domingo, diciembre 22, 2013

Tuning In - Spirit Channelers In America (Documentary)

Wes Annac - Who is Our Universal Family? – Part 3 - Dec 22, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 2
Note: My intention is to state what’s believed about the subjects discussed here and encourage you to take what resonates with you. Some of what’s discussed could seem far-fetched or hard to believe, but such is the nature of the things one can discover when taking the first steps toward enlightenment.
You don’t have to believe everything discussed here, but a growing number of people do and my aim is to present these beliefs to everyone. With everything you read, your encouraged to use your discernment.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Acturian Group – 22 December 2013

marilynraffaeleDECEMBER 22, 2013
We come to wish you all a very Merry experience in the season of Hanukkah, Christmas, or whatever you are choose to celebrate in this season. It carries an energy of joy and it matters not that some may choose to name it something other than Christmas. It is a season that promotes celebration, love, and the experiences of Oneness–the underlying energy of Christmas.
Christmas to Christians, means the birth of Jesus but many who call themselves Christians fail to look beneath the rites, rituals, and celebrations of a birth 2000 years ago, getting caught up in much of it without any deeper understanding of the core truths of the event. Rituals in and of themselves have only the importance or power they are given, for they are simply representations of deeper truths. Begin to ponder the deeper meanings of this season for the outer, material sense of anything is always an interpretation of its spiritual reality.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 381 – 22 December 2013

AishaNorthAs you have already noticed, the floodgates have been opened now, and a continuous stream of light is flooding into you all. This may manifest itself in so many ways, but first, it will as usually make itself heard in your physical body. Again we hear groans of frustration, so please trust us when we say that this is an unavoidable part of this whole process. Remember, this is not in any way done in order to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible, even if that may seem to be the case in more ways than one. But now, these heightened energies will also bring with them other, less unpleasant side-effects, if we may use such a word, and we think you will all find that these intensified physical responses will start to taper off soon, and then, these other effects will start to become more noticeable.

sábado, diciembre 21, 2013

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Celebration Of The Non-Search – 21 December 2013

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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel. Copyright 2013
From my heart I am wishing you all PEACE, HAPPINESS and the REALIZATION OF LOVE in the coming days of Celebrations!
May your heart be inspired with Beauty and Inner Fulfillment!
And may the  coming year see the liberation of humanity on a deeper level of consciousness. May there be abundance for everybody, joy, love and the freedom of choice.
My journey of passionate search for accomplishment of the “outer worlds” started to come to a halt  lately. I just stopped waiting for changes to occur. Because in any moment of waiting, in the search for betterment, we do not fully enter our own eternal Divine Depth.

Wes Annac – Gradually Shifting And Getting To Work – 21 December 2013

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Here we are, one year after the fabled December 21st 2012 date that many of us thought was going to herald a glorious and sudden shift into a higher state of consciousness.
How do you feel a year after this date, which saw some disappointed and others more motivated to glimpse the spiritual realms and create change? Personally, I feel a stronger drive than I ever did last year to create change and bring this planet into the higher vibrations, and I now recognize that a tremendous shift just can’t happen all at once.

Manipulation and its role in human society - Karen Doonan - December 21, 2013
It may seem a very obvious behaviour but manipulation is a tool of the old 3d earth, many in your waking human life experience may be trying to exert some sort of manipulation in order to keep you within the LOOP of the old 3d earth energetic frequencies. For within the old 3d earth the human race was TAUGHT to behave in certain ways in order to get their “needs met”. This is highly distorted and the New Earth frequencies are running extremely high at this time in order to ILLUMINATE that which needs to be dissolved. Manipulation is a teaching that is ingrained within the human race, it runs throughout ALL of human society and I would guide you to process this blog through the heart space for your human logical mind may try to filter out or deny that manipulation is part of your human life experience.

viernes, diciembre 20, 2013

Wes Annac – Driven And Heart-Centered Expression – 20 December 2013

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, December 18, 2013
In everything you do, remember that love is with you and that you can access and feel it, even when it seems as if your burning flame has all but gone out. Remember that the pain and stress of this experience, however strong they seem, don’t have to make you forget about love or your infinite ability to feel it.
Accessing the love of the sacred heart space can breed unending inspiration to work away for the betterment of the planet, and knowing that you’re contributing to the planetary evolution in a big way will help you feel better about being here.

You are not in any race – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn December 20, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, you are not in any race on earth. You will ascend, it is inevitable, because thy way is inevitably back to me. But it does not matter whether it is in this life or in a later incarnation. You have all eternity for it to remember, to grow and to develop your soul. But many of you will ascend in this life with or without a body into the 5th Dimension or reach a higher one. I see so many of you who have done a wonderful job on yourself or are still working on this. You will do it too, because time does not exist for it. There are so many – also young souls – who still need further growth and they will eventually get their chance.

John Smallman – Saul: All Over the World Love is Being Shared as Never Before - Dec 20, 2013

Humanity is waiting with a strong sense that something of immense importance is about to occur. It is a very unsettling feeling because you have been locked into the experience of an unchanging environment in which disagreement, fighting, and war are endemic. And yet you sense, and deep within yourselves you know, that this is all about to change.
 For eons, in your quiet and private moments, you have been longing for, hoping for, and praying for peace, harmony, acceptance, and love. But it has all seemed way beyond your reach, impossible to achieve, and it appears to the majority of you that you are unworthy and do not deserve a prize or a reward as wonderful as that. But it is your destiny. You were created in that state by God, and it is where you belong. The fact that you are not experiencing it and cannot conceive of achieving it is all part of the illusion — that strange state of anxiety and suffering in which it appears that you have your existence.

Archangel Michael ~ “THE FREQUENCY IS GOLD” through Celia Fenn - Dec 20, 2013

Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December 2013 and into January 2014, your Earth is making major shifts and adjustments in Frequency as it begins to anchor the Frequency of the Gold Ray.
The Sun has been assisting with this frequency shift, and the intense Solar activity of the last six months has been assisting in recalibrating the frequency of the Earth and allowing this new frequency to settle and anchor.
Beloved Family, we know how difficult this has been for you. As Light Family, you have had to work to hold your Light despite the challenges that have confronted you at many levels.
Now, in this month of December, you are completing the work of 2013 and beginning a new path of Manifestation and Abundance. In this message we will discuss first the shift from 2013 to 2014, and the powerful energy of the 12/12 and the Solstice, and then we will look at the incoming energies of 2014 and the role of the Crystal Children who are becoming young adults.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Solstice Energies – 20 December 2013

AishaNorthMany of you have already stepped into the fast lane, a space where time seems to stand still, and everything about you seems to do the exact opposite. For now, the changes you have gone through already will have made way for what is coming in, and as such, you will find yourself overflowing at times with all of these energetic missives hurtling at you from seemingly all directions. Our words may seem bewildering, as indeed this whole period will seem to be very bewildering to many of you, for it will be difficult to settle in and find a way to describe just what is happening within you. For as you know so well by now, the process referred to as ascension is in all aspects an internal one, whereas your entire programming is being adjusted so that you are finally able to function fully on all of your inherent abilities.

UFO Fleet Seen Over Mexico On Dec 2013, Mexican TV News

Jesus via John Smallman: Many of You are Feeling the Stress of Waiting Very Intensely - Dec 20, 2013

Jesus: Many of You are Feeling the Stress of Waiting Very Intensely. Channelled by John Smallman. December 20, 2013. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
We are very rapidly approaching the moment for which you have all been praying while strongly holding the intent to bring it about, and your prayers and intent have been and continue to be extremely powerful. You will not be disappointed. God has promised and He always delivers.
Many of you are feeling the stress of waiting very intensely, and it is causing you anxiety. Therefore you need to relax daily into your quiet inner space and allow your guides, mentors, and guardian angels to talk to you, and uplift you and inspire you as they embrace you in a loving hug.

Message From Saint Germain And Méline Lafont – Solstice 2013 ~ Merging Point And Breaking Point Of This Duality – 20 December 2013

All flows as substances of energies into the infinity of All That Is. Which means that all is in a constant change and right now the only constant thing is change as everything is moving and shifting in and out of reality into another one and so on. Nothing stops and nothing lasts, all is in movement as energy is a wave of movement and change.
The winter Solstice is again a perfect opportunity to bring that change into your life and into your reality according to what you like to see different and what you like to see as your reality. These energies are there to lend their power of manifestation, assisting you to what you seek and desire to become/to create/to BE.

