Firstly, we direct your attention to our intent this day, which is to offer the DEEPEST PUREST ABUNDANCE OF HEART FELT LOVE TO ONE AND ALL.
Well, what a lovely greeting. Thank you. Down here on Earth, life is passing by so quickly it seems. One can just about fit everything in! What would you wise us up with today, my friends?
Today, of all days, we would speak to you of … spreading the news …
I need to interrupt. At first you wanted to say ‘we would speak to you of ‘Gung Ho’ … which means enthusiastic about fighting/war fare … and then when I questioned, it went to ‘spreading the news’ and once again the next words coming through were ‘about warfare’. I’m pursuing it rather than aborting it because I feel it is you. So, let’s see what happens. Why would you be enthusiastic about fighting?
It is not so the case. We are enthusiastic to talk about the subject of such, in that … we are very much aware of matters that shall endorse ceasefire. Messages are to be presented by those on /of your Planet that shall allow for the beginnings of the Great Changes to become/appear to be apparent … rather than lurking in the cupboard!
In your future days there shall not be ‘the space’ for fighting and blood shed … not within the Vibration that your most Blessed Mother Earth is rising too. THIS IS MOST PROMINENTLY STATED.
For so long has anger, hate and greediness been the forerunner of a masquerade that is now running out of steam. It has run its course. The land upon which you reside was not previously designed to be spilt with bloodshed and sorrow. The bones of the humans whose lives were taken due to powerful misdemeanours have long been… and still are… entered into the soils of Gaia and leave their mark… their Energy.
A cleansing period of all such burials is to come about. We ask you to think about this. About Energy that lies within your ground from so many souls who left your Planet in an unresolved situation… or feelings of discomfort… pain… sorrow. So, so many souls have done so, for they did not understand the workings of the human’s potential.
Therefore, all that ‘kind’ of Energy has been absorbed into your soils… and would we say… ‘festered’ over ALL of your years.
Mother Earth has comforted and soothed and yet, there is Great Cleansing to come.
In what form? Cleansing in what way? Not a flood surely! For dear old Noah has long departed! I mean, who would build the ark?
Once again we so enjoy your humorous input. It is not to be of this kind. It is not to be as you upon your Planet would term as a ‘biblical sense.’ It is not through nature showing its wrath, as some are misled to believe.
It is to come in /through many aspects serving as THE ONE. Joining together many controlled mechanisms that shall relieve the very depths of your ground and allow ‘Blossoms’ to be planted in all corners.
Bit stuck on the word mechanisms. That involves machinery does it not?
Yes, it does. Yet, not of the kind you are thinking. More of a kind that you are not yet aware of. The way to explain in your terms is of a ‘Craft’ that can cleanse Energies. We are showing to you as if it is of tornado Energy… literally sucking these ‘dead Energies’ up and out. Yet, this is being shown for explanatory terms only. It is not that one would see/experience this cleansing in this way.
After which… Pure Clean Energies would ‘pour forth’ and ‘enter in’ ‘flooding’ your Earth with a Lighted presence. From the ground up… so to speak.
Mmm. This is all very interesting and not the sort of thing that you usually speak about… And what is ‘our part’ in this?
Assisting with this aspect of ‘The Shift’… for you can imagine possibly, the ‘upheaval’ that may stir up as this is taking place? Yet, only when one understands the impact it shall have, shall one be of bright disposition. May we suggest also, that in a sense, the process has already mildly begun? That which we explained earlier was a visualization to express the situation of that which is to take place, i.e. ‘The cleansing of’… It does not express the ‘censorship’ in which this is done.
What exactly do you mean by that?
There has to be a gradual uprising… and although we speak of Great Cleansing… it shall be so… Yet… slowly but surely. Otherwise, for want of a better terminology… ‘All hell would break loose.’
