martes, agosto 11, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - WHERE IS THE ASCENSION? MOSES - August 11, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz


Exit, whereby you discard your self-limitations 
and the blockages, which are still not overcome! 

Beloved siblings of the one God, all of us have come from. 
It is a long time ago and yet in the eternal now.


Let us now look at the biblical exodus, the departure of the 
people of Israel from Egypt. It is an allegory, which is rarely 
more fitting for this time, because today it is exactly about the 
fact that God’s children, God’s people, each human Being, who 
decides for oneself, are a part of those, who depart from the 
imprisonment of your thoughts, emotions, sensations and 

Video 02 - Crop Circles 2015 - Ox Drove, Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, UK - 8th august 2015 - UFO UK 2015

lunes, agosto 10, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene ~ I AM the Magdalene. Walk With Me In Harmony - August 10, 2015

In Pure Divine Harmony, Love and Balance, I greet you and elicit the same within you. Together we embody Freedom and Grace for the further awakening of all Mankind. This is your purpose and your privilege and I honor you in taking up this endeavor.
I stand before you Now in complete awe and recognition of your gifts and your accomplishments to spread the Light of Pure Love Essence to all. It is no small task, beloveds, but each moment that you gather the Light of the Great Central Sun(s) into your human bodies, you transform your physical bodies and embody your potential to bring Divine Empowerment to your BEing and to all in your wake.
Awakening within you now is such a deep deep empowerment of Love Manifest. It is your true identity. Each moment of your long existence in Earth Frequencies through the ages has prepared you for this moment. Like a deep flowing river, you have gathered momentum in spite of encounters with ‘stones and silt’ in this ‘river of your life’, showing themselves as obstacles and lessons in your development on this Earth.

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE TIME IS NOW! - August 10, 2015

The I AM Presence of each and every one of us has been preparing for this moment for lifetimes. Since our fall from Grace aeons ago our fragmented and fear-based human egos have been manipulating and controlling us. This mutated aspect of Humanity’s fallen consciousness thinks our physical body is who we are and that its purpose and reason for being is to gratify our physical senses. The distorted perception of our human ego thinks that whatever it needs to do to survive is appropriate, even if it means lying, cheating, stealing, or killing. We can see evidence of this raging all over the World at this time.

Kara Schallock - La puerta del león - 5 de Agosto 2015


Traducción: Rocio MorgenTau
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El 8 de agosto entraremos a la llamada Puerta del León. El Portal de Magdalena nos guió hasta este punto y ha hecho la parte que le corresponde. ¿Cual es el propósito más alto de esta fusión? Por supuesto que es lo Divino Femenino, la parte fundamental de la Ascensión, ¿y quien lo simboliza mejor que La Magdalena? Ella trae la esencia de la Valentía, la Valentía de trascender los más bajos aspectos de dualidad dentro de nosotros y nuestras culturas. Muchos se han enfrentado con desafíos personales. Ahora, el desafío es una oportunidad de liberar más dualidad en la medida que nos permitimos ser más Amor. La Puerta del León es de hecho un triple 8 (8/8/2015: 2+0+1+5=8). La Puerta del León trae Fuerza para ser todo lo que somos. Como puedes ver, La Magdalena trajo la Valentía para ser Fuerza con la finalidad de ser más Amor.

Brenda Hoffman - Applying Your New Skill Set - August 10, 2015

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are concerned that you are not zipping through various dimensions or frequencies. That your life appears much as it has always been. Even though such is not true, you cannot discern how different your being is from you of six months ago.
The first day of kindergarten or first grade, you most likely could not read or compute numbers. Such was not so by the end of that school year. You evolved physically, intellectually and emotionally, yet felt as if you were the same you.

Suzanne Lie – The Return – By The Creators of Our Reality – 8-10-15

Suzanne Lie and Arcturians

Steve: This is a super article by Suzanne. Especially relevant to those who serve others.

Dear Readers,

This message was written on the last night of a three-week vacation, which ended on July 28, 2015. Because we are coming into so many changes, it feels like I need to put a date onto this. When I first wrote this I kept changing from “you” to “we’ and back again. I left the combination of you and we because YOU are becoming WE and WE are becoming YOU.

In other words, the barriers of separation between people are beginning to dissolve. Those of us who have chosen to walk this Path of Return to our SELF and to our higher frequency realities are releasing the strict differentiation between YOU and ME to become WE.

