring very rapidly indeed.  Love is the only Reality, anything not in alignment with It is illusory, dreamlike, and is being ineluctably dissipated as you move most purposefully forwards towards the moment of your awakening.  God’s divine plan for his children will not be delayed or interfered with, it will be brought to a stunning fulfillment precisely as divinely planned.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - May 17-24, 2015

Beloved Ones, 
Those who read these messages are well aware of the energetic happenings upon your planet and the reason for them, but there are many, many others upon this world who are seeking answers that do not encompass the possibility of doom on their world. We wish to inform these ones that although there will continue to be Earth changes throughout different areas of the world, humanity as a whole will survive and even thrive. And we strive to encourage everyone to maintain peaceful, loving and harmonious thoughts, for these are very powerful and make a big difference. As you align yourselves each day and balance your own energetic field, it helps in the balancing of the global field of collective consciousness to which all upon the planet are connected to and influenced by. 

Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Your New Relationship with Money, Part 2 - 17 May 2015

Money Soar Fest from Expect Wonderful
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy

Conscious Focusing is Where It's At -- this New Experience of Money (Part 2 of 3)

Hello Again Beautiful Beings,
We are back to talk more about money. To help you reorient, revise and upgrade your relationship.
The new way you are already beginning to think about money has actually put your body on notice. Do you feel it? It has put those congested energies on notice. You have withdrawn your decision to maintain certain fields in your body. As a result of this you may find you experience drainage. This may have a quite physical manifestation because you'll be draining the energy out of these old patterns because you're not committed to pursuing them any longer. You're not amplifying them with your focus as you allow yourself to truly let yourself let go of these things. Just knowing that by that clear slate decision you made yesterday, you have put all of these parts of your energy field on notice.
You are taking your focus off of old patterns and pathways of consciousness flowing. There will be increasingly more and more space. This wide open spaciousness, which we are so intent upon assisting you in moving into, it is this wide open spaciousness which is truly so native to you. For in this spaciousness you can truly choose freely what you wish to know and experience. The exhilaration of that choosing, and also the joyful experience of connecting to the many demonstrations of these delicious choices, this is what you came here for.

sábado, mayo 16, 2015

Lena Stevens - New Moon is Sunday, May 17 at 10:13 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). - May 16, 2015

Dear Friends,

This is a deep reset time. You may experience a drop in your energy and feel like hibernating most of the day. This is deep assimilation and should be honored as a still point in your life. Acknowledge the earth and the grounding that Pacha Mama provides. Honor the Sun and its life giving properties.
This is also a good day to revisit your priorities and determine once again what may be out of balance. Make a commitment to rebalance what needs it. If there are still things that need clearing out in order for you to be more balanced, make a plan for that to happen. (our monthly support Mp3 has been very helpful) It is important to be able to stop, rest and come to a still point around this New Moon. It is OK to feel unmotivated. The New Moon is an excellent opportunity to revisit the VOID and to start over.
MAY SPECIAL: A new audio by Jose Stevens exploring the tricksters of 2015: “Coyote and Raven: Totems for 2015″ is on special for the rest of this month at .99!


Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
Taurus New Moon
Sun and Moon in Taurus ~ 27º
Sunday, May 17, 10:13 PM Mountain Time
(Monday, May 18, 4:13 AM Greenwich Time)
Venus rules when the Sun and Moon are in Taurus in the springtime. How sweet is that? Her message is ‘ground yourself!’ Being present for sensations that come from our connecting portals into our physical bodies does that for us ~ our eyes, ears, taste buds, noses, tactile and motion sensors, nervous systems, our gut reactions, intuition ~ all these senses help anchor us to this physical reality. Taurus is our most grounded, feminine power sign. As a fixed, earth sign Taurus urges us to be present for the gifts of ‘Mother Nature’, to attend to ‘being’ not ‘doing’, and to tap into the resources where true wealth and prosperity lie. Take a moment to send a strong root down into Pachamama/Mother Earth and draw up her feminine power, her fertility, her creativity and love into your heart and infuse your physical bodies with her many nourishing gifts. Take a deep breath, and let out a full-bodied tone from your throat and free your voice and vibrate with the power of your connection to feminine, earth power honoring the Taurean rulership of the throat, voice, and neck.
The chart ruler, Venus in Cancer, is in some challenging relationships in this chart. Venus, Taurus and their rulership of the second house of resources and values draws to the foreground issues of relationships, our wealth and finances, and our self worth. In Cancer our emotional needs get activated. How is she aspected?


canneled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

I welcome you Masters among us Masters!
It is time for you to recognize this.


To become Master and to be Master is exclusively a matter 
of consciousness. There is no path and way toward it, no 
discipline and no exercise, which can bring you there. 
The one moment of realization is decisive, when your 
consciousness awakens. 

It is the moment when you realize that everything, which you 
are looking for, already exists. It exists within you and you 
realize that it never required a spiritual discipline or mortification 
of the flesh, in order to attain master ship over your lower nature. 

Suzanne Lie - Morning Message from the Arcturians - 5-16-15

Dear Readers,
The Arcturians have been telling me to send out "Morning Messages," as often as I can. I will try to do so every day, as I know that my "morning" may not be your "morning."

