viernes, diciembre 20, 2013
Full release of the lower dimensional frequencies - Karen Doonan - December 20, 2013
As I have already blogged the New Earth energies now increase in their frequency, for many of you the last linear 24 hours may have been challenging at various levels of your BEing. The release of the lower dimensional frequencies is asked of by YOUr SOUL and as such the SOUL will begin to create scenarios in order for the release of these lower dimensional frequencies. This may be during a meditation, it may be during a conversation or it may be something that appears to “wash” over you.
For me personally the last linear 12 hours have been extremely intense with little sleep, only the release of deeply held frequencies, frequencies that I had believed I had cleared. Not being able to sleep I decided to listen to some music in the early hours of the morning, then came the visions, then came the total realisation of the ROOT of the frequency that I had anchored. I have blogged previously about the period in my life where I lost my mother suddenly to cancer and at the time was in an abusive marriage. What I was shown below all of what was playing out (for all play roles upon planet earth) was the ROOT frequency that I was trying to anchor. It was simple “I do not want to die”. When this phrase came into my mind and the vision that accompanied it I let go, I could hold on no longer and the tears flowed. It was like a penny dropping, the scenarios, the keeping people at bay, the “FIGHT to survive” was NOTHING to do with the people who were in my human life albeit they were reflecting back to me that which I was running.
At this time in my life I am preparing to enter into another marriage, thoughts of my previous marriage came up, the fear, the control, all of which was a mirror to what was running within me. My previous marriage dissolved when my mother passed away, I felt the moment when everything shifted. It also happened when my father passed away, the moment etched within me, the moment that at 13yrs old I said to myself ”ok no longer time to be a child, time to be responsible”. Both these moments shown to me in visions again during the early hours of the morning. They have come to me over and over again as I have worked to release the frequencies within the 3d overlay but now I SEE clearly. I also realise that I cannot hold on to any of these frequencies at any level of my BEing. The release was intense, the RELIEF was intense, for I have tried for all those linear years to keep LIFE at bay, to prevent myself from living. Why? the fear of dying and leaving behind my son and my family.
I am asked by the universe at this time to accept that which is now unfolding around me, through me and within me, the letting go of the “pause” button for I pressed pause many years ago when my mother died. So overwhelmed by life and all that was shown to me I closed down. Slowly the past few years I have opened back up, I have released and I have moved but always I have kept my personal life closed down. Allowing people “in” but on my terms, the universe has placed my fiancee in front of me again and again and I have tried various ways to try to work around what I am being shown and offered. I have tried to look for the “lesson” over and over unaware and completely blind at moments to there being NO lesson for I have now released fully the karmic dimensional frequencies.
The New Earth speaks of miracles and when they appear they sometimes take the form that you least expect. I have been shown over and over that what I have manifested (for we created in heaven prior to incarnating into the old 3d earth) has arrived and that which I have sought I have found, whilst I could FEEL this, I could not SEE this and I needed to find the balance between both, to FEEL and to SEE at a human conscious waking mind level.
For those of you who are now manifesting your dream upon this planet, I would guide you to work WITH the New Earth energies as they now heighten, release the last residue and allow all to go. I am guided clearly that NOTHING from the old 3d earth can be taken into the New Earth, the release that I have undergone and the clarity of vision that has now given me has moved me out of a holding pattern that I have been running for the past 5 linear years. For in the release of the “I do not want to die” and the grief and the loss, both patterns that I have run for lifetimes, I have gained my freedom.
I have long been given the phrase over and over “DEATH is the road to awe” and it IS, for there is no death, there are teachings that TEACH us about anchoring the grief and placing a hold on our lives, it is a FEAR OF LIVING we are TAUGHT within the old 3d earth not necessarily of dying. How many of you reading this blog have placed your life on hold after “losing” a loved one? How many of you are now ready to move into full creation and to LIVE? For going through the motions of life, breathing, eating and sleeping are but PART of the human life experience, the HEART must be fully open in order for the New Earth to be manifest around, through and within you.
I closed a door in the early hours of this morning and as soon as it closed another one opened before me. I realise that I have been standing in a dark corridor, unable to find the light switch, unable to fully close the door of my “old” life for I could not fully see the door to the “new” life. Much like a child who goes through the birthing process, the movement from the womb to the outside world is through the long tunnel which is the birth canal. This is often referred to as the VOID, it is within the VOID that you find your strength and that you remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH.
For those who are preparing to close one door, please believe me when I state clearly that the moment you let it close is the moment the door before you opens and you step into a new way of living and BEing. YOU came here to this planet in order to experience this “death” in your physical waking form, the ascension of your human vehicle begins the moment you let go of all that you have been TAUGHT and remember what YOU KNOW.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan