viernes, enero 17, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Transmissions From Our Higher SELF – Transmissions From Mytre – 17 January 2014

SuzanneLieI was editing book 3 of the Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension when I came on this section that was written in the spring of 2013. It seems so appropriate for today that I wanted to post it again. If you read it before, please read it again, as I made a lot of changes.
Transmissions From Mytre
         Since Sandy and I had the discussion about our dreams, we have become much more aware of Mytre’s presence. In fact, we have been meditating together and asking me for guidance. The response to our guidance is that Mytre has been speaking through me, while Sandy takes notes on her computer. Fortunately, she is a very fast typist, as Mytre has been sending us amazing information. Mytre’s primary guidance has been to offer us ways to better remember our visits to the Ship.

Karen Doonan - The blindfold of expectation - January 17, 2014

I have blogged and touched upon “expectation” in earlier blogs but now I revisit this at this time under guidance. For the old 3d earth is now pulling out all stops to try to slow down a process that cannot be stopped. The old 3d earth frequencies now barely able to function albeit at a personal level within the human vehicle many are still running the old frequencies.  It is vital to become more consciously aware of how you are projecting these frequencies out into the world.

jueves, enero 16, 2014

Wes Annac – Death Is The Beginning Of Life – Part 3/4 – 16 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 2
So far, we’ve explored some of the reasons not to fear death from the perspective of people who’ve experienced it. We’ve learned a little bit about the transition and the realms beyond, and now, I’d like to look at the blissfulness of death itself.
The idea that death is a blissful process might sound strange, but apparently, it’s much different than our fear would have us believe.
Winifred Combe Tenants tells us about the heavy weight that fearing death puts on us in comparison to the peaceful nature of the spirit planes.

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: Together We Are Reaching Greater Heights of Bliss With Each Breath of Love That We Take Together – 16 January 2014

mothermaryMother Mary (Received January 15, 2014):
My precious, my lovely angels of light, of heartfelt grace and abundant love. I come to you today through this channel to bring to you my blessings, to bring you my heartfelt love and abundant grace.
As you embark upon and ride this increasingly building wave of light, it is necessary to look within and notice what still needs to be forgiven for and by yourselves. My dear children of the light, I do not speak of forgiveness in the terms that you have done something wrong, but rather, this: In the course of your clearing, you have unearthed, so to speak, many pockets of experiences still lingering in your energy fields and within your ever-expanding hearts.

Karen Doonan - Frequency and how it affects your reality part 3 - January 16, 2014

In order to fully understand this blog please read part 1 of “frequency and how it affects your reality”. 
It is vital at this moment upon planet earth to understand the very basics of the human life experience, being in human form allows for a filtering system unlike any other, the very reason that you incarnated upon this planet in a human vehicle was to experience this for the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH does not have any of these filters. At SOUL level there is only the LOVE that IS and ONENESS, this is the KNOWING that ALL ARE ONE.  This concept has been distorted hugely upon and within planet earth deliberately and this blog will continue to reference PERSONAL CHOICE and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY at all times.

Wes Annac - Death is the Beginning of Life – Part 4/4 Jan 16

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Concluded from Part 3
Sigwart, an artist who died in World War one, tells us about the beautiful and peaceful nature of the death he experienced.
“My death was beautiful. Everything became still. It changed to a quiet, calm sea after a blustering storm. The final experiences as a man were part of this storm. Then came the smooth waters of liberation. … It was a blessing to have been freed without illness, without extended pining away.” (1)
You’ll notice that a lot of people who’ve passed over mention the silliness of trying to prolong physical life when the etheric realms are so liberating. Sigwart mentions that he experienced a “blustering storm” in his final moments of earthly life, but that afterwards, he was bathed in pure, calming bliss and freed from the limiting shackles of physicality.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 387 – 16 January 2014

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already noticed, this continuous ebb and flow of energies has laid bare so much land within you all that has hitherto been left barren, but now, the time to till, sow and plow this land has come, and the crops from all of this arable land will soon come to fruition. As usual, we speak in riddles at times, but let us try to explain just what we mean by these words that we have already given you.