I will place them in my dropbox, which is the easiest for me and for you so that we can ALL dedicate our self to aligning with our higher expressions of SELF every day. The link to the meditation will be under the picture.

Steve Rother - Mucis from Home ~ The Rhythms of Life - 15 May, 2015

Greetings All, Dear Ones. You are so vibrant this day!
It is magic for us to watch you from this perspective and see some of the energetic changes taking place with all of you. The magic has begun on planet Earth and all of you are shifting in a very magical way. Since it has come up several times during the course of today’s progression, we wish to speak about music. What part does that play in your life?
Mastery of Music
Well in most places, people consider music to be somewhat in the background. For the most part you have placed music in the entertainment area on your timeline and rightfully so. The interesting part is that music is so much more than that. Many of you consider yourself to be musical, yet others of you do not. Some of you say, “I cannot carry a tune so I will enjoy the music from a distance, but will not sing aloud.” Well, have you ever considered that if you are tone deaf or cannot carry a tune at all in this lifetime, perhaps you have already mastered what you needed to in terms of music? Here is the interesting part about music, it is cumulative between lifetimes.  There is no right or wrong about any of it, for the reality is that if you pick up an instrument and it fits your spirit then imagine that you have an expression to create the vibration from Home.

Ann Albers - Beyond The Comfort Zone - 16 May, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
When you honor your heart's guidance, it is likely that at some point in your life, you will guided to step outside of your "comfort zone." An acorn cannot grow until it bursts open. A chick cannot mature within its eggshell. Flowers must burst from the bud and babies must leave the womb. At some point in your lives you will find yourself leaving what is comfortable and expanding into greater being.
For some of you this expansion is simple. Open your mind to a new thought, a new perspective. Try a new restaurant where you discover more that you love. Listen to your guidance and help a stranger. For others of you this expansion is a leap of faith. Release your fears and open to love once again. Quit your job and start a new one. Tell someone you care about what is truly important to you. Share a newly discovered talent or thought with the world.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Integrating the Sparkle of the Crystalline Flame for Abundance - May 16, 2015

quartz cluster_800_563The Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance blessed our Abundance of Light-Prosperity Circle with their essence and assistance to create our desires to become manifest within our world with the Crystalline Flame.

Blessings, My Dearest Children,
It is I, Purity with Astrea.
We are so happy to be with you again to bring forth our energies for this beautiful circle of abundance and the creation of your Light within your physical essence.
Today, we want you to concentrate on how beautiful you are from your purest essence. Do not think about your physical structure. Feel the Source of Oneness, as we sit within this beautiful garden of the 144th dimension. We bring forth that essence into the Physical Body through the breath, circling in all parts of your Being. Allow yourself to sit back and enjoy.
You are the perfect Crystalline structure. Feel your Merkabah as that Crystalline structure, from the top of your Soul Star to the bottom of your Earth Star. Think of it as a double pointed crystal.
Within that crystal are many facets. Sometimes, some of those facets need to be cleansed and purified. Just like you would purify your own crystals. Breathe deeply through this process and allow us to assist. We are the 4th step of Precipitation with the Elohim.

viernes, mayo 15, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Leaving Time--The Arcturians Webinar about "leaving time" - 5-15-15

The Arcturians

Many of our volunteers have been asking to visit the Starship. We wish to remind that you that not only do you visit the Starship, you also live there. However, many of you have not yet fully connected with that expression of your SELF. You will soon. Then your conscious experiences of being on the ship will begin.

You will begin by remembering not the ship, but the YOU who lives on it. Once you remember that reality, you will have your first stepping-stone into your fifth dimensional reality. Everyone has a stepping-stone life, in which they "step into" a higher dimensional expression of their multidimensional self.

Neale Donald Walsch - The Tool of Tools

My dear friends...
In What God Wants, we are told about "the Tool of Tools," a two-layer mechanism for dealing with life that can change everything in your personal experience overnight.
The Tool of Tools is a two-step process bringing an individual to a place of mastery. It all has to do with how a person handles her or his feelings.
What God Wants tells us that "The first level of mastery is to consciously decide how you choose to feel about a certain thing. The second level of mastery is to consciously decide how you choose to express any feeling you are having, whether you chose that feeling deliberately or not."
The point that What God Wants seeks to make, perhaps more forcefully and more explicitly than any of the other CwG books, is that feelings and emotions are two entirely different things--and that both can be controlled.
Many people--perhaps most--go through their lives believing and experiencing that feelings are things that simply come over them. They are, basically, reactions to the events around us. In the minds of most people, feelings and emotions are pretty much the same thing. What God Wants, however, tells us that a feeling "is simply a thought that you hold about something."

