lunes, agosto 22, 2016
Brenda Hoffman - Removing Your Spacesuit - August 22, 2016
Dear Ones,
Many of you are experiencing unusual symptoms with the recent influx of Universal love energies. You are, in essence, shedding your skin which sounds as if you a part of a science fiction horror movie. Such is not at all what is happening for you have anticipated this time for eons.
You are not aware of your physical shifts because much of your shedding happens during your sleep or daydreams. Your skin and your innards, if you will, are being released so new crystalline pieces can infiltrate your system.
You are even feeling more joyful as this physical transition continues despite periods of discomfort.
Puberty would be an apt analogy. Even though your voice, body, and perceptions shifted – not always in a comfortable manner – you were delighted with the shift for it indicated you were becoming a 3D adult.
So it is that some of the new pieces/shifts you face now are not pleasant – yet, you are not that concerned. We are not speaking to those with serious ongoing ailments, but instead to those of you with feelings of nausea, headaches, temperature fluctuations and similar aches that seem to come and go at will. Even though you know they are not serious, these aches and pains indicate your body is undergoing something not easily explainable in 3D terms.
So it is also with your perceptions. Just as was true in puberty, even though your perceptions are becoming more mature than was true before this recent influx of energies they are not yet of a mature, 5D adult.
Even though you continue to take risks with your thoughts and words, those thoughts and words are more loving than was true even two months ago.
And you will find less and less to worry about as you mature. Just as before puberty, you were perhaps concerned about leaving your yard or neighborhood given your parents’ restrictions – restrictions that were lifted as you became more mature.
So it is you are perceiving your world in a more mature 5D fashion so that those pieces that once frightened you or seemed off-limits are becoming an easily accepted part of your being.
Perhaps you once felt the need to save the world in any way that concept spoke to you – that you were the savior for everyone or at least those you believed most in need of your services. As you mature, you focus on joy instead of saviorhood. Similar results may occur, but your focus is more mature – from saving the world as dictated outside yourself to saving whatever you wish because it gives you joy to do so.
Resulting in yet another mature approach that you perhaps have not necessarily noted within yourself. As you mature, your joy shifts. When you were a toddler, a rattle was a wonderful, joyful piece of your life. But a teenager finds no joy in that same toy.
So it is for you now. That which you found joyful even days ago, does not hold the same value today. The same will be true tomorrow as you move further into the self-love energies now bombarding you and all earth beings.
Perhaps you question the need for a rapid shift. Why not shift in years or decades? In truth, your shift happened eons ago. It is just that now your physical, emotional and spiritual being is strong enough within the earth’s 3D/5D energies that you can mature as you wished when you first created the earth.
In a sense, you needed to wear something similar to a cumbersome spacesuit when you first arrived on earth eons ago, reducing your ability to examine items and options. You have finally created an environment that allows you to discard that spacesuit and use all your skills to examine whatever you wish.
You are discovering that your greatest wish at this time is self-love.
Even though it is your focus now, self-love will not always be your focus.
Once you have thoroughly examined and accepted self-love, your new 5D maturity – a natural progression of self-love – will encourage you to examine other pieces of your earth life such as relationships and the environment.
Perhaps you believe you have fully examined your relationships, and you are committed to saving the environment – which was well and good when your space suit encumbered you. Now that your space suit is discarded, you will discover nuances in your life and being that are far different from that which you once observed.
Would you not imagine that someone of a crystalline nature would explore life differently from the 3D being they have been for eons? Such is exactly what is happening to you and all those who wish to be part of this transition.
But, as is true in puberty, not everyone is maturing at the same time or in the same way. So it is you are allowing others to find their course, just as you did in puberty when you tried to reassure your friends or yourself that all would have a deeper voice or breasts eventually.
This phase, as was true in puberty, is a unique path for each of you. The results, as was also true in puberty, are that you will become a unique adult with unique needs and interests. The difference is that those needs and interests are no longer created by someone outside of you. You are your parents, your guru and your god.
You are wonderfully you – maturing daily into a unique crystalline adult who will change the earth and all that touches the earth just by being you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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