Anrita Melchizedek – The Elders Transmission – January 2014 – 16 January 2014

AnritaMelchizedekMp3 download
Welcome, my precious friends and family, this is Anrita Melchizedek, and I’d like to welcome you to this January transmission by the Elders. In this sacred year of 2014, from a ray perspective we experience the second cosmic ray, or fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service. This beautiful silver ray assists us to shift into the infinite and eternal Now as pure Beingness in form. In this state of conscious awareness no further veils of illusion are needing to be endured.

Meredith Murphy – The Really Big Cosmic Picture of What’s Happening on Earth - January 16, 2014

Earth-in-milky-wayMessage from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith MeredithMurphyMurphy
Telepathic Transmission – 14 December 2013
(Edited written transcript of original verbal channeling transmitted as part of the the Soar Fest: Relationships in the New Harmonics)
Greetings, High Fliers!
How are the currents you are feeling today? We see you syncing up more now with what is altered within you. You are starting to feel a sense of hopefulness as you start to feel the emergence of your refined and uplifted field, which is coming into a more coherent arrangement. As you emerge in states of greater and greater coherence in each level, of upliftment … they are not levels, but you might think of them as such … because they feel so different. As you emerge in these new states of coherence, your energy field is actually in a new arrangement, which is creating the coherence. So you have incorporated new aspects into your energy field, by bringing them forth from within your DNA, and released others.

miércoles, enero 15, 2014

Lena Stevens y Pat Liles - Luna Llena: 15 de Enero 2014

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el jueves 16 de enero del 2014 a las 4:52 am GMT (noche del miércoles 15). Traten a esta luna llena de manera semejante a un equinoccio o solsticio. Enfóquense en lo que desean terminar, limpiar, despejar, cambiar o reiniciar. Es la transición entre un capítulo (las últimas semanas) y el siguiente. Asegúrense de no arrastrar su experiencia de las últimas semanas hacia las próximas semanas. Recomendamos hacer una ceremonia de fuego o algo que honre a que están entrando en un nuevo marco de tiempo donde es posible una experiencia distinta.

Méline Lafont – Focus On Gaia’s Heart Space In Glastonbury – Experiences, Updates And A Personal Channeled Message For 2014 – 15 January 2014

 MélineWell here we are in the new year and already much is expanding and changing in our own personal reality and on the planet. Beautiful! I have decided to concentrate and to work more with the chakras of Earth, with the vortexes and the portals in the grid on our beloved Planet as this is the guidance I have received and been called to do in this Now. So off we go!What I will be working on and with at this time will specifically be the Heart Chakra of Gaia in Glastonbury Tor. I’ve been called to go there twice now and it becomes clearer every time as to why this is so.

Raising Vibrations With Paige Hall-Ferraro: Special Guest Meline Lafont – 14 January 2014

MélineAngel Radio Network
Link to radioshow:
Super excited to share my siStar, Méline Lafont, with you once again!!! On this show, we discuss the importance of protecting our precious energy in those moments that seem challenging, how our Higher calling has effected our relationships, and some Insight as to why some Souls choose to leave their bodies earlier than others. Meline closes our show by sharing an UPlifting message from her High Guidance.


Conspiracy Theories : Time Travel & Stargate Portals

Brenda Hoffman – JUMP, RUN, DANCE Into Love NOW – 15 January 2014

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s January 11, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You might note in a journal, your perception shifts of those people, places or things that irritate or make you fearful. For you’re easily moving into more loving/accepting perceptions. Even though you could chant, meditate or visualize and shift those areas, that’s the old 3D work modality. Allow it to flow easily in a time and place right for you.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “You’re a Sparkling Star Within a Constellation of Sparklers”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
It is time to move beyond your comfort zone. Even though you have heard this concept many times, we wish you to fully understand how important it is.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 15 January 2014