Judith Dagley - We’re IN it NOW… Tips From Within the Midst of NEW - 5.15.15

This is Judith. About two weeks ago, I managed to catapult myself  into a very heightened and intense experience of “Paradigm Shift.” I’m in the middle of it NOW, and I know this only because I’m very aware of how I got here (which actually isn’t a “here,” but we don’t have words for these multidimensional experiences… yet). The catalyst is/was the NEW ENERGY Tele-Gatherings the celestial team and I are presenting this month.
At first, I had no idea what I was in for. I’d presented six Energy Tele-Gatherings monthly through the second half of 2014, and although they each sent my frequencies soaring for days afterward, I didn’t end up somewhere else entirely as a result. But that was because they were spaced farther apart, for one thing. And that was then, for another.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Receiving the Essence of Adoration and Love - May 15, 2015

pink cityLord Adama’s Discourse – on April 22, 2015 during the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class.  On this evening we traveled to the Golden City of Saceleaus (which lies in the Etheric Earth over Central Ontario, Cananda) which represents the Pink Flame of Creative and Active Intelligence.  Lord Adama shares his views on how working within this city and the Pink Flame will assist us to create our manifested desires.Greetings, My Dearest Ones,
It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light. Hello out there!
I extend my Heart Essence onto each of you. Let us breathe into that for a moment. Give me your wishes of what you desire to talk about today or what you desire to listen to from my essence onto yours. Breathe deeply into that, so it can receive some of the confirmations. I am feeling some really good responses.
I believe it is because the work we are doing within this Ray and also the work that is being done in the Clarion Temple of Oneness that is assisting each of you to understand more about your own feelings. I would like to share some thoughts about that essence and what it represents on a physical level and on a 5th dimensional level.

Judith Kusel - The Cosmic merging of Twin Flames - May 15, 2015

There comes a time in Twin Flame Love when all the old squabbles, the old discord, that which makes one run away, and then towards each other again, fades away.
That first adrenalin rush has settled.
Those moments of pain – and all that was there in one form or another, is slowly fading away.
One starts now to move more and more into a stage where the inner YOU, has gone through transformation and you have become whole in many ways.  Before the insecurities, the low self-worth, all the old dragons that used to haunt you, are slowly but surely disintegrating.
A new you has emerged – a greater and more balanced you, that revels in that sacred sanctuary of your heart, womb and soul, and finds that life indeed is just a matter of loving and that one can love in new and more profound ways than ever before.
It is not so much that twin has changed – as one has changed.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Thoughts from your Hostess of Light May 2015 - 15 May, 2015

All of the Earth shakes and rattles and explodes as inner earth and her hot temper comes to the surface for all to see. The earthquakes and death tolls rise as the old tumbles and the new comes to the surface in a horrific way. The quakes in Nepal (which are still happening everyday) during the time of Wesak and the shamballa valley were a slap in the face. They took what was holy and ancient and sacred and shook the very foundation it lived upon. This is a sacred month with many elements lined up to give us all an opportunity to be kinder and more holy in all of our interactions.
The land is speaking to all of us and like a mother giving us one last chance to straighten up our rooms. We can do that by bringing the holiness back to the place we reside. No matter what part of the world you live, what kind of house from beach house to palace to cave (which sounds good some days J ) that your stuff resides, it is a holy expression of who you are inside and out, the collective of you. The land and house I live in has been very demanding about making it more holy. I have created a goddess garden out back and working on a garden of the gods out front. The house has demanded it be kept ready and clear of debris. Making room for more light, or a few visiting Angels or Aliens?

Mystery Of Codex Gigas The 'Devil's Bible' Who Wrote Biggest Manuscript?

Patricia Cota-Robles - A clarion call from on High - May 12, 2015

May 12, 2015
Wow, what an extraordinary time we are living in. Actually, this Cosmic Moment is unique and unprecedented in all of Creation. I know that sounds rather grandiose, but the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that statement doesn’t even begin to describe the magnitude of what is happening on Earth at this time.
Because I am going to write about some things that can truly boggle one’s mind, I want to affirm to you that I do not ever share any information from the Company of Heaven that I have not confirmed, through my own personal experiences, to be true  beyond a shadow of a doubt. Having said that, I also want to ask you to not ever accept something as Truth just because someone told you it is true. Please read this newsletter with an open heart and mind, then take this information into the Flame of Illumined Truth blazing in your heart. Ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this sharing from On High, and ask how you can most effectively participate in this incredible facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.
And so we begin...

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young - Evolving Beyond the Fear of Love ~ Channeled April 30, 2015

Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group, we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those of you who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet, at a later time.
We commend you for your bravery, for your good spirits, for your wonderful senses of humour, for your tenacity, for your generous, loving, and hopeful hearts, as you continue to move forward during these amazing times. We wish to tell you, yet again, that you are doing an absolutely magnificent job.
You are learning to honour yourselves, you are learning to balance your divinity and your humanity. You are learning to grow and evolve and move and release and integrate, and you are learning how to do it with far greater grace and ease than ever before. You have learned much over the last few years of your linear time. You have shifted profoundly and you are behaving and navigating your lives in ways that are supporting you, and honouring you, like never before.

Tom Kenyon - Mensaje Planetario de los Hathors -

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

La Quinta Perspectiva: trascender el espacio y el tiempo

Entrar a dimensiones más altas de consciencia requiere un cambio fundamental en la percepción del tiempo y el espacio.

Esto es un cambio decisivo en la percepción, del que deseamos hablar usando una perspectiva teórica y una técnica práctica, que incluye el uso de una meditación de sonido que hemos creado con este propósito.

