Lord Metatron brings forth an important message about the 10th Dimensional energies of the March Equinox which occurred on March 20th, 2017 at 3:28 AM PDT; 6:28 EDT, 22:28 GMT time zones. Transmitted by Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.
Greetings and Blessings for a new time of arrival,
I am Lord Metatron desiring to assist you in the rebirth of change that is occurring in the planet as we speak. The Equinox of March has arrived: Spring for the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn for the Southern Hemisphere.
It does not matter where your location is concerning the present incoming energies as everyone around the world is being affected at this time to step into the next phase of their spiritual development.
As of early morning the Northern and Southern Hemispheres came into alignment to fully receive the light forces of the Solar level to be more fully initiated into existence. This occurrence has already taken place which means that the onset of the energies is already within the atmosphere of the Sun and the Earth.
Some individuals may think that this Equinox is a life changing event for humanity. In truth, it is for those that are willing to see the possibilities of the Solar dimensions of light coming into the planet. But, for the majority of souls they will look at this as just another season that is coming into fruition.
For those of you that are ‘listening’, you will accept a new part of your Being to be acknowledged in a different manner. It all depends upon if you are willing to wake up to the potential within you to see the change that is happening.
This is a very important element to consider as it brings forth great understanding of the consciousness within the physical body. Many souls will exist within their consciousness and never see that they should make changes in their thoughts or emotions that will allow them to open up a door to a great opportunity that is waiting for them.
We have to understand what has been occurring in the last few months since the Solstice. This is very important to consider – to look at the changes you may have thought about. Have you been able to act upon them?
This is the crucial line that occurs within one’s consciousness – when they realize the potential they can be and act upon that energy to assist them to make their existence better for themselves.
The Solar Light energies that are occurring today represent the light frequencies of the 10th Dimensional level to come into existence. Now this is not going to occur like a lightning storm and just change everything that you know in your world. It is a continual line of geomagnetic occurrences to assist in creating more of a balance within the entire earth. As the Northern and Southern Hemispheres came into alignment through this occurrence it represents the ability for Gaia to receive the 10th dimensional frequencies into her existence. What she does with this depends upon her consciousness that is occurring with her full body system.
This directly relates to the frequency lines around the earth and how these lines are going to change or stay the same. Each of these ley lines represent a frequency that is already in place – and moves continually around the earth. The energetic exchange of this Equinox in March represents that the Solar Frequency of light through electromagnetic waves are being infused within the present ley lines within and around the earth.
This means that the ability to access the higher realms of light through Gaia’s core is going to become more of a possibility. As the Solar Lines ignite their balance of the 10th dimension within the Earth, every soul upon the planet has the ability to awaken to greater possibilities within themselves.
This does not mean that the Earth is becoming 10th dimensional; it actually represents the fact that the windows of opportunity are becoming increasing more available for humanity to begin to access the higher 5th dimensional reality.
The infusement of these electromagnetic rays are very small and could be categorized as very small filaments of light.
This year of the earth has already shown great improvement in opening up people’s awareness to what is right and wrong and that it needs to be put in balance, but that has not occurred fully on earth at this time.
There is still duality that is occurring – people fighting for what they believe while yelling at the other side. This represents the masculine energies being very strong within the planet.
This equinox is the window of opportunity that Gaia has been asking for along with each of you. A moment in time when all can come into balance to receive the dispensation of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos of the Alpha and Omega to help align the Feminine and Masculine imbalance that has occurred upon this earth for centuries of time.
What will happen through this movement of light is many places upon the earth will have darkness as the filaments of light become increasingly charged with the higher rays. This is the beginning stage of great cleansing of Gaia’s lands within her physical body.
Souls living in these areas will also find deep healing come to them. There may be illnesses that arise so they can be healed; some individuals will fight this process and will find great turmoil in their lives. Others, that allow the healing to occur will find themselves in a much better position in their emotional bodies to bring forth the alignment of the Masculine/Feminine within the physical self.
The beauty of this movement of light is that there is now a small opportunity to see change in humanity and that is where each of you come in that are awakened and walking as an Initiate of Mastery.
You must now do your part to go deeper into yourself as the light forces are becoming ever more consistent to help you achieve the desired effect within your life. You must not think of yourself as the physical person trying to achieve ascension, but instead realize you are the one that is walking as the Initiate, learning and growing to be an Ascended Master in your lifetime.
These present energies will allow you to go deeper into your consciousness, into your thought process, and your emotions to see what needs to be changed. You then will achieve what you desire, if you believe it.
This time of renewal represents the element of ‘BELIEVE’.
What is within you that you believe to be true? Call upon that energy to help you through this next phase.
Those of you that are able to fully call upon the present energies to help you walk through a dark storm fully into the light that you are becoming, will then see the focus of light you have been looking for.
As you do this, you will help the planet tremendously as when you accept the filaments of the 10th dimensional balance of light, then you realize that the journey of the eternal self is just beginning. This will allow what you are accepting to become grounded; it will move through the ley lines of the earth so that others can also see a New Beginning* that is erupting.
All you have to do is BELIEVE it is possible.
You have to remember that this is an attunement for the Earth; it is not a physical reality that is going to change everything overnight. You are the Light Bearers and must do your work to allow this exchange of light to be fully grounded into the Earth. Without your help this movement may not go as well as we would all like.
The most important element to remember is that you are an embryo of light from the Source of Light; you have your I Am Presence, your Monad, your Higher Self, and most of all your Solar Angel that are guiding you through each moment of your existence.
Believe all these elements and you will acquire great change in your life.
What you believe can be manifested within your world. Allow this change to be a Divine Opportunity for more to come.
I walk with you, I Am Lord Metatron at your service.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
The Walking Terra Christa March Equinox Ceremony was held on March 20th, 2017 with Lord Metatron as the host. This recording is available free on our website: Free Audio-Mp3 Library.
Interested in going deeper into your consciousness to learn how the Ascension Mastery teachings of HOPE AND FAITH AND BELIEF through your SOLAR ANGEL can create higher frequency changes within you? We invite you to Enroll in a very powerful seminar class just given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey.