viernes, agosto 26, 2016

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización Federación Galáctica - Agosto 23, 2016

1 Chicchan, 8 Uo, 13 Caban
¡Dratzo! Ya se está haciendo mucho progreso.
Existe entre los Ancianos y los diferentes grupos Reales una fuerte e incomprensible preocupación por la forma en que han estado fingiendo los Oscuros su derrota.
Esto ha estado muy influenciado por la forma en la que esos poderosos grupos ven esta enorme liberación de fondos.
Nuestra labor es la de demostrar que esas ideas no tienen base.
En el momento actual, nuestro programa masivo para contraatacar con éxito esas creencias sin sustancia está funcionando.
Los Ancianos ven claramente que una liberación de esta inmensa reserva de fondos no puede causar ningún tipo de fracaso.
Aunque los oscuros puedan robar alguno de esos fondos, tenemos los medios para recuperarlos rápidamente y arrestar a los implicados.
Dada esta capacidad ya demostrada, los Ancianos y las Realezas están finalmente preparados para restablecer con firmeza las fechas de la liberación.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 26, 2016

It should be evident to you that matters are drawing to a completion where “revaluation” is concerned. The hard work has been done and it now remains to announce the changes that will be the commencement of a new era for the Human Race. A very recent attempt to do so was delayed by yet another action of the dark Ones, but it was soon put right and you are once again ready to go ahead. The dark Ones are being slowly being confined but still try and prevent matters reaching the desired conclusion. However, whatever happens their ability to interfere with or delay Ascension is becoming less and less possible. At times their actions border on desperation as the net closes upon them and they fight to the last to avoid justice. However, there is no way that they can escape their fate and answer for the multitude of crimes against Humanity.

jueves, agosto 25, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - AMPLIFIED MATERIALIZATION - August 25, 2016


Aloha dear sweet Light Family of Divine Essence Love! ♥

So very much going on for all.... as each comes to understand and open up to release all that was held deep inside the physical body from all incarnations....

We are merging at an exponential rate now..... Timelines collapsing at the speed of light. All physical realities within those timelines collapse as well, so that all can activate and fully anchor their own higher existence realities here.

Any separation held within, now magnified by these high plasma energies that are present in our Galactic Atmosphere now.... Everything is magnified/amplified for total visibility.....

If PURITY is what is dominant, if Sacred Love and Respect from your CORE are present.. if you EXIST as your Soul... wide open, sharing, empowering, supporting, mastering... then you've anchored your own DREAMS in your physical reality world and you are LIVING IT in every moment.....

Lisa Transcendence Brown - August 25, 2016


High plasma energy today which is becoming a "most every day thing". The atmosphere here on NEW Earth has risen to such high frequencies and as StarGates are active majority of the time. This is beyond beautiful to experience daily... as the skies continually change, look like paintings, with new hues constantly coloring our NEW Earth realities with beautiful pinks, golds, purples, blues, reds.... The heart just explodes in gratitude....

Have a most magical day! Keep your heart open.... OPEN COMMUNICATION is KEY. LOVE .... pure love... not human love... for these are very different.... This is what makes a difference in HOW you experience everything NOW.

Here, there are no cords of attachment. There is support, respect, contributing.....

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Exteriorizar a Dios - Parte 1 - Fairfield, Iowa, el 13 de agosto de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta voz que oyen representa ciertamente a la energía de la Fuente Creadora. Para algunos eso es Dios; para otros, el Espíritu; llámenlo como deseen. Hemos hablado de qué es la Fuente Creadora, y de qué no es. Una Fuente benévola que los conoce; para algunos es increíble que un ser humano individual sea conocido por el uno - o los muchos - la sopa de la creación que fue responsable de poner en marcha al universo. Y la razón para este toque personal, podrían decir, es que dentro de ustedes hay una parte del Creador.

Ya se lo dijimos antes: el sistema se completa porque ustedes son parte de Dios. Es importante, especialmente en esta nueva energía, que realmente reconozcan y sientan esto. Otra vez retrocedemos a los antiguos, para ver qué dirían ellos. ¿Cuál es el primer sistema espiritual organizado del planeta, miles de años atrás? ¿Cuál fue la primera intuición respecto a quién era la humanidad? Y la respuesta es: Dios interior.

Suzanne Lie - the Arcturians - Inter-dimensional Portals - 8-25-16

Inter-dimensional Portals

The Arcturians through Sue Lie
Sometimes we feel as if we are on the edge of going in to and out of time.
What we have heard inside is that once we get to a certain degree of alignment with our fifth dimensional self, we begin to see reality as it is, in the NOW, instead of the third dimensional perceptions in which we view reality as it “should be,” or “where we want to be,” or “how it has been in the past.”
Right NOW, within our every thought, within every second of the time, and with every emotion, we are creating our reality. We are also beginning to discover that it is our greatest challenges that force us to follow our own destiny.
When we are able to perceive reality within the NOW, rather than some version of the past or hope for the future, we begin to realize that WE have created our life to be a reality on the edge of the NOW of the fifth dimension.
When we are standing at the edge of our octave shift into a fifth dimensional reality system, we think of that transmutation into the fifth dimension as a major reality shift. In the third/fourth dimensions we were trying to remember who we really were and why we got this Earth vessel.