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: Your Magnificent Energy Work - August 10, 2015
Here is a wonderful message from the Elohim that I have written down in words, but there was so much more information that came to me as clair-cognition. So even though the written message is very clear, they were imparting a much more complex message in terms of our abilities and our successes. I discuss it here first as an expansion of the written message.
The Elohim confirm the propagation of the golden template into the Golden galaxy that George and I (see Energy Report -August 2nd), and some other PAT members (see Shirley Garmon’s vision below) confirmed as taking place on the 31st of July. They lovingly refer to us as the “All-Beings”, with our unique ability to accept, hold and expand energy into our reality and the cosmos as a creationary projection of our consciousness. We are demonstrating our unwavering commitment to Source for which they are most impressed. We are engaging our powerful imaginations to envision a world of perfection at all levels, and worlds beyond the horizon that fulfill even the wildest of dreams.

Jennifer Hoffman - Reporte de las Energías de agosto de 2015 - 3 de Agosto 2015

Traducción: Guadalupe Rodriguez

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Si tuviera que resumir la energía de agosto en una palabra, comenzaría con alivio ahora que julio ha terminado. Ha sido un mes largo y arduo que parecía prolongarse para siempre. Pero todo lo que hemos ido superando nos ha ayudado a poner nuevos límites energéticos, a abrir nuevos caminos de potencial y a limpiar muchos de los desechos de nuestra realidad individual y colectiva. Agosto comienza con una luna llena y Venus retrógrado que indica que los finales son más fuertes que los comienzos. Saturno también está finalizando un ciclo de 33 años y otro ciclo más largo de 99 años también está terminando. Además, todos los planetas personales (Mercurio, Venus y Marte) cambian de signo este mes por lo que la energía colectiva se está movilizando ahora. El tren de la ascensión ha dejado la estación y está yendo cada vez más rápido. Recuerden que los comienzos y los finales se sobreponen, así que sean conscientes de los comienzos que surgen mientras ustedes se van desconectando de lo que ya no les sirve porque los comienzos están sucediendo al mismo tiempo.

domingo, agosto 09, 2015

Suzanne Lie - The Return - By The Creators of Our Reality - 8-9-2015

UPDATE!Dear readers, the Arcturians have just shared a message with me (Wed., Aug., 19, 2015), and it follows:
"We need you NOW. What you have waited for is here NOW. We, your galactic and planetary family, ask you to REMEMBER who you truly are and open up the connection as you travel up to higher dimensions and down into the core of GAIA." ~ The Arcturians, August, 19, 2015

It's time to set your missions into motion and actively participate in planetary ascension. We begin our Answering the Clarion Call two-part webinar series this Saturday, August 22. See the full details regarding the hands-on workshops that will help you accept and utilize this important connection and information you receive from Home.

~ Sue

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ The Pyramids of Light ~ The Pyramid Over Antarctica - August 2015

Pyramid of Dreams
The Pyramids of Light ~ The Pyramid Over Antarctica
Elders August Transmission
The first pyramid is presently located in the grid over
the area you call Antarctica, which would be considered
a portal to other planetary grid systems.
The soul who oversees this pyramid
goes by the frequency signature, Xerthaneus.
The function of this pyramid is to create and guide experiences
linked to the comings and goings of extraterrestrial entities
who were part of the history of planet Earth
And there were many entities from these far away worlds
that were once part of the story of your planet, their journeys
encoded within the matrix by Xerthaneus and his two assistants.
Their souls having experienced through the energy of this pyramid as
those who come from Sirius, Nibiru, Orion, Lyra, the Pleiades, Mars,
Andromedia, Arcturus, Vega, Venus, Jupiter, among others familiar to you.
And so the storylines would read that these entities came to your
planet in great spaceships and interacted with those who lived
on the planet, in the water and others below the surface.
And there was created a tale of a great spaceship buried
beneath a giant lion, who serves as a marker.
And similar stone markers were left on every place
created in the heavens which linked to the matrix.
The experiences in other worlds are as real as your soul
experience at this time on planet Earth. Those souls would
carry the memories of these distant worlds often as a
truer reality than that which they came here to embrace.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - August 9, 2015

The Gabriel Messages #8

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.
Dear One,

When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.

It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that would normally have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy-frequency, or Pure Consciousness.

Kryon "One Foot in each Energy" Minneapolis, Sunday - August 2, 2015

Kryon "Mini Channelling" Minneapolis, Saturday - August 1, 2015

Kryon "Energy and DNA" Minneapolis, Minnesota Saturday, August 1, 2015

Kryon Channel to the Lemurian Sisterhood, Minneapolis, MN, August 01, 2015

James Tyberonn - Expanded - The Divine Nature of The Animal Kingdom - AA Metatron

UFO GIANT In The Vortex Of The SUN, Aug 8, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Energía y el ADN - Minneapolis, Minnesota - 1º de agosto de 2015


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta, como debe ser, para que se dé un mensaje como este. Sabe cómo es esto, lo ha hecho muchas veces. Está en un lugar - si quieren llamarlo así - desde el que escucha como están escuchando ustedes; sin embargo tiene distracciones, que no son las de ustedes, y ya habló de eso antes. No está hablando él ahora, y nuevamente decimos que para ustedes esta percepción ha de ser limpia para que reconozcan lo que se les dice.