Wes Annac - Planetary Healing: The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius - Dec 20, 2013

The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
Imagine a future of every citizen working together in peace and harmony to fix the problems our planet faces and enter a new paradigm based in the will of the people. Imagine peace and abundance being expressed and felt by everybody, and the resulting drive to create and be the change we want to see being stronger than it’s ever been.
Imagine anger, stress and frustration fading away and an undeniable sense of love descending onto all of us. Imagine the general pain and difficulty of our daily existence being replaced with unprecedented joy and passion to be creative and love one another.

Jonathan Goldman - World Sound Healing Day 2014

Breaking News! Massive UFO Fleet Lands on Earth, Dec 2013

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene - Awakening your ability to channel - Dec 20. 2013

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene
Dear sister and brothers, I greet you all from my heart. I am Mary Magdalene and I am not alone; I am here with many others. Today we will speak about the art of channeling. Many of you desire to channel but feel locked into self-doubt and anxiety about it. Some of you already channel but you dare not express it publicly. Today I would like to offer a different perspective on the question whether you can or should channel. I am telling you that channeling is not new to you at all; you have done it under different names in many lifetimes before this one. It is not such a big deal! Opening up to channeling is not about learning something new for you, it is about awakening skills that are familiar, even innate to you.

13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFT - Red Queen - Dec 20, 2013 - Law of Time

Opening the 7 Light Gates (2013-2020)

Seven lights are there in the Most High and therein dwells the Ancient of Ancients, the Mystery of the Mysteries, the secret of Secrets: Ain Soph. — Book of Zohar
“…the awareness awakening through the unveiling of your consciousness codes is called Resurrection … ” –Mevlana/The Knowledge Book
375587_387171544671652_1542061052_nIn order to cross the Bridge of Time into the cosmic future, we must anchor Galactic Culture on Earth.
Galactic Culture is the culture of wholeness; the culture of light. It is based on the principles of Love, Art, Time and Synchronicity. It is a planetary revolution that begins within.
In the next 7 years we are opening the 7 Light Gates that activate the interdimensional bridge of Timeship Earth. This bridge is built upon the lost knowledge retrieved by the original power of seven: seven years to build the rainbow and anchor galactic culture on Earth.

Full release of the lower dimensional frequencies - Karen Doonan - December 20, 2013
As I have already blogged the New Earth energies now increase in their frequency, for many of you the last linear 24 hours may have been challenging at various levels of your BEing.  The release of the lower dimensional frequencies is asked of by YOUr SOUL and as such the SOUL will begin to create scenarios in order for the release of these lower dimensional frequencies.  This may be during a meditation, it may be during a conversation or it may be something that appears to “wash” over you.
For me personally the last linear 12 hours have been extremely intense with little sleep, only the release of deeply held frequencies, frequencies that I had believed I had cleared. Not being able to sleep I decided to listen to some music in the early hours of the morning, then came the visions, then came the total realisation of the ROOT of the frequency that I had anchored.  I have blogged previously about the period in my life where I lost my mother suddenly to cancer and at the time was in an abusive marriage. What I was shown below all of what was playing out (for all play roles upon planet earth) was the ROOT frequency that I was trying to anchor.  It was simple “I do not want to die”.  When this phrase came into my mind and the vision that accompanied it I let go, I could hold on no longer and the tears flowed. It was like a penny dropping, the scenarios, the keeping people at bay, the “FIGHT to survive” was NOTHING to do with the people who were in my human life albeit they were reflecting back to me that which I was running.

