There will always be charlatans, wolves in sheep's there will always be those who oppose the light, even unknowingly. It takes courage, for light attracts bugs.
Throughout your history many brave souls that brought forth a truth that differed from the 'beliefs' of those in power, have suffered consequences , retributions varying from being burned at the stake, tortured , imprisoned or discredited...the latter is quite commonplace even in , especially, in the present youth of the New Paradigm.
Both scientist who see the expansive truth, and differ from main stream thought...and Spiritual Seekers who break away from the fear based orthodoxy, will face rejection, criticism, even humiliations intended to discredit.
But giving into fear or allowing hurt to turn to hatred is not the way. Fear and hate will follow you through years and lifetimes, until you finally realize that hate and fear themselves are the real enemy. At its core fear is the great destroyer, and hate, as we have shared, has far far reaching effects.
But there are ways that must be learned to stand in truth without becoming the very energy that opposes you. Standing in your truth takes courage, but the rewards of appropriate wisdom, wisdom by example, the brilliant heart of standing true are great. Discern the battles worth fighting, and remember the example of the Great Soul, Mahatma Ghandi.....he did not avoid confrontation, he did not succumb to hate, nor did he fear. He stood in Truth, he confronted those who hated his Truth, and his Truth was Love.
Love with strength, and as we have said ... is incomplete.' It takes strength to create a better world. Ghandi confronted the hate, the evil, the aggressive , but he did not hate back, he stood in truth and left room in his confrontational actions and in his heart, for reconciliation.
Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth, but you are in the University of Duality , the College called Earth, to learn responsible creation. And it is only by confronting your obstacles, facing your fears, that you transcend them. Some of your greatest gains on the earth-plane are made when you are in states of seeming conundrum.
Each of you script, in higher self, all of the obstacles you face. And they will repeat until you master them....only when you master the curriculum do you graduate. And in this University there is a great doctor called Cause and Effect....and this doctor makes house calls !
Master your thoughts, face your challenges in loving strength. Do not back away from the tests you have created for yourselves. Discern...and Meditate and focally create in theta, the life and world you desire. Then follow the thought form of your intent with 'rightful' action in 3d. There is no other way, no other rule. You are here to learn responsible creation. Individually and in mass. Masters, in collective thought, in combined thought and action, you do create, you do make changes, you stand in truth. And in duality, there will always be opposition. It is how you grow stronger.
On the earth, you are living in a purposed illusion, but if it did not seem real you would not learn...and in that aspect this illusion is very very real. The pain, the suffering, the love and the joy are real...but only the love will last. So as long as you are in the earth-plane, you had better choose good over evil, right over wrong, light over dark. All honest errors are forgiven by Law of Grace, but remember cause and effect. Remember action must follow intent. Remember Ghandi !
...The Channellers , Teachers, Lightworkers, Earth-Keepers and Metaphysicians who have been the forerunners of change over the past century are, within the next few decades completing a major stage of their contracts. And though it was not easy, it was an important work... the new 'Lightworkers' will be the scientist... and we tell you that humanity can learn as much about the nature of God, (as your Edgar Cayce stated) from Science as from what you term as religion. .....
Excerpted from Upcoming Channel - Archangel Metatron
All Authors Rights Reserved -Copyrights to James Tyberonn - Earth-Keeper
Standing in Truth
"The life of a person endowed with ( psychic abilities) such powers is not easy. For more than forty years now I have been giving readings to those who came seeking help. Thirty-five years ago the jeers, scorn and laughter were even louder than today. I have faced the laughter of crowds, the withering scorn of headlines, rejection of former friends and the cold smirk of intellectuals. But I have also known the wordless happiness of little children who have been helped, the loving gratitude of fathers and mothers and true friends... And I believe that the attitude of the scientific world is gradually changing towards these subjects." Edgar Cayce