viernes, marzo 24, 2017

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 24 March 2017

Many of you are well prepared for Ascension, but some are also lagging behind with little chance that they will really improve their position in the time that is left. However, each soul will be given every opportunity to lift themselves up, and no one else can do it for them. You have all come a long way with your experiences since the beginning when you dropped down to one of the lowest levels. The fact that so many of you have risen up whilst experiencing many tough challenges is a credit to your determination and perseverance. You will soon reap the benefit of your achievements and are to be congratulated for them. One thing for sure is that you will not have to walk this pathway again, as the time for testing in the lower vibrations has passed and you are all the greater for your achievements.

jueves, marzo 23, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Pleiadians - The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality - 3-23-17

The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality

The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

Dear, Beloved Pleiadians,
I hear the Golden Ones reminding me that we, the ascending ones, are approaching the area known as, “The Path not yet taken.” Since I am pretty sure that you, the Pleiadians, will be the first landing team to Earth, I would like to know more about this Path.

Dearest Grounded Friends and Family,
We are happy to answer any questions that you ask us. This “Path not yet taken” is the frequency of reality that resonates to the highest fourth and lowest fifth dimensional resonance.

The False Narrative (The Light Behind the Scenes)

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - March 2017

In this Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light
*** Loop In the Wheel of Fortune (boy could we all use a vowel about now!)
***Leylines and time markers wobble like buoys in the ocean
***White Buffalo Calf Woman Let your Spirits ride the tale of a rainbow
*** Sirian High Council of Light

Thx for being patient with website which is still being birthed into a new format. Right now the site is just holding its space in time on the internet until the next level is ready to be released. Bear with me as we all enter new neuro-pathways of the human brain.

From Your Hostess of Light, Gillian

Hey Ya’ll I do not know about you but my cosmic butt has been kicked so much it can wear skinny jeans! I thought that after holding and working for the light for over half a century it would get a little easier. There is no easy street in deep space for sure. Every dang molecule is battling with itself and its right to be alive in whatever form. All livingness responds to the call for regeneration. The pollywog is no longer happy being a tadpole. The caterpillar demands to become a butterfly and life demands everything else in between.


Marzo nos traerá enormes olas de Oleaje Cuántico, tanto a nivel personal como para nosotros en lo colectivo. Ya podemos sentir la energía acumulándose para esto. Como ya sabemos, todos los cambios no son necesariamente fáciles o bonitos. Nos exigen que nos saquemos constantemente las gafas distorsionadas de la dualidad y miremos MÁS ALLÁ de todas las apariencias externas. El Oleaje Cuántico nos desafía a seguir estando súper alertas de en dónde colocamos nuestro enfoque.

Hay la sensación de que todo nuestro paisaje, tanto interno como externo, se está reconfigurando enormemente, aunque algunas cosas por fuera parezcan ser iguales que antes. Cada mes de este año nos traerá más elementos que están En Juego. Sabemos que ya hemos pasado, con mucho, el Punto Sin Retorno.

Kara Schallock - El Equinoccio de marzo 2017 - 19 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Sientan detrás de las palabras. Cada palabra es una energía y hay muchísima entre estas palabras. Lean entre líneas. Sientan con sus Corazones.

Finalmente estamos aquí…en el poderoso Equinoccio. Si no se han despertado aún, lo harán; y si ya están despiertos, lo harán en mayor medida. Son conscientes de todo lo que no fluye, ¡y tienen la posibilidad de cambiarlo! Esto requiere de priorizar lo que es más gozoso e importante para ustedes. Si algo doloroso del pasado brota, posiblemente sea hora de dejarlo ir y escoger una manera diferente que esté más acorde con quien son en este momento. El Equinoccio es un momento de celebración. Tiene lugar el 21 de marzo a las 3:28 de la madrugada en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos. Es un gran salto hacia adelante para anclar lo Nuevo. Lo Nuevo es creado y ahora tomamos un gran paso manifestándolo en nuestras vidas y en el mundo. Habrá grandes movimientos al ir avanzando; tanto en la Tierra como en nosotros. Todo depende de dónde está su foco. Si está en sostener lo viejo, entonces eso es lo que se les manifiesta. Si ustedes, al igual que muchos de nosotros, escogen manifestar Paz, Gozo, Amor y Abundancia, entre otros, entonces eso es lo que se manifiesta en su vida. Creen primero; manifiesten después. Al meditar o descansar y abrir el Chacra del Corazón con la intención de recibir, así sucederá. Entonces, ponen todo en movimiento. Recuerden que ustedes están en el mundo, pero no pertenecen a él. Son Ángeles Terrestres. En la tierra como en cielo, adentro como afuera.

