sábado, mayo 31, 2014
EL LINAJE de Jesus y Maria Magdalena
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María Magdalena,
Natalie Glasson – Soul Connection Power By Archangel Michael – 31 May 2014
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AA MIguel,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Natalie Glasson
Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Archangel Adrigon: On Free Will and Choice - May 31, 2014
Archangel Adrigon: On Free-Will and Choice
Greetings, it is I, Lord Adrigon, presiding over the Pleiadian High Council and many other councils, as well. It is with great reverence and joy that we continue our discussions.
Last night, as our scribe communicated with her Sirian friend (who is also incarnated on GAIA) she realized that she has been recording our words for quite some time. We first came to her as the collective “voice” of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. And even earlier in her experience, one day out of curiosity she asked the air, knowing that someone was listening, “Who sent me here?” And promptly, she received the answer, “The Council of Nine.” She was able to accept that answer despite having no knowledge, whatsoever, of the Council before that very day. Her heart knew, even if her mind was unable to comprehend.
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AA Adrigon,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Elizabeth Ayres Escher
More healing codes – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 31, 2014
My beloved child, my son Raphael gave you
already some codes for healing purpose and for transmutation of harmful
substances in your food. From me, you know also the codes for
improvement of your drinking water. Today I will give you still more
codes which you can all use for healing. They are suitable for adults,
children and babies and animals alike. They have a fail-safe safety feature that makes them safe in their application.
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Divina Madre,
El Gran Cambio,
Herramientas para la Ascensión,
María Isabel Henn,
St Germain via Goldenlight 5-31-14: Hold Fast The Finish Line is in Sight
Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this credit without alteration when reposting this message.Dear friends, I just received a vision of all of us running a long-distance marathon with this entire RV/GCR process and with us being in the final last small stretch with the finish line in sight.
Hello St Germain, I’m picking up on a vision of us being at the finish line…
Yes and as you know and have sensed there are many thousands now who have been participating in this collective manifestation since we last spoke.. YOU ARE ALL STILL IN THE PROCESS OF MANIFESTING THIS GLOBAL ABUNDANCE IN THE NOW TIME AND NEARING THE FINISH LINE NOW. Many, indeed hundreds of thousands of people, started visualizing and manifesting this collective co-creation since my collective manifestation message.. And this has created a cascading, catapulting energetic force to be reckoned with wherein your energetic powers of creation have catapulted events toward the successful conclusion of this global manifestation of abundance.. You are now entering the time of its deliverance and the new time of money wherein it will be used for beneficial purposes.. Those of you who have invested in this will be a part of this new paradigm..
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Mother Mary: You Touch Source With Your Deep Reverence of Yourselves and Others – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – May 31 2014
Mother Mary:
Hello Sweet Ones. I come before you and within you today to bring sweet refrains of Love Essence that you are delving into and refining ever so much. I bow to your essence as you bow to mine and together we mesh in sweet abundance of Love everlasting.
Come with me now as we go deeper into your Love Essence, into your sweet all-encompassing abundantly-aware LOVE, for you are ready now to go deeper and to own more of your essence, your sweet essence of LOVE everlasting.
The fabric of your life is changing, dear ones. You can feel it, I am sure. You have entered a new sojourn, a new level of refinement. Have you noticed, dear ones, that you are more refined in your capture of your Love Essence?
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El Gran Cambio,
Fran Zepeda,
Madre María
viernes, mayo 30, 2014
Selacia – Mastering Fluctuating Emotions – 30 May 2014
Especially now, given the
latest cycle of more supportive energies, you may be wondering when
things will calm down and what you can do to restart a more sustainable
forward momentum.
In this article, I will help you understand why you feel like you do,
the big picture of what’s really going on, and how to ride our current
energy wave more skillfully.
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac – Fly Freely – 30 May 2014
When was the last time you sat back and watched the sunset? How long has it been since you stared up at the night sky, enjoying the universe’s beauty?
How often do you let yourself kick back, cut loose, or generally enjoy this existence? How often does most of humanity attune to the voice of spirit and let that voice flow with information and insight that helps them along their growth?
Not very often.
Unfortunately, most of humanity’s stuck in a rushed, busy, materialistic existence that keeps them from opening up to the amazing things spirit has to offer, but those of us who are starting to become aware can take a different route.
