from Planetary Activation Organization
Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation
Dratzo! We come again! Much progress is being made, worldwide. The verdicts against the dark cabal continue to pile up. The most important faction, the world’s military, is picking up its pace. Their task is to come together and formulate a plan for actually arresting the remaining top layers in government, banking and in law. Meanwhile, those in this dark cabal are in the midst of putting together their last straw, a series of international trading partnerships. These associations are actually a modified version of their "new world order." These bogus agreements are to be trumped by the rising of NESARA and a series of similar measures worldwide. In short, the dark’s schemes are in fact illusionary. Everywhere, allies of the ancient families are fully prepared to override these illicit agreements. While this is happening, a number of new global financial institutions are slowly starting to flex their wings. The new BRICS bank and the Chinese AIIB are beginning to cut into the purposes outlined by the cabal for trade and development. The process presently occurring globally is to show how the much larger need for infrastructure development can be accomplished.
The most important part is the progress being made to integrate the world’s military into the earthly allies many projects. At present, the military is awaiting the finish of a number of legal cases that give them a constitutional reason for a massive intervention in a nation’s affairs. An example is the US internecine warfare of the 1860s, which eventually led to the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865 and was continued by the cabal with the strange reorganization of the American capitol's government in 1871. All of this began quietly with rise of the Pilgrim Society in 1820. The cabal’s founders in the 1770s and 1780s were looking for a means to fully exert their growing power, as America became a nation. They felt that a full inter-regional war over slavery was a way to isolate their enemies in government and in due time achieve control over the US government. By 1913 this led to a series of changes that opened up their programs to a complete victory. It is this aggressive part of the dark cabal that by the mid-1960s had become the “powers that be” in America.
It is this group of immoral scalawags, which is the major faction being defeated by our earthly allies worldwide. Like its immediate 18th century predecessor, it thought that it was to remain omnipotent for a century or more. The loss of its overlords, the Anunnaki, in the mid 1990s left it open to defeat. What it did in the beginning of the new millennium was a strategy by them to prevent their demise. Our arrival in the 1990s and the power we exerted to counter this series of quick strikes left this cabal exhausted and unable to fully grasp what was ahead for them. This provided the means for our allies to regroup and start their own counterattack. The results of the past decade are proof of what is very shortly to happen. The dark cabal is drifting and using every method that worked for them before the Anunnaki left. The dark is seeing one secret failure being swiftly repeated in another part of the world. Topping this off is the dire need for a new set of global realities, which is causing the world to demand of the cabal a final acknowledgement of its defeat and allow a revaluation of a number of designated key currencies as a precursor to a global one and the end of fiat currency.
To you, this time may seem one that is highly frustrating. We simply ask that you let go of this and refocus upon the positive. Many events are occurring that our liaisons are partially responsible for. This new reality is to provide you with freedom and a prosperity that is to permit you to achieve those things that you have long dreamed of. We look at your global society and see that it is in the midst of a great change. Events are now forming that promise to at last take down the cabal and transform how this reality is put together. As has been stated before, the real revolution is not to be televised. It is to be a series of events that quickly appear and rapidly influence the next chain of events. These things are to shock you initially. To many, they are to be joyful. Relax, and know that these events are very close to manifesting. Be ever ready to do your part in this great rise of freedom and prosperity. At the right divine time we are preparing to make our appearance and permit your final victories to manifest! Be confident and know good things are about to happen!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! This reality is shifting as the consciousness within grows. Every day, great energies from the central spiritual core arrive. Each day, these energies increase. They are affecting your aura and every one of your chakras. We are amazed at how these energies are gradually transforming your body and bringing out the inner self that you have had to protect since your childhood. Take time every day, dear Ones, to look at these changes and permit your spiritual guardians to explain what this all means. As these messages are allowed to percolate, you see a story forming. These changes are simply one of the ways by which the grace-giving Creator is transforming your physical essence and allowing your inner self to come forth in joy. Claim who you are! Let these things happen and use curiosity to seek what is behind this. As you do, the story you hear is to take on a deep meaning. This is the preview of who you are to become.
This move to full consciousness is to change you. The world you live in is transforming as well. Those who have ruled this orb since your move into limited consciousness are losing their way. Soon, this change is to take down this realm and leave all of us ready to pave the way to our eternal dream. We rejoice in this, since only a very few of us have been permitted to make this most spiritually perfect journey. Dropping these formidable barriers is to end humanity’s long veiled look to Heaven and to an endless amount of hearsay incessantly printed by the dark. You are to be free to look around to see and to hear the Truth. All the false fables you know are to be replaced with actual events. You are finally to hear the grand messages from the grand prophets of the Lord. These things to come excite us and we know the great responsibilities given us by Heaven. You are at last to feel the sacred and gracious blessings of Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
We are joyfully preparing for your lessons. Those who so wantonly rule over you have manipulated you. This misdirection is to be transformed. The great Lord of Heaven is sending glorious energies!! This is to be the backdrop for what we are to say. We have in our possession, special tools, which show you how history really happened and why. We have a total of nine lessons to give you. Each one is constructed to bear a great moral story. These stories are to teach you a new way to learn a number of sacred moral truths. All the world’s religions, at their core, are in parallel with one another. The differences are man-made. Great stories were changed by the powerful and used to divide you from your brethren. This is a time for unity. It is a time for all to see how a great story truthfully told can unite, instead of divide you from each other. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our weekly messages. Be ready to Love and to accept everyone! Be prepared to let go of any illogical hatred and be one in this great unity. Much is ready to happen! This realm has gone to the precipice and the time arrives to reset ourselves anew. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)