I just need to say at this point… that I needed to do a check in… my heart feels of much Love and yet ‘all hell would break loose’ and speaking of this craft and cleansing, is quite left field for you. So I just did the “asking three times ‘thing’”… and three times, quite clearly, you were able to say. yes it was you … and my heart feels correct to continue on this rather interesting subject. So, now, where were we?
We were talking about ‘the pace’ in which this cleansing would ‘subside.’ For indeed, it would reach a peak that shall be more than obvious to the awakened ones, and then shall settle into its new position. The cleansing shall be done, and the Earth, once again, shall bloom forth in fresh new Energies that ‘we shall assist’… alongside yourselves… in ‘planting.’ This is why we are enthusiastic, in a round about sense… about the wording ‘Gung Ho’… for it is to be the ending of such things.
How many times have we mentioned specifically that as you move into the Higher Vibrations, such ‘Games’ as war… simply cannot enter in?
This, therefore, means… do you see Blossom? That there has to come a time when this shall cease.
Yet, I thought perhaps it meant… that those who chose to rise would do so, and those who didn’t, would stay in the density of war, should it be their choice?
This is a complicated matter.
I thought it might be!
You are aware of dimensions… infinite dimensions… infinite realities… infinite EVERYTHING!
Therefore, as we have said before… EVERYTHING IS/CAN and WILL take place.
Therefore… the opportunity will present itself for war to cease… and it shall… in one dimension. Yet, in another, there will be those who choose for it to remain.
OK… just to blow my brains out… will the war that ceased… be the same war that carries on elsewhere?
Yes. Through the choice of those who want that scenario to play out.
So, how can you get excited about a ceasefire… if there isn’t necessarily going to be one?
Yet, there is… depending on which timeline you jump into when that opportunity of it presents itself.
Ok. Yet, how do we know which number bus goes through which time line?
Choice! Choice of desires that the heart so deeply wants to ‘play out.’
Ok. Yet, there are many of us that would like this, yet, there is still war in our world.
And the opportunity is coming for it not to be… should YOU choose. EACH ONE OF YOU.
Come on now… if that was the case… surely there would only be an elite handful that would want to play the ‘war game?’ The actual soldiers who do the fighting wouldn’t want it… not when they/if they found out the TRUE reason for them doing so.
That may be the case. Therefore, those handful and their followers would continue to play their game in the ‘place’ that offers that Vibration for them. The place that their Vibration creates… for them.
My heart is beating quite fast at the moment for your thoughts are jumping ahead into my mind and I can’t write it down quick enough. So, at the end of the day… if I am correct… and indeed if YOU ARE CORRECT… you are saying that there is to be something that takes place that offers a ceasefire scenario to present itself?
We are.
Is this on all wars?
Even individual ones!
Far out! That’s one big ceasefire situation!!
Yet, do you see Blossom? This stirring up of the negatively charged Energies has to stop somewhere.
Who says?
ALL! It is a conscious decision… by/through/of The Consciousness.
If ALL is a consciousness… doesn’t that include the ones who still want to play these ‘elite wargames?’
Er? Der?
Yet, there are still roles to be played out … in order to serve!
Dearie me! The odd thing is… I totally get that!
Some will… some won’t. Yet, AS The Consciousness… it is time… on a massive scale… for CHANGE.
Sorry to poop on your party. Yet, it always has been. Don’t get me wrong… I am with you. I can FEEL your Energy and your enthusiasm and without question… in my mind… this will happen… and it is ‘sooner’ than it once was… I get that! Yet, with all respect… from my understanding, because of no time… this ‘It’s on its way’ statement… to us… could mean in 2090!
Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls of Earth … From the deepest compassionate place within our beings we say to you… Have we not many times expressed that these changes shall take place in YOUR life time?
Sorry to interrupt again, yet … I have souls who are 90 writing to me. They are hanging on in there for ‘Dear Life.’ Do you see what I’m saying? Therefore, in YOUR lifetime… speaking to us all… surely depends on what age one is ‘at the time?’