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac
Suzanne Lie – The Arcturians Speak – Layers Of Reality – Higher Light YouTube – 30 May 2014
If you look at the fourth-dimensional lower astral pane and the lower survival levels of the third-dimension, you can see that the cabal is still in control on those frequency layers of reality. In fact, many of those who desire power-over others have migrated to these lower levels of reality because they cannot tolerate the higher light that is flowing deeper and deeper into Gaia’s third and fourth dimensional layers of reality.
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El Gran Cambio,
Suzanne Lie
Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Archangel Adrigon: You are here out of Love - May 30, 2014
I AM Lord Adrigon. I preside over the Pleiadian High Council and serve with the other Archangels who are perhaps more familiar to many of you. Archangel Zadkiel is my brother. We are what you would call Pleiadian Angelics and can move through many dimensions and be in many places at once. My great mothership, The White Winds, is stationed within your solar system, parked in front of your sister planet, lovely Venus. The White Winds is but one of many motherships stationed nearby, but one of the largest, being some 3,000 miles in diameter.
Right now, myself and my brother and sister Archangels, are assisting the three waves of Light-workers as has been identified through the work of Dolores Cannon, a true pioneer.
Many of the first wavers have already left the planet and many will be leaving in the next couple of years, depending on the focus of their mission here. It is a job well done by these… and yet, there are many of this group who have not yet awakened enough to realize that they are a light-worker. These ones have little understanding that just by being here, they have graced the world with their light.
We understand that to learn that you are soon to leave can bring up even more “stuff” than you have already experienced, yet leaving doesn’t mean your body will necessarily “die”.
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Suzanne Lie - HigherLight
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Suzanne Lie
Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – June 2014 – You Are A Powerful Center Of Energy – 30 May 2014
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we wish to discuss the powerful center of energy that you are and how you can use this for highest good.
You are a powerful center of energy. You have within your Being a great force of energetic potential. You radiate waves of energetic vibration out from you in concentric circles wherever you are. You are radiating this energy when you are sitting still as well as when you are walking around in a crowd.
You are a constant source of flowing energy that reflects your internal state of being.
Your internal Being acts as a transformer that harnesses the waves of energy and imprints them with your own personal signature before these energetic waves flow out from you wherever you go.
Therefore, you act as the operator of your own personal power plant. The energy in itself is neutral, and you determine its quality as it flows out from you. Whatever you have in your heart and mind will determine what you send out. The vibrations that flow out from you are constantly changing depending on your own internal state of being.
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Karen Dover - Stepping into the LIGHT of TRUTH - May 30, 2014
It is important, indeed it is vital at all moments of all moments to be consciously aware of how you FEEL, this may seem a very obvious statement but remember within the old 3D earth created reality you are TAUGHT to ignore how you FEEL and concentrate on what appears to be placed before you. This way of “living” is now fully negated in the New Earth frequencies however habits are hard to break and this is but a habit. It is important to understand that routine is not your friend at any moment, within the old 3D earth created reality you are TAUGHT to look for repeating patterns of behaviour and sync with them, this is NOT allowing flow, this is containment, it is akin to putting a fence around your garden and then building the fence and re-inforcing the fence daily. This of course at a very human conscious waking mind level energetically works to keep new experiences FROM FLOWING.
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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 30 May 2014
We observe what you call the “hotspots” of
negative energy brought about by the confrontation of groups that have
different aims in life. Some choose to impose them on others with the result that
clashes take place that often lead to a serious outcome. These are yet further
lessons for all concerned until they realise that differences must be settled
through peaceful negotiations, and are the only way forward. Man has almost
always sought to settle differences through the use of threats or violence to
gain his own way. The message that peaceful negotiations are the only way to
achieve a peaceful settlement is just beginning to be accepted, and the people
are leading the way.
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Federación Galáctica,
Mike Quinsey,
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2014
Beloved Masters, in your mind’s eye,
however you perceive, envision that you are viewing the Earth from a
great Light ship, and together we, the angelic Forces and the multitude
of universal Light Beings who represent our Father/Mother God, are
bringing forth the energetic vibrational patterns of the wondrous Divine
schematic in preparation for humanity’s inhabitation of the Earth.