SheldanNidle13 Muluc, 12 Chen, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with good news! Our Earth associates are busy making sure that what is given to you manifests as we desire. It is essential that you be prosperous, free and that the string of debt attached to you disappears. This prosperity is not really a gift; rather it is how we wish to express our gratitude to you for being able to remain ready and willing to bring in a new reality for humanity. Each of you had the courage to help us by showing your intent when purchasing either an RV currency or else participating in the various prosperity programs. What you now receive is an acknowledgement by all of us for your divine cooperation in a number of vital projects. More is to come. These quick stages will enable new governance to rise. In addition, your intent is allowing us to legally arrest and then try a whole host of dark cabal “villains.” This operation is again dependent on your most gracious cooperation. These events are to lead shortly to disclosure. Then, we can more directly address you and set the stage for our mass landings. Much needs to be communicated to you in a very short period of time.

martes, enero 14, 2014

Philipp - Ashtar: The Love Transformation.-. January 13, 2014.

Posted by Andrew Eardley on January 13, 2014

Andrew: After a gap of four months, Ashtar returns with a new message via Philipp concerning the Divine Mother’s ‘Tsunami of Love’ – or as Ashtar calls it ‘the Love Transformation.’ Ashtar commences his messages with an intro that is personal to Philipp, but on this occasion Philipp has requested that the personal intro be included …

Nephilim message for 14th January 2014 - January 14, 2014

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support at a time where many of you are now moving in frequency and are able to anchor the LOVE that IS to new levels of your BEing. We are here to help you anchor this and to further re-code the energy signatures of our children who have taken human form upon and within planet earth at this time. We wish to work to help remove the last of the blind folds for our children, so that they may now SEE EACH OTHER in TRUTH and allow the shackles of the old 3d earth paradigms to fully dissolve from around, within and through them.

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part II: Free Energy Technology - January 14, 2014

above image thanks to:
Message brought forth by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.
And greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council. We wish to speak to you this evening of another higher dimensional technology, FREE ENERGY. Free energy utilizes and harnesses the inherent co-creative energy of the Creator Source which is energy that permeates everything and All That Is. It is the Creative Energy of Universes, Multiverses, Galaxies, Planets, Beings, … the energy that propels, creates, gives life to, and animates everything. This energy allows your Planet, Mother Earth Gaia to be suspended in space… allows the Sun to beam forth its tremendous power and energy….

Andy Bojarski - My Higher Self: You Are the Divine Presence - Jan 14, 2014

20140114_070225The Divine Presence is within you.   It has always been inside of you and it will always be inside of you.
You have a relationship with Source and Mother / Father God where you are always merged with Source.  You are the eyes and ears of Source.
Source sees all through you.  Source is You.  When you accept this truth, you will no longer need to look for anything outside of yourself.  All is within yourself.  All answers you seek are within yourself.  To know God is to love God, to love God is to love yourself.

Judith Dagley - 1.14.14 NEW VIDEO- 2014: The Year of Integration - Jan 14, 2014

It is not by chance (as nothing ever is) that this video is offered while our Cancer moon is reaching her climactic fullness with our sun in Capricorn. The metaphors often used for Cancer energy as “mother” and Capricorn as “father” are most relevant for this particular event… as is their positioning in polar opposite sectors of our zodiac.
You can probably see the numinous synchronicity of that from the title of this post, which is also the title of the video. INTEGRATION of seeming opposites into wholeness is what its all about NOW–the NEW video, your NEW year, and most of all–YOU.

TheOne-DreamDreamer – The ArtWork Of ‘Past Lives’ – 14 January 2014

Every life a different color, texture, sound.
You feel they’re “out there”, somewhere, in the past, in “other lives”…
But it’s you. All of you. An artwork of GOD. Such beauty in you that it’s barely possible to discern one color/tone (life) from another one. They make up the picture that is the you you are experiencing now. It is your life, your Now Moment, expression of human and spiritual Self.