We understand of this. Yet… there are those who ACCEPT and KNOW that they have done their part in uplifting your Planet with their Light… and that for some it is so… to ‘contribute Energy’ from elsewhere… when the time comes.
And there are those who KNOW that they shall remain on your Planet to SEE IT THROUGH…
I would so like to FEEL/KNOW for sure that I am one of those… and I’m 59 ‘soon’! Within me, I FEEL I am one who shall be here when ‘it all’ takes place yet, sometimes I wonder if my feeling about something is just a ‘hoping.’ Only time will tell, my friends… only time will tell. My KNOWING for sure is that this is where today’s session finishes. My! Have I enjoyed it. In Love and thanks …
The FEELING is mutual.
This channelling reminded me of a metaphor that White Cloud gave regarding Change and Shifts. It is taken from Chapter 17 of ‘Walking in The Light and The Love.’ (Available on http://www.blossomgoodchild.com)
White Cloud. A warm welcome to you my good friends. There is so much energy that is flowing between us that I feel I could burst. I am showing to Blossom immediately that it is as if there is a birthday party being held here because there is so much to celebrate. I show that on your birthday table there is a jug of liquid that is strawberry in flavour. In it now, I show on the top, many beautiful pink rose petals that are delicately manoeuvring themselves around the top of this fluid. From there I show a small whirlpool is transcending down this fluid to the bottom of the jug. As the momentum builds to the point at the bottom of the jug the rose petals are sucked in and down. You can suddenly see them no more; they have disappeared in this little whirlpool. I then show that this little storm builds up and builds up and builds up and all of a sudden it spits out again these petals. Now they are not pink.
They are pure white. The water now is clear.
My friends, sometimes it is necessary for some part of your being to be almost sucked under until you feel that maybe you have lost it forever. The whirlpool that sucked it under feels that it is spinning so fast it makes you dizzy and you shall fall. It is as if sometimes this whirlpool has brought you to screaming point. It is only then when you can no longer even grasp where it has gone, when you can no longer see it, it is then that the transformation is taking place. It is like in a magic show when something disappears and ‘Hey presto’ it has suddenly transformed into something completely different. This is why I show that when the white petals have risen, like the phoenix from the fire, that what is reborn, what is renewed is the outcome. What then lies on the top of the clear water is the beauty that should now be seen. There was nothing ugly about the rose coloured water and the pink petals. It is just that it is time for a change. When a change is taking place it is necessary for this turmoil and the stirring up of all things so that the shift can take place.
If you can imagine sand on the bottom of the jug, if this whirlwind did not take place the sand would stay the same. All the grains of sand would remain next to the same grain of sand that it has been next to for a long time. With this stirring up it makes the sand rise. If you look into the jug for a while it is cloudy and murky and not attractive to the eye at all. When the whirlpool begins to slow down because it has reached its peak, then how differently all the little grains of sand settle. They settle next to a different grain of sand. My friends, do you not see that all this sand has always been part of the same group in the same jug? Now because of the change required, when it is settled it is still part of the same group, except that it has somebody new to talk to, so life isn’t so boring looking out of the same piece of glass!
I think I have spoken enough about the jug situation. It is because I am aware that for many souls, who are gaining their spiritual strength, you are aware of this change and I wanted to explain to you what is taking place and why souls feel this turmoil. Like all things, when the sand has settled, how nice it is to view the world with fresh eyes and from a different place.
I show then that the white petals are taken out of the jug and they are arranged in little posies and wrapped in silver foil. It is the simplicity that makes anything find its beauty. One could go to enormous extremes and design ribbons and bells, many, many things to wrap around these white petals, but by doing so, it shifts the focus to the ribbons and the paraphernalia and takes the eye away from the simple beauty of the white petal. The point is to just wrap it in something that does not take the attention away from where it belongs.
Often one likes to dress up and this is fine. Do not allow what you are wearing to take up the attention because the beauty does not lie there. The beauty lies in the sparkle of your eyes.
Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be
Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. http://youtu.be/MYeqbshjgmA
The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo