Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance
blessed our Abundance of Light-Prosperity Circle with their essence and
assistance to create our desires to become manifest within our world
with the Crystalline Flame.
Blessings, My Dearest Children,It is I, Purity with Astrea.
We are so happy to be with you again to bring forth our energies for this beautiful circle of abundance and the creation of your Light within your physical essence.
Today, we want you to concentrate on how beautiful you are from your purest essence. Do not think about your physical structure. Feel the Source of Oneness, as we sit within this beautiful garden of the 144th dimension. We bring forth that essence into the Physical Body through the breath, circling in all parts of your Being. Allow yourself to sit back and enjoy.
You are the perfect Crystalline structure. Feel your Merkabah as that Crystalline structure, from the top of your Soul Star to the bottom of your Earth Star. Think of it as a double pointed crystal.
Within that crystal are many facets. Sometimes, some of those facets need to be cleansed and purified. Just like you would purify your own crystals. Breathe deeply through this process and allow us to assist. We are the 4th step of Precipitation with the Elohim.
What does that exactly mean?
Well, you have brought forth the Will To Do and allowed the Mental Illumination to be cleared through the Second Ray. Then the Creative Actualization of the Pink Flame came of what you would truly like to create within your world was being brought forth. Now we fully allow our Crystalline Light to embrace it, allowing to sparkle. We remove any elements that may be causing blockages through you, so that the desired outcome occurs for you.
What is it today, in this moment, that you desire most of all?
Is it within your Physical Body, your Emotional Body, your Mental Body?
Is it within your physical life of what you desire to create?
What is the first element that comes into your mind from your higher mind, when you allow that illumination to come fully within you?
Think of the healing you are going through and what you need to focus upon in this moment. In all instances, if there is something out of alignment, then you cannot truly manifest the desired outcome. You may desire a better life. You may desire a new job, a new residence, or funds for a special event. Yet if you are having confliction in any of the FOUR Bodies of the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental, then that desired outcome is going to take a whole lot longer.
That is what we are here to assist you with. We want to bring forth the clarity you need in order to understand within yourself what it is you need to focus upon to help yourself.
I say to you again; what is it that is holding you back in this moment? You may not even realize it. Yet you may have a physical outcome that is being created within you. Think about that as we bring forth this reflection of the Crystalline Flame.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Feel the Crystalline Light that you truly are from your Source of Oneness, from the beginning stages of your creation. Allow this creation to fully come within your Being. Allow it to flow within you. Allow it to move through you. Allow it to be expressed through your breath, through your thoughts, through your feelings, and every part of you is now sparkling with the purity of the Crystalline Flame.
You are the beautiful crystal. You are sparkling.
The sun shines through you and it creates beautiful rainbows of Light in many different directions. Feel the transformation that is occurring now. Allow this essence to go into any part that you feel you are struggling with right now.
Allow it to go into the Physical, the Emotional, the Mental and possibly the Etheric Body. Allow all bodies to be the Crystalline Flame. Allow all bodies to project rainbows with colors of Light within you.
Let us take a breath while you feel that essence.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Say these words unto yourself
“I AM embodying the Crystalline Flame, as I now feel the sparkles of Light that are projected through the flame into every part of my being. It shoots off rainbows of colors of Light, so I am not only the Crystalline Flame, I am all colors of the spectrums of Light.
I embody this essence within myself. I allow it to come into the parts that need it the most. I feel it flowing through my being.
I feel the transformation occurring, as the regeneration is now my pathway.
I step into this doorway, as I resurrect the old elements. They no longer need to be within my creative process. I thank them for what they have given to me, but I no longer need to have them.”
I feel myself now as the Crystalline Flame.
I AM the Crystalline Flame. I AM the purest Crystalline Light that I have ever seen.
I embody it. I AM pure. I AM beautiful. I sparkle with each moment of the flame.
It brings onto me the harmonization that I desire.
I now create that desire within me. I feel it coming to me now. All the desired manifestation in this moment is me.”
State what you would like to have.
Allow it to come within you now, as you are the Crystalline Flame. You are the purity of Light. You are God’s Light within you. There is nothing else that can penetrate that Light in the power that you are. Feel it deeply.
Feel it deeply in all aspects of your being. Allow the purification of this Light to flow within you.
Now you bring unto you the desired element through your Will, through allowing the Mental Mind to Illuminate. You bring in your Higher Mind, embracing yourself with the Pink Flame and now you become the Creative Source of the Purity of it. Embrace it with Pure Light. There is nothing else that matters in this moment.
Feel it deeply. Feel it and embrace it. You are the master of your destiny. You are achieving all you desire.
Allow it to come further into yourself.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
We embrace you deeply. We wrap our arms around you with the Crystalline Flame. You are the purity of God.
Blessings and Light to each of you on your journey. We walk with you.
We are Purity and Astrea,the Elohim Masters of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance.
The Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together Circle takes place on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Saturday’s at 10 AM Pacific and is a free service. Please use the link to register for this amazing connection.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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