Ron Head - The Council – Progress - March 23, 2017

Some of you are becoming impatient. Some of you are feeling as if nothing is happening. Others are elated. What accounts for this disparity? We will say that moving from the former group to the latter should be very easy for you right now.

If you are feeling impatient you are looking outside of yourselves and not seeing change, or seeing very little of it. But here is the true state of affairs.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday March 23, 2017

The Divine Combination of faith, surrender, flow, and trust, can be viewed as a progression of a person’s awakening process. Let us explain what we mean by that.

The first step in the enlightenment process, is faith – the belief in something more than yourself. The next step of that process is starting to work with that something larger through the aspects of surrender and flow and a willingness to be led.

miércoles, marzo 22, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Our Promise to Gaia - 3-21-17

One day, a very normal person was walking
On the body of Gaia when…


Suddenly, an energy wave flowed into her HEART and MIND 
And, also, surrounded her Body.

Selacia - What's in Your DNA Akashic Records - March 22, 2017

Our world may seem turned upside down right now but your life doesn't need to be. In fact, some of your greatest breakthroughs and progress can occur during these uncertain times. In this article I'll describe the key resource that exists within your very DNA - connected to your soul's akashic records - that can help you break free from very old stuff and live more of your life purpose.

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Equinoccio de Marzo 2017: El nuevo comienzo y el "espacio vacío" - 19 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora.

Así que Amados, ahora se están acercando al primer equinoccio del año 2017. En el Norte este será el poderoso Equinoccio de Primavera, y en el Sur, el Equinoccio de Otoño. La Onda de Luz de Diamante que se libera en el momento de los Equinoccios está cobrando impulso, preparándose para traer aún más iluminación y resplandor a la Tierra.

Pero, al mismo tiempo, hay un sentimiento de vacío, de que nada se mueve hacia adelante que se traduce en la frustración, ira y impotencia para muchos de ustedes.

Hay un curso, una razón para esto. A medida que avanzan en este nuevo ciclo de Tiempo y Cambio, hay momentos de alta actividad y cambio, y hay momentos en que se les da un espacio para "respirar" y contemplar de dónde han venido y hacia dónde quieren ir con su deseo de Creación de la Realidad.

Jamye Price - Tranquilidad y Movimiento - Marzo 9, 2017

A medida que empiezas a elegir más lo que estás creando, muy frecuentemente empiezas a notar cuánto está fuera de tu control.
Observas todo lo que tú (y la humanidad) están experimentando y reconoces la falta de control, lo cual te deja confundido sobre qué puedes controlar en realidad.
Deseamos darte algunas áreas de enfoque sobre este impulso básico de buscar el control a fin de que puedas empezar a moldear tu mundo interno y sentir más del progreso de la creatividad y empoderamiento creciendo dentro de ti.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Wednesday March 22, 2017

So many enlightening human beings have regret or shame over choices they made pre-awakening. We love you for your tender hearts and accountability! But what if your darkest days were simply the starting point and you have come so far simply to experience and demonstrate the evolution humans are capable of? 

Kryon "Unexpected Change" 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Your Aura and Communication ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - March 22, 2017

Your energy field, the frequency you transmit as YOU. Going about your day, those you come in contact with are subconsciously knowing what you are transmitting. It is all in your Aura.

Your thoughts and emotions, even if felt hidden, are known energetically and subconsciously by others through the Aura.

Seeing Auras and seeing what takes place on the many levels of consciousness is profound.This truly is all energy here on Earth. Through a vast and intricate communication system of Light.

Kryon - Vancouver, Dual Channelling - 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - It's JUMP Time in Every Moment NOW - 3/22/2016

Aloha beautiful light family!

Every moment is powerful now. Every moment is one of new higher consciousness, intentional focus and conscious choice. We are at "choice point" again... Each JUMP means that everything not in alignment with your highest vibrational reality must be reviewed, adjusted (tuned/tweaked), and opening up to NEW to come forth the moment we let go of anything that we've been holding onto that needs to be released to be free....

Every energy that you hold onto, builds up inside of you. The "breaking point" necessary for that energy to break, can be easy, subtle and beautiful or it can be intense, harsh and break the energy for you.

There are many ways to do this journey. Unconscious brings forth one type of experience that we don't particularly injoy, yet is necessary to move us in a certain direction. Conscious means we are often doing the uncomfortable thing, to move the energy out, to transform the situation into one that is in-service to love and the light that we all truly are.

martes, marzo 21, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (33) - Boston, Marzo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (33)
en Boston, Marzo de 2017

Saludos, queridas damas; Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

En este momento mi socio se aleja, bien lejos. Ya lo hemos dicho; para quienes no lo oyeron: aquí no hay secretos, no realmente, pero mi socio se aleja en honor del género que se ha reunido aquí, verdadero honor. Ya dijimos antes: no se dejen engañar por la voz, es una voz masculina de un varón; que sale de un hombre. Pero el hombre no está aquí, y no recordará lo que estoy diciendo. Del otro lado del velo no existe el género, pero aquí sí. Ustedes se reúnen como un grupo de mujeres, y si consideran el último mensaje, hemos hablado sobre la recordación akáshica: ¿qué es lo que están tratando de recordar, verdaderamente. que las unificaría en una hermandad? ¿Es solo una reunión de quienes tienen algo en común, ser mujeres? ¿O hay algo más? La respuesta es que hay mucho más.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Are you Self Healing or The Healer? - March 21, 2017

Are you Self Healing or The Healer?

Every lifetime has a soul mission for healing and a life purpose designed to bring closure to the healing cycle. Every healing path mirrors your soul’s desire for wholeness, to release pain and trauma so you can know joy and peace. The release of soul groups and karmic cycles is the focus of your healing journey so that you can be complete with your karmic cycles and soul groups. You enter a lifetime for healing and to heal yourself into wholeness but when you see yourself as the healer for others, you lose the focus of your self healing purpose and become a purpose for others.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Escapar de Sí Mismo - Boston, 12 de marzo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Boston, 12 de marzo de 2017

Escapar de Sí Mismo

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y así es que finaliza la serie. Ahora hablo para los presentes en el salón. Por supuesto muchos están escuchando. Pero los del salón han sentido una coherencia en la energía; es parte del hermoso sistema de benevolencia que con el tiempo alía los corazones con el conocimiento, con la experiencia, y entonces los grupos de individuos tienden a unirse cuando han compartido las mismas experiencias unos con otros. Y tiene que ver con el amor, el conocimiento que obtuvieron; se vuelven un grupo coherente. Puede que sea un tiempo que no olvidarán; puede que sea uno entre tantos. Pero nunca habrá otro exactamente igual; por tanto es absolutamente único.

Kryon "Escape from Self" 2017


Lord Metatron brings forth an important message about the 10th Dimensional energies of the March Equinox which occurred on March 20th, 2017 at 3:28 AM PDT; 6:28 EDT, 22:28 GMT time zones. Transmitted by Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

Greetings and Blessings for a new time of arrival,

I am Lord Metatron desiring to assist you in the rebirth of change that is occurring in the planet as we speak. The Equinox of March has arrived: Spring for the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn for the Southern Hemisphere.

It does not matter where your location is concerning the present incoming energies as everyone around the world is being affected at this time to step into the next phase of their spiritual development.

As of early morning the Northern and Southern Hemispheres came into alignment to fully receive the light forces of the Solar level to be more fully initiated into existence. This occurrence has already taken place which means that the onset of the energies is already within the atmosphere of the Sun and the Earth.

Steve Rother - The Group - Triality Focus ~ Rise of the Feminine Power - March 15, 2017

Greetings Dear Ones.

I join you this day with a full and open heart, for I am Merlia. I have come to help balance your energies by returning to a centered state between the masculine and feminine. The Earth is screaming for feminine energy at this moment because the planet has been out of balance for far too long. Now there are many circumstances, opportunities and chances for you to change everything. It is very clear that you have been in a recessional wave and many of you have been quite concerned about this. You have seen things going the opposite way of what you considered to be advancement. This has occurred globally, not just in one place. Quite simply, this is happening out of fear. When humans become afraid, they step backwards in their own evolution and that is what you have witnessed on a global basis. Be assured, dear ones, we are not worried at all. Why? Because we have placed some of the most powerful people in the most critical positions at exact junctions of time and space where they can change this wave. Yes, they can shift every part of it around and turn this into an evolution.

Sheldan Nidle Update~3-21-17~Wondrous things lie just ahead.

4 Men, 18 Ceh, 3 Caban

Dratzo! There is a strange silence that permeates everything. The rascals of the night, the cabal, realize that the current period of nothingness signifies how the cabal can, to a certain extent, still control what goes on. Consequently, the Elders are cautiously monitoring the pace of change. Our liaisons still report that the process to commence a massive arrest is nearly complete. The present American de facto regime remains fully aware of its current shortcomings. The end is growing near as the current regime displays the emptiness that has largely characterized its official movements. The Light, as noted earlier, is readying itself for a possible breakthrough in due time. As usual, things are popping just below the surface. The elements of this odd reality stay as disjointed as ever. A strange sort of malaise is the dominant condition of this time. All of this is not destined to last much longer. The dark is beginning to notice the unusual rhythm that we have installed just beneath their feet. All is in divine timing and something the cabal can no longer ignore.

Kryon "The Great Escape" 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Mary - The Two Faces of God

The Two Faces of God
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary

Dear, beautiful men and women,

I am here with joy. During one of my lives on Earth, my name was Mary. I am now here with you in spirit, heart to heart. See me as an equal, as a friend, a sister. I am here in your midst with a feeling of joy and enthusiasm in my heart because I see you shine. You are open to love, the abundance that is here, partly as a result of your own creation. When people meet and share their deepest feelings, their pain, their longings, it creates a feeling of being accepted and joined together, combined with a simplicity and directness, which brings out the best in everyone. Let us celebrate that together.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers - March 21, 2017

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, fellow Light Beings!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

You have been traveling the equinox energies, and the shift in Light, as true Jedis in the making!

You are witnessing and aligning with not only Light in the sense that your cells are being transformed into higher frequencies, but Light data, in the sense that you are viewing yourselves and one another in renewed and higher ways.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 21, 2017

Dear Ones, never underestimate the positive impact of your own evolution and expansion on the whole! Every single time you choose light, love, acceptance, new belief systems, to be healed, to expand, to embrace your own divinity, to BE, you support new potentials and possibilities, through both teaching by example and anchoring higher vibrational energies. Each individual awakening supports the awakening of the whole, making your enlightenment process service to yourself, humanity, your planet, and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel

lunes, marzo 20, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - HAPPY EQUINOX ♦ NEW BEGINNINGS ON HIGHER TIMELINES NOW - March 20, 2017


Aloha beautiful galactic soul family,

Wow. Beyond Wow. This is what our new higher timelines offer us all. Pure Unity, Pure Love.

This is about YOUR Energy. All of it. Every single bit. It's been a huge phase of jumping and shifting into MUCH HIGHER TIMELINES while simultaneously releasing all not in-full alignment with our purest existence here.

So many repetitive conversations about what is going on. Collectively there is much. Observing through our higher hearts and higher mind consciousness is key in order to understand.

Every time we have a huge level-up-shift, there is a "dividing line" that occurs so all that is of the old unconscious programs can become visible and everyone can choose their new realities and let the old ones go/resolve all back into love from within.

There's been lots of moving on, lots of recognizing who is "regurgitating" old "heard", created, fixed-mindset beliefs and who is truly connected inside, listening and honoring. Many learning to trust their inner-guide/guidance, listen and honor (creating a trust relationship with their "invisible" Universe)....

Zingdad - Adamu - The Starseed Contract and Planetary Ascension

My dear friends

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation speaking to once again through my scribe, Zingdad.

Today I wish to speak directly to the Starseeds of Planet Earth. But, even if you do not think it possible that you, yourself, are a Starseed, I invite you to nonetheless read this release. I think that anyone with an open mind will find value in it!