Hablo de cosas que exceden el conocimiento de él, y hablo de la energía real del planeta, que es física, ahora mismo. Hemos hablado de la Física muchas veces, no lo haremos hoy porque hablaremos de lo que es físico, las cosas tridimensionales que te afectan a través de una fuente interdimensional que está cambiando todo lo que conoces.

sábado, agosto 08, 2015

Ann Albers - Love Is Trying To Emerge From All Things - August 8, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Celebrate dear ones! Love is always working to come to the surface in all being, all things, and all of the circumstances of your life. If you can adopt this belief, and if you cultivate a habit of looking for the love in all things your life will suddenly become a dance of love.
We know how hard it is to feel love when someone is upset. In truth they are simply trying to express themselves and their heart... admittedly in a very awkward way. We know it is hard to feel love when you are in pain, but even then the pain is a messenger, saying, "Somewhere, somehow you have strayed from loving yourself, being true to your own heart. Listen... your heart wishes to get your attention." We know it is hard to feel love when people die. Perhaps they have graduated from their lessons on earth. Perhaps they have volunteered to be teachers of awakening or compassion. Even there, love abides.

SolaraAnRa - 8.8.8 Paschat REMEMBERING Chamber of Light

Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians.8-8-8 Techniques for Creating a New World - August 8, 2015

8-8-8 Techniques for Creating a New World

This time in human history is not only unprecedented, it is unanticipated. There has been so much more awakening than many in the other realsm of focus, thought possible by this time. We say this with amusement knowing that so many on Earth feel that things are moving along more slowly then you might like. From our vantage point, things are progressing beautifully and we are inspired to see all the changes you are allowing within your lives and your world.

James Tyberonn - Selected Excerpts from the Channel: - Honoring the Animal Kingdom The Consciousness, Nature & Divinity of Animals

Selected Excerpts from the Channel:

The Animal-Kingdom have truly been your teachers, although they did not choose your 'human' evolution path. As we have said, the Animal Kingdom is not on the Earth to evolve in soul expansion, but rather to support the soul expansion of humanity.

We assure you that mankind could not have moved forward as a species had it not been for the Beings of the Animal Kingdom.


Attunement and Activation for Ascension, Personal Growth, Clearing, and Healing

UFOs - Alien spacecraft near the Sun in the survey for August 7 and August 8, 2015

The Genius of Michael Tsarion, telling it how it really is!

Red Truth: The Secret Mysteries Of Mars. (Extended) -UFO Alien OVNI-

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System

Judith Kusel - Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body.- August 8, 2015

Intricate portals move into activation in the next few years, as the planet is being revamped and revitalized. Therefore there are massive fractures in earth crust and with it the inner stirring of mass liquid mass, which will bring about volcanic activity, even in those volcanoes which have been dormant for some time and with the eruptions in the inner earth, as liquid mass explodes this will cause earth eruptions, earth quakes and in some cases the sea will start boiling.

It is therefore imperative for mankind to understand that as the earth is reinventing herself, so human beings are being reinvented as they too are being re-formed, reinvented and even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline in nature and therefore contain higher frequency bands.

Most human beings are not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies, nor are they aware that a lot of changes are happening in the way the chakras and the spinal cord energies now move into higher octaves of being.

A lot of discomfort in the body is not caused so much by what we human being term “DIS-EASE” but rather by blocked particles of energies within these centers and therefore now are being worked on galactically to prepare mankind for the massive shifts with the portals opening up.

viernes, agosto 07, 2015

SaLuSa - Mike Quinsey - 8-7-15

Dear Ones, matters on Earth are beginning to take shape in such a way that before very long you will begin to see the direction that Humanity is going in. Out of confusion and uncertainty, will come positive signs that will confirm that the changes are taking shape for your betterment. You will realise that a “cleansing” is taking place and that much of what you can already see of the old regime, is being changed or removed. It is being helped by the many souls that have awakened to the truth and are demanding freedom from the shackles of the dark Ones. Your lives have been reduced to that of slaves as your birthright has been denied you. You were gifted freedom by God and it will be restored so that the New Age can deliver the promises that have been made to you. At the same time there are distinct signs that so many of you are grasping the truth of your existence and the glorious time that lies ahead. It will take time to fully manifest and we give you firm indications of the direction you are going in so that you have a positive goal in mind. Behind the scenes there will be many groups supporting your efforts, and helping you to achieve success.