La Teoría

Hay muchas formas de ver las dimensiones más elevadas. Lo que deseamos compartir es un esquema básico de cómo vemos las dimensiones y los desafíos que enfrentas en tu tránsito a una realidad dimensional más alta.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I am a guest at my last working place as a waiter 
(a restaurant in the center of Vienna), before I founded the 
publishing company. I talk to one of my former colleagues 
and I am in the process of leaving the restaurant, when 
I see that the tablecloth of one of the tables caught fire. 
One of the waiters is trying to extinguish the fire. 
I observe the scene for a few seconds and see how the 
flames get bigger and bigger. The waiter seems to be 
totally overloaded with the situation and I rush to help 
him. I myself am totally preoccupied with the extinction 
of the fire and I order to bring water as quickly as possible. 
Suddenly a former schoolmate from my time in high school 
stands besides the waiter and I also call to him to get 
water as quickly as possible. Yet nobody moves and 
both do not recognize the seriousness of the situation. 

Sarah Varcas - 18th/19th May – 11th/12th June 2015: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini - 15 May, 2015

A Universe Born of Its Own Design
Mercury stations retrograde at 1:44 am on 19th May GMT, and remains in its own sign, Gemini, throughout its retrograde passage. Practically speaking, this is an inquisitive Mercury, seeking information and answers, reviewing events of the past three months, wondering about relationships and connections with others and generally taking stock and sorting through unfinished business. It efficiently clears the decks of outstanding matters, enabling positive progress in the months to come. Of course, that also means current misunderstandings will need to be addressed in the coming weeks whether we like it or not! It may be a hassle at the time, frustrating our desire for progress, but if we commit to sorting through the chaos and getting things back on track now we’ll make up what felt like lost time, in due course. If, however, we try to battle on, ignoring the increasingly obvious signs that something somewhere is going awry, we can be absolutely certain that once Mercury turns direct again we’ll wish we’d listened better to its warnings and done what was needed back then!

jueves, mayo 14, 2015

SaLuSa - May 14, 2015

The way forward is becoming clear to many people but there are so many misleading situations that you are never certain whether you are taking the correct path.
The best measure is to ask yourself what expectations are you personally aiming for, and trust your intuition to determine whether you are heading in the right direction. It is desirable to have a goal in life rather than an aimless existence, yet all situations will address your need to learn certain lessons to help you evolve.
Bear in mind that nothing that impinges upon your life has done so by accident, even although there is no immediate outcome apparent. You, Dear Ones, are responsible for whatever path your life takes having been gifted with freewill. However, you always have a life plan agreed upon before you incarnate, and this must be taken into consideration.
All will be revealed when you return to the higher dimensions, and it is a time of self-appraisal when nothing but a truthful account can be recorded. Be assured that all along the way you have support from many souls, who wish for you the best outcome.

Solara An-Ra – Grounding during THE SHIFT – 5-14-15


Solara An-Ra
The Star Councils through Solara An-Ra
We are the Star Councils of Light. We are a group of Light beings, most of whom have been in the physical world that you inhabit at some time or other, but who are now in Light-body form, and who have chosen to assist the earth planet and her people at this time where you go through THE SHIFT. The shift is a term which is being used for the transmutational process which occurs in 3D on your planet. Transmutation means that matter moves from one state of being into another state in energetic terms, so that something which has been physical, for instance, is changed into a higher dimensional frequency which is more like light. In alchemy terms it would be like a solid being manifested out of a liquid, or a liquid changing into a solid. You understand that there is a substance, but that the nature of that substance is transmuted or changed.

Breakthrough!! On the way to Liberation.. by the Enlightened Master on May 14th ,2015

Breakthrough!!  On the way to Liberation..

There are lots happening now in our solar system, all the Light Forces with all their sectors as GFL above the surface, Resistant Movement on the surface and Agarthians under the surface are doing their best in a serious movement to reach the big goal which is the Liberation, and the Resistance Movement approved that their patience, anticipation and observation were not an attempt for the delay, but they were waiting for the right moment “to uncover the cards “ , and they start doing that NOW reasonably well..!

And of the most things that they have faced the difficulty to make it alignment before are “ the lack of awakening which influence the collective consciousness and mass critical point , do not assume responsibility by the decision-makers in the ground and avoiding chaos at the time of the event..

Arcturians 5 13 15

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Old Soul Defined - 29 March, 2015 at Bali, Indonesia

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's always a system in place, and in this particular case of the new energy, the system honors the old soul as much as any system today.

Dear ones, we have told you many times before that the ones who are making the difference on your planet at this new point in time are the ones who have the most experience. When we say the most experience, we mean those who have lived lives on this planet again and again within the energy of your Earth. This is indeed the old soul we are talking about, and this is the one with lifetimes of experience.

I would like to tell you something if you didn't already know it. The old souls are the ones who are awakening right now to new ideas and perceptions. An old soul can be under 20 years old or over 80. It doesn't matter, for your chronological age only measures this life. Your Akashic age refers to how many lifetimes you've had and how wise you are today because of it.


