viernes, enero 09, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Informe de Energía para 2015 - Enero 9, 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Este es, de lejos, el informe de energía más complejo que haya escrito en los 8 años que llevo escribiéndolos. En años anteriores era mucho más fácil sintonizar nuestra energía colectiva general. La ola de "almas despiertas" pasaba por procesos similares, la "sociedad de la vieja realidad" iba marchando en forma relativamente predecible, en tanto la elite trataba de aferrarse a su estructura de poder donde se sentía vulnerable.

jueves, enero 08, 2015

Patricia Cota-Robles - 2015 Was Birthed In A Star Burst of Light - January 8, 2015

Beloved Mother Mary is an exponent of the Feminine Aspect of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. She represents the Divine Mother Principle on Earth, and she has accepted the responsibility of holding the Immaculate Concept, which is the Divine Blueprint for the Ascension in the Light of every single person on Earth. In order to assist us with the critically important and unprecedented process of transforming our Earthly Bodies and the Body of Mother Earth into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Radiant Beauty, Mother Mary has given us a Life-transforming invocation.

The Best UFO Sightings of 2015. (January) Part 2

Eliza: Volte-face - January 8, 2015

Stetattle Ridge
Eliza: Volte-face
Oye! The alteration in my feelings and direction altered quite irrevocably with the beginning of this New Year. It’s as if I was going in one direction and then woke up and found myself traveling in a completely new direction. Yet it is all me… now, at least.
How to explain what happened during this past year leaves me a little speechless. I am not going to blame anyone or even myself. There were no mistakes made or injustice done. What I went through was another layer of experience to add to my already thick portfolio.
What is my truth? What is my direction? Where am I going?
I really can’t answer those questions with surety, thus is the current momentum of change. We are all being stripped of whatever doesn’t belong to us, what we don’t need any more, whether it be another person’s ideas, our own prejudices and beliefs about ourselves, our fears and doubts… all of it must be left behind. The higher frequencies of the planet will not allow us to go forward into the new with these things.

Como Grabar OVNIs y Chemtrails Invisibles modificando cámaras de video viejas

miércoles, enero 07, 2015

The Enlightened Master - What is happening in our sun? Jan 7,.2015

What is happening in our sun?
I will explain in points:

First of all, happy new circle…. the years of Galaxy’s Night have ended {the ending days are from 1st of Jan.2015 until 7th of Jan.2015} and on 8th of Jan. 2015 we will start in the daytime of the galaxy, the new circle is not only in the galaxy, but also coincides with the end circle since 13.7 Billion year (the Big Bang Circle), and the beginning of the new one..

The end of all Old Timelines with the end of the circle, and the beginning of the new timelines with the new circle...

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 2015 At A Glance – 7 January 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs seen in Sedona Journal
Received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As your human intelligence and telepathic tentacles reach out deep into the heart of the universe a joining is created. As you search for the highest truth in the deepest abyss you become fluid of nature.  As a species you seek what has been withheld from you. You as reflection of the Creator have a DNA/RNA sequence that holds what you seek to know. In other words you core cell biology knows the answers to all the questions your soul will ask. You seek resolution as all the instincts beat thru your veins. The very thing that has been withheld from you lives deep within the very soul of your being.  It is this that seeks to dismantle and ride your humanness into stardom in an unbridled fashion. 

martes, enero 06, 2015

WOW! Man Discovers Tunnel to Egypt's Great Pyramid Under His House!

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Jan 6, 2015

The coming time is therefore to be one filled with deeds that are to push the cabal from power and permit mass arrests of the entire leadership of this malicious group. This new reality is to be set forth in rapid stages.

from PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan 
6 Cimi, 4 Chen, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive with some very interesting news! The process, which is changing your reality, continues to move forward despite attempts by the dark cabal to delay it further. This caused the failure to announce the merest of beginnings for the delivery of your prosperity packages. The dark, overall, has failed to prevent the start of these deliveries. However, this process is moving toward a time when such success can be publicly noticed. On the whole, we are satisfied that those governments now controlled by the dark are on their last legs. The first month of the New Year promises to give you the prosperity and governance which has long been prophesized for you. Our earthly allies are determined to overcome any possible obstacles and give you a new financial system. This system is to force the drastic realigning of various regimes in the West and rapidly create new governance. It is this new governance that is finally to permit disclosure to happen. It is this dramatic event that propels us onto the world’s stage. Much is to occur once this special moment happens. Our personnel are ready to announce themselves and open the communication channels with you.