Kara - The Solstice Gateway of 2013 – 12/21/2013 - Dec 20, 2013

Winter Solstice 2013The Winter/Summer Solstice Gateway will take place this Saturday, December 21. The 12:12 Portal and Full Moon gave us the energy to prepare for this Gateway. Between the Portal and the Gateway, we have taken another step in clearing the old 3D attitudes, beliefs and patterns in preparation for this giant leap forward into the New Earth and New Life. And in these last few days, take a good look at how you’ve shifted in just a week! With the Portal, for those who actively took part in it, we received more Soul Codes and further activated our Soul DNA. This has allowed us to have a heightened sense of Awareness that showed us where we’re holding ourselves back, has merged us more with Soul and has propelled us further in order to step through the Gateway fully ready to embrace Who we, in Truth, have always been, but have denied ourselves of that Sacred Truth.

AA Michael - There is much yet to come, but your progress is remarkable. – Ron Head - December 20, 2013

You sit today completely immersed in an energy that, although it is not completely new to you, has become so intense that you feel it continually and not only when you are meditating or sitting quietly.
Tomorrow is the peak of the solstice and the moment of these peak energies will occur then.  After that, for a while the intensity will seem to die down, but as is the case for each of these surges now, it will not reach the level it was before.  Couple that with the fact that your ability to sense them has increased each time and you will realize why you are feeling these so strongly.

SaLuSa 20-December-2013 – Mike Quinsey

The turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with religious beliefs. The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come together, and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them.

Karen Doonan - Birthing the DREAM in TRUTH - December 20, 2013
ALL races/realms are fully aware of the chaos and the unfolding of the New Earth reality as the human race now exercise their SOUL choices in their outer waking physical reality. It may be very obvious to many of you at this time who is choosing to remain within the karmic cycles and who is attempting to move OUT of the karmic cycles.  I would draw your attention to the teachings around “HUMAN FAMILY” and the distortions that are in place within these lower dimensional frequency teachings.  Many of you may begin to trigger as you read my words, many of you may go into defense of your human family and many more of you may wonder at my comment. Human “family” is a 3d overlay that was created to allow you to incarnate onto planet earth, the frequencies of the old 3d earth so low in vibration that without the 3d overlay and without the “stories” that were woven around you, through you and within you as you birthed into a human form then you would not have lasted long at all within this reality.  For at SOUL level there is only the LOVE that IS.

jueves, diciembre 19, 2013

Nancy Tate ~ Horus: Wake Up Call - Dec 19, 2013

I, Horus, am here dear ones to speak to you of the upcoming event that so many are hearing and reading about. I am here to tell you about the part we in Hollow and Inner Earth have in the coming event. It is a matter of us being at the root of what is taking place on the planet and within it. As we go about our parts in it we also are working with those of you on the surface who made this promise when you first came to this lifetime. Not only was it a promise to all of mankind, but especially to your own beingness, and to the Creator as well. It was one brought about in seeing what it could bring to the ascension of earth and all of life on it and within.

KUTHUMI, DECEMBER 5, 2013 - Marlene Swetlishoff

Wes Annac - Who is Our Universal Family? – Part 2 - Dec 19, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Continued from Part 1

I haven’t yet discussed channeling or channeled messages in depth, but they’re believed to be one potent way our Universal Family communicates with humanity.

As we expand our perception and begin to evolve, so does our ability to pick up on and bring through energy from the higher dimensions expand. We become able to maintain an active and fruitful link with the higher dimensions if we let ourselves believe such a link is real, and as a part of this process, some people will open up to what’s been called “channeling”.

Karen Doonan - Winter Equinox – dark becomes LIGHT in TRUTH - December 19, 2013
 We now approach in human linear terms the “winter equinox”, the period within the old 3d earth “calendar” that sees the shortest day of the year unfold,  symbolically the “darkest” part of the winter, from this linear day forward the days become “longer” and LIGHTER.  It is to be remembered that on planet earth at ALL times ALL is symbolic, from the labels on your clothing to the road signs, ALL are symbolic to various levels of your BEing. As you begin to awaken and anchor more and more LIGHT within the cellular structure of your human vehicle you begin to see ALL symbols in TRUTH and as you work with them then you create the miracles that you are TAUGHT within the old 3d earth CREATED reality are not possible.

-Lightenment ~ Making the Transition and Merging with Your I AM Presence - Debbie Erasmus - Dec 19, 2013

merging with your i am presenceSome of you may be feeling major discomfort in your physical bodies now as your body releases all discordant energy before its final transition back into a multi-dimensional state. Let’s expand on this and explain what we mean by discordant energy.
Your I AM Presence is the part of You that is in the higher dimensions and as such vibrates at a much higher vibrational density than your physical body. When you merge your energy, which is a process that has been happening over a long period of time, you may or may not notice physical symptoms such as body aches and pains, headaches, flu like symptoms etc. All of these symptoms are as a result of toxic waste that has been stored in the muscles and tissues of your physical body. Let’s say you took painkillers on a regular basis or smoked cigarettes during this lifetime, the bulk of this toxic waste is being stored in the muscles and tissues of your physical body now. It doesn’t matter how healthy you think you are now, this toxic waste is still sitting there. When merging with the high density energy of your Counterpart in the Spiritual Realm, all of this become discordant energy and has to be released, thus the aches and pains. Think of the law of cause and effect. Even action has a re-action.

Pronóstico Anual del Clima Cósmico para el 2014, Parte II por Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - 13 de diciembre del, 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

Edición y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola amigos. Ha entrado más información sobre el 2014 que decidí añadir una Parte II a mi pronóstico inicial. (Sigan este vínculo para la parte I). Creo que esto se debe en parte al hecho que es un Año Universal “7” que, no solo es auspicioso en muchos sentidos, sino también muy importante en mi opinión.

La razón es ésta: muchas personas han sufrido los efectos de lo que denomino ‘la Batidora Cósmica’ en el 2013 incluyéndome a mí, y pueden sentirse menos que brillantes y felices ahora. Esto se entiende perfectamente. Para quiénes han tenido un año estable y aún positivo cuéntense entre la excepción, y no olviden devolver algo de esa buena suerte a la rejilla diariamente. Les agradecemos.

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Diciembre 2013


Por Solara

Traducción: Margarita López

A principios de diciembre, se sintió como si nuestros Trenes Expresos hacia el Nuevo Paisaje llegaran a un alto repentino, pero suave. Podemos sentir los viejos vagones que están siendo retirados de nuestro Tren Expreso. Elementos que hemos llevado con nosotros durante mucho tiempo han desaparecido. Estamos soltando proyectos terminados y viejas formas de ser.

Meredith Murphy – Solstice December 2013. New Earth/New Human: Qualities Of Being – Part 1 – 19 December 2013

MeredithMurphyMessage from Archangel Michael, and the Council of Light with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Archangelic League
Greeting Dear Friends and Family of Light,
The new energies are opening up for you new qualities of being. You have been tasting these on and off for some time now, but at last the reformatting of your bodies, is for many of you front-of-the-pack awakened ones, reaching resonance with sustained experiences of these qualities.
With this availability emerging, we felt — the Council of Light, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Archangelic League — it was time to come together and speak to the New Human’s qualities in way that is clear and will distinguish this for you, from previous versions of human expression.

Shanta Gabriel – The Gabriel Messages – Can You Hear What I Hear? – 19 December 2013

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideReceiving the Gifts of This Holy Season
Dear Ones,
Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? They are inviting you into their midst. The Angels are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas.
Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of Unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.

Blossom Goodchild – 19 December 2013

bloss arizona biggerWelcome to you. I would firstly like to open my heart in Love to you … DONE! … and secondly, inquire about the beautiful magenta Pillar of Light that was captured on a photograph recently. ( See blog post This, for me, is so similar to the image you showed to me way back in 2011 when you first brought it up. Would you please confirm as to whether this is what you were speaking of … or something else?
Firstly we send Love in an abundant form to each one of you. We find it necessary to consider that which we address in terms of accuracyand we are bursting forth with our signature in this way. So yes, indeed we would say that this is the beginning of that which we were speaking of.
Meaning that there will be many more?

miércoles, diciembre 18, 2013

Earth via Pamela Kribbe: Trust the Earth - Dec 18, 2013

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Dear friends,
I am the voice of the Earth. Feel my presence here within you and beneath your feet. I am present in your body; I flow through all your cells. And it is through your body that you are connected with nature, with everything around you that grows, lives, and breathes. Become aware of the living presence of nature around you here at this moment. Feel the trees around this building, the land on which this building sets. Feel the plants, the birds, and the trees.
If you observe closely, you can sense how your presence affects those living beings, as well. Not only do you sense them, they also sense you. Even this building is alive because everything from which it was originally made contains the energies of the Earth. There is consciousness in everything around you. Matter is animated consciousness. Feel the energy, the consciousness, in this building, the history that it has and what you bring to it. You often underestimate the effect that you have just by being somewhere.

