Monthly Channeling, Copyright © Dianne Robbins
Trees are Living Libraries
By Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos located inside the Center of our Earth.
Our Dear Readers: I am Mikos, introducing you to the Tree People living among you.
The Tree People are very Lighted Beings, and you can see how their auras fill the sky in towers of light waves radiating from their inner essences. They are tubes of light, carrying vast amounts of information and folklore to disseminate to humans on Earth, if only humans would tune into their frequency and connect with them on their wavelength. This is easy to do. You just call on the Trees and invoke their presence, and ask them to transfer their library to your vast vault inside yourself. Your vault is practically empty, so you have much storage room inside, just waiting to be filled with documents containing the mysteries of life - all the mysteries you haven't as yet been able to unravel in your closed states of existence.