During the intricate, complex stages of preparation, great sentient
crystals were implanted deep within the Earth in strategic places around
the planet. A portion of each huge crystal rose from the Earth’s
surface as a sentinel which radiated energy and information out into the
cosmos, as well as functioning as a receiver of Divine Light, Wisdom
and Power from our Father/Mother God. Over the many aeons of time, as
Earth changes took place whereby mountain ranges rose into the skies,
land masses sank beneath the waters, and continents shifted and changed
shape, most of those great crystals were shattered and buried deep
within the Earth and the waters. However, many remained intact deep
within the waters, in great caverns, and many more lie close to the
surface of the land hidden only by a thin covering of earth or
vegetation, waiting for you to discover them and bring forth their
powerful gifts and ancient memories. They are the Earth’s Seed Atom Record-Keepers, and you hold the key
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AA MIguel,
El Gran Cambio,
Ronna Herman
jueves, mayo 29, 2014
Twin Flames Don’t Hurt One Another – Multidimensional Ocean - May 29, 2014
It is important to understand for me that very little twin flame material available is helpful and genuine. It is an experience that goes beyond rationality, beyond love, it bends all 3D rules, but is has nothing in common with usual man/ woman carry on in life.
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El Gran Cambio,
Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
Wes Annac - The Spirit World Chronicles: More on the Presence of Deceased Friends and Family – Part 7 – Conclusion - May 29, 2014
Concluded from Part 6
We live for a long time here on earth, but when we’re back in a higher state of consciousness, our time here will seem miniscule.
We’ll have far more interesting and amazing experiences in the realms beyond than we do on earth, and before we know it, centuries of earth time will have gone by, which we’ll have used to explore our spirituality. By this time, we’ll be much, much further along our growth, and we’ll be able to look back on our lower-dimensional experiences with love and appreciation.
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac
Jahn J Kassl - 30. Mai 2014 "TELOS-WILLKOMMEN IN AGARTHA", NEUERSCHEINUNG - Telos Welcome to Agartha -

Buch ab sofort erhältlich:
"Bei allen Menschen, die sich für den
Aufstieg bereithalten, werden in diesen
Tagen die Herzen geöffnet. Die allmächtige
Kraft der Liebe erfüllt die Menschen und
strömt in die Welt hinaus.
Ehe sich
der Aufstieg vollendet, vollenden
sich die Heilungen an den verwundeten
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El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl,
The Titanic Sinking - Rothschild and Rockefeller Conspiracy
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Economía Mundial,
Crazy!2 UFO Enters into a Cigar Shaped Mothership in South Africa
Parece verdadero - It seems real - Ángeles de Crystal
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Agenda21, How does the government want you to think. Part 2
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Agenda21, How does the government want you to think. Part 1
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The Golden Light Channel - Morning Messages ~ Cosmic Gateway - May 29, 2014
Message 15
Cosmic Gateway Portals
exist in every form and on every level of awareness. Portals exist in
all timeframes and dimensions. Portals can be subtle, obvious, hidden
and secret.
A portal offers entry into another space, another state of
consciousness, another reality or hologram/hologame. The fabric and
weavings of your planetary energy fields are interlaced with portals.
The human body has multiple portals; the name you have given these body portals is chakra. It is through the body portals that energy and information is acquired. They open and close much like camera lenses.
The human body has multiple portals; the name you have given these body portals is chakra. It is through the body portals that energy and information is acquired. They open and close much like camera lenses.
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SaLuSa – “Torpedoes of Love” – May 17, 2014 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar
Gabriel – Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original do SaLuSa, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
In response to the opening of a great portal, recently, an immense amount of Light outpoured over the Earth, triggering a series of small events still not perceived by humanity due to the particularity of them. These small events were triggered within your media that were invaded by the Light and the representatives of these large corporations are now in a great dilemma: to continue with the censorship imposed by the dark ones, who no longer has the authority of before any more or start in small steps, transmissions that will begin to alert the public about what is happening on Mother Earth and on the Solar System.
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Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 29 May 2014

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AA Gabriel,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Marlene Swetlishoff
Fran Zepeda – Lady Master Venus: You Are Pure Creative LOVE – 29 May 2014
Hello, I AM Lady Venus. I speak from this channel’s heart today. I appear before her in blue translucent light and bring much Love to her and to you all today.
You have embarked on this journey of LOVE and as such it is becoming more and more transparent to you of its many facets and its depths, its sweet deliverance of feelings you have not tapped into since the early days of your creation.
You are returning now, dear ones. You are arriving at a new plateau, new heights of what Love is for you. It does not ask anything of you. It does not require anything of you. It just requests that you swim inside it. That you embrace it, that you revel in all its facets and depths.
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El Gran Cambio,
Fran Zepeda
Wes Annac – We’ve Created A Culture – 29 May 2014
This is an introductory article to The Culture of Awareness, which is the blog I’ve created to replace The Aquarius Paradigm.
All around this evolving planet, people are awakening to the
existence of spirit and the necessity to move beyond our old and
instated ways of being, and as they do, they seek likeminded people who
are aware of the same things as them.The conscious community is growing by the day, and we’re contributing to the blossoming movement of seekers who understand that we’re spiritual beings having a human experience. Plenty of people have proclaimed their dissatisfaction with the broken manner in which our planet currently functions, and we’re influencing the rest of humanity like never before.
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac
KAI Luz de Sirio -Proyecto Conciencia Solar, Quinta meditación mensual: Apertura a la integración con GAIA y el Cristal Atlante Lemuriano de las Islas Canarias - May 29, 2014
Como preambulo y antes de iniciar la canalización con el Maestro Jesús, de manera personal quiero agradecer, honrar y reconocer la amorosa Sabiduría de mi Amada Ornai, ya que la maravillosa conversación que sostuvimos bajo la sombra de un árbol en la Abadia de Glastonbury permitió que una gran Puerta de Luz y Amor se abriera en mi corazón y sin duda alguna, toda lo que me compartiste en aquella conversación dió paso a esta canalización.
GRACIAS INFINITAS por siempre ser el Faro que ilumina mi camino. Que tu sabiduría continue irradiando y elevando. Amor y Gratitud desde mi corazón.
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Kai Luz de Sirio
miércoles, mayo 28, 2014
The book is presented with the Light Reading, on 30.05.2014 in Vienna.
Lemuria and Atlantis
the vastness of creation, there is no essence,
is no culture, that would equal the human expression,
one and nothing in life can compete with the human race
the courage and ability to love! Because it is you who have
the separation of the source of all life, you have
the absolute darkness, and that you have exposed
to this trip without no return guarantee with
your soul.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl,
The change has arrived - Marc Gamma ~ 05/28/2014
Can you feel it ? You know? Change is finally a reality. We arrived in the New Energy of the New Age.
We, I mean all of us are finally where we want the creation. With targeted messages, with lots of energy, many light workers and great support at many levels of spiritual hierarchy, we made the big goal . We are now bent on this so-called stretch finite and can now fully concentrate on our individual ascension us.
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El Gran Cambio,
M. Gamma
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los Cinco Obstáculos Para Despertar - Vladivostok, Rusia - 10 de mayo de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Así, este día llega a su fin. Mi socio se aparta y lo que sigue es un mensaje para ustedes; un mensaje que les damos a ustedes y a cualquiera que escuche.
Antes de comenzar: ¿cuántos de ustedes comprenden verdaderamente que Dios está en su interior? ¿Qué significa esto? Les hablo ahora desde el otro lado del velo, con la pureza del amor, no como instructor sino como parte de la Fuente Creadora que desea conocerlos mejor. Que el Espíritu de Dios se pose sobre este lugar, un espesor de Divinidad para que ustedes sientan la integridad de este mensaje y comprendan su propósito de manera que podamos conocerlos mejor. Ese es el único propósito.
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martes, mayo 27, 2014
The Organic Human (Activating Rainbow DNA)
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El Gran Cambio,
Magenta Pixie,
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: I give a Light Reading in a very beautiful room with a
vaulted ceiling that seems to be located in a castle. The location
is immersed in a very mild and pleasant yellow-golden-white light.
There are many human Beings, yet nobody is capable of being quiet
and sitting still. All talk to each other just like at a fair. I have the
impulse to send them away, however I decide to sit down and to
observe what happens. Among the human Beings I recognize those
I would never expect at a Light Reading; unreflecting yet intelligent
looking human Beings who rarely are familiar with spirituality or with
the transformation. A woman huffs and spouts out the sentence,
“what a vibration”.