Karen Doonan - Archangeloi of the ELOHIM

Kryon Channelings – Cancun 2013 Audio – 18 December 2013

Kryon – Cancun Audio 2013 part 5 December -1
Kryon Channeling – Cancun Audio 2013 -8 December – part 2
Kryon Channeling – Cancun Audio  2013  – 9 December – Part 3
Kryon Channeling – Cancun 2013 Audio – 10 December 2013
Kryon Channeling – Cancun 2013 Audio – 11 December 2013
Kryon Channeling – Cancun 2013 Audio – Mayan Village Audio link to audiofiles

Suzanne Lie – Choosing Conscious Creation – Part 3 – Inside My SELF – 18 December 2013

SuzanneLieI took this week off to go inside to merge with my SELF. I received Choosing Conscious Creation Parts 1 and 2. This morning I received the “frosting on the cake.” My transition from sleep to a somewhat awake meditation was seamless. I only hope that my typing hands can remember what my brain cannot. To be in the NOW of that experience I will transcribe this experience in the ever-present tense of NOW.
I am within a very tall room that appears to be infinite in height. The room is somewhat square and composed entirely of windows that are covered by white gauze curtain. The curtains flow unperceptively in a loose, motionless, motion to give me the sensation of a soft breeze. However, I do not feel the breeze, as I am entirely inside of my SELF.

Mother Mary – “The Perfection of God” – December 8, 2013 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

Message Melody: Beloved Children, may the love blessings bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts. The departure of this plan, my children, it’s never easy. Always we have to leave good works behind. It’s not easy for two reasons: first, because we have this task of being the example of the Perfection of God wherever we go, for all people; the second is to keep us in this perfection, ever, to the first be fulfilled.

Wes Annac - Driven and Heart-Centered Expression - Dec 18, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
In everything you do, remember that love is with you and that you can access and feel it, even when it seems as if your burning flame has all but gone out. Remember that the pain and stress of this experience, however strong they seem, don’t have to make you forget about love or your infinite ability to feel it.
Accessing the love of the sacred heart space can breed unending inspiration to work away for the betterment of the planet, and knowing that you’re contributing to the planetary evolution in a big way will help you feel better about being here.

Anna Merkaba - Winter/Summer Solstice – The Return of the Goddess Maria – AA Metatron - December 18, 2013

wintersummersolstice copy
On the seventh day of the turning moon, an extraordinary deity shall visit the land of Israel, the land of IS-RA-EL, where her children dwell, the children that she has brought forth from the ruins of the interplanetary galaxy. The deity in question is the Maria of the southern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere of the magic of light, and love, the unconditional deity of the node that precedes the winter/summer equinox, and the Solstice experience. For the Solstice experience is the one that Is-Ra-El-ites have been waiting for, for over 4672 years.

Karen Doonan - Nephilim message for 18th December 2013

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support as the New Earth frequencies begin to rise once more, to flow across and within planet earth in order to dissolve the old 3d earth frequencies that seek to keep themselves in place. This is NOT TRUTH and is not supported in the UNIVERSE of 3 and many of you at this time may APPEAR to be walking between worlds, unable to anchor fully within the New Earth and APPEARING to still walk in the old 3d earth paradigms.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 18 December 2013

SheldanNidle11 Imix, 4 Mol, 10 Caban
Selamat Jarin! We come now to talk about a few important things so you can prepare for what lies ahead of you. A movement has begun that will lead you to prosperity and to new governance. Be aware that the world you knew since you were born is fading away by leaps and bounds. The dark cabal that has run your world for millennia is losing its grip. The first part of a global currency reset is upon you. This will alter how the world’s currencies are to be used. The next part of this monetary process will bring in the first broad stroke of the prosperity funds. These funds will be the harbinger for new governance, and this new governance will declare a grand “jubilee” to rescind all debt. Moreover, there will be a vast transformation in the banking and financial services industry that will forever change how these various financial institutions operate. These new rules will enforce policies to end the tyranny that these financial institutions spread across this globe. In its stead, freedom and personal sovereignty will blossom once again.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 18 December 2013

