As citizens of this evolving planet, we have both the right and responsibility to have a say in the decisions that are made and everything that happens.
We’re tasked with speaking up and offering our perspective on every aspect of our society, but complacency has driven most people to focus primarily on themselves and their family instead of what’s happening on the world stage.
We’ve forgotten about our oneness and continue to perceive and express division, but we’ll benefit greatly when remembering our sacred connection with each other and working together to solve our biggest social and environmental problems.
I think that instilled separation from one another has taken our society down a bad path. If we perceive ourselves as separate from one another and let ourselves hate any of our fellow humans instead of respecting and loving them for their individuality, we won’t be able to really act upon the unity so many people wholeheartedly believe in.
Working against each other because of our perceived differences seems counterproductive, and if we can lay down the need to put ourselves “above” another, we can diminish a powerful aspect of the divisive mindset.
Respect, encouragement and support of one another will be and are important, in my opinion, because if we can encourage each other to be creative and productive then we’ll have an entire planet of conscious, motivated people bent on welcoming a new paradigm with the effort we make.
Given that so many of us are more ready than ever to bring in a new paradigm, I think that now is the best time to “put our money where our mouth is” and focus on cultivating inner-peace and balance before emerging out into the world to be a part of the creation of a better standard of living.
However cliché what I’m about to say could sound, it’s time for us to walk our talk and really be the change we want to see. I can imagine we’ll continue to hear this as consciousness grows, and practicing it myself these days, I can say that it’s easier said than done.
I’ve been working to be a centered vessel for peace throughout my daily existence, and I’ll admit that it’s been a long journey.
However, the results that are coming forth are wonderful and nourishing for the mind, body and spirit, and reaching this place of centered stillness and completeness reignites the burning flame and inspires one to give as much as possible for the benefit of the people.
When each of us can cultivate balanced wholeness with our existence, the inner-peace we’ll find will see our perception of division and the resulting tendencies – jealousy, greed, criticism, etc. – fade away. Speaking from personal experience, I can say that they’ll probably be replaced with a strong drive to do away with hatred and love one another.
We still have a lot of positive change to make, and I think it’ll be important for every person to feel secure and blissful, and subsequently, to act upon the never-ending inspiration to be a force for positive change. The people won’t be lost for much longer, in my opinion, and I’m already starting to see signs of consciousness and love growing.
Now that swathes of people are awakening every day, those of us who’ve long known about concepts based in spirituality and unity can be active in expressing them. There are no differences between us – we’re all consciousness experiencing itself in the form of various individual creations that we perceive as different from one another.
Individuality is important, but division is bred from the assumption that being individual makes us different from one another, which is another subject for another writing.
For now, you’re encouraged to express the divine qualities as much as possible. It may not be easy at first, but we’ll be able to ease into it in due time.
Wes Annac – Ready to unite with you all in peace and wholeness. / link to original article