Lauren C. Gorgo - Convergence: the implosion of past & future - March 20, 2017

Happy Equinox! We are officially and rapidly approaching a final culmination point, a major m-f merger moment and the complete split between the 3D & 5D reality programs (timelines) that will initiate the final stage of embodiment for those ready, willing & able.

This is going to amount to one power. packed. season of change.

To facilitate an ascension on this or any planet is to first become ONE with it.

The last 4 weeks were mostly spent floating-swimming-drowning in the void of our potential and yet SO unbelievably much is happening beneath the surface. Finally, the sun shifts into Aries today, the astrological new year begins, and those newly activated potentials will now begin to make their way to the physical world.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday March 20, 2017

Have you given yourself over to the full amount of help that is available to you, or have you given yourself over to the amount of help that you think is available to you? We’d like you to consider that the difference between the two may be vast, Dear Ones. ~Archangel Gabriel

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians and Our Galactic Family - Being ONE with Gaia - 3-19-17

Being ONE with Gaia

The Arcturians and Our Galactic Family
Dear Readers,

I wish to share with you that I have been moving through a deep process of transmuting my SELF into an entirely different reality. With great thanksgivings I add that the reality to which I am “moving” is the life that my true SELF has always wanted, but kept that desire as an “impossible reality” that I could only imagine and dream about.

Of course, in order for the “new” to enter, I had to first release the “old.” I will take a moment to explain that the manifestation of this shift is that I am now in the process of moving into what I would call a, “fifth dimensional community.”

Of course, it has Internet, so I can continue meeting and communicating with all of you in the same manner as always. I wanted to write this article to remind you all that our “long term dreams” CAN come true.”

The Wave (Critical Mass for Positive Polarised Charge) March Equinox 2017

Méline Porta Lafont - March Equinox ~ Compassion, Acknowledgment, Oscillating, Recycling and Intensity - March 20, 2017

Beloved Love Tribe,

As a lot of dirt, filth and lower energies are coming to the surface within each world, realm and consciousness; as each are transforming and transmuting the lower ego consciousness and the deep pains one has endured in past timelimes and moments of the Now, we are each called to embrace these processes with compassion. The Mother Mary energies are now aligning with each of you and with the Equinox gateway as this Equinox gateway is called the Gateway of compassion.

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada: You All Are Precious Jewels - 3.19.17

AUDIO: LadyNada.PreciousJewels..3.19.1
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Lady Nada. I greet you all in your divine glory, your beautiful, divine glory, your divine essence that is so eminent and prominent within you now. I greet you now, to show you how precious you are, how unique and precious you are.

I see the illumination of your beautiful unique Selves. You are all like sparkling jewels, each special and unique in your own way, illuminated by the Light of the Sun, and you shine so brightly and exquisitely, as you show your many facets of your divine essence, with all the light coming in now.

Brenda Hoffman - Rebellious You is Peeking Out - March 20, 2017

Dear Ones,

Many of you are beginning to wonder how to address your 3D concerns without continuing duality. For even within New Earth communities, there are varying messages of right and wrong, “Do this, but not that.” “Ignore your concerns if they touch 3D duality.” “Remember that you are no longer of 3D so even if participating in 3D discussions gives you joy, you must deny yourself those discussions for they only shine more light on what you don’t want.”

Even though all of the above are valid pieces of advice for the person giving the advice, that advice has nothing to do with you.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Hanging in the balance - March 20, 2017

Hanging in the balance


A pause. For breath.

Between winter and summer. Summer and winter.

Night and day. Equal.

Perfectly balanced. Motionless.

So you shift your own weight. Way forward.

Because you know.

Imbalance equals motion equals progress. 

Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

domingo, marzo 19, 2017

Kara Schallock - The 2017 March Equinox - 19-Mar-2017

Feel beneath the words. Each word is an energy; and there is lots beneath the words shared here. Read between the lines. Feel with your Heart.

