In everything you do, remember that love is with you and that you can access and feel it, even when it seems as if your burning flame has all but gone out. Remember that the pain and stress of this experience, however strong they seem, don’t have to make you forget about love or your infinite ability to feel it.
Accessing the love of the sacred heart space can breed unending inspiration to work away for the betterment of the planet, and knowing that you’re contributing to the planetary evolution in a big way will help you feel better about being here.
I can say from experience that it’s easy to let pain convince you that limitation and lower-dimensionality are reality, when in fact, they’re illusion.
I speak from personal experience with much of what I say, because like all of you, I’m in the middle of a potent process of personal transformation, the results of which will see me (and all of us) far more aware and enlightened than ever before.
Remembering and feeling love in the intensified ways we can now feel it is rewarding to say the least. When doing so, you can discover your ability to be a force of balance that others can benefit from, and when coupled with the discovery of the role we’ll each play in awakening the world, that love and balance will see you soar beyond your wildest dreams.
I’m starting to realize that self-discipline is an important aspect of the cultivation of love and balance. There are things we can do in the way of exercise and treating our temples a certain way, but the most important discipline is keeping balanced and centered in the face of stress, frustration or difficulty.
It’s perhaps the most difficult discipline to cultivate, but being able to will reward us immensely. I think that there’s a lot of truth to the belief that remembering and cultivating love helps us adhere to every important self-discipline in an easier way, but discipline can also help us re-access love in all of its awesomeness.
I notice that a relatively short exercise helps me get into a clear frame of mind, and staying active keeps the energy flowing and helps your vibration quicken. As I write this, I’m refreshing my mind and body with constant thought and expression.
I think that staying active breeds a continual flow of love in all of us, and it’s for this reason that I’ll recommend doing just that. If you’re drawn to writing; painting; dancing; channeling; music or anything else, you’re encouraged to throw yourself into it and create away for your personal betterment and that of the people.
Immersing yourself in what you want to do in this new time will breed a strong and clear flow of love that’ll be in constant expression through you, and as more people are beginning to learn, hard work is a good thing if the work is satisfying and fulfilling.
If you love what you’re doing, why not constantly pursue it?
If you feel committed to a certain role or calling, why not dive in head first with enthusiasm? In this time, trepidation is being replaced with excitement and willingness to embrace our creative side and express ourselves continually, and personally, I see no reason to lay down the pen or guitar except to eat, sleep and spend time with family.
Beyond the necessity to let ourselves rest now and then, why should we be stagnant any longer when so many great things remain to be done? Brilliant minds and hearts are ready to be activated and utilized in the greatest sense, so what are we waiting for?
A lot of people are more than ready to see changes to our society, but what about the immense fulfillment we’ll gain when achieving personal transformation? Perhaps our society will follow suit.
So much remains to be done in the way of personal and social change, and a brimming and opened heart space, which can be achieved with a degree of discipline and/or remaining active in self-expression, will see us enthusiastically make these changes.
Imagine working harder than you ever have before and coming away from it with the greatest sense of satisfaction and joy. Imagine working away in a fulfilled and driven manner and not wanting to stop progressing and evolving, well, ever.
Can you imagine such a time, when everyone is driven to be a part of real and lasting change? Can you imagine an infinite collective drive to welcome a new paradigm in joy and motivation? This is the future we’re entering, and it starts with us accessing the love of the heart and working away with the inspiration of the openhearted conscious seeker.
Wes Annac – Driven to help uplift as many fellow starlights as possible. / link to original article