Celia Fenn - From "Calling the Animals" to the Lion's Gate - August 7, 2015

 A Journey in Raising Consciousness
In this period of 2015 we are most certainly in a Wave of powerful transformational energy.  Our lives and our Reality is being changed at a very fast pace and in ways that we are often still coming to terms with.  I think that the most recent wave of changes has been the most definitive and also maybe the most surprising.
It has to do with our fellow citizens on the Earth.  The Animals.  Quite simply put, the Earth can ascend no further unless we make peace with the Animal Kingdom.  We have to take into OUR consciousness the fact that in a Fifth Dimensional World we are all connected and related, and that means that we can no longer abuse and destroy without acknowledging that it is ourselves that we are abusing and destroying. 

Natalie Glasson - Finding Your Way Upon the Earth with Your Soul ~ by Master Serapis Bey - August 7, 2015

Many of you are accustomed to radiating and focusing upon projecting your soul light into your entire body, aura and surrounding area. This is a basic practice which not only increases your spiritual awareness and evolution; it creates a momentum of receiving fulfilment from within and to be experienced outside of you. To radiate your soul light is to connect deep within your being with the essence and core of your energy. This energy is beyond your physical body and even auric field, it is an energy which is with you and expresses you whether you are on the Earth or the inner planes. Your soul is a part of the greater whole of the Creator; therefore it is composed of such rich and fulfilling wisdom, light, love and consciousness. In truth everything is available to you through radiating and expressing your soul.

jueves, agosto 06, 2015

Lauren C. Gorgo - El CORAZÓN-Mente Unificados: dominando la magia - 26 de Julio

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¡Feliz Año Nuevo Planetario! Hoy 26 de Julio marca la apertura de la Puerta del León lo que significa que nuevos códigos solares de frecuencia superior (crísticos) están saturando la tierra y la humanidad y continuarán haciéndolo hasta el 8-8.

Para los que no están familiarizados, la Puerta del León ocurre cada año el 8 de Agosto…cuando la tierra se alinea con Sirio y con el centro galáctico para crear una puerta estelar que nos envía olas de energía de activación para la ascensión personal y planetaria.

EPIC View of Moon Transiting the Earth

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene: Welcome this Newer Version of You - August 6, 2015

piccredit.unitytriangle.orgMary Magdalene (Received August 5, 2015):

Welcome to this new version of you, harvesting and manifesting as you continue to receive and accept these new energies of the present Gateway beckoning you now. You have laid the groundwork and now so much is waiting for you to discover about yourselves. The New You that so many have talked about is a work in progress, but you will notice that lately you have experienced a deeper, more grounded awakening of your True Divine Selves.
Your merging of your higher aspects, your I AM Presence, has been stepped up and is stepping up continually and if you were to place a vision of yourselves in previous moments next to a vision of how you are in this moment, you would notice a great difference. The acceleration of your development is a little astonishing, but all you need to do is continue to ride this current wave of awakening with complete openness and acceptance with a bit of curiosity thrown in.
For in that comes a further openness to your Purity, your True Divine Essence, your Oneness with All That is,  that is being played out in continual harmony and progression, constantly replacing and clarifying and purifying your former versions of your Being, as you open to your expansion, relishing all the clarity, insights and understandings coming along with it.

Humans are Free - Nazi Maps and Documents to Agartha Confirm the Hollow Earth Accounts

These official Nazi maps and documents confirm the existence of Agartha — an entire world inside our planet
via Ancient Code

One of the most interesting question many people have asked for centuries is whether there is a possibility that our planet is hollow?

For many years it was believed that the earth was hollow, but even though many have come up with theories, until 1968 there was no proof.

That year, pictures taken by a satellite orbiting Earth clearly showed a gaping hole located at the North Pole; enough evidence to support the hollow Earth theory according to many.

We have read about the legendary stories about the Nazis who explored the Southern regions of our planet and even creating secret bases in Neuschwabenland.

Lee Harris - PRONÓSTICO DE ENERGÍA PARA AGOSTO 2015 Ardiendo través de la Densidad - Recalibrando para Mayor Amor - 1 de Agosto 2015


Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

(Transcrito y editado del video-mensaje hablado de Lee.)

Hola y bienvenidos al Pronóstico de Energía para Agosto de 2015.

Antes de que hagamos nada, quiero que te tomes un momento para respirar conmigo.

(Lee toma una respiración profunda hacia dentro y hacia fuera)

Y de nuevo.