We are here at last...the powerful Equinox. If you haven't awakened yet, you will; and if you have, you will awaken more. You awaken to anything that isn't flowing and you get to change it! It takes prioritizing what is most joyful and important for you. If anything of the past bubbles up that is painful, perhaps it is time to let it go and choose a different way that is more aligned with who you are now. The Equinox is a time of celebration. It occurs March 21st at 3:28 a.m. on the west coast of America. It is a big leap forward to anchor the New. The New is created and now we take a big step in manifesting it in our own lives and in the world. There will be big movements as we go forward; in Earth and in us. It all depends on where your focus is. If it is maintaining the old, then that is what is manifest for you. If you, along with so many of us, choose to manifest Peace, Joy, Love and Abundance, etc. then that is what is manifest in your life. Create first; manifest second. As you meditate or rest and open up your Crown Chakra with the intention to receive, you will. Then you put it all into action. Remember that you are in the world, but not of it. You are an Earth Angel. As above, so below; as within, so without.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday March 19, 2017

Many people have confusion over what the difference is between faith and trust. Faith is the belief in something bigger than yourself. Trust is the knowing that the something bigger always lovingly and consistently has your back.

It is trust that allows you to stay in surrender and flow long enough for the magic to happen, for the changes that you yearn for to occur, to allow your healing, and to anchor the creation of your next greatest experience.

Trust is your faith in action. It is a beautiful expression of your belief in us, and the acknowledgment of our belief in you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - March Equinox 2017 : The New Beginning and the "Empty Space"

March Equinox 2017 : The New Beginning and the "Empty Space"

So, Beloved Ones, you are now approaching the first equinox of the year 2017. In the North this will be the powerful Spring Equinox, and in the South, the Autumn Equinox. The Wave of Diamond Light that is released at the time of the Equinoxes is gathering momentum, preparing to bring even more illumination and radiance to the Earth.

But, at the same time, there is a feeling of emptiness, of nothing moving forward that translates into frustration, anger and helplessness for many of you.

John Smallman - Jesus - Know that you will awaken into unimaginable joy - March 19, 2017

Healing is occurring on a vast scale all across the planet as humanity engages with its awakening process. The news media focuses on the conflicts and political upheavals worldwide as it attempts to increase the sense of fear that is endemic all across the planet. But what they report show very clearly indeed that great changes are in progress everywhere, and these changes truly show humanity’s ongoing awakening progress. Everything that is not in alignment with Love is coming up to be acknowledged, addressed, and released, and that is what is happening. So be uplifted by the news, not depressed and worried, because what is occurring is leading humanity forwards on its collective spiritual path, not back into the darkness of the illusion.



March will bring us huge waves of Quantum Surf, both on personal levels and for us as a collective. We can already feel the energy building up for this. As we now know, all shifts aren't necessarily easy or pretty. They demand us to constantly take off the distorted glasses of duality and look BEYOND all outer appearances. Quantum Surf challenges us to continue to be ultra alert of where we place our focus.

There's the feeling that our entire landscape, both inner and outer, is being greatly reconfigured, even though some things may outwardly appear to be the same as before. Every month of this year brings us more elements which are On the Line. We know that we have already gone well past the Point of No Return.

Underground Base Wars March 2017 James Gilliland, Solreta, Pete Slattery

 Transdimensional War, White Hats, Underground Bases

There is so much going on I don’t know where to start. The Republic was restored March 15th – the Globalists finally let USA Inc die – it was totally bankrupt. The G8 meetings keep getting sabotaged by globalist moles that want America to collapse and go into total chaos. They are being dealt with. The global currency reevaluation and the new currencies backed by gold have to come forward and they will.

The white hats and generals who are honoring their oaths and maintaining their integrity are no longer playing games. Guns are being drawn. There is a grand house cleaning occurring between those loyal to the cabal: the Satanic, blood sacrificing pedophiles, and those who are loyal to God and Country. Be very clear and do not be misled as to which side of the fence you are on. Many have been part of a global psyops program and are unwittingly doing the bidding of the cabal. Do not forget they own the mainstream media. Many within that media will soon find themselves in very serious trouble.

Be very clear and do not be misled as to which side of the fence you are on.

The law, including Universal Law, is on the side of the White Hats regardless of those misusing their position and power to the contrary. The days of those loyal to the cabal are shortly numbered. There are 5th, 6th, 7th and now 8th dimensional Pleiadians here now – along with other beings up to the 13th dimension – all here to see the birthing process, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth through to the end.