Benjamin Fulford - May 11, 2015: Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms

The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say. The world missed a recent window of opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the financial war, they said. As a result, several stubborn hold outs of the cabal, like Israel and their Washington DC stooges, will have to be removed through war and through the engineered collapse of most of the large cabal financial companies, the sources say.

This will result in chaos in Europe and several regional wars notably in the Korean peninsula, the Middle East and the US.

The situation in Europe might be the first to blow up as a result of a financial chain reaction expected to be triggered by an unavoidable Greek default, the sources agreed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visits to China and Japan were aimed at getting money to prevent the collapse of the German financial system when Greece defaults. She returned mostly empty handed, Japanese and Chinese government sources say.

miércoles, mayo 13, 2015

Questions for the Arcturians--by Suzanne Lie and Free Arcturian MP3 5-13-15


By Suzanne Lie

When my computer crashed, because of my mistake, I was talking to my friend, Shawnna, about the higher purpose of this “mistake.” We pondered that question because one the myriad “realizations” of our ascension process is that “there are NO mistakes or accidents.” We are the creators of our reality, whether that creation arises from our conscious or unconscious mind.

Therefore, we decided to ask the Arcturians about why “I dropped my computer,” which set into motion a huge challenge for me. I was in the middle of a big project, which I had to do via my iPhone and pad. I could never see the “big picture,” so I had to just “carry on” the best I could. I wish I could say that I was always calm and collected, but that was NOT true. I guess I needed to perceive my self in full drama mode.

Kara Schallock - Being Stronger and Committed - 13 May, 2015

All of the downloads we have experienced in this year alone has lifted us to a higher vibration. The downloads now are occurring without a break, while whenever there is a cosmic event, such as an eclipse, Full or New Moon or solar activity, the energy is amped up. Each being receives from their Home Dimension, which helps all empower their true essence/Soul more powerfully. This enhances more Power, Creativity, Manifestation and of course, Love. Lately, all our higher chakras (Heart and above) are especially being upgraded. Our lower chakras have been heightened to higher vibrations already. The lower chakras are our ".ego-chakras". and their upgrades have helped us be more Soul-aligned, so that Soul is now more powerful than separate go and separate ego has evolved to an alignment w/Soul so that we are, potentially, expressing our Souls more and more.

Judith Dagley - WE Are IN It NOW! Up Close and Personal #1 - 5.13.15

I know I often focus on speaking beyond my personal experience. I have very determinedly  done so, because my purpose in writing these posts is not “all about me,” but about what is relevant to ALL of us. This week, however, I’ve discovered that the only way I can express what feels true about ALL of us IS “all about ME!” Very paradoxical, it seems… or did seem, until I decided to stop trying to figure it out and just do it, anyway.
The very minute I made that choice, there was nothing more to figure out. I got it. 
From NOW on (at least as far as the topics I cover here are concerned), expressing what is true for ALL of us is going to have to be an “INSIDE JOB.” That is because we truly are in a NEW Paradigm, and getting up to speed with it requires not only the mastery of our own energetic technology as creator beings, but acquiring a radically NEW shift of perspective.
And considering what I’ve been going through, feeling, and experiencing internally in order to describe how to use this technology– I can tell you that there is a LOT to the process of aquiring that NEW perspective! Hmmm… what I also just got is that it’s the PROCESS I go through as I intuit and test this NEW information before offering it to you that creates the shift of perspective required to USE the end results.”

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ May 2015

On our journey through the matrix of the pyramids we
come upon one that is both vague and fluid in density.
The Lemurian Pyramid is one of two pyramids that creates
a storyline about a reality that supposedly once existed
in third dimension but has evolved into higher frequency.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Teco-Porima.
The Lemurian Pyramid creates the illusions of dimensions or levels of reality.
This pyramid can be found in the grid over the region known as the Pacific Ocean.
It has sometimes been viewed by passing sailors on long voyages in the open seas.
As they moved between the portals of their minds, and those of reality,
they have seen such a pyramid before them.

Twin Flames~Guidelines by LIORA


12/05/2015 Tones for awakening, mastery, joy and christ (god) consciousness. Enjoy. - N/S Magnetic Pole Shift - Weakening of Earth's Magnetic Field

Lemuria and the Lemurians [FULL VIDEO]



VIDEO (recommended)


Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We come from far and yet we are so close to you. In Spirit there is no separation.

All That is Primordial Light exists as a united field of Consciousness, not diminished or endangered by lower frequencies that seek to destroy light.

But Primordial Light is indestructible and it is the illusion of the low minded to believe that light can ever be destroyed!

Our Universe may be a Matrix-Like Computer Game Designed by Aliens, says NASA Scientist

martes, mayo 12, 2015


Message from the Light Reading 
on April 24th, 2015 in Vienna
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

I am amongst you!

I am El Morya – Master from the Light, enlightened 
consciousness, which guides human Beings to enlightenment, 
Chohan of the blue flame of clarity, courage and truth. In this 
Light, Life reveals itself to you as it is; in its full abundance 
and far from any deceptions.
I am with you, as I have been with you in many ages; 
endowed with assignments, as you are, and as you are 
today, fitted with all heavenly instruments for it.
I am also a very good expert of human life and I know your 
fate and your issues, which you face now. I know what it 
means to be in service on earth and to be confronted with 
this reality. I know how it is to be subjected to a lack of love. 
But I also know how it is to overcome this condition and to
experience love.

