Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Adamu. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Adamu. Mostrar todas las entradas
viernes, mayo 01, 2020
martes, marzo 31, 2020
jueves, enero 09, 2020
Adamu: Why is The Next Release Taking SO LONG?

This is often a very reasonable question, as sometimes there are very long gaps between releases. As I write this, it has been FOUR MONTHS since my last Adamu release! In that time, my readers have not heard a peep out of me. And this is, sadly, not the first such long hiatus in my writing output. I’d love to have a regular schedule, according to which I bring out a major release each month and have some blog posts in-between - perhaps weekly. But I simply cannot get there. Until very recently I have judged myself and blamed myself for this. I felt there was something wrong with me that I needed to work on to get to a place where I was producing more regularly.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Reporte de Energías,
viernes, agosto 09, 2019
Adamu Speaks: Timelines... and the Dissolution of the Illuminati!
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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jueves, marzo 14, 2019
Adamu Speaks - The Ancient Red Vampire Update
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Ángeles de Crystal

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lunes, marzo 20, 2017
Zingdad - Adamu - The Starseed Contract and Planetary Ascension

My dear friends
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation speaking to once again through my scribe, Zingdad.
Today I wish to speak directly to the Starseeds of Planet Earth. But, even if you do not think it possible that you, yourself, are a Starseed, I invite you to nonetheless read this release. I think that anyone with an open mind will find value in it!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Semillas Estelares,
lunes, agosto 22, 2016
Zingdad - Adamu Offers a Full Political Briefing… Including the Coming Financial Reset… and the American Elections!
Greetings to you my dear friends
I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation coming to you through Zingdad.
In today’s conversation I will be offering you a briefing on the political situation in the world at present. The focus of this briefing is to offer you a comprehensive understanding of the coming financial reset. Unavoidably, we will also be discussing the coming presidential elections in America.
The topics under discussion are complex and though I will attempt to be brief, this communiqué will be a little longer than you are used to receiving from me. I do believe it will, however, be worth your while to set the time aside to digest what I have to offer. The briefing that will follow will take some focus and attention. And not all of it will be fun or exciting to read. But it is crucial that you understand what I am about to share with you. Your future, and indeed the future of your planetary civilisation, might very well depend upon it!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, agosto 20, 2016
Zingdad - Adamu on Brexit
I greet you. I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation speaking to you through Zingdad.
Today I wish to address the British vote to leave the EU. Those of you who know me might find this odd as I have never before felt the need to address specific current affairs or political issues. But what occurs now is different and notable. Allow me to explain.
My friends. This group of people whom we usually call “the Illuminati”. This group who collectively own the world’s banking system and therefore collectively own the world’s money supply and therefore collectively own the world’s resources. This group. This is not a group who is used to not getting their way. When they come to internal agreement on something, IT HAPPENS. When they disagree internally there is strife all across the globe as they vie with each other for control. Until one group wins out over another, there is once again internal agreement and then IT HAPPENS.
What I am trying to say is that this group, collectively, is like the emperor of this world. When they decide upon a decree, IT HAPPENS.
Or so it has been for a very long time. Going back to the ages of kings and emperors and to the god-kings before them. Going back, in fact, to the times of Babylon and Sumeria.
Until today.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Zingdad - An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
Greetings my friends
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.
Today I will be addressing the living
members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes
called by other names such as, the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, The
Ruling Elite, The Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I
shan’t mention.
To be clear: I am not now addressing the
rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders,
religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not
the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and
go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater
power wielded by the ones I now speak of.
But, be that as it may. The bloodline
family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today.
Though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to
many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and
Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.
So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:
My dear friends
I must begin by saying that you are seen,
known, understood and loved. Just as you are, right here and right now,
you are loved. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear me say this? There
is so much judgement of you wherever one goes, is there not? You are
labelled as “dark” and “evil” and all your actions are automatically
assumed to be “vile” and “despicable” by those who know almost nothing
of you or the long and winding tale of how things came to be as they are
and you came to be who you are.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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viernes, agosto 19, 2016
Zingdad - Adamu - An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
My Dear Friends
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation, brought to you through my dear young friend, Zingdad.
We have reached a nexus in the flow of the timelines of your reality at which it becomes important for you to understand certain crucial matters.
You need to understand why you, as Pleiadian Starseeds, are here upon earth. What your mission profile really is. And you need to understand why planet Earth and why now. You need then, also, to understand what will occur next. What’s next for Earth and what’s next for you. You need this information so that you can make an informed decision about where you will go next. What your next experience of life will be.
There is no more important decision before you that the one I am about to inform you of. So this is crucial information. I will require your patience and your attention as I lay this all out for you and remind you of all that you once knew before you entered into incarnation here upon Earth.
Firstly. Why Earth? You are a Pleiadian being. You arose, spiritually, amongst your soul family upon the Pleiades. That is your home. And you were doing sterling work in your journey towards your ultimate awakening and ascension back into the Oneness of the Monad to which we belong. You are one of our brightest and best.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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