Jonette Crowley - ¿Qué es el tiempo? por “MARK” - Julio 25, 2016

Traducción: Natalia Lescano
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Jonette canaliza las respuestas de “MARK” a las preguntas sobre el “Tiempo”

“El tiempo es lo que evita que todo ocurra a la vez”
– Psíquico John Wheeler

Pregunta: Si el tiempo no existe y todo ocurre en el mismo momento, ¿por qué tiene que ocurrir ahora? ¿Es lo mismo ocurriendo una y otra vez? ¿Por qué?
El Tiempo se parece mucho a los ceros que fueron inventados en vuestro sistema numérico. Los Ceros son marcadores de posición. Marcan la diferencia entre un céntimo y un trillón de dólares. Sin el cero vuestro sistema numérico no tendría sentido. El tiempo es como los espaciadores que les permiten experimentar eventos de manera que éstos no puedan colisionar dentro del Todo. En el Todo no puede haber experiencia. Cuando no hay tiempo, tampoco hay USTEDES fuera del tiempo. Cuando no hay tiempo no hay espacio. Hay solo existencia condensada. En esa existencia condensada no hay ninguna experiencia. No hay ningún experimentador. No hay observador. No hay ningún evento. De manera que los ceros fueron colocados para poder tener una experiencia de la existencia. El Tiempo fue puesto como una dimensión para que ustedes puedan entender. Pero más allá de la dimensión que incluye al tiempo, todo ESTA sucediendo ahora. Como los humanos no pueden descifrar todo lo que ocurre a la vez los espaciadores se colocan para que ustedes puedan experimentarlo.

miércoles, agosto 24, 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 22-08-16. Las principales facciones en la batalla por el planeta Tierra y su estado actual

24 Ago

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Aviso a los lectores: A menos que hayan grandes desastres, hasta el 29 de agosto este boletín contendrá material no sensible a la actualidad, pre-escrito, ya que vuestro corresponsal estará de vacaciones.

La batalla en curso por el control del sistema financiero, y por lo tanto el control sobre el proceso de decidir lo que nosotros, como especie, vamos a hacer en el futuro, está llegando a un clímax. Por esta razón, este podría ser un buen momento para ver quiénes son los actores principales y cuál es su posición.

En primer lugar, echemos un vistazo a la facción jázara / nazi que tomó el control de Europa, Japón y los Estados Unidos tras el ataque de falsa bandera del 11 de septiembre 2001 en Nueva York.

Esta facción está dirigida por George Bush padre, David Rockefeller y sus lacayos. Su plan era reducir la población mundial en un 90% por medio del hambre, la enfermedad y la guerra. Buena prueba de ello ha sido proporcionada a varias agencias de policía, militares y de inteligencia de todo el mundo.

Ya que la toma del poder nazi de los Estados Unidos se completó con la elección robada por George Bush Jr. en el año 2000, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha tratado de asesinarnos a través de la liberación de armas biológicas incluyendo SARS, la gripe aviar, el Ébola, etc.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Eclipse Cycle, and Your Innate Authority - 24 August 2016

Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Dear One,

It benefits you to listen to your heart. Your heart speaks to you and it is always orienting you to that which will move your life forward. At times you don’t trust this. You feel drawn to things you feel are a detour. Are not taking you into what you want. But we tell you clearly: your heart knows the way. Your heart in the way we mean it, is your inner knowing, your connection to your own vastness. You have this light flowing within you all the time and as a result, you can always tell what feels right to you. This is because of the true divine essence which is in you and is informed. Your Source; the essence that is you, is always up to speed with everything in Creation. So when you orient within, in any moment in time, what feels true to you, what feels right, what you can think with enthusiasm, what you can focus upon with flow and no resistance, is what will work.

Isn’t this a relief?

You don’t have to plan or figure it all out. You don’t have to have someone else tell you their way because their way is not your way.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - INFINITE EXISTENCE - August 24, 2016


As we move further into these higher frequency dimensions, your physical body is going to require more nurturing, more loving care... as integration of your multi-dimensional aspects further anchor in for you to walk as a Soul on Heavenly Earth here.

Your jobs/roles/missions all of these years are changing, transforming, evolving as you do. Your gifts, becoming more pronounced, you are returning to an INFINITE EXISTENCE where all is returned to you, by you, as you...

As you purify and cleanse your physical body vessel and it becomes a sacred temple again, as you fully love and respect yourself, your vibration raises, your consciousness expands and your entire physical body evolves as light again. Profound sacred love and respect stream through your veins, particles and every fiber of your being.....

Crop Circles 2016 - Woodway Bridge, nr All Cannings, Wiltshire, UK - 24th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Elena Kapulnik Interview Part 2 9 July 2016

Alien UFO Caught On Camera Making Crop Circles For The First Time In Stunning HD Quality

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 24/08/16

Posted on August 24, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

The Mandela Effect

martes, agosto 23, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - A Morning Message - 8-22-16


The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Imagine that you wake up, a bit late for your day, and rush to the bathroom to take your morning shower. You check the temperature and step into the shower. BUT this time, the shower feels as if the water is light.

You look up into the showerhead and have a vision that the shower is actually a Portal, and the Portal is raining down many warm streams of Light. You stand very still and allow the shower of light to cover your totally naked body.

When you enter the shower, you take nothing with you. All your possessions, or even the clothes that cover your body, remain outside of the shower, as you step inside the shower.

You are surprised to discover that, this morning, instead of seeing clear water streaming from the showerhead, you see streams of golden light. At first you are shocked and start to leave the shower, but the light/water feels so wonderful on your body.