Y otra para la suerte.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Biggest Filter of All - Salt Lake City, Utah - 18 July, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It sometimes takes a moment or two for you to move into an area of consciousness that would allow for something like this [the channelling]. So many times, we have asked, "Is the man in the chair channelling or just giving his own opinion out of channel? Is the process that is claimed to be here actually here? Is there a door that is opened to Spirit at this moment or not?"
The answer is unique to each of you, and it is about your individual perception. We've talked about the many Human filters*, and we've even revealed some Akashic filters.** These are some of the things that would keep you from recognizing Spirit, or the things that would keep you from recognizing basic truth, simply because of what you've learned in the past. Is this real or not?

SANDRA WALTER – The Lion’s Gateway (8-8-15) – Galactic Level Activations – 8-6-15

SANDRA WALTER – The Lion’s Gateway (8-8-15) – Galactic Level Activations – 8-6-15


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,Our Lion’s Gate passage opens Friday, August 7 and continues through Thursday, August 13. The crystalline focus continues, and you may have noticed amplifications in the HUman heart grid over the last few weeks. It is a brilliant, expansive phase of our evolution, beloveds. The energies are ever-increasing for the Light Tribe, and you may be experiencing the pull of the final Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway. Service and mission work reaches completion; work which began with the first Gate back in 2014. It is a powerful series of shifts and revelations for those choosing to engage in Ascension.

Benjamin Fulford - August 3, 2015: Khazarian terror plots thwarted, rumours of August 8th arrests run rampant

An Iranian nuclear scientist called a White Dragon Society representative, as well as many government agencies, on the day of the July 31 blue moon to warn of an imminent Khazarian plot to attack multiple Iranian nuclear sites with nuclear armed hijacked civilian airplanes. The scientist said he had been warned a flight from Dubai to Tehran on a Boeing 777-300ER plane he was due to fly in on August 1st was one of the planes that was going to be used in the attack.

The 888 Triple Infinity Lion's Gate Portal (The Royal House of Sirius) 8/8/2015

miércoles, agosto 05, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Cuando No Consigues Lo Que Deseas – Pero Obtienes Algo Más - 30 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Fernando Pachacama
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Qué sucede cuando no consigues lo que deseas – y, a veces realmente no es posible, como lo leerás aquí, pero obtienes algo más? Esta es la historia de los zapatos negros estilo Mary Jane, los cuales fueron populares en la década de los sesenta, cuando yo era una pequeña niña. Aunque siempre desee un par de estos zapatos nunca los recibí, ya que estaba paralizada debido a GBS (Síndrome Guillain Barre, parálisis inducida por vacuna) aquel año. No conseguí lo que deseaba, los zapatos, pero obtuve mucho más, aunque me tomó una buena cantidad de años darme cuenta de aquello.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: After intensive transformation processes were running 
the whole night, I awaken lightly and am liberated from the 
worked on issues. In the afternoon during my meditation I fall 
asleep and have the following Dream: 
Final battle between good and evil! We, the light warriors and 
the warriors of darkness, make an appointment in a great castle, 
looking like a fortress. All weapons are allowed and at the assigned 
time the two “parties” appear. The battle ignites with full severity 
and even though we are armed with everything, which human 
Beings ever developed, these weapons barely injure. I myself 
shoot at an entity, yet seems to have no effect, on the other 
hand somebody hits my head with a glowingly hot steel wire 
mesh, and I also remain undamaged. It goes back and forth 
and the situation seems with no way out, because nobody 
seems to obtain the upper hand. Therefore I speculate to 
flee through one of the open windows.

Kara Schallock - Lion's Gate - August 5, 2015

On August 8th we will enter what is called the Lion’s Gate. The Magdalen Gateway leads us to this point and is a part of it as well. What is the highest purpose of this merging? The Divine Feminine is, of course, a major part of Ascension and who better to symbolize this than The Magdalen? She brings the essence of Courage, the Courage to transcend the lower aspects of duality within us and our cultures. So many have been faced with much personal challenge. Yet challenge is an opportunity to release more duality so that we may be more Love. The Lion’s Gate is actually a triple 8 (8/8/2015: 2+0+1+5=8). The Lion’s Gate brings forth Strength. the Strength to be all we are. So you see, The Magdalen brought the Courage to be Strength in order to be more Love.

Christine Meleriessee - The Cities of Light - August 5, 2015

Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman at 
Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman
by Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), along with various psychics, prophets, channels and seers, foretold (and still foretell) of potential EARTH CHANGES that are directly related to the coming of a NEW AGE upon Mother Earth. A researcher of the information forecasted by these many sources will quickly find various scenarios and happenings spanning varying degrees of land mass alterations, changes and/or catastrophes, much of which is contradictory between sources.
The existence of such contradictions does not mean the information is false, nor does focusing on any one source mean it is true. The discrepancies exist for many reasons. The primary reason is we are a mass consciousness of humanity that has freedom of will. Little changes within our conscious energy field can have massive positive results, or alternatively, if we collectively are failing to make much change within ourselves, we are passively acknowledging that we are in acceptance of whatever needs to occur on the physical plane to force us to change.

