Hello, dear friends.
I am finally back after a four-week vacation trekking up and
now my beloved, and greatly challenged, state of California. First we had the
long drought, which has, and still is, being followed by Nature’s way of
clearing parched and dried plants and trees—FIRE.
I wrote some blogs at the beginning of my vacation, but as I
relaxed more and more, I wrote less and less. Hence, I had a wonderful,
relaxing time to reset my consciousness and come back renewed.
I found this meditation in my computer and wanted to share
it with all of you. Once I am settled in, I will make a recording for it, so
that you can also close your eyes and hear the message, which begins with:
Merging With The Mother

We take a breath in from the top of our head and bring that
breath down through our body all the way down our spine and down our legs and
down toward the core of Gaia.
We are going down, down into the Earth,
Past the crust
Past the caves
Past the magma
Past the water
And deep into Gaia’s very Core
We are now going to wrap ourselves around that Core like we
are a long tail.
We take a long moment to connect with three aspects of our
First, we connect with our grounded, physical self…
Second, we connect with our fifth-dimensional Lightbody
Third, we connect with our planetary self of Gaia…
As we connect with our planetary expression of Gaia, we FEEL
all the fourth/fifth dimensional elements, elementals, Devas, Angles and Elohim
who service and protect Mother Earth, who is our planetary self.
We FEEL these third, fourth and fifth dimensional beings
within Gaia’s Core.
We EXPERIENCE the Unity Consciousness you share with All
Life on Earth.
We KNOW how all these expressions are joining in Gaia’s
As we all join in Gaia’s core, we take a moment to go into our
own core.
WE might wish to just allow our right hand to rise up and
touch the area of OUR body that is our core. We don’t try to use our brain, but
instead we allow our Multidimensional SELF to move our hand.
Different people have different paths, and we all have different
centers. The most wonderful thing about Gaia is that She is an amazingly
diverse planet, with many different kinds of people and myriad paths of
Our pleasure is to be able to BE our personal expression of
Gaia and to share it with the NOW of Earth’s ONE. As we feel the area that
we have touched with our right hand we go into our physical bodies and into our
inner womb where our new SELF is gestating.
Our gestating expression of SELF is very pure and completely
innocent. Therefore, he/she needs our constant protection. We recognize our new
self because it represents who we really are.
We were this self when we were small children, but we closed
this part of us down as it was too sensitive, too vulnerable. Now we feel
strong enough to protect our New SELF. We may even feel strong enough to
allow this SELF to begin to be revealed in our daily life. Often, this is
the part of us that we never forgot, BUT we could not BE.

This is the part of us that was always connected
to our Multidimensional SELF.
As we feel this infinite component of our SELF, we find ourselves in Gaia. We are among those who have chosen to be guardians of Gaia’s planetary body.
to our Multidimensional SELF.
As we feel this infinite component of our SELF, we find ourselves in Gaia. We are among those who have chosen to be guardians of Gaia’s planetary body.
We now tune into the area that we feel, we believe, we know,
is the area of Earth over which we volunteered to be a guardian. Before we
entered our earth vessel we said, “This is the area of Gaia that I wish to heal
and protect. This is the area of Gaia that I wish to specifically
unconditionally love.”
That area can be a large, it can be a small area, it can be
a personal area, or it can be in Gaia’s aura or on Her moon. When we feel our
transforming self within that area, there are NO limitations!
Now we return our focus back inside the core of Gaia.
How do we perceive that Core?
What do we hear within that Core?
How do we feel while being within that Core?
Before we can answer these questions, we find our selves
rising up from the core of Gaia’s. As we enter Gaia’s surface, we find our self
at the place on the planet that our physical body inhabits in this NOW.
From our position on the surface, we deeply connect with OUR
From within our core, we deeply connect with Gaia’s Core.
We feel how our core and Gaia’s Core are expanding in all
different directions.
We pledged to allow the energy within our Core to flow into
the area of Gaia that we have chosen to protect.
We feel the energy go into the earth,
Into the water,
Into the air
Into the fire of Sun and our Spirit
Through out our area of Gaia
And into Earth’s atmosphere

We FEEL how all the energy we are sending is intermingling into an:
“Energetic Pathway to New Earth.”
We KNOW that we are creating this Pathway with our
consciousness. The animals and the plants are ahead of us because humans have
lived as individuals. This individuality has made us feel separate.
We gained a great deal power from being humans, but we have
a lot of remembering to do. For example, we need to remember…
Who we really are?
What did we come came to do?
Why we chose to come here NOW?
Where we will do it?
When will we do it?
We allow the remembrance of WHO WE ARE to flow through us…
We allow WHAT WE CHOSE to do to be revealed to us during our
daily life.
We allow ourselves to remember WHY we made this CHOICE.
We allow the WHERE to be revealed as we continue our
WE allow the WHEN to be revealed to us within the NOW.
WE allow all questions to float around you like lovely
butterflies, as you remain still and calm…
We relax and hold the questions in our Mind-our Heart- and
our bodies.
As we allow the answer into our consciousness,
We can FEEL how it changes everything in our aura…
When our aura changes, we experience how all-possible
realities rearrange and reconfigure to reveal another version of SELF that WE
have created.
From this new version of our SELF, we can perceive a new
version of Earth. Just as our expanded consciousness has allowed us to perceive
a new, expanded, higher dimensional version of our SELF…
Our expanded SELF allows us to perceive the new, expanded
version of Gaia.
Just as our “Higher SELF” has always existed in the higher
dimensions of reality, “New Earth” has always existed in the higher dimensions
of reality.
Therefore, what we change our reality
By changing our state of consciousness
When we perceive our reality
We are patient with ourselves because we remember that once
our state of consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension, we will perceive
the fifth dimension, and then…