55º ALCYON PLÉYADES - VIDEO NOTICIAS 2016: Olimpiadas Río 2016, Rusia, Clinton-Trump, OVNI

Jennifer Hoffman - Pasado, Presente e Intuición - 15 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Sería fantástico si pudiéramos borrar el pasado y empezar de nuevo, sin rastro alguno de tristeza y sin ciertos recuerdos. Pero sabemos que la vida no funciona así. Incluso cuando hemos gestionado algo de forma concluyente, el pasado vuelve a surgir cuando menos lo esperamos. ¿Por qué sucede esto? Porque el pasado sirve a un propósito útil en el presente y necesitamos esa información para tomar decisiones, a menos que queramos seguir repitiendo el pasado. Sin las lecciones del pasado, no sabríamos cuál es el mejor camino que podemos elegir hoy.

Cuando nos encontramos en un espacio de transición o en una encrucijada el pasado se vuelve nuestro mejor amigo, porque suele recordarnos lo que ya no queremos en el presente. Aunque tengamos la sensación de que esos remanentes del pasado aparecen para recordarnos en qué nos equivocamos, o las malas decisiones que tomamos, entonces nos parecían las mejores opciones disponibles. Solo después de haber vivido con ellas, ya al final de su “camino energético”, sabemos que hoy elegiríamos opciones muy diferentes. En lugar de considerarlo un fracaso, podemos verlo como un recordatorio del camino que fue mejor en aquel momento, conscientes de que ahora podemos buscar otras opciones.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción “Exteriorizar a Dios” - Fairfield, Iowa, el 13 de agosto de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos han oído esta clase de canalizaciones muchas veces y les damos la bienvenida; y luego están los que vienen por primera vez y nunca lo vieron. Siempre hay quienes vienen por primera vez. Y les decimos: ¿No es interesante ? La misma voz, el mismo intelecto, el mismo humano que hace unos momentos se hizo a un lado. ¿Cómo es posible este proceso? Les diré que lo que han percibido es lo que les dificulta reconocer esto o creerlo, porque esperaban algo distinto.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 21 al 28 de Agosto, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Todos ustedes están en medio de ingerir otro cambio de frecuencia. Está produciéndose ahora. Es mucho lo que todavía se está limpiando de sus sistemas. Deben recordar, queridos, que hay capas y capas que han sido encapsuladas, por así decirlo, que requieren una limpieza lenta, segura y suave con el fin de mantenerlos aún en funcionamiento, sin sucumbir a las energías caóticas que abundan, o que parecieran, en este mundo. Es mucho lo que saldrá en los próximos meses que hará que cada persona en el planeta, que hará que las mentes y los corazones de la gente de esta bobina planetaria, trate de absorber todo lo que se le está dando, que se le está reflejando en el mundo externo.

Jonette Crowley - La Magia de Estos Tiempos - 9 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Gisela Díaz

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Jonette canalizó el mensaje de MARK en “La Magia de Estos Tiempos” durante el seminario de fin de semana de MARK, en Octubre del 2015 en Estocolmo, Suecia.

Imagina un mundo en donde las limitaciones no existen- Jonette Crowley

El tiempo nunca había sido tan flexible y fluido como lo es ahora. Una de las razones para ello es que el gran número de seres humanos que hay en el planeta están manifestando múltiples posibilidades de creación. Esto no hubiera podido suceder cuando sólo había unos pocos millones o miles de millones de personas en la Tierra. Ahora hay más gente que como tú, se están liberando de los sistemas tradicionales de creencias, de religiones y limitaciones culturales, que por lo general son propias de gente que vive en pequeñas poblaciones. Con tu curiosidad y tu búsqueda estás creando una fluidez, una posibilidad para re-crear la humanidad, que no había sido posible anteriormente. Estás re-creando no sólo una nueva Tierra, sino un nuevo ser humano, una nueva sociedad. ¿Cómo lo haces? Siendo el NUEVO TU. El MEJOR que puedes SER. Nadie mejor que tú mismo sabe como hacerlo!

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Excerpt from Abundance For All - Chapter 5 - On Releasing the "Hard Work and Struggle" Programming - August 23, 2016

Excerpt from Abundance For All

Chapter 5 - On Releasing the "Hard Work and Struggle" Programming

[Question] I seem to be in a cycle of creating wealth, then struggle, then wealth, then struggle again. It's exhausting!

How do we create lasting abundance?

[The Collective] This is an excellent question, and one that reaches further into the nature of your reality than most understand.

You speak of creating abundance, and “create” is a beautiful word here. Note that you do not say “earn” abundance! For it cannot be “earned.” It simply is. And when you create, you are drawing into your energy field an outer manifestation of something you have called forth and claimed as both your inner and outer reality.

This energy, this vibrational frequency of abundance, is not a matter of what sort of neighborhood you were raised in. It is not a matter of how many university degrees or certifications you possess, what you studied or when or where, what you are doing now for your daily work, or the value that others place on that work.

Your True Name (Sacred Titles and Labels)

Sheldan Nidle - August 23, 2016

1 Chicchan, 8 Uo, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Much progress is now being made. There exists, among the Elders and the various Royal groups, a strong and unaccountable worry that somehow the dark had been faking its demise. This has heavily colored how these powerful groups view this enormous release of funds. Our task is to prove that these beliefs have no foundation. At the present time, our massive program to successfully counter these unsubstantiated beliefs is working. The Elders clearly see that a release of this immense stockpile of funds cannot cause any form of failure. Although the dark may be able to steal some of these funds, we possess the means to quickly recover them and arrest any who are involved. Because of this now proven capability, the Elders and the Royals are at last ready to firmly re-set release dates. Thus, we deeply feel that the global RV exchanges can actually be realized and therefore permit the complex RV process to commence. These massive exchanges can then lead to the distribution of the prosperity packages and to new governance!

lunes, agosto 22, 2016

Selacia - Love from the Other Side-Coping with Loss of Loved Ones- - August 22, 2016

Loss is an intrinsic element of life, especially now. So much is changing so fast that the very fabric of your life can look different from day to day. Not all change is experienced as loss, of course, but sometimes even the idea of another change can push your stress levels over the edge.

Our ascension into higher consciousness means that much must fall away - ways of being, old methods for communicating, and nonfunctional paradigms within relationships.

All of it can tug at your heart and create worry within your mind about your present and future. Perhaps the most devastating loss to cope with, however, is that of a loved one.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Claim Your Divinity in Each Moment - August 22, 2016

The divine path is yours within each moment, it is not your reward for living a good life or for being a source of light for the world during your life. Divinity does not live in heaven or in the afterlife; it is not part of the detached realm of Source or God or beyond the veil. You are a divine being who has chosen to enter the limitation of humanity and then integrate your divinity within your humanity to become a fully integrated expression of God as human. Suffering exists because the connection to divinity is limited. When you claim your divinity in each moment, you make each moment an outward expression of the divine within you and raise each experience to the frequency of the divine.

Shakara/Sacred Divine Feminine Healing Initiation of Love in Sacred Union


We are in the midst of a massive Paradigm Shift, moving from the old Template of Duality to the Template of Oneness. And like any birth, it is extremely messy and occasionally bloody and painful. But just as when we are giving birth to a human baby, we don't have the option to pretend it's not happening or to walk away and do something else. We have to see it through and get this baby (the New Reality) born.

A massive worldwide awakening is taking place. Our perception of reality is being challenged as never before. This will continue to escalate until one way or another, we shift Paradigms. The Great Awakening is giving us the golden opportunity to see that nothing is as it appears. And in the midst of this all, there are noticeable breakthroughs. Many people feel that they are suddenly waking up into a new world. When this happens, then we need to reset and recalibrate everything around us to align with the fresh, new energy.

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Agosto 2016 ~ EN MEDIO DE UN CAÓTICO CAMBIO DE PARADIGMA ~

Nos encontramos en medio de un masivo Cambio de Paradigma, pasando del viejo Patrón de la Dualidad al Patrón de la Unicidad. Y como cualquier nacimiento, es extremadamente caótico y en ocasiones sangriento y doloroso. Sin embargo, tal como cuando estamos dando a luz a un bebé humano, no tenemos la opción de fingir que no está sucediendo ni de irnos y hacer otra cosa. Tenemos que llevarlo a cabo y hacer que este bebé (la Nueva Realidad) nazca.

Se está produciendo un despertar masivo a nivel mundial. Nuestra percepción de la realidad está siendo desafiada como nunca antes. Esto continuará en aumento hasta que de un modo u otro, cambiemos de Paradigma. El Gran Despertar nos está dando la oportunidad dorada de ver que nada es lo que parece. Y en medio de todo esto, hay avances notables. Muchas personas sienten que están despertando de repente en un mundo nuevo. Cuando esto sucede, tenemos entonces que reiniciar y recalibrar todo lo que nos rodea para alinearlo con la energía nueva y fresca.

Benjamin Fulford 8-22-16… “The main factions in the battle for the planet earth and their current status”

Notice to readers: Unless there are major upheavals, until August 29th, this newsletter will contain non-time sensitive, pre-written material as your correspondent will be on vacation.

The ongoing battle for control of the financial system, and thus control over the process of deciding what we as a species will be doing in the future, is reaching a climax. For this reason, this might be a good time to look at who the major players are and what their position is.

First of all, let us look at the Khazarian/Nazi faction that took over control of the Europe, Japan and the United States following the September 11, 2001 false flag attack in New York. This faction is led by George Bush Sr., David Rockefeller and their lackeys. Their plan was to reduce the world’s population by 90% through starvation, disease and war. Ample proof of this has been provided to various police, military and intelligence agencies around the world. Since the Nazi takeover of the United States was completed with the election stolen by George Bush Jr. in the year 2000 the government of the United States has tried to murder us through the release of bio-weapons including SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola etc.

Brenda Hoffman - Removing Your Spacesuit - August 22, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many of you are experiencing unusual symptoms with the recent influx of Universal love energies. You are, in essence, shedding your skin which sounds as if you a part of a science fiction horror movie. Such is not at all what is happening for you have anticipated this time for eons.

You are not aware of your physical shifts because much of your shedding happens during your sleep or daydreams. Your skin and your innards, if you will, are being released so new crystalline pieces can infiltrate your system.

You are even feeling more joyful as this physical transition continues despite periods of discomfort.

Puberty would be an apt analogy. Even though your voice, body, and perceptions shifted – not always in a comfortable manner – you were delighted with the shift for it indicated you were becoming a 3D adult.

Zingdad - Adamu Offers a Full Political Briefing… Including the Coming Financial Reset… and the American Elections!

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Greetings to you my dear friends

I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation coming to you through Zingdad.

In today’s conversation I will be offering you a briefing on the political situation in the world at present. The focus of this briefing is to offer you a comprehensive understanding of the coming financial reset. Unavoidably, we will also be discussing the coming presidential elections in America.

The topics under discussion are complex and though I will attempt to be brief, this communiqué will be a little longer than you are used to receiving from me. I do believe it will, however, be worth your while to set the time aside to digest what I have to offer. The briefing that will follow will take some focus and attention. And not all of it will be fun or exciting to read. But it is crucial that you understand what I am about to share with you. Your future, and indeed the future of your planetary civilisation, might very well depend upon it!

domingo, agosto 21, 2016

Twin Flame Break Up (Losing your Twin Flame)

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love, and the joy of fulfillment is yours -August 21, 2016

Dear One,

Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle. Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you. Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory, and nature will always remind you of the beauty and wonder of Spirit.

Nature is one of the easiest ways to bask in the wonder of life. Just being aware of the miraculous occurrences in nature will stir the life force within you. There will be a reminder of times when you were a child and wonder lived at the forefront of your awareness. When you do this, your life takes on new meaning, a spacious quality of Grace.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - August 21-28, 2016

Beloved Ones,

You are all in the midst of ingesting yet another frequency shift. It is now occurring. There is much that is still being cleansed from your systems. You must remember, Dear Ones, that there are layers upon layers that have been encapsulated, so to speak, which require a slow, safe and gentle cleansing in order to keep you still functioning without succumbing to the chaotic energies that abound in this world or seemingly so. There is much that will be coming forth in the coming months that will make each person on the planet, that will make the minds and hearts of the people of the planet reel, trying to absorb all that is being given to them, that is being mirrored to them in the external world.

It will be a time when all the people of the world will feel fragmented and unable to deal with all the changes that are taking place but ultimately all will come together in a new way, a new beginning that will truly honor each soul upon the planet. Each of you have been prepared for these times, each of you has the training, the knowledge and the ability to be of great use in keeping stability as a primary focus. It behooves you to realize that this is the function that is required during these times, that you keep a level head and try to see the higher perspective of all that is happening and maintain stability, maintain the Light.

sábado, agosto 20, 2016

Zingdad - Adamu on Brexit

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A momentous occasion, my friends!
I greet you. I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation speaking to you through Zingdad.
Today I wish to address the British vote to leave the EU. Those of you who know me might find this odd as I have never before felt the need to address specific current affairs or political issues. But what occurs now is different and notable. Allow me to explain.
My friends. This group of people whom we usually call “the Illuminati”. This group who collectively own the world’s banking system and therefore collectively own the world’s money supply and therefore collectively own the world’s resources. This group. This is not a group who is used to not getting their way. When they come to internal agreement on something, IT HAPPENS. When they disagree internally there is strife all across the globe as they vie with each other for control. Until one group wins out over another, there is once again internal agreement and then IT HAPPENS.
What I am trying to say is that this group, collectively, is like the emperor of this world. When they decide upon a decree, IT HAPPENS.
Or so it has been for a very long time. Going back to the ages of kings and emperors and to the god-kings before them. Going back, in fact, to the times of Babylon and Sumeria.
Until today.


Zingdad - An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families

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Greetings my friends

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.

Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as, the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, The Ruling Elite, The Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention.

To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of.

But, be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today. Though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.

So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:

My dear friends

I must begin by saying that you are seen, known, understood and loved. Just as you are, right here and right now, you are loved. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear me say this? There is so much judgement of you wherever one goes, is there not? You are labelled as “dark” and “evil” and all your actions are automatically assumed to be “vile” and “despicable” by those who know almost nothing of you or the long and winding tale of how things came to be as they are and you came to be who you are.

Kryon "The Future of Earth"

viernes, agosto 19, 2016

Zingdad - Adamu - An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds

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My Dear Friends

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation, brought to you through my dear young friend, Zingdad.

We have reached a nexus in the flow of the timelines of your reality at which it becomes important for you to understand certain crucial matters.

You need to understand why you, as Pleiadian Starseeds, are here upon earth. What your mission profile really is. And you need to understand why planet Earth and why now. You need then, also, to understand what will occur next. What’s next for Earth and what’s next for you. You need this information so that you can make an informed decision about where you will go next. What your next experience of life will be.

There is no more important decision before you that the one I am about to inform you of. So this is crucial information. I will require your patience and your attention as I lay this all out for you and remind you of all that you once knew before you entered into incarnation here upon Earth.

Firstly. Why Earth? You are a Pleiadian being. You arose, spiritually, amongst your soul family upon the Pleiades. That is your home. And you were doing sterling work in your journey towards your ultimate awakening and ascension back into the Oneness of the Monad to which we belong. You are one of our brightest and best.

Sue Lie - Back From Merging With The Mother - 8-19-16


Hello, dear friends.
I am finally back after a four-week vacation trekking up and now my beloved, and greatly challenged, state of California. First we had the long drought, which has, and still is, being followed by Nature’s way of clearing parched and dried plants and trees—FIRE.

I wrote some blogs at the beginning of my vacation, but as I relaxed more and more, I wrote less and less. Hence, I had a wonderful, relaxing time to reset my consciousness and come back renewed.

I found this meditation in my computer and wanted to share it with all of you. Once I am settled in, I will make a recording for it, so that you can also close your eyes and hear the message, which begins with:  
Merging With The Mother

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Excerpt from Abundance For All Chapter 4 - On Dealing with the Poverty Mindset of Loved Ones - Ausgust 19, 2016

[Question] What happens when one spouse has an abundance perspective and the other spouse has a poverty mindset?

What can someone do in that situation, to help their partner think more in terms of abundance?

[The Collective] We are quite thankful that you have raised this issue, as so many are troubled by it. For the question of how you and your loved ones—or even those who are simply in your environment each day—influence one another’s perspective and overall vibration, is a very great one.

