The more we expand our 3D paradigms to create space for the new 5D energies the more we seek participation from everyone we know. We want them to experience the light as we know it and while some will, others will not and this becomes a big question for us. How far does our ‘light work’ extend and what is our role in the fulfillment of this mission? How far do we go to ensure that everyone embraces the light so we stick around until they do? If so, our light beacon turns into a light battering ram and we stand still instead of moving forward on our own path. A choice for the light becomes a light imperative and that is not what our light mission is about at all.
Contrary to what some believe or teach, we are not here to spoon feed light transformation to the world. Instead, we are here to shine the light brightly and let everyone make their choice. Our fear that this ascension cycle is going to crash and burn, like many others, compels us to make sure we address the needs of every naysayer and straggler. Our fear that we will ‘leave people behind’ is based on a belief that the ones who stray will be the undoing of all of our work and we simply cannot risk that. No one who has been engaged in this level of light work wants to start over from the beginning once again.
What is really happening here is the final meeting of soul mates and the completion of soul promises and karmic cycles. We are rejoining with our most challenging soul partners to make a final effort to ‘bring them to the light’ and they are resisting our efforts with everything they have. When we believe that it is our life purpose to ensure that they embrace the light, we engage in a battle that we cannot win, although we believe that we must win it for the light, for Source, and for the completion of the ascension cycle.
And while this final connection is important, its true purpose and potential is to show us that our own ascension is not and has never been dependent on anyone else’s actions. We can complete our ascension cycle any time we want to and right now this is what we must do because when we abandon our fight to ensure that everyone embraces the light we move forward and set up the new 5D paradigms. This is where we get stuck on the 4D bridge. On one hand we long to embrace the joy of the 5D energy of ‘home’ and on the other the belief that the stragglers are going to create mischief for us and for everyone.
But that is simply not true, as the completion of ascension does not require total participation at the same level by everyone. It takes one person to be a light beacon that everyone can be inspired by. We must also acknowledge that for some, a bright light is irritating and not inspiring, and not something they want to engage with. And if that light beacon is used as a light battering ram, we will make more enemies than friends and will keep ourselves on the 4D bridge, instead of using each step of our own ascension journey to be a source of inspiration to everyone around us.
I know this is easy to do until the person you have to allow to choose their own darkness instead of the shared light is your partner, friend, or family. Then the desire to have them join you in the light can override your ability to accept their choices. It helps to remember that even the darkness and density are different levels of light and eventually everyone does what is right and best for them. There is no need to feel guilty or ineffective, we do what we can and the rest is a choice that everyone must make.
Move forward now, with confidence and shine your light brightly. If you’re ready to fully step into your 5D paradigm, do so with joy and know that the greater your joy you create on your path the more brightly your light shines for everyone. We have no obligation to those who reject the light other than to remain steadfast on our own light beacon mission and accept their choices. Take heart, their numbers are not large and they grow smaller every day. Meanwhile, the brightest lights attract the most attention to shine on, be in joy, and live your life through your intention for peace, joy, love, and prosperity for yourself so you create that energetic imprint for the earth and for humanity.
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Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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