Suzanne Lie – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 4 – Portal Of The High Heart – 14 January 2014

Sandy and I went to different corners of our small house to write our experience of the meeting on the Mothership. Much to my surprise, when I relaxed into allowing my fingers to speak through the computer, I wrote about a different meeting that I did not remember attending. In this meeting we were in the same room and Sandy was sitting beside me. Mytre and Mytria were standing by the Arcturian as It spoke to us.
I was so touched by what I wrote about that meeting that when Sandy returned from her corner of the house, computer in hand, I said, “Sandy, can I please read mine first?

Angelic Greeting in Order to Protect You – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 14.01.2014

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth. I am delighted so much to speak to you through this channel. And very soon we shall come to you again with further messages of light through this very channel. Now he has proceeded so far that now he is prepared to go onward again with another step for you. This has been considered necessary for him so that he may go on dealing with new issues and targets.

Wes Annac – Death Is The Beginning Of Life – Part 2/4 – 14 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 1
We excel to new heights in a steadier way in the spirit planes if we choose to stay there after passing on, but a lot of people choose to come back for reasons related to rapid soul growth and the desire to assist others in awakening.
Mary Bosworth advises us not to worry about death or what lies beyond it, and to enjoy ourselves while we’re here.
“Take no thought nor anxiety for the future life. Have no dread of death, which is only a coming, a rebirth, into this life. Do what you can to help others into an understanding of the immortal life of the human soul, and live in happy contentment and confidence of your future…” (1)

Karen Doonan - Responsibility and the New Earth - January 14, 2014
Many of you at this time may be in much chaos,  many of you may be scratching your heads in total confusion as to what is unfolding upon and within planet earth at this time.  Under the old 3d earth at ALL times you were TAUGHT to hand over responsibility for your actions and your thoughts to those around you. This is a very, very deep teaching and one that may be blinding many of you at this moment in this your human life experience.   It is a constant exercise to begin with to accept responsibility for your own actions and thoughts as the teaching seeks to place “blame” for all that occurs around you, through you and within you at the feet of others.

Suzanne Lie - Gaia Greetings 3

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 386 – 14 January 2014

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already noticed, the ebb and flow of these brand new energies works in very different ways than before, and rightly so. For you have not only reached a brand new plateau in this ongoing process of reconnecting and remembering the different aspects that compose the true you, you have also managed to wrestle yourself away from the influence of the old and outdated modes and frequencies.

lunes, enero 13, 2014

Wes Annac - Spiritual Guidance: The Light of a Brand New Day - Jan 13, 2014

Conveyed through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Vibrations that are purer than you can yet imagine are making their way to your evolving minds and hearts, and if you let yourselves believe that spiritual evolution is real, you’ll experience the benefits it has to offer.
Let your mental perception fade, even if only for a moment, and open up to the blissful reality of your existence. You’ll find that it isn’t hard after you conquer a few necessary hurdles, and after you’ve put in the work, your ability to be an immense force for change will be much stronger.

Selacia – Tap Power Of January 15thn Full Moon – With Process For Success in 2014 – 13 January 2014 - Aprovechen la Energía de la Luna Llena del 15 de Enero para Anclar el Éxito

SelaciaEach year begins with a mix of energies, but this is the first year in a long while offering you the positive possibilities 2014 does.
To put this in context, remember that you are one of the fortunate ones consciously aware of what these revolutionary times are about. You know, for example, that these years of mega shifting are unlike anything previous generations experienced. You understand at your core that this is a very precious lifetime – your most important one so far!
You know that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you have consciously chosen to strive for integrating spirit into your entire being – until you are truly merged. Being on a spiritual path for lifetimes – and having done a good amount of preparatory “homework” – you feel a relentless urge to be more and self-actualize more with each breath.

Natalie Glasson – The Divine Answer By Mother Mary – 13 January 2014

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
It is my greatest wish to bring forth my light and love to connect with your being so we may share a moment of peace and truth within and as the radiance of the Creator. I wish to support you at this time of tremendous transformation by sharing with you ways in which I believe will add your path upon the Earth.
The key words for this time upon the Earth are Love, Expansion, Soul Integration and Intuition, and Freedom. These words can be expressed and understood in such a general way and yet to me they offer focused and supreme guidance to aid further insights.

Suzanne Lie – Part ONE of Gaia’s Astrological Reading For 2014 – 13 January 2014

SuzanneLieRonald Cole Astrology Forecast for 2014
Setting the energies for 2014
SL:      Ronald, thank you so much for coming.
RC:     Thank you Sue for the kind introduction.  It’s a pleasure to be here.
SL:      So if you will start and then I’ll ask questions?
RC:     Well, you know, in the olden days Sue – that means hundreds of years ago there was an old Astrological axiom that the first aspects on the first day of the new year was setting the trend or energy for the whole year to come.

Ison Incoming Fireballs/Debris Direction Update.

Wes Annac – Death Is The Beginning Of Life – Part 1/4 – 13 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Dedicated to Stephanie Sautter – A departed friend who I haven’t really gotten to know yet.
It’s no secret that death is feared and misunderstood. Most people assume that we stop existing and enter an eternal slumber when the body dies, and the idea of ceasing to exist has driven a lot of people to fear death.
Most spiritual seekers probably understand by now that death isn’t as malevolent as some people believe, but still, the idea of the body dying and the spirit departing for greener pastures can be a little unsettling. I imagine that deep down, even some spiritual seekers have a fear of death, whether or not they understand that it isn’t the end.

domingo, enero 12, 2014

Kryon - La Recalibración De La Responsabilidad - Lee Carroll

Kryon canalizado en vivo por Lee Carroll

Universidad Delphi de Estudios Espirituales, Georgia, EE.UU. - 7 de julio de 2012

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El Ser Humano se hace a un lado y el Ser Superior, que representa esa parte de Dios en cada uno de ustedes, es el portal que le permite entrar al Espíritu. De modo que es un atributo de concesión compasiva lo que permite que el Ser Humano canalice y, después de un tiempo, esas cosas que resultaban difíciles al principio se vuelvan normales. Al principio son menos lineales y luego se vuelven más lineales. De modo que lo que ven en este momento se debe a que mi socio ha practicado, y le ha dado permiso al Espíritu para que llegue de forma pura, amorosa, representando la compasión del otro lado del Velo.

Christine Meleriessee - Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron - Jan 12, 2014

Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron

1-1-1Today represents the first Portal of Light of 2014 representing Oneness within our full consciousness.  This year we are stating that it reflects Grounding Unity within our physical creation.  Today is the first of many accelerations representing this new wave of energy to be felt by humanity.
Our worlds are coming together with the higher levels of existence as each of us as a Lightworker or Torch Bearer is feeling the accelerated energies within our physical existence.  This is all by design so that we will fully accept the Divinity of Light that we are in our creative process upon GAIA.

Denise Le Fay - Latest Etheric Covert Light Ops Mission - January 12, 2014 

Higher Awareness & Abilities 

[I'm deliberately using military terms in this article to better express what a "battle" this Ascension Process has been on multiple dimensions. I'm not using these terms because I'm fond of the military or military consciousness, wars, battles etc., but to hopefully get a larger point across a little better.]
  • Volunteer — my blanket term for Team Light members such as Starseeds, Wanderers, Lightbeings, Forerunners, Lightworkers, Pathpavers, Wayshowers etc. Already ascended souls who volunteered to incarnate into 3D density duality negativity on earth as physical humans for the purpose of helping by embodying or seeding the current Ascension Process from within physicality for humanity, earth, and all life everywhere.

UFO Hunters - The Silencers (MIB)

Educating Humanity: Time Travel,Top Ten People Who Time Traveled, Worm...

Ten People Who Traveled Through Time

If one wants to travel through time, the only way we know of is to get your hands on a speeding DeLorean with a Plutonium powered flux capacitor. There are probably a bunch of other ways to do it we just don't understand all the nuances of the our own earth yet, let alone the wonders of the universe.

Some scientists think that it might be at least theoretically possible to travel through time, no one (as far as we know) has devised a sure-fire way to make it happen. But that's not to say that people haven't reported traveling through time. There are many fascinating stories from those who say they seem to have quite unexpectedly visited - if only briefly - another time and, sometimes, another place. These events, often called time slippages, seem to occur randomly and spontaneously. Those who experience these events are often bewildered and confused by what they see and hear, and afterward are at a complete loss to explain them.

Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version

.Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 12 January 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 12 al 19 de Enero 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff

January 12-19, 2014
Beloved Ones,
The times that are before you are filled with energies of new beginnings and this creates a feeling of anticipation while at the same time needing to bring completion to all outstanding issues, and there is a sense of waiting in a void between two worlds. It is a strange time for those of you who have been earnestly working to align with the higher aspects of your self, for you know the work is in completion yet you find that the way forward is hazy and undefined. This is because you are creating your world as you move through each day and you are not used to consciously creating. This feeling will pass and is temporary in nature, all that is required is a willingness to be fully present in each moment and integrating this new idea of yourself. Conscious creation is the next step in your spiritual evolution and requires more attention from you.

Rapture Photographed? Possible UFO Orb

The Truthseeker: 'Unequivocal' cell phones cause cancer (E32)

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 385 – 12 January 2014 the time continues to speed up, you will all at one time feel as if lost behind the veil as it were, as you will all come to a point where the person you have thought yourself to be, seems to vanish as if into thin air, and rightly so. For you are no more tangible than the very air itself, if you think of it, for you are indeed made of the same stuff as the air. Indeed, you are but a collection of particles hovering closely together, forming the body that you up until now have defined as you. But you are not that body, in fact, you are simply inhabiting this body, much like a small crustacean will find an empty shell to shelter within for a certain amount of time, until that shell becomes too restricted, and it will need to move on in order to grow some more. So too it is with you, as you are indeed something vast indeed, so that only a portion of you can inhabit this small corporeal form you call a human body. But now, much have changed, and so, a much larger portion of what can truly be defined as you, the real you that is, can now be housed within this said corporeal form, and as such, this time, there is no need to make a hasty escape from it in order to grow even further.

"The Last 2013 Channelling - Moving into 2014" - Ultima Canalización Del 2013 Kryon canalizado en vivo por Lee Carroll Laguna Hills, 15 de Diciembre de 2013

This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California.

December 15, 2013

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Laguna Hills, California in December 2013.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It is December of 2013, but it seems like only a moment ago when we faced you and thousands of old souls around the planet and told you to "hold on"

We discussed with you that the prophecy of the precession of the equinoxes was thousands of years old and it was a turning point. We described that those in the Mayan civilizations, the prophets of their time, had put together the time fractals in a way that their calendars would reflect the esoterics of the wobble of the earth. We told you that their vision was so profound that the end of their calendar coincided with the beginning of a new era.

'Hand of God' seen in NASA space telescope image

Sunday Musings ~ My Transition Finishing Line Now In Sight! - Debbie Erasmus - Jan 12, 2014

twin flame sacred marriageFor most of my adult life I’ve been clearing discordant energy for Gaia without being fully conscious of this. At the same time I’ve also been merging with my Soul. When you take on this physical form you have to lower your vibration so much that it can take many, many years to integrate your energy back into its original state of being. This process is called a transition, and it happens over a period of time. For some it can take decades. The major changes started with the opening of the portals in December 2012 when Earth began receiving the first major influx of high vibrational light energy.
2013 was a roller coaster ride for many including me; a year that will go down in my “Reminder to Self to never do this again” journal! I joke not! The year wasn’t all that bad though. After I started working with Michael and the energy of Divine Love through the Trinity of Blessings in the early part of 2013, my living experience started to change. I got through major blocks that I’d lived with all my life and cleared huge amounts of negative energy. Love truly does heal and change everything. The higher your vibration, the easier it becomes to manifest blessings into your life, because you are no longer working with just yourself in this physical experience or reality, but with the greater part of your Self. Your Soul. As Michael said to me earlier in the week – “You have no idea how much I can do for you.” 2013 also brought me more love, joy and peace that I had ever thought possible!