Sheldan Nidle Update - May 12, 2015

2 Eb, 10 Moan, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come now with more information on what is occurring across your globe. At present, those committees assigned to bring forth various components that are to oust the dark cabal from power are reporting success in carrying out their duties. When we first arrived en mass over two decades ago, this world was still under the full authority of the Anunnaki and their dark minions. These various groups as well had the great resources of the Ancharans at their command. By the middle of the first decade, the Ancharans and the Anunnaki had left. The minions were suddenly cast asunder. Out of these dire circumstances came their initial replies. Their lieutenants just stole the 2000 US election, created 9/11 and began wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That was their high point. Since then, their power began to fade and now it is practically gone. Our various earthly allies are nearly ready to ease them from their long occupied perches. You are to see this shortly and when you do become aware of how long the process took. Those brave individuals and groups who are now doing this are in fact, global heroes to all.

Dana Mrkich - Mercury Shenanigans and Support - 12 May, 2015

Mr Mercury doesn't officially go Retrograde until early next week but he is already causing all kinds of electronic shenanigans with computers acting up, banking/eftpos facilities going down, phones acting strange and so on.

This is partly because we are in the Shadow period ie Mercury is travelling across the degrees he will soon seemingly 'reverse' over. It is also partly because he is doing all this in his home sign of Gemini which is related to Communications.

SO take extra care when emailing and texting people over the next few weeks, making sure before you press send that your message is going to the intended party! If you are writing something that is gossipy, have a think about how you would feel if the subject of your message read it - you might find yourself reconsidering sending that message and instead delete it.

Параллельный мир. Parallel world

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Mushaba Team, May 12, 15

We are here once again to bring you some information that has to do with the times that are happening on earth in this moment of adjustment. We say adjustment because events that are taking place around the globe are setting in place new ways in which to live on this evolving planet. It is a time for all of you to be able to comprise what has been, and then see the different ways in which those old times have been set in place to bring about a change that will bring you all different results. These results will be heart warming and powerfully able to bring about more balance in your lives. They will help you all to see the ways in which you can change the ways in which you can make instant decisions that will represent the power of positive thinking.

Ron Head - Freedom – The Council - May 12, 2015

councilThe Council
Today we would like to discuss the subject of your freedom. There is much available on this topic now and most of it is a conversation you are having among yourselves that involves political and societal issues. This is not what we wish to explore with you. The freedom we wish to talk about is of a different nature.
We have spoken with you of judgments that you have made and continue to make about yourselves. We have spoken to you of the judgments that you continue to believe that Creator has made of you and your actions, thoughts and words. We have spoken with you of the limitations that you have placed upon yourselves as well as the ones that you have accepted because you have been told you have them. There are even ones that you have inferred from your experiences. These include also things that have been brought into this life from previous lifetimes, from the lives and experiences of your lineage through your DNA, and in some cases, things that you have agreed to overcome to the benefit of mankind even though they are not your own issues at all. This seems like what could be quite mountain for you to move, doesn’t it?

There's Some Very STRANGE THINGS About CERN (2015)

Benjamín Fulford - 11-05-15. El colapso controlado del sistema financiero occidental se avecina

12 may
El mundo se encamina a algunas turbulencias en los próximos meses como parte de la eliminación definitiva de la mafia jázara del control del sistema financiero occidental según múltiples fuentes, incluyendo el gobierno de Japón, agentes del MI5 y el pentágono. También dijeron que el mundo perdió una oportunidad reciente para una solución pacífica de la guerra financiera. Como resultado, varios reductos obstinados del cabal, como Israel y sus títeres de Washington DC, tendrán que ser depuestos a través de la guerra y a través del colapso controlado de la mayoría de las grandes empresas financieras del cabal, dicen las fuentes.
Esto dará lugar a un caos en Europa y a varias guerras regionales en particular en la península de Corea, en Oriente Medio y los EE.UU..

Brenda Hoffman - Es Tiempo de Percepción - 27 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Se están ajustando a las casi abrumadoras energías que experimentaron a lo largo de marzo y comienzos de abril. Quizás sienten poco o nada. Quizás haya sido imposible ignorar los asuntos físicos, espirituales o emocionales relacionados. No importa porque ustedes procesaron lo que necesitaban procesar.

Para algunos, su nuevo papel sigue nebuloso o borroso. Para otros, las partes de su papel están formando una visión concisa de quienes son o en lo que se están convirtiendo. Aunque ninguna sensación es mejor que la otra, este mensaje aborda a quienes se sienten cómodos con la(s) etiqueta(s) de su papel.