You are correct that being around someone whose vibration is different from yours has a definite effect on the “pitch” or frequency of your own vibration. It is possible, in other words, that you would begin to worry about some aspect of your finances merely because you are daily around someone who is experiencing fear or feelings of lack in that area.

Natalie Glasson - Venus Beings - Manifesting from the Seat of Love - 19th August 2016

We, Beings of Love from Venus come forth to share our energy, light, and understanding with you. We are aware that major shifts are taking place upon the Earth now which are impacting the creation of the Era of Love. We are immensely excited as are many beings of the Universe of the Creator as a major shift concerning the Christ Consciousness has taken place supported and assisted by Master Jesus, numerous Christed Beings, and Star Beings. The Christ Consciousness vibration which was anchoring into the Earth during the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, was being drawn from a synthesis of the Planetary and Universal Levels of the Creator’s Universe. Now due to the increase of the Earth’s love quotient, the Christ Consciousness has been newly anchored from quicker frequency levels of the Creator’s Universe. A synthesis of Christ Consciousness from the Solar and Multi Universal Levels is now grounding into the Earth and humanity. This symbolises a deeper preparation, awakening, and manifestation of the Creator’s active love upon the Earth.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling His Higher Self – August 19, 2016

You who have your ears to the ground will know that “Revaluation” is so near, and together with other changes are soon to signal their commencement. A mammoth task is nearing completion and will give you undeniable proof that the Illuminati have lost their ability to dictate events according to their wishes. They will still exist as a nuisance until they are imprisoned which shall be their ultimate fate. As proof of it, moves that have been waiting for the right time can now go ahead. The negative forces delight in the publicity their actions bring about, but by no means have had things their own way. The Forces of Light continually work behind the scenes preferring to keep their intentions as secret as possible. The truth is that they are superior to the negative ones in all respects, and are able to ensure that matters do not get out of hand. They allow them to develop as planned and do not interfere with karma or the dictates of the higher Forces of Light. Be assured that whatever happens in the course of your experiences is controlled to ensure that the end times work out as planned.

Yael and Doug Powell - It Is Time to Step Forth in Service - August 19, 2016

Beloved ones, it is a moment in the world where change has come, where the hearts that are open are now in place, where your consciousness, beloved ones, holds to the high note, where everything you feel is My embrace. In this moment now, you wrap the world in tender Love and feel the blessing that touches everyone.
You recognize that your clear vision is very important, desperately needed, that you are called now to step forth and take your place as that which brings the highest Love, the clearest vision and the gift of peace to humankind.
For many of you, the journey until now has been vertical. It has been lifting up, changing your vibration, opening your heart, making your connection with Me, until you feel your true stability which always comes from anchoring into the truth of Love. And now, this has become such a part of your awareness, that you are ready to be that which anchors humankind into the truth of God, into the gifts of Love.

jueves, agosto 18, 2016

Aliyah Marr – Message for the 1st Wave Ascension Crew – Moving into 5D – by Infinite Shift – 8-18-16

Those in the forefront of the shift in consciousness have really been feeling the last bout of changes. This year has been a redux of the last six: with every past element revisiting us. Physical pain, emotional distress, and mental insecurity; all part of the last (we hope) vestiges of the dross of 3D.

The new energy pulsing from the Central Sun and delivered by our Solar partner pushes heavy carbon-based cellular debris, fear-based emotions, and eons of human history out of our bodies. This can be very painful, but it is necessary. The body is bearing the brunt of this process; the emotions kick in in response and react to what is being experienced by the physical form. Then we try to explain our emotions with a thought; justify them somehow. But the emotions are simply another form of the dross and an additional way for the heavy 3D to leave us. As I wrote in the last message, The Unraveling of the Matrix, it is the manifestation process in reverse. Just feel it and witness it.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Time is Now - Be You, and Thrive - August 17, 2016

Divine Beings of Light, We greet you in love.

You are refining your energy fields in ways that benefit you enormously. This may feel exceptionally challenging to you and we want you to know that if this is the case, it is no indication of a back-slide or veering off course. You are right on track in unfolding the pure line of your own spirit, into form and it is this acceleration in frequency and capacity for light, within your embodiment, that is manifesting as dramatic sensations and demands on your body, now.

The light within you is intelligent and coordinated with all of Creation. You are becoming free-er then you knew you could ever be. You are initiating the expression of your Christ Consciousness in form and this is opening up new avenues within your own wholeness.

Ailia is wondering if everyone is experiencing this and the answer is no, but we know who will read this message and we speak to that communion of light. So if you find yourself here, now, we affirm that you are coming into vibrational accord with that which you might think of as your higher wholeness. When we speak to you of the Christ Consciousness, we are speaking of your wholeness in the 7th dimension inclusive of all frequencies below that and in truth. We are speaking of a consciousness as frequency that is knowingly divine and references self as confident creator, as fully aware aspect of divine light and love. A presence as consciousness expressing light purely and true.

So you are opening up this capacity within human form and that is a big deal, indeed. Thus what you may be noticing as unusually demanding physical changes and strong feeling energetic downloads.

The easiest way for you to participate in this co-creation is to let yourself become aware of the vision of your higher expression and then, in any way you can, right now, step into that, and, in all ways, claim that as what you are choosing to unfold.

You see dear ones, it is up to you to decide, within your knowing and your consciousness, what gets your attention. By virtue of your attention you make something real. When you include anything in your awareness, and ponder it, reflect upon, use it as reference in making decisions and living your life, you have said, “this is what I choose as real." You then act as if you know it’s real and you make it important by focusing upon it. This is your sovereignty in action, creating your life. You set the standards for what you are available for consciously or unconsciously simply with your frequency and your choice of focus.

