viernes, julio 07, 2017

Christine Meleriessee - Ascended Master Djwhal Khul - JULY 2017 CAPRICORN FULL MOON FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS ~ REBIRTH -

The Full Moon of Capricorn is arriving in the sign of Cancer on July 8th, 9:08 PM Pacific, July 9th 12:08 AM Eastern and 04:08 GMT bringing forth the Wheel of Rebirth.

This moon is considered to represent the Wheel of Rebirth as the Higher Ego (Higher Mind) becomes intertwined within the Lower Ego (the Physical Mind). Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel of the Ascended Masters in Oneness through Walking Terra Christa, transmits the higher spiritual message to humanity for this full moon cycle. The message is in preparation for the channeled transmissions in the public global online ceremony that is held to celebrate these energies and for participants to receive the higher spiritual blessings actively. (Details to join or listen for free are below).

If you have not already noticed the subtle energies of this moon, you will very soon, as some equate it to be like the Phoenix Arising Out of the Ashes as the new essence is being born within each of us.

Capricorn represents the Mental Mind, the part of us that wants to achieve wealth and prestige in the world from the third dimensional thought process. This is the part of us that we as, the Initiates of Ascension Mastery, are desiring to transform into the Higher Mind of realizing these third dimensional constructs no longer serve our world.

Cancer brings to us the Emotional Self, the heart wants what the heart wants. But within that statement it brings to the surface only the physical emotional heart and not the true self of the Feminine Divine representing Love.

The polarity between Capricorn and Cancer is bringing everything to the surface to allow for the Masculine and the Feminine of our Higher Mind to be realized within our physical existence.

The process of this pathway is never easy and this month it is pushing us to purge, and purge, and purge until we realize within ourselves that the old self needs to be reborn into a portion of what our Higher Self desires to happen within our consciousness.

This represents the ability to step into a completely different paradigm of light to allow the higher part of our soul essence to be realized by the physical self.

This creates the dying away of the Lower Ego, little by little.

I believe that these energies this month are substantially another step of allowing each of us to step further into our destined roles upon this planet. We all know as the Initiates that we must change our thoughts and feelings from the old self, the old energies that our Soul has experienced in the many lifetimes that need healing.

We have to remember how the Festival of Wesak and Humanity that occurred in May and June set the stage for this month so we would be ready to accept a new role within our existence. It can be very subtle like within your own personal pathway of changing something in the way you think or feel. Or it can be a bigger change to make a stance with the outside world that you desire to only allow the integration of the energies to set the stage for your physical life meaning your career, relationships, and family.

This moon is helping each of us to move into that new existence that we have been feeling is just around the corner. Well, you have arrived at the crossroads in which you must make a decision within your life that this is the change you desire to create. It is time to take care of your emotional, mental and physical bodies so they can align with your Higher Ego, the Higher Self, and the Higher Mind.

During this time, my suggestion is to create a ceremony for yourself.

What is it that you desire to change in your life? Is it something that you feel in your meditations or awakened state?

Make it a reality to experience the Phoenix Arising Within You. It does not have to be traumatic or life changing, but it is something that you are now ready to see that needs to be healed. Isn’t it time that you take the time to walk through the fire and allow this moon to help you realize your true potential as a human being embodied with your Higher Self.

Sit down and write through your Higher Self (utilizing your breath) to fully decide what it is that is coming to you from your Higher Mind that can help the Physical Self to accept the change? Have an intention before your ceremony. It really assists to appropriately prepare yourself within all your energetic bodies beforehand to make it a very sacred event.

Then go outside, either in the day or night, call upon the energies of the Moon, the Sun, the Earth, and the Sky to assist you. Along with any other Masters that you work with and send them your intentions. Ask the Higher Beings of Light to assist you to become this new self that is occurring within you. If you have a drum, use it – let the purging begin, yell out the old energy, let it be gone. Then feel the power of the healing that will come to you afterwards. Sit on the ground or stand in water as you ground your new-found self within you. Send it to Gaia through your Earth Star as she will also feel the healing you have created.

Allow yourself to be the new essence that you desire to be as you accept more of your Higher Mind to flow into your Emotional and Mental Bodies. Notice the change that happens within you as you have just created it with the help of the Higher Ascended Beings of Light.

This is true Oneness and then you become part of it. I think this moon energy is the push that humanity needs right now.

Master Djwhal Khul shares his message for the Full Moon in July:

“The elements that this moon of Capricorn in the sun of Cancer is truly a gift to this Earth and all of humanity. It is important to realize the potential that every soul has at this time to allow themselves to change who they have been in order to find true Oneness of the Self.

“The transition of the present energies is to allow each individual upon the planet to find a part of themselves that is essentially important to their survival upon this earth. If every soul was able to look deeply within themselves and allow the old issues to surface, then there would be a shift in consciousness not just in the individual but within the collective whole.

“As we move into this moon, it is important to reflect upon the higher essence that you are becoming. How often is this occurring within your emotional and mental bodies? Are you able to ascertain the positive parts that you can embrace in order for the healing that needs to occur?

“This process of Rebirth is a very important one. The entire planet is going through an overhaul of the old energies in order for the acceleration of Gaia to be created.

“As each of you experience this energy, please know that you are assisting humanity to do the same. The process of renewal is right at your fingertips as the change is occurring as we speak.

“Look deeply within yourself to truly find the spark of beauty that is trying to come within you. This is why you are going through the Rebirthing process ~ you are being challenged to see your Highest Good in order to allow the rest to be purged. It is a process of stepping into the fire of renewal in order for the light your soul inhabits to become one within your physical self.

“I ask you to call upon the Keynote for this month:” As I rebirth my four-body system, I build a house of light in which I think, feel, and act upon in my world.”

“The rebirth of your physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies will allow you to hold a higher frequency of light within you. Allow the energies of this cycle to help you do so. You are being prepared for a magnificent journey of the Higher Self.

“I walk with you each moment,

“I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service”.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

*Note: The free open Global Online ceremony for the Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony with Walking Terra Christa is on Saturday JULY 10TH at 10:00 am Pacific time. Donations requested by those who are able. It includes channeling and blessings from Master Djwhal Khul, the Native Elders, Lady No Eyes, and White Buffalo Calf Woman. Click here to join.

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