Benjamín Fulford - 04-08-15. Complots terroristas frustrados de los jázaros, proliferan los rumores de arrestos el 8 de agosto

04 ago


Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

(Nota: no tenemos confirmación de que esta información sea exacta. El escudo Rothschild si parece ser auténtico

Un científico nuclear iraní llamó a un representante Sociedad del Dragón Blanco, así como a muchas agencias del gobierno, el día de la luna azul 31 de julio para advertir de un complot jázaro inminente para atacar a varias zonas nucleares iraníes con aviones civiles secuestrados armados con bombas nucleares. El científico dijo que había sido advertido de que un vuelo de Dubai a Teherán en un avión Boeing 777-300ER en el que tenía previsto viajar el 1 de agosto era uno de los aviones que se iba a utilizar en el ataque. Las advertencias se tomaron en serio y se ejerció una fuerte presión sobre el establecimiento militar y de inteligencia israelí para evitar que el perro loco criminal de guerra Benyamin Netanyahu y sus compañeros conspiradores llevasen a cabo un ataque de ese tipo. El “descubrimiento” de una parte del ala de Boeing 777 en el Océano Pacífico la semana pasada estaba destinado a ser una distracción para este ataque, según fuentes iraníes y de otras fuentes.

martes, agosto 04, 2015

Judith Dagley - Becoming SOVEREIGN Again - 8.4.15

The Master’s Class continues. In between the lessons, I’m finding out that there are “sub-lessons,” you might say, rather like stepping stones from one to the next. Tonight, such a stone appeared, and so here it is.

Venus and Uranus retrograde… astrology talk, but what does it MEAN? You are LIVING what it means right NOW. Everything important that we “think” we’ve already learned but never REALLY learned is back again (thank you, Venus!) to learn through very unexpected LIFE EXPERIENCE (thank you, Uranus!). The BIG lessons right NOW don’t come from me or anyone else and I don’t care HOW wise they are.

Kryon por Lee Carrroll - El Cocinero Cósmico - Chicago, Illinois - 26 de julio de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este ha sido un día de aprendizaje. La presentación que dieron hoy mi socio y su compañera de enseñanza, fue más que información. En este taller se está tratando de transmitir un concepto general, a veces con éxito y a veces no. Es este: que en ustedes hay una consciencia del Espíritu, una benevolencia abrumadora que quiere tomarlos de la mano y conducirlos por la vida. Realmente no hay ningún muro entre nosotros. Les hablo ahora desde el otro lado del velo, desde lo que llamarían la Fuente Creadora, en un estrato de consciencia que le habla a la humanidad. Esto lo hacemos muchos de nosotros. Este es el propósito de ese estrato de consciencia: ayudar a los humanos a descubrir a los humanos y lo divino en los humanos.

Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians and Ashira - Seeing Yourself More Clearly - 04 August 2015

Greetings Divine Beings of Light,

We are here to speak with you in love, as love, as you are. You and we are so similar in so many ways and yet the form of our field gives you pause to see it that way, or so it may seem to you. Yet it is true. We are in so many ways, simply you refined and refocused in different ways for different experiences of light. So it is.

Let us tell you now, about our being here with you, for it is of great interest to us. We are here to live within your world in and through you so that you might know yourselves more fully. We come here as a unified field of light knowing you in the Divine Self you fundamentally are. We are comprised of an even more expansive wholeness than your Divine Self and yet made up of your Divine Self. We come here to listen and live with you, through you, being in your awareness as the All that is You are, so that you might know yourselves more fully.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - August 4, 2015

Much is ready to happen! This realm has gone to the precipice and the time arrives to reset ourselves anew.

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

Dratzo! We come again! Much progress is being made, worldwide. The verdicts against the dark cabal continue to pile up. The most important faction, the world’s military, is picking up its pace. Their task is to come together and formulate a plan for actually arresting the remaining top layers in government, banking and in law. Meanwhile, those in this dark cabal are in the midst of putting together their last straw, a series of international trading partnerships. These associations are actually a modified version of their "new world order." These bogus agreements are to be trumped by the rising of NESARA and a series of similar measures worldwide. In short, the dark’s schemes are in fact illusionary. Everywhere, allies of the ancient families are fully prepared to override these illicit agreements. While this is happening, a number of new global financial institutions are slowly starting to flex their wings. The new BRICS bank and the Chinese AIIB are beginning to cut into the purposes outlined by the cabal for trade and development. The process presently occurring globally is to show how the much larger need for infrastructure development can be accomplished.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn - August 04, 2015

I am here today to give you an insight as to what will be coming in the coming months. It is about to break loose and it will hit the fans in a few days. It is going to be so fantastic that some of you won't believe it.