Portals are opening around the world and others being closed to lower dimensions. The underground bases and Malevolent ET strongholds are being removed. No more interference will be allowed in the awakening and healing process. The benevolent ships will not land until the malevolent ETs are gone and this is well underway. They have the technologies to restore the Earth, heal and rejuvenate humanity. While it is imperative to use discernment – especially in the past – it is unwise and counter productive to demonize the benevolent Off Worlders and ancient ones based here for thousands of years. There are forces beyond our comprehension involved in this transdimensional clean up.

Many of you have been feeling something, like a great weight was lifted off your shoulders. Help has arrived in force and numbers unimaginable. That feeling is because much of the draconian grid of consciousness and technology just went down. Now with the added consciousness and energy of these higher dimensionals things will progressively and exponentially get lighter. There is a saying – resistance is futile. We have but one option if we are going to continue on Earth. Continue to heal and awaken, release the past and heal any wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. Or move on to another lesser world. Earth has chosen, does not matter how you refer to her, Gaia, Sophia, Terra she is ascending. The higher dimensional beings are here to insure this. They are the force behind the White Hats, if you want to call them Gods army it is most appropriate.

Seek Truth and Practice Kindness. When you pray and meditate ask to know. Know who you are and your part in this grand process.

Be Well,

James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel
You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest - March 19, 2017

Dear One,

Every day you receive wisdom and guidance from the Angels. Sometimes this guidance comes from those around you — friends, family, teachers, strangers or signs in obvious places. Sometimes this wisdom comes as an inner urging. Whenever you receive guidance, if you tune within, you will feel a resonance when it is coming from a place of truth. Call this your "God check." Create your own little sign that you can recognize when something is right for you. Then you have a way to really know what it is in your highest good at all times.

Entering the New Reality: EQUINOX 2017

sábado, marzo 18, 2017

Sandra Walter - Equinox Passage: Shifting to the Higher Timelines - Mar 18, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our timeline shift is upon us, already in progress and unfolding over the next few weeks (Gateway key triggers on Equinox, March 20 (3:28amPT), March 23-27, and again April 3-7.) It is a profound experience; a combination of leaving, rising, ecstasy, revelation, new sensations, and embodying at once.

After the visions of the etheric bands of light aligning for Equinox, the Solar amplification, and what is happening in the consciousness of the Light Tribe, we arrive at the point when the lower realities will be energetically cut off. We have critical mass to reveal the alternative reality of freedom, peace and Divine Love. This a Divine opportunity for Ascension, Masters.

Ron Head - The Council - Expectations - March 18, 2017
Today the channel had a conversation regarding this subject and we would like to speak further about it.

You often have expectations regarding where you want to go, where you want your path to lead to. You want to experience this. You want to develop that. Is this the right path for me? Is this the best thing for me to be doing? Why am I ‘stuck’? I’m not going anywhere. Frustrated. Frustrated. Frustrated.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Gran Escape - Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017

El Gran Escape

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Cada uno de ustedes es absolutamente único. Si pudieran medir al humano, descubrirían que cada uno es diferente. Biológicamente pueden tener las mismas cosas en el mismo lugar, pero los filtros que traen a esta reunión, a esta vida, son profundos.

Ya hemos hablado de esto antes, pero repetimos que la burbuja con que llegan los protege de todo. Los protege de lo negativo, los protege de lo positivo, traen consigo un programa previo de cómo creen que funcionan las cosas. Por lo tanto, si se les presenta algo distinto, lo juzgan desde su programa previo. No desde una concesión a lo que tal vez podría ser diferente, aceptable, sino desde lo previo.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a: "El Gran Escape" - Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Hablo a un grupo en vivo; lo que quiero decir es que esto no es una grabación. Y me doy cuenta muy bien que muchos de ustedes nunca tuvieron esta experiencia específica antes, de sentarse en una silla y sentir la energía de la canalización que está presente aquí.

Muchos han escuchado estas canalizaciones y reconocen un patrón en esta primera; es un patrón de establecer una creencia. Para muchos de ustedes la voz es la misma, casi durante dos horas hubo una presentación, y la voz es la misma de mi socio; la consciencia no lo es. Suelo decir que él se aparta. Lo que esto significa es que su semblante y todo lo que él es, se aparta de él, y él observa. No se va a tal grado que no pueda verificar lo que se está diciendo; lo recuerda. Este es el proceso llamado canalizar.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday March 18, 2017

It is your complete trust and faith that allows you to continue to move forward, even in situations you may not understand. There is always a plan in place that your soul is well aware of, that you are willingly participating in, that is serving you and all that you wish to integrate into your soul’s experiential repertoire. There is also a team of helpers at your disposal at all times to assist you in all of your experiences.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - UPDATE: YOU MUST GO BEYOND! - March 18, 2017

VIDEO (Excerpt)

Dearest brothers and sisters!

There is no way to solve the problems of this world by trying to use its own means!

If humanity wants to come out on the other side, the side of true Freedom, Light and Happiness, we must go beyond the prison of this world in its ENTIRETY. It is our promised turning point!

We are capable now to turn the wheel around, but how many truly understand what it means? Lets grow the numbers of those who understand and change the world by going beyond!

Natalia Alba - March Equinox 2017 - Stabilization, Resurrection & Personal Sovereignty - March 18, 2017

Beloved Ones,

In the last phase of this month, we find ourselves traversing the threshold that is leading us into a higher state of BEing and new ways of living in this New Cycle of our endless soul evolutionary path. For as you may already be feeling, our Planet, who has been bifurcating from old Earth for a while, is already relocating itself within a new dimension, entering into a higher space within this New Octave in which we have consciously decided to dwell.

It is during this Equinox that we will be infused with a new cosmic wave, for us to finally disengage from the old 3D frequency and its limitations. It is a time to clear old timeliness and begin to merge our frequency with that of New Terra, for the time to step into this New vibrational reality, out of space and time, is Now. This last wave, that began with the Eclipses, and that we are constantly integrating, will increase as we reach the Winter/Spring Equinox on March 20, in which, we are going to feel how our bodies also ask us for the proper stabilization, and care, after all these new codes that we are consciously embodying.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Cuando Nada (la nada) Es Sagrado - La Evolución de la Religión - Hacia la Espiritualidad

Cuando Nada (la nada) Es Sagrado
La Evolución de la Religión
Hacia la Espiritualidad
Arcángel Metatrón a través de Tyberonn

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los abrazamos en un vector de amor incondicional.

En este tiempo actual de malestar global, existe una creciente marea de resentimiento entre las religiones surgidas de Abraham. Y una de las resoluciones necesarias que con el tiempo se producirá, es la armonía entre estas 3 religiones patriarcales. Incluso lo que ustedes creen negativo, a su tiempo se resuelve en amor, aunque por un camino áspero.

Laura Pleiadian - Spring Equinox March 20th, 2017 ~ Your Original Light - March 18, 2017

Spring Equinox March 20th, 2017 ~ Your Original Light

The Sun ~ the Source of Light and Life here on Earth. Represents the Spiritual Sun, the Source of our Inner Spiritual Light. Our Soul and our journey through the seasons of the Sun, deep within us.

The Suns Movement in the sky. The Earths trip around the Sun, experienced outwardly as Astronomical events. Are experienced through the change of the Seasons ~ the two Equinoxes and two Solstices, which have long been celebrated by the Ancients here on Earth.

The Vernal (Spring) Equinox (equal light ~ day and night) in the Northern Hemisphere, is on March 20th, 2017 at 7:28 am ADT. The Southern Hemisphere will celebrate the Fall Equinox.

Judith Kusel - The Void of Humanity - March 18, 2017

The Void of Humanity

There is a general lost-ness in the human race which in truth was of their own making, when they collectively went against Divine Cosmic Laws, and in essence against their own core creation.

The lost-ness is most found in the way most yearn to be complete again, to become whole, and more than this to find true love which is lasting and not just a fleeting dream.

Deep down the Collective Consciousness reaches out to remind us of what we once had, and what we are now so desperately trying to regain. In truth we never really lost it, nor lost ourselves, we just lost the key connections and the know-how to plug ourselves into the cosmic wholeness once again, and reclaim our wholeness WITHIN.