Your energy field, the frequency you transmit as YOU. Going about your day, those you come in contact with are subconsciously knowing what you are transmitting. It is all in your Aura.
Your thoughts and emotions, even if felt hidden, are known energetically and subconsciously by others through the Aura.
Seeing Auras and seeing what takes place on the many levels of consciousness is profound.This truly is all energy here on Earth. Through a vast and intricate communication system of Light.
The person you fall in love with at first sight, or the person you cannot get away from fast enough, is, at the deeper energy levels, known to you through your energy blueprint and Aura.
How YOU relate with others through your uniqueness, radiates through your blueprint, your DNA and through the energy field around your body, your Aura.
Two people with harmonious frequencies in how they relate to others and personal preferences, values, etc all part of the uniqueness of those on Earth, are felt magnetically through the Aura.
That instant warmth, or that vibe ~ stay away, those feelings, are subconsciously known and felt through the feeling nature of consciousness, through the Aura, the energy field and vibration of all matter.
Your workplace, your home, how you are and what you truly think and feel is known by others at the deeper levels. At the deeper levels there are no secrets. It is all known.
The frequency MATCH of a partner, out of all people in the world, is the frequency vibration you have together, have had together in past lives, and now share together. This may be the perfect match, your twin flame, who deeply match on all levels.
Or a Soul mate partner, or friend, who together, are going through similar things, and shared past lives together in similar roles.
All of this is KNOWN AT THE deeper levels of consciousness.
The more you tune into your own personal feelings, around people, and get to understand and know your own inner responses, the more you will recognize personal MATCHES for you in all areas of your life.
Your job, your home, the relationships you are in.
When in temporary Soul mate relationships, when aspects are completed and you are ready to move on, the energy shift will become palpable, as a no longer match, to what you felt was ideal at one time.
As you move through life and pay attention to your inner self, your own unique way of feeling into what you feel, the more you intuitively follow your inner guidance and the energy reactions and responses within your own Aura. To all that is around you and within you.
Your Heart open or closed, is revealed in your Aura. Your entire Soul plan for this incarnation is in your Aura. When twin flames meet, there is a powerful magnetic recognition, either immediately or over time, that this match is unlike any other. The vibration together is a merged new Being that is ONE.
As many on Earth evolve into sensitive energy beings the FEEL of what truly is perfect for each unique being, as an energy match, will become a common way of deciphering the energy grid so to speak, of life on Earth.
Then life on Earth will no longer be about fitting into stereotypes of what LOOKS perfect based on mass consciousness fed ideals.
Respect of the different types of UNIQUE Beings on Earth will be the new way, and the harmony through which all the parts, are known as the way the whole flows together.
Each containing their own information so to speak, of the many worlds and dimensions, that their energy and Aura represent.
For now FEEL YOUR own Light. We are not here to change others.
We are here to BECOME aware of ourselves, our own energy and become conscious of the perfect energy matches, revealed to us in all moments.
We each are like our own living computer, interacting through a Universal energy grid. Through which we transmit. FEELING our way through, to get access to all that is for US in our own Soul Plan.
Through this awareness we truly get to KNOW OURSELVES AT the deeper inner levels.
Depth and awareness, all part of the Mastery of being conscious Beings of Light. Of Being Ascended Beings. Of Being ONE with all that we have always been and always will BE.
Throughout all levels of our eternal stream of Light Consciousness.
Present here now.
Feel the Light within you and all around you.
Feel the activation of your codes of Light.
Within all of your DNA and transmitting as the Light in your energy field for all to feel and decipher.
Your Light Body, through your HEART now!
And so it is!
In the Glory and Light of All That is, through the Divine Council of Overseers. Activating all of your inner awareness as the Light Being that you ARE.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.