You can change your energy state in any moment and you can change what you're thinking or paying attention to, looking at, thinking about, the story within your mind and how you're oriented. You know this. You know that you can turn up the vibration and align with higher levels within your own wholeness. If you simply pay attention to something that makes you feel lighter, freer, happier, more whole and alive, your energy changes. If you chose that which gives you peace, your field smoothes out and your frequency rises. Any and all of these are ways to alter your vibration in ways that benefit you in that they shift you into higher frequencies.

You live your life on timelines, on pathways unfolding from the frequency of your field and you act upon ideas and beliefs about who you are, based on the frequency generated state of consciousness you are in.

All of this is quite fluid. The plasticity of this is an aspect of your freedom. You are entirely capable of inventing and recreating your state of being, continually and for your benefit, of course, if you choose. In order to attend to your frequency you have to care about it and treat it - the state of your energy - as real and important. If you want to have more energy, which is a typical request of human beings, you have to make that a priority and turn up your vibration and get into more alignment so that you might have greater energy flow. You also will notice that what you call alignment is inextricably intertwined with your frequency. You can leverage this if you understand how to come into alignment with you, and we know that you do.

The question is - are you doing it?

Most of you have these insights and have been aware of these principles for some time now…the threshold of mastery is traversed by ever-expanding elevation of your frequency. 
We are speaking recently of knowing - the ability to act upon insight. To live from what you know as truth, for this integration of what has become clear is essential to move into the potentials opening up for you now.

If you want to embody the highest potentials in your human life, if you want to be an instrument of your own Soul and the awakening, you then must master your capacity to be in accord with the higher levels of your own consciousness.  This is not about perfection, it's about devotion. Repeated attention to your energy state with care and love.

If you wish to embody your highest potentials then your energy state must be the priority...for your capacity to be you, here and now is all about your energy state. Your capacity to be in increasingly beneficial frequencies as often as possible and for as sustained a period as possible is expanded as you choose these states of being; tempering your energy field to higher light expression.

This means you will have to pay attention to you. Paying attention to you, is an act of love and the insights and capacities linked to paying attention to yourself are immense. This is why self-love is often discussed as a key to ascension. Loving yourself is essential because loving yourself is treating as real and important how you feel and what’s going on within you!

Once you chose to make your alignment, and your frequency your priority, and as you chose to notice how you feel and attend to your state of being, as a priority, you build accord with the higher levels within your own wholeness. This is the way to ascend with increasing joy and clarity, vitality and grace.

The Eclipse Cycle has begun. This sequence of transmissions can be aligned with and used for your benefit. Frequencies are pouring into your realm to support you in activating a fuller expression of your soul, your essence. The frequencies which can help you distinguish what is real and essential to you and what is distraction and supplemental, chosen because of lack and limitation, are available. The more you are in a higher state of consciousness, the more insight and knowing you will have about all of this and the more available you are to the fuller spectrum of these galactic and universal transmissions of light.

Life, Creation, is ushering you into a fuller expression of the truth of your being.

This development is a pathways you have built into, not leapt onto. Meaning - you are ready for this! You are poised to claim the fruits of your devotion to love and wholeness as you unfold in frequency along this timeline of pure awareness and clarity in accord with the vastness of your being.

The light within you is guiding you, offering the transmissions that will help you along and you can telepathically speak to this light.
It is beneficial to communicate with your own vaster consciousness and even to learn to channel your own higher levels - both telepathically in terms of understanding and receiving insight and elevated guidance, and in terms of the expression of your life.
You are here to enjoy your life and joy is alignment. They really cannot be understood separate from one another because when you are in joy you are in alignment. It is the same thing.

The truth of your being is beneficial to the harmonics of this world.
There is a vast and exquisite expression of the Creator in play here and the more fully you are here, as you and follow the truth of your being, in expression, in being, in communication, in knowing, the more the light of God is revealed!

You are showing the world aspects of the divine, that you epitomize.

You are making the Divine known, available, approachable and present, through the seemingly smallest moments of your choosing and in all ways that you are in authentic expression. This is how it is - you are an elaboration of LOVE as Divine Light and that is how you are here and so it is true, of course, that as you collapse all the distortions of your being, choosing alignment and openness, you become a pure flow of divine light and love as you; this is the truth of your being.
As you let yourself be you, fully and freely, trusting that you are innately capable of mastering the expression of that which you love and which calls to you, you enact the Creator Prophecies in Light; you become, as Christ said you would, capable of all that was expressed by other divine lights, and more. You become a Creator God in form, a divine being, expressing as truth all that you are.
It is exquisite to live this way and entirely natural and yet here? It's new! Still, there is nothing special or superlative about it - it’s who you are. You're uncovering your light and letting it shine. You’re building the physical, mental and emotional capacities to be you, here and now, fully and freely, integrating spirit with matter in profoundly expanded ways and changing the capacity for human consciousness. This is ascension and you in your embodiment are filling out the promise of ascension. The Oneness of God will be and is being revealed as the Divine flow of your light, is reinstated and reflected here.

You are bridging heaven and earth in a very literal way; as flow.
The Eclipse Cycle and the Equinox is a time frame, a series of galactic and universal transmission. These arrangements are propelling you into this fuller expression. Know that all around you and within you, intelligent light is supporting you and helping you, emanating and transmitting the frequencies and coordinating the correspondences in form, to help you line up and flow your essence, pure and clear.

We are here too, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters the Council of Radiant Light, the Star Beings and of course your own divine wholeness. We are One and the truth of all that you are, is known by us and as your sun shines into your world, as you read this transmission, as you center and come into your own inner knowing as truth, we are united again and again, through the light within us that connects us with one another and with all that is, infinitely, endlessly and beyond all time and space.

This eternalness is you too and it is always accessible within you. Your eternal nature can elevate you beyond any challenge or any sense of lack or limitation, in fact it is your eternalness which is empowering your divine embodiment.

Always remember that not only are you a divine being of love...but this game, here? You’re made for it and you’re playing it, in a very beautiful and most perfect way.

Dear friends, do let yourself soak up all we have spoken of and transmitted to you, today.

Let yourself feel the light within you and the light all around you.
Let yourself align with your knowing. Know from within that this intelligent light is present as everything before you and all that arises within you and the two know how to meet! The absolute and the distinct are intrinsically connected. The world before you and the drive within you are meant to play themselves out in endless moments of connection and amplification. Your desires are showing you the way to be you and the draw you into action that unfolds these connections along the pure line of spirit expressing infinitely. 

We encourage you, beloved ones, to finally, give up the game of being anyone other than who you know yourself to easily, authentically, genuinely be. It is natural for you to be you and thrive. Let yourself be you! It's a relief and it's the way to open up all that you are and let it flow here...and the time for that is NOW. 

I AM Archangel Michael 

Dana Mrkich - Eclipse Lunar en Acuario: Esperen lo Inesperado - 17 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mañana en la noche tenemos un Eclipse en Luna Llena a 25º de Acuario, el primero de tres eclipses en el próximo mes.

Acuario es regido por Urano, el planeta de lo inesperado y para añadir a la electricidad este eclipse está en el sextil con Urano. Eso suena algo travieso, no? Bueno los Acuarianos generalmente lo son. Les gusta hacer las cosas a su manera, definitivamente no se atienen a reglas y están aquí para ser innovadores, vanguardistas y agitadores rebeldes.

Brenda Hoffman - El Amor en 5D es una Experiencia Mayor - 15 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Los sentimientos de amor comienzan a irradiar desde su ser así como desde los demás. Aunque esperaban tal cambio, esta nueva sensación es diferente de lo que habían anticipado. Porque estaban anticipando el amor que experimentaban en 3D en lugar del amor más global que comienzan a sentir y enfrentar.

Quizás su corazón se derrita algo al enfocarse en bebés y animales. O sientan algo cálido y amoroso por otra raza que antes no aceptaban. O su visión del mundo cambia política, económica o ambientalmente. No importa porque todos son indicadores de su nuevo amor.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - An Excerpt from Abundance For All Chapter 4 - “On Changing Your Abundance Blueprint" - August 18, 2016

An Excerpt from Abundance For All
Chapter 4 - “On Changing Your Abundance Blueprint"

[Question] If it’s in your blueprint—part of the life path you chose before coming Earth—to live very simply, without much money or material things, can you change that blueprint at a soul level?

Can you revise your blueprint or design for this life, so that you can have an abundance of money and true wealth, and still be in accordance with your soul’s journey in this life?

[The Collective] We are surprised that we are not asked this question more frequently!

For most assuredly, all of you wrote many things into your “blueprint” or design for this life, and many millions—in fact, most Lightworkers—wrote in the desire for and conditions of a simple life, to aid them in detaching from the need to have numerous objects, large homes, and more money than was necessary.

Sarah Varcas - 18 Agosto 2016: Luna Llena a 26 grados de Acuario - 16 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Vivir la vida con un propósito

Esta Luna Llena, que ocurre un día antes que comience la próxima temporada de eclipses (en inglés) (del 19 de Agosto al 23 de Septiembre), es un eclipse lunar "casi pero no tanto", otorgándole una mayor influencia y una ventaja más fuerte contra la cual pulir nuestra conciencia. Las temporadas de eclipses son cosas poderosas, para ser honradas con nuestra total atención, respeto profundo y compromiso resuelto, para responder a sus dones y regalos, desafíos y obstáculos. Ellos dan inicio a todo aquello opuesto, como son los cambios demorados, las certezas sorpresivas y los problemas y temáticas despertados, que dan forma a los próximos seis meses. Si prestamos atención durante estos períodos, bien podríamos descubrir las verdades más profundas de nuestras vidas, y recibir la guía más personal y de mayor influencia. Piensen en esas verdades como un choque cósmico en un camino en el cuál se encuentra realmente nuestra vida, ¡sin toda la menudencia y la fanfarronería que le agregamos todos los días! Por esta razón, una Luna Llena que ocurre justo antes del comienzo de una temporada de eclipses es una nota particular, porque llega como un llamado de atención, que algo de gran importancia está en el aire. Si esta Luna Llena aspecta de cerca a un planeta natal, bien podríamos experimentarla como que lleva mucho del poder y potencial de un eclipse, incluso aunque no llegue "a tal grado" de eclipse. En cualquier evento, esta Luna Llena expone problemas que impactarán en la próxima temporada de eclipses, y ofrece guía para tener en cuenta a lo largo de las semanas siguientes.

Sandra Walter ~ Preparing for the Third Wave and Timeline Shift - Aug 18, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, 

Our third wave of 2016 will be very significant to our Ascension process. There is much light intel presenting for this particular Gateway, here are the details.
Timeline Shift: Over the last few months the intel has been reminding us about the timeline possibility available in September. The strongest wave of Light in decades is about to enter our realm, and it brings pre-agreements set in place, by us, to make a choice between acceleration or a steady unfoldment.