Wes Annac - Embracing and Healing Pain - Jan 12, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The lower-dimensional experience is nothing if not difficult.
Even the brightest seeker can’t deny that we’re in the trenches, and instead of removing pain from our lives, discovering spirit helps us deal with it in a more enlightened way. We face the challenges we’re given, and we do our best not to fall into the egotistical dross that’s hard to climb out of.
It’s much easier to feel weighed down than uplifted, and that’s why so many enlightened teachers have expressed that effort’s required before we can be in a good place. We have to be willing to persevere through the dross; the pain; the difficulty.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 12 January 2014

marlene1-1January 9, 2014
Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as discipline. This quality requires a steadfast focus on the accomplishment of a goal or completion of a project and the inner sense of responsibility to see it through to the end. This quality is self directed and there is no one else who can employ this quality for another. As each person goes about their day, this quality of discipline is quietly used and the only way it is seen by others is in the end result of accomplishment and the success of a task well done or a goal well met. There is nothing in this or any other plane of existence that can come into being without this quality at work within each being. The true measure of a person is seen and recognized by the amount of this quality that is evidenced by the works that they do. It is a true love of self and of others to manifest this quality, for in so doing one can continually reinforce the feeling of self esteem and confidence that comes with success in a task that has been completed.

Haunting Relationships – Multidimensional Ocean - 12 January 2014

Feeling a very strong ancient Egypt the whole weekend. was amazing really. I reconnected with one of my past lives.
I had 2 lives that i recall on Ancient Egypt. One as Sekhmet, of which I still hold some vivid memories.
Another one the same life i have spoken of before. I was murdered in the palace. There must have been an ancient palace across the Nile, looking out onto the pyramids and the Sphinx. There was a wide and luxurious vegetation and the weather was pleasantly warm, but not unbearable.

sábado, enero 11, 2014

Archangel Michael ~ “Mile Markers & Sign Posts” Channeled Through and Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley - Jan 11, 2014

stairway to heavenGreetings! and Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Another mile marker has come and gone.
Amazement constantly continues to overwhelm this Messenger at pondering your genius and brilliance. Mile markers and sign posts are everywhere and you My Beloveds, created them for yourselves as wake up tools.
Do you not realize My Beloveds, that in order to recognize a significant linear time line, whether it be an astrological event or a year passing or some collective specific moment in time that you had to jointly agree prior to incarnation with seven billion plus human’s Higher Selves, not to even mention all the other kingdoms involved and Mother Earth Herself to have those specifics occur. Of course there is no real linear time, but it is mind boggling how truly magnificent you really are.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Time Gates 2014 - Jan 11, 2014

The Time Gates occupy a space which holds unto all that it serves. As the Time Gates are unlocked, what once served you will be released into a flow that moves away from you. Everything that you have held unto emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a decree to be released. We herald from the Star System Arcturus. We hold keys to Time Gates. These Time Gates herald conditions of healing for all of humanity.
The walls in your heart, the walls in your life, in your automobile, in your home, in your thinking – have all served you. They have lovingly served and limited you. They have kept you looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never refreshing what you thought in the past, always bringing it to the future, to the now, chewing and re-chewing what you created as truth.

Wes Annac - The Divine Qualities of a New Paradigm – Part 3/3 - Jan 11, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Concluded from Part 2
Archangel Michael tells us about the evolutionary “jump” we make when we express the divine qualities.

Suzanne Lie – Awakening With Suzanne Lie : Messages From Our Self – Unconsciousness – Part 1 – 11 January 2014

SuzanneLieWith the beginning of the end, we go back to the beginning.
I started this journey in 1993 and founded in 1996. To review my amazing experience of documenting my inner guidance, I will begin to post the poems in the order that they appear on the site. Hence, I begin at the beginning.
I am posting the poems, and short stories, because it is vital that we learn multidimensional language. The communications that we receive from our inner Multidimensional SELF, who is ALL the higher expression that WE are, come in the NOW of a flash of light.