As I say these things I realize that it could confuse some of you. It could be that there will be those who will not be able to comprehend, much less see the changes that are already in place and will be exposed. It is a matter of many of you seeing these changes because you have not only been a part of their creation, but also a part of the ones who will be incorporating them into your life's mission.

Karen Downing - Past Life Patterns – The Prophet

Past Life Patterns – The Prophet This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, in order to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today. Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence. By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up your strengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key to uncovering your Soul Mission.

The Prophet Description – The Prophet seems to have a deeper understanding of the ways of the world. This comes from lifetimes as seers, sages, prophets, psychics and other similar predictive esoteric work. The Prophet is often seen as the know-it-all of the past life patterns; and it is not that they actually have the mental knowledge all the time, it is that they can tap into the deeper truths at a moment’s notice. Plus, their communication style is often one of boosting authority and over-explaining. They have been accused, more often than once, of “using big words.” The Prophet does have a fear that their information will be misused, misunderstood or manipulated by others for their own benefit, and that is a contributing factor to their communication style.

Most UFOs activity near the surface of the active areas of the Sun flares - August 4, 2015

British Cop Witnesses TALL WHITE Aliens Inspecting Fresh Crop Circle

Not many people know this, but back in 2009 a British police officer witnessed ‘Alien Beings’ inspecting a fresh crop circle in a middle of a field!

The Police Sergeant who has not been named, witnessed the event back in 2009.  The Policeman was off duty at the time when he noticed the unusual ‘Beings’ in the field.

The Police Officer pulled his car over and walked over to the field to see what was going on as he apparently had a ‘strange’ feeling about what he was seeing. 

However, as he approached the ‘men’ — who were all way over 6ft tall with long blond hair – he suddenly heard “the sound of static electricity” and the trio ran away ”faster than any man he had ever seen” so fast that it apparently almost seemed ‘unreal’.

lunes, agosto 03, 2015

Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico – 8:8:8 Informe del “Portal del León” - 31 de Julio 2014

Traducción: Silvia Rinck
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tu valía no es determinada por otros, es determinada por ti. Para la Fuente nunca estuvo cuestionado. – The Keepers, 7.30.15

Hola , amigos. Como puedes habernos escuchado mencionar a mi y a otros, se espera que el Portal del León de este año tenga una potencia extra debido al hecho que es una frecuencia de triple 8 (8/8/2015=8) este año. Tradicionalmente, el Portal del León está relacionado a cuestiones de soberanía, poder personal y amor hacia uno mismo.

He estado escuchando de muchas personas (y también lo he estado pensando yo ) si el Año Universal “8” en el que estamos ahora se supone que sea todo sobre abundancia , equilibrio y de que “lleguen las vacas gordas”, que lo ha estado reteniendo? Buena pregunta y creo que hay una explicación. La frecuencia del “8” también es de magnificación, aceleración del karma junto con la manifestación. He estado viendo un patrón de profunda limpieza en muchos individuos. Para mi, personalmente, la tradicional de aceleración del karma en tiempos del Sol en Piscis fue particularmente raro y desafiante este año, aunque algunas cosas buenas resultaron de ello incluyendo mi último libro. El punto es que este es un año en que el Universo dio tumbos que esperábamos para dar otros tumbos más a menudo que usual. Esto también es común que en un año de mucha magia haya mucho misterio por añadidura. Es como si el Universo en su sabiduría nos hubiese mostrado las áreas en que mayor examen y limpieza eran necesarios para manifestar estas vibraciones más altas y más abundantes. Algunas han sido intuitivamente obvias, otras no, pero ciertamente no ha sido aburrido o sin eventos.

Jennifer Hoffman - August 2015 Energy Report - August 3, 2015

If I had to sum up August’s energy in one word I’d start with relief, now that July is over. It was a long, tough month that seemed to drag on forever. But everything we overcame helped us set new energy boundaries, opened new avenues of potential, and cleared a lot of debris from our individual and collective realities. August starts with a full moon and Venus retrograde, which indicates endings are stronger than beginnings. Saturn is also closing out a 33 year cycle, and a larger 99 year cycle is ending. Also, all of the personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) change sign this month so the collective energy is moving now. The ascension train has left the station and is gaining steam. Remember that endings and beginnings overlap, so be aware of the beginnings that arise as you’re disconnecting from what no longer serves you because they’re happening at the same time.