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Asana Mahatari,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl
Jennifer Hoffman - Moving On By Moving Up - May 27, 2014
While it feels like we’re in a long, slow and sometimes
never-ending process of evolution and ascension, we are making a lot
more progress than we realize. Because we are in the process, we are
less aware of our results than if we were casual observers, rather than
active participants. If it appears that we’re going in circles, we are.
But the circles are getting smaller and the doorways out of the circle
are more frequent if we learn one thing, the way out of the circles or
cycles is to shift our energy and we move on by moving up.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jennifer Hoffman
EirePort - Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension - May 27, 2014
Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension.
Selected individualized groups are in place to create lower atmospheric attenuation and eduction into Higher Mind.
Transference from platform to platform occurs with great ease at this time.
Elevation of humanity to Hue-manity on “mass” scale occurs is accelerated.

Selected individualized groups are in place to create lower atmospheric attenuation and eduction into Higher Mind.
Transference from platform to platform occurs with great ease at this time.
Elevation of humanity to Hue-manity on “mass” scale occurs is accelerated.
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Activación de Portal,
Michael Tsarion - The End of Evil
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El Gran Cambio,
Michael Tsarion,
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Anti-Monsanto protests hit streets around the world
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Méline Portia Lafont - Archangel Metatron ~ Why is this happening or not happening? - May 27, 2014
Thanks to Alexander D.S for this picture
This is a message from AA Metatron about connecting with your guides. This came through after a dear sister of Light has asked me in her reading, how to "see" and how to connect with our beloved light family more clearly as this seems to be blocked in her ? This is an excerpt of her reading from Archangel Metatron that I share with you all as it may benefit you all. Thank you Katerina Z. for allowing me to share this part of your reading <3
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AA Metatrón,
El Gran Cambio,
Méline Lafont
Pope Admits Priest Pedophilia Similar to Satanic Mass
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Francisco I,
Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - May 27, 2014
It is a time for freedom, prosperity and new governance! You are not alone!..
We leave you in Joy and in the everlasting Spirit of the Almighty!..
by PAO
3 Ix, 5 Pax, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) A grand series of events is now occurring around your globe! These events mark the beginnings of certain critical projects that are to bring you freedom, sovereignty, prosperity and new governance. Our liaisons report that several groups, which comprise our Earth allies, are moving to push the dark cabal and its minions from power. Included in these projects are the means to exponentially expand a nation-by-nation common law network, and projects, which tie this network into a means to forge new governance around your globe. The prosperity projects are also readying the delivery systems that are to be the basis for declaring NESARA to come into effect. As these events get ready to surface, we are preparing to put a formal stop to an international conspiracy that has made the spraying of "chemtrails" a nearly daily occurrence. The Agarthan liaisons are also busy informing the various dark cabal leadership groups that their vile objectives are to be ended in a slew of mass arrests.
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El Gran Cambio,
Federación Galáctica,
Jerarquía Espiritual,
Sheldan Nidle
Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Eliza: On Allowing Change - May 28, 2014
Eliza: On Allowing Change
This morning I woke up with the images of a dream fast vanishing from my awareness, save one thing. In the dream, I found a white otter pup and was carrying it around like I do sometimes carry a cat in my dream. It was partially grown, definitely an otter, being white (very rare) with little paws rather than flippers (like a seal).
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El Gran Cambio,
Elizabeth Ayres Escher
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ MERCURY RETRO June 7 thru July 1, 2014 ENTERING GEMINI FULL SPEED AHEAD
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ MERCURY RETRO June 7 thru July 1, 2014 ENTERING GEMINI FULL SPEED AHEAD
Mercury retrograde is a
maintenance period, perfect for revisiting everything one has not gotten
to in the last several months. The planet Mercury is associated with
the god mercury/ Hermes who is the 'god of the unexpected' and divine
coincidences. Hermes/Mercury is the creator of new and sacred spaces.
Mercury retrograde is
inevitable regardless of our best-laid plans; we might just get a taste
of unexpected luck in a serendipitous coyote medicine type of way.
Mercury makes us go to the picnic in the pouring rain and have a great
time. It asks us to be fluid in our day and remain flexible, having as
many backup plans as it takes. Whenever things seem 'stuck,'
Mercury/Hermes introduces fluid movement laced with little chunks of
surprise. Mercury retro is all about getting unstuck in thought deed and
dreams forgotten.
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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Vanilla Box of Creation - May 27, 2014
As of late the energies have had reverse whirlwind patterns, in
other words we have all been bent in the wrong direction. New patterns
emerge as the old patterns dissolve into a fine mesh, that needs no
definition. Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we
were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of
who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine will. We always
thought we were directors and producers of our own plays but apparently
the Celestial Benefactor has more say so then we previously thought.
Free choice, free will is in very small print with lots of asterisks at
the bottom of our karmic contract.
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Brenda Hoffman - No One Can Dictate Your Joy - May 27, 2014
Dear Ones,
Even though you are familiar with the theme of new earth joy, few of you have yet dared to fully experience it.
Joy is not concentrating on someone or something and expecting that will result in pleasure.
Such is a continuation of 3D logic (or illogic!) and expecting different results. For is it not true that in your 3D life you expected to enjoy family holidays or events, the celebration of a new job or numerous other activities only to discover the opposite or something quite different was your reality?
That discovery often resulted in the sense you were not worth love or you did not know how to experience joy as others seemed to do – that somehow you were not ‘getting it’ whatever it was.
Each disappointing experience added to your self knowingness that you did not know how to live or celebrate life.
Even though you are familiar with the theme of new earth joy, few of you have yet dared to fully experience it.
Joy is not concentrating on someone or something and expecting that will result in pleasure.
Such is a continuation of 3D logic (or illogic!) and expecting different results. For is it not true that in your 3D life you expected to enjoy family holidays or events, the celebration of a new job or numerous other activities only to discover the opposite or something quite different was your reality?
That discovery often resulted in the sense you were not worth love or you did not know how to experience joy as others seemed to do – that somehow you were not ‘getting it’ whatever it was.
Each disappointing experience added to your self knowingness that you did not know how to live or celebrate life.
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Brenda Hoffman,
El Gran Cambio
Are these mystery radio bursts messages from ALIENS?
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lunes, mayo 26, 2014
Suzanne Lie – Back From Lemuria – A Morning Message – 26 May 2014
I woke up in our bed wondering if the whole event of finding the fifth-dimensional airport, going into the core of Gaia, attending the Lemurian celebration and the messages from the Arcturian, Gaia and Sanat Kumara were a dream.
“NO,” said Sandy who was still half asleep, “It was NOT a dream.” She then sat up, looked straight into my eyes and said, “Was it?’
I wanted to answer her, but heard a sentence in my mind, which felt like it was from Sanat Kumara and ran to get my computer.
“Are you getting another message?” I heard Sandy’s sleepy voice.
“Yes,” I replied, “can’t talk now.”
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El Gran Cambio,
Suzanne Lie
John Smallman – Jesus – Your Choice Is Greatly Honored And Appreciated By All In The Spiritual Realms – 26 May 2014
You chose to take part because you knew that you could be of very great assistance, and your choice is greatly honored and appreciated by all in the spiritual realms where we have full knowledge and understanding of what is required of and offered by all our brothers and sisters presently incarnate on Earth. Every one of you is highly honored and respected for your choice to be human at this point, and our love for you all knows no bounds. We thank you.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jesús-John Smallman
Pat Liles - Gemini New Moon ~ Sun and Moon 7º - May 28, 2014
Gemini New Moon ~ Sun and Moon 7º
Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 12:40 PM Mountain Time
(May 28, 6:40 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
It’s a heavily endowed Gemini moment at New Moon. The Sun entered this airy element this week enhancing our communication, networking, and mental agility. Mental stimulation, ideas and even light-hearted gossiping and catching up feel good. As the Moon adds her presence to the Sun at new Moon, our ruling planet, Mercury, will be expressing fully through the last degree of Gemini. 29º of any sign is considered a critical degree; 29º Gemini is a bridging degree holding the space between two cultures or two realities, two ideas… Between now and Full Moon, we also welcome the beginning of a retrograde Mercury cycle spanning in influence from June 7 until July 15 when it will again fully regain the place at 3º Cancer from where it began its backward-appearing journey. Most of that time will be spent in Gemini.
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Pat Liles,
Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 26 May 2014
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Aisha North,
Reporte de Energías
SaLuSa wishes to make us dream of the spaceships tonight – 26 May 2014 by Multidimensional Ocean.
Dear ground crew, this message is especially for you today. Many of you have entirely forgotten who you truly are. You have become identified with Earth’s history and personal goal. In time you will have to go within and to distance yourself from the daily activities that all humans are involved in, and to elevate yourself above those daily concerns in order to be able to see the bigger picture and to sense your part in the Earth Ascension.
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Laura Tyco,
Océano Multidimensional
Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team – Manifesting Form Through Frequency – You Do It All the “Time!” – 26 May 2014
We understand what a leap it is to begin to experience yourSelf as an energetic being who manifests form out of frequency in every moment. Is not a leap into BECOMING a powerful Creator Being that is required. That is exactly what You are and have always been. The “leap” is into BELIEVING what YOU are, and therefore becoming a CONSCIOUS and RESPONSIBLE Creator Being! In this, your Year of Integration, that is a most important leap, indeed… in truth, it is the most important one You will ever make.
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El Gran Cambio,
Judith Dagley
Denise Le Fay - Divine Push into deeper Change & Release - May 26, 2014
It has been one heck of a time lately hasn’t it? Multiple aspects of my life have been divinely exploded into further change and release since the last week of April 2014. I’m certain many of you can wholeheartedly relate.
For many the April into May 2014 energies
have been a Divine blinding blast that helped us fully see, know,
understand, standup for ourselves and our happiness and future
well-being, make adjustments and/or completely disconnect and release in
all ways from certain people/family members/friends/partners etc. if that’s
what was required of us at this time. For me it was with more family
members. Sometimes it’s easier to have loved ones die than have them
remain in-body and not progress but disintegrate even more, falling into
deeper mental and emotional sickness.
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Denise Le Fay,
El Gran Cambio
Wes Annac – The Spirit World Chronicles: More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 5 – 26 May 2014
Continued from Part 4
Joy tells us more about the interesting deathbed phenomena she’s experienced.
“I have seen a man who had been writhing
in agony suddenly grow calm, fasten his eyes with an expression of
joyful recognition on what to those observing him was only vacancy, and
uttering a name in tones of glad greeting, breathe his last breath.” (1)
This man was clearly greeting a departed friend or loved one who’d
come to see him off in his final hours of physical life, and it’s
interesting how the pain and fear completely dissolve from people who
experience this.The excitement upon discovering the fourth dimension must be wonderful. It has to be incredible to go from worrying about ceasing to exist, to enjoying a much freer and more expanded reality than we ever did on earth, and the presence of friends and relatives from our past probably makes it all the more enjoyable.
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac
If You Have and Alien Encounter, Consult a Professional - Giles Campbell
![]() |
Gile's has a degree in Zoology, a Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation Genetics |
YOU'RE driving down a long road at night, towing a boat on the back with your father beside you. Then a big, bright blue light appears just over the car to the right-hand side. It just sort of blinks on.
The orb follows the car for a few minutes before it shoots off into the distance.
You do not speak because neither you nor he can explain what it is you have seen. But for you, this is just the beginning of a series of paranormal encounters that make you begin to question your sanity.
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channeled by Jahn J Kassl
transalted by Franz
Children of Humanity,
Gods in human countenance,
Siblings of the heavenly realms:
are One! Truly, we are One with ALL-THAT-IS.
I am Archangel Raphael and it is up to me to accompany
through the coming days and weeks, to guide, to lead and provide
you with
everything you need for your salvation and wellbeing.
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AA Rafael,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Jahn J Kassl
domingo, mayo 25, 2014
The Vatican Agenda for Jerusalem – Part One
have probably never thought very much about what the Roman Catholic
Church/The Vatican thinks about "end of days" theology.
Jews themselves don't give much thought to what will happen when "Gog
and Magog" takes place. Jews don't go in for anything the least bit
"next world" but instead are firmly planted in the here and know. That's
However it doesn't matter what Jews think, what matters is what The Vatican believes, and why it believes this. Judaism, and modern Jewish thought pretty much just dismisses the basic tenets of Catholicism outright and doesn't even bother addressing the core questions of what is behind "Catholic theological claims."
However it doesn't matter what Jews think, what matters is what The Vatican believes, and why it believes this. Judaism, and modern Jewish thought pretty much just dismisses the basic tenets of Catholicism outright and doesn't even bother addressing the core questions of what is behind "Catholic theological claims."
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