AishaNorthAs these energies keep burrowing deeper and deeper into your very being, you may feel yourself at a loss to explain what is going on, but you will literally feel it in your very bones that something deeply transformative is indeed going down now. For you are changing dear ones, beyond recognition, for as you open yourself fully up to this influx of light, you will be as newborn again when this whole process is over and done with. Yes, there is indeed an end to this transformation process, and even if that end may seem far, far off at the moment, know that there will come a day in the not too distant future when you will draw a deep breath and just know that “this is it, now I am the one I came here to be”. And then, you will finally be able to look back over your shoulder and contemplate the whole arduous journey you have taken to get you to that final and full version of you.

martes, diciembre 17, 2013

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Saying Goodbye To 2013!!! – 17 December 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The numerical doorways that come forth as we step into the ending of 2013 bring us to an immediate turning point exceeding the speed limit of this dimensional turnstile. Good lords is this ground hog day or what. We are like the seven stomachs of a cow chewing this past life cud over and over again. This Christmas all of us will be catapulted into the echo of past holidays. Entering and exiting all doors of the heart, simultaneously; A perpetual spiral staircase of transformation and forgiveness. The ghosts of Christmas past present and future escort you thru the quantum string theory into simultaneously lived experiences.

Wes Annac – Walking Our Talk: Unity And Division – 17 December 2013

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
As citizens of this evolving planet, we have both the right and responsibility to have a say in the decisions that are made and everything that happens.
We’re tasked with speaking up and offering our perspective on every aspect of our society, but complacency has driven most people to focus primarily on themselves and their family instead of what’s happening on the world stage.
We’ve forgotten about our oneness and continue to perceive and express division, but we’ll benefit greatly when remembering our sacred connection with each other and working together to solve our biggest social and environmental problems.

Ariah Velasquez - The Pleiadians – You are Being Transformed – 17 December 2013

Do you feel heavier since your full moon yesterday, since 12-12, or do you feel lighter? We say it is all the same as you go into the place where all is the same.  All experiences are being ushered into a state of perfect balance.  You are truly a neutral consciousness, that views all as the same, from eyes of love.  Yesterday, you were being cleared out, we say, even gutted (as it was fierce for many), of anything that blocked you from experiencing this truth.  Whatever was holding on like glue that caused you to not see the truth of the eyes of your I AM presence has been melted away. Today, you may experience this as relief, and if not relief, deep understanding of your soul patterns you agreed to experience here.

Opening Ceremonies Of The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round – Dec. 11th – 17th, 2013 – 13/13/13 – 17 December 2013

333 & 444 as it comes into full alignment on  Dec. 14th & 15th, 2013
333 & 444 as it comes into full alignment on
Dec. 14th & 15th, 2013
December 11th through December 17th are the seven days of the “Official Opening Ceremonies” of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round.
Following is an overview of what the frequencies and work of each of these seven days is about. Be sure to follow the Daily Metatronic Frequency Reports for more detail on each individual day.
Wednesday December 11th
This is the beginning day of the Opening Ceremonies of the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round. This is a day to consciously connect to this work specifically, and to make initial contact with the Multi-dimensional Group Collective Conscious Mind that has come together for this sacred work. Today the initial activation and awakening to the Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round frequencies is established and initiation starts.

Tom Kenyon – Fukushima – A Hathor Planetary Message – 17 December 2013 - Fukushima - Un Mensaje Planetario de los Hathors a través de Tom Kenyon

tomkenyonWe will divide our message into two parts. The first will deal with the escalation of your current Chaotic Node and the second with the nuclear facility at Fukushima Japan.
The Escalation of your current Chaotic Node
In relationship to previous Chaotic Nodes, this one is highly volatile.
From our perspective, the primary reason for this is related to changes in your Sun’s magnetic field. Indeed the escalation of this Chaotic Node is tied directly to the magnetic field shift that your Sun is entering.