Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron
Our worlds are coming together with the higher levels of existence as each of us as a Lightworker or Torch Bearer is feeling the accelerated energies within our physical existence. This is all by design so that we will fully accept the Divinity of Light that we are in our creative process upon GAIA.
Today it is time to accept your role within the world of higher consciousness. There are still many unawakened individuals upon the planet which need assistance. We also have numerous people that have stepped into the self-help pathway but need to go further. As a highly seasoned professional in this realm, I am being guided to share that it is our utmost duty to accept the process of our wisdom, knowledge, heart connectedness of our Love, Will and Power to be fully manifest within us to help others. It is with this that I bring forth a special message and love to each of you.
Blessings and Love in all ways,
It is my Divine Pleasure to share my essence as a spokes-being of the many creative processes within the Unified Whole. I Am Lord Metatron; please know I speak in the totality of who I AM but for the Greater Whole of Creation.
It is a day to truly rejoice in the essence of prosperity and abundance of the self. We are coming into a new wave of frequency on this day of creation, January 11, 2014. It is the first of many activations that will occur upon the planet during 2014 but is a momentous occasion. It has been 22 years since the first of the 11:11 activations. We thank Solara for bringing forth those essences into the hearts of many. We also reflect upon the energies of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. The culmination of those energies were fully actualized in 2012.
So it is with great pride and joy that I share that each of you are grounding these essences within GAIA through the acceptance of your Divinity of Love and Light. When an individual becomes aware of themselves in a higher light, it can take some time to fully see the reality of what truly is occurring. The blending of the Higher Consciousness into the Human Consciousness is something that takes great patience, time, and diligence. We are now at a new venture of time upon this Earth. It is with great exaltation and joy that I share this message.
Each day of this year will bring you new changes within your consciousness. As this changes, you are changing the consciousness of the world. All the previous work has been done to set the energies into motion. GAIA is able to receive more than we ever thought that she would. It is due to what you are doing in your own personal transformative process that is allowing for the acceptance of Light that is truly the guidepost of future times. It could not have been done without the many awakened beings of the 1960’s through this time period. We acknowledge each of them for their time upon this Earth and what they tried to achieve. Many felt that they had failed but yet what they did was create the Bridge of Awareness to be ignited within the planet so each of you at this time could walk easily into your higher state of existence.
So on this day of the 11th of January representing 1-1-1 we see a higher existence of light being infused within the planet and each of you. It is important to take time on this day to fully accept your own Divinity. This is not a global event but more of a personal one. Reflect within yourself your own purpose of light. What is it that you can do to be a better lightworker? How can you accept the challenges more easily so that your full body system can be acknowledged?
These are some of the questions we pose only for you to go deep within yourself. Presently there are great changes in the weather patterns which means that there is a war happening between what we desire and what we are experiencing. The electro-magnetic fields are being stepped up by the dark energies to create more fear and anxiety within the hearts of each human upon the planet.
On this day it is time to go into your highest essence and prepare for an acceptance of light energy to be experienced in all parts of your existence. This means to take time for yourself within the forces of Light that you are, through your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence to be more fully grounded within your physical being. It is a time to reflect about the forces of Light as the forces of darkness around you are trying to deter you from your true purpose. It is a time to truly be within your Beingness whether it be in meditation, silence, or connecting with like-minded individuals. Stay away from the media, arguing with others, and any element that does not align with your Higher Heart and Higher Mind. Be One with whom you are and allow the Portal of Light that is being accelerated on this day to become One with your physical being.
The acceleration of the energies will only be felt as deeply as the power of your higher essence. If your lower mind comes into place within these energies, then you will not receive the full potential frequencies that are available. These essences are being sent from the 144th dimension of Love, Will, and Power as we are all in Oneness together. Travel up to this frequency and Just Be in the space of Oneness. Let it travel back down to your physical existence. Spin the energies within your chakras, your Soul Star and Earth Star as you become the Light Being that you are. Then share it with GAIA, expand it out of your internalization into the externalization of your essence.
The energies on this day is the first Grounding Cord that GAIA is going to be experiencing. It is to be felt by each of you but also to help GAIA accept the new essences that are coming to her. It is about Grounding Unity through you, within you and outside of you as it is the first step of realization for the acceptance of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Standing by with these accelerations on this day are all communities of light within Oneness. I speak for the God Force with the Angelic Realm, Galactic Forces, and the Inner Earth Community. It is our time to come together.
You may haven noticed the skies showing star ships in certain areas. This is an acknowledgement that the Universes are coming closer together and this will be commonplace in your world. There is more to be shown. Some areas are also seeing powerful energies around the moon and the sun. This is representative of the frequency of light that is occurring at this time. The skies are shifting into alignment to help prepare GAIA for her acceleration. Each of you stands in this moment as a Divine Being to accept your responsibility through the transition of light from darkness within the planet. This is our first acceleration to be fully accepted in a different format than previously has been experience upon this planet.
It is a moment in time to rejoice the power of light that is occurring within with of us, Spirit and Physical Existence to come together in One Time of Space and Creation.
Take time to reflect what 1-1-1 may mean for you in your personal existence. It is a new day to be felt and embraced as it is setting the stage for more to evolve within all of us.
It is my Divine Pleasure to extend these energies unto you.
I Am Lord Metatron, Spokes-Being for the Unified Whole of the 144th Dimension
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.
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