LIONSGATETHEBUTTERFLYTHEMEANNAMERKABAGreetings everyone before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.
As many of you know for various reasons I had to put offering my healing sessions on hold. At this time I have resumed offering my Merkaba Distant Energy Healings, so for all of you are interested please visit my blog to learn more
Now in regard to the upcoming portal. What I am being told is that this particular Lion’s Gate portal carries the energies and the theme of a butterfly. And just like a butterfly emerges out of her cocoon, so is our inner child emerging to remind us to tune into the energies of creation abundantly flowing to GAIA for us to play with.

Brenda Hoffman - Why You’re Feeling Lonely - August 3, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Even though connecting with others via the Internet is wonderful, such is not like touching one another physically. So it is you are lonely for physical connections – whether of a romantic nature or not.
Your nerves seem to cry out for physical contact. Yet, you do not feel like making the effort to expand your network of friends.
Almost everything seems as if it is too much effort. You once relished the thought of interacting with others. Now it feels like work to move outside your comfort zone.

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration from Lady Nada and Sananda: On Judgment - August 3, 2015
Fran: This capsule of information came in as I was pondering how much judgment has been a part of our lives, but also how things are changing, and asking for illumination on the subject, I received this and share it with you now:

Lady Nada and Sananda  (Received August 2, 2015):
“Throughout your long existence in duality, judgment has been your stalwart, your guidepost, your guiding light to navigate your many twists and turns within your reality. And it has served you well. It has seemingly kept you safe and kept you moving towards your goals. We say seemingly, because while it has moved you forward and kept you safe in many cases, it has also limited you in your many experiences in your journey of moving into higher consciousness.

Ron Head - Incoming! – The Council - August 3, 2015

councilThe Council
What in the world is going on?
Is that what you are feeling now? We know that many of you are. The more sensitive of you, even some who do not think of yourselves as such, are feeling, either physically, emotionally, or both as if something immense that you just cannot describe is going on. Something is different. Are you going nuts? Even if you have felt this sort of thing for quite some time, this feels new. This feels different.
You are exactly correct. This is new. This is different. And yet this is what we have been talking to you about for three years or more. Three years seems like a long time to you. It is just another infinitely short period for us. In order to understand a lot of what we tell you, the concepts of “now time” and oneness are essential. Even then, a 3D mind just cannot truly know what we mean. But of course you will try. And of course that is what you should do. That is how you are wired.

Review Giant UFOs activity near our Sun - August 3, 2015


Review Giant UFOs activity near our Sun - August 3, 2015

domingo, agosto 02, 2015

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The Appearance of Disharmony - August 2, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.

At its deepest essence, Divine Love is inherent within all things. Purposefully coming back into our centers and allowing ourselves to see this as our deepest Truth is a powerful spiritual practice.
Awakening within us all is a connection to the divinity that is the deepest part of our true nature. We are here in this time on Earth to blend our human selves with the most Divine Love that exists in all the Universe.
It is very reassuring when we remember that this Love is always present, guiding us through lives that are changing more quickly than we can comprehend. I know that when I turn away from outward circumstances, come back into my heart and pray for it, there is a Peace that enfolds me in surprising ways.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro Energía de Agosto del 2015 - 29 de Julio 2015


Traducción: Graciela Difeo
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Pequeños actos de gran poder
Sarah Varcas

“Apaciblemente hazlo!” es probablemente el mejor consejo para el mes entrante, no deben confundirse con “bo hacer nada” No es así definitivamente! Hay tanto por hacer durante el mes de Agosto, mientras iniciamos el accionar de nuestros recientes planes, amparados por Mercurio, Júpiter y el Sol entrando en Virgo, han provocado una falta de energía Tierra desde el mes de Mayo. Después de un final de Julio más bien intenso con una luna llena poderosa que nos ha confrontado con algunas verdades no censuradas Agosto puede comenzar con sentir un retroceso a la tierra en un mes de sacudidas.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual de Agosto del 2015 - 31 de Julio 2014


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Los temas para Agosto son “Consolidación y Prioridades”.

En este mes se trata de estar anclados, ser organizados y prácticos. Se trata de elegir con sabiduría cómo y cuando buscar apoyo y donde y en qué colocar su energía.

Nos deslizamos hacia Agosto partiendo de un poco de caos remanente y quizás demasiadas cosas entre manos. Algunos de ustedes pueden sentirse estancados, irritados, limitados o ansiosos. También pueden sentir algo de inercia que viene del no saber por donde comenzar.

Cuando estamos en este estado es hasta difícil reconocer cuánto hemos crecido y cambiado durante los últimos meses. Es más fácil gemir, protestar, culpar a los demás y sentir pena por nosotros mismos respecto a lo que no se ha manifestado y cuán difícil parece ser la vida en este momento.