The Fifth Dimensional Perspective: Transcending Space and Time - May 12, 2015

The Hathors, channelled by Tom Kenyon, May 12, 2015
Georgi Stankov
I have decided to publish this message from the Hathors as it very well presents the energetic aspects we are now experiencing, while transitioning from the upper 4D to the 5D. We are now overcoming this huge structural threshold between the upper 4D and the 5D and higher dimensions, where the perception of space and linear time and the influence of gravitation is being dissolved and one enters a complete different level of Being, which is very fluid and multidimensional. The musical meditation at the end is indeed very powerful and helps attune to the liberty and fluidity of 5D.
I can only confirm that we are now very intensively preparing ourselves for this transition. This night I had a repeated dream of bilocating myself again and again on a lower 4D timeline and Carla was holding the energetic balance of my fields from the 5th dimension, while being present with me at the same time. During these bilocation and manifestation tests, I was getting the information how difficult it is for us to manifest on lower 4D timelines, once we have ascended and that this capability must be carefully trained with combined efforts. As to confirm the validity of this dream experience, Carla told me this morning upon awakening and before I shared my dream with her that she had absolutely the same notion during her nightly meditation. Much of this experience is reflected in this very congruent message channelled by Tom Kenyon.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 10 al 17 de Mayo, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Hay señales por todas partes de los cambios que están produciéndose en su planeta. Estos cambios son diversos y abarcan muchos espectros de la vida. Los cambios de la Tierra reflejan los cambios en la humanidad en su lucha por hacer frente y entender lo que está ocurriendo. Cada tragedia que ocurre saca lo mejor de la humanidad en su lucha por dar lo que pueden para ayudar. Muchas preguntas se hace desde todos los corazones, porque parece como si el mundo que conocían se está desmoronando y cayendo a pedazos. La humanidad está experimentando los efectos de su planeta sacudiéndose las cadenas del pasado mientras se mueve hacia su legítimo lugar en el universo. Estos cambios han ocurrido muchas veces a través de los milenios, pero en estos tiempos, la humanidad tiene una oportunidad de elevarse por encima y salir victoriosa.

Webinar - BELIEF: You Only Know What You Know and Don't Know What You Don't Know - Part One

Purified By Cosmic Fire - The Prophecy of Peter Konstantinov Deunov

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Starseed Ascension Symptoms: Why Am I Here? What is My purpose Now? - 12 May, 2015

Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.
Beloved Blue Ray, Angelic Human, Light Bearer, Way Shower and Gatekeeper YOU,
This year the culmination of recent shifts of cosmic and stellar events has created energetic upgrades from the higher dimensions which have put you in a new dimensional frequency. This spiritual light coming from the higher planes contains codes of your soul infusion presence, higher will, liberation, and that one part of the mission is accomplished. 333
These new energetics can hit you suddenly from a greater sense of the disconnecting of the 3D life that has created more endings and beginnings. Those interpretations of the old matrix of how things should be and how they need to show up in your life are being interceded by your true soul’s destiny without attachments and dogma from the past. The higher dimensional light portals are creating a breakthrough soul purpose initiation which enables release of old belief systems and healing of deep, ancient wounds in the power of Supreme Divine Love. 33

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - You Enter A Promised Time - 12 May, 2015

You are in a time of birthing yourself into higher light at a different position of truth. As you sit in the womb of No-time, you try to stretch, but the walls of self-imposed illusion, keep you confined in an invisible prison.  You push and push but you are not able to stretch into the vastness you innately know yourself to be.  When a child is in the mothers womb, the child’s spirit has the ability to reach out past the limitations of the physical womb, skirting about in the parent’s lives, reaching into the past, and future, overcoming space and time.
Your life is similar to that of the unborn child.  You feel limitations as if the very walls of your life grow steeper and slicker each time you try to scale them.  You grunt, you groan, you complain as the limitations become more and more real and animated.  You have the same innate abilities as the unborn child.  You are living in this dimension of matter and yet you are also living in spirit, in the light on a multitude of levels.  Your body seems limited and vulnerable, yet the spirit and light-force that inhabits that vehicle has magnificent and never-ending capabilities.

lunes, mayo 11, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Grasped the Brass Ring of You - May 11, 2015

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
This is a time of rejoicing. Not in the 3D sense that you, your friends and family know you have achieved a long-held goal. But an internal joy of knowing you have achieved something you did not think possible before entering earth this lifetime.
You have claimed yourself in all your glory.
Perhaps you do not feel it quite yet. Perhaps there is even an ongoing sense of, “is that all there is?” But know in every segment and cell of your being that you have grasped the brass ring of you.
Maybe you feel little or nothing. Maybe you even feel hollow. Just as was true sometimes when you achieved something in your 3D life. You worked diligently to complete that 3D task – only to discover in the first moments of completion a hollow feeling.

Entrevista a Nikola Tesla para la revista “immortality” año 1899 - 06/05/2015

Entrevista que el científico Nikola Tesla concedió para la revista “Immortality” en su laboratorio en Colorado Springs en el año 1899.

Todo es la Luz. En uno de sus rayos es el destino de las naciones, cada nación tiene su propio rayo en esa gran fuente de luz, que vemos como el sol. Y recuerde, ¡no hay hombre que existía y no murió!

Sí, estos son algunos de mis descubrimientos más importantes. Aún así soy un hombre derrotado. No he logrado lo más grande que he podido.

PERIODISTA: Sr. Tesla, Usted ha ganado la gloria del hombre que se involucró en los procesos cósmicos. ¿Quién es usted, señor Tesla?
TESLA: Es una pregunta correcta, Sr. Smith, y voy a tratar de darle la respuesta adecuada a la misma.
PERIODISTA: Dicen que es Usted del país de Croacia, de la zona denominada Lika, donde junto con el pueblo están creciendo los árboles, las rocas y el cielo estrellado. Dicen que su pueblo natal lleva el nombre de las flores de la montaña, y que la casa donde nació, se encuentra junto al bosque y la iglesia.
TESLA: Realmente, todo es verdad. Estoy orgulloso de mi origen serbio y mi patria croata.
PERIODISTA: Futuristas dicen que el Vigésimo y Vigésimo primer siglo, nacieron en la cabeza de Nikola Tesla. Celebran el campo magnético a la inversa y cantan himnos a motor de inducciones. Su creador fue llamado el cazador que atrapó la luz en sus redes desde las profundidades de la tierra, y el guerrero que capturó fuego del cielo. Padre de corriente alterna hará que la Física y la Química dominen la mitad del mundo. Industria lo proclamará como su supremo santo, un banquero de los mayores benefactores. En el laboratorio de Nikola Tesla por primera vez se ha roto un átomo. Se ha creado un arma que hace las vibraciones sísmicas. Allí se descubrieron rayos negros cósmicos. Cinco razas le rezarán en el templo del futuro, porque les había enseñado un gran secreto – que los elementos de Empédocles se pueden regar con las fuerzas de la vida de los éteres.

Abraham Hicks ~Let go and Dream Big

Lee Harris - Pronóstico de la Energía de Mayo de 2015 Autenticidad, Purificación Ancestral y Estrés Colectivo - 4 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

(Trascripto y editado a partir del videomensaje de Lee en vivo)

El tiempo vuela y las energías también. En el pronóstico del mes pasado, les dije que abril se sentiría más amplio que marzo. Marzo fue un mes un poco loco e intenso; en tanto abril no careció de intensidad, ciertamente hubo más sensación de espacio. Eso hasta hace una semana: la última semana de abril.

Problemas de sensibilidad durante mayo

Muchos habrán sentido surgir problemas de sensibilidad en la última semana de abril, y se espera que continúen al menos durante la primera mitad de mayo.

What Is A Miracle? The Future And Our Potential - Neale Donald Walsch

What Is a Miracle? The Future and Our Potential
Written by Neale Donald Walsch,
Original at
Nancy had anticipated this moment — her final child trundling off to conquer the world. What she hadn’t anticipated was the cacophony of emotions sweeping over her, and the many questions swarming around in her thoughts. Is Joanie ready to be on her own?
Perhaps more poignantly, Am I ready to be on my own?
Nancy replayed every happy and not-so-happy memory from Joanie’s growing up. Well, she sighed, it’s too late for recriminations now. What’s done is done. Still, she felt herself filling with regret. She took a deep breath.

The Miracles Around Us: As Within, So Without

Turning off the highway onto the quiet, woodsy drive that led to the school, she should have been feeling peacefully serene, like the countryside itself. But no. Nancy experienced the inner turmoil that, at a moment like this, only a mother could fully understand.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Taller del Akasha 2ª Parte - Munich, Alemania, 26 de Abril de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es el segundo de tres mensajes. Queridos, mi socio no les ha informado, y ustedes lo debieran haber visto, que existe mucha más efectividad en un grupo que la que hay en un individuo. Ciertamente cada uno de ustedes es influyente. Cada uno tiene una consciencia que puede cambiar cosas en su vida. Pero si muchos se concentran en un mismo atributo, el paradigma de energía es totalmente diferente. Incluso lo han mencionado las antiguas escrituras: cuando dos o más de ustedes se reúnen con el mismo propósito, hay un enfoque concentrado, hay belleza, se puede lograr más. Por lo tanto, este grupo puede crear un paradigma que cambiará al individuo. Este es el designio de este día: no que te mejores a ti mismo por ti mismo, sino que se han reunido por el poder del grupo. Esto se ejemplificará a la brevedad.

domingo, mayo 10, 2015

Ann Albers - Embracing Divine feminine - 10 May, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We are delighted today as so many of you celebrate your Mothers, for no matter whether or not they were the ones you wished they would be, it is because of their openness, that you are in the world today enjoying the gift of life.

A mother, dear friends, is a soul who is willing to open, surrender, and allow God’s love to flow through them in a form that they can only nurture to life, but never control. Being a mother is one of the greatest acts of surrender to love that is possible as a human being.

In this fashion, dear ones, you are all mothers - male, female, adult, and child - because you are all capable of opening your minds, bodies, and souls to be impregnated with God’s love, to allow God’s love to take root within you and grow… in any fashion that this beautiful love wishes to grow. And so today, on the day so many of you celebrate your biological mothers, make a decision that you too, will honor the energy of the Divine Mother, by being open, receptive, and nurturing to love.

Breaking news! 2 Giant UFOs captured in pictures NASA solar observatory - May 10, 2015