James Gilliland Message for 2015

Pray It Forward This New Years
This coming Sunday night there will be a full moon. It is an excellent time to re-evaluate what worked and what did not work so well in the preceding year. A time to get real clear about what you want, gain the wisdom from the past and release it. Don't carry those balls and chains into the future. Rather than just focus on what you want for the new year how about a prayer for others. How about a New Years Resolution to include those in your inner circle and outer circle as well to find their way to living a loving, joyous, prosperous life. You might want to add a little universal peace into the mix. I believe

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 06, 2015

I am here today to tell you of a change in government; I speak of government of the people and for the people. It is coming in the next few months and as it unfolds it will bring about not only a change in government but, a change as well in the whole of society on the planet. When I speak of the governmental change it is not only here in the United States, but all around the world. There are some governmental bodies that are in need of slight changes, and then some that will undergo massive reconstruction. As this is continuing behind the scenes as I speak we are seeing many changes in the way that it will all unfold around the globe.

6-1-15. El dólar de Estados Unidos está ahora respaldado por oro, pero los criminales de guerra siguen estando libres - Ene 6, 2015

06 ene
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Ahora está claro que el dólar estadounidense que se comercializa internacionalmente está respaldado por oro. La evidencia de esto es el hecho de que recientemente el dólar ha cambiado en valor frente a una canasta monedas de una manera que sigue de cerca la forma en que se comporta el oro frente a estas monedas.
El dólar respaldado por oro comercializado internacionalmente y los yuanes chinos están ahora bajo el control de la familia del Dragón (real asiático), la familia real británica, el gobierno comunista chino, las familias de banqueros suizos y sus aliados.
Sin embargo, estamos escuchando de ellos que la resistencia continúa a partir de elementos del gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos que utilizan derivados para seguir creando dólares sin respaldo para comprar en el mercado de valores. También lograron poner 100 mil millones de dólares “ilusorios” en su cuenta el 31 de diciembre para aplazar su quiebra.

UFO Crashing Releases Orb Over Southern California. Anyone Else See It?

Brenda Hoffman – Rolling, Rolling, Rolling – 6 January 2015 - Rodando, Rodando, Rodando

Dear Ones,
The next few days will bring many changes to your life and that of others. You have surfed through wild energy surges and climbed emotional mountains. You have experienced feelings like salmon swimming upstream – accepting all, always moving forward. But you have not yet truly accepted the AHAs that are now of your life forever more.
Part of your climb has been accepting your true worth. Even though many of you feel as if you have many mountains yet to climb, you are further ahead than you realize.
You believe you do not deserve rewards until you have completed all your tasks – a 3D belief that has little to do with new you.

Celia Fenn - The Year of the Dragonfly: Perspectives from New Shamanism - Jan 6, 2015 - El Año de la Libélula: Perspectivas desde el Nuevo Chamanismo

2015 is going to be an astonishing and magical year on Planet Earth.  The Energy that is the Guardian and Keeper of this year is that of the Dragonfly.  Dragonfly is the Keeper of the Portals of Magic, Dreams and Mystery.  It is a fitting energy to guide our emergence into the Sixth Dimension of Magic and Dream manifestation.
As we anchor the magical sixth dimension on Earth, Dragonfly will assist in guiding us into a new magical and shamanic reality.
New Shamanism is a way of living as well as a perception of reality that draws on the ancient path of the Shaman.  But, in the 21st century, this path is expressed and experienced at a new level of awareness that incorporates higher consciousness, compassion and creativity.
This new consciousness can embrace Dragonfly "medicine", or the energy signature of the Dragonfly.  This is the ability to transform, to dream and to weave light into Magical Manifestation.

Transformation with Dragonfly Magic

The Dragonfly begins its life in water, and then transforms rapidly from its water element beginning into a winged creature that can fly and hover in the air above the water in an exotic dance of luminescent light.
So it will be in 2015.  You will find that life and events will require very rapid shifts and transformations.  You will be challenged to raise your consciousness and perception and to take flight on the wings of creative imagination.
You will no longer be able to simply swim along in the currents of lower collective consciousness, but you will feel the urge and the need to transform your life and rebirth as something and someone more beautiful and creative.  You will be called to the dance of Life on the glittering paths of the Diamond Light. That light will shimmer in your spirit wings as you dance with the Light!
This urge to transform and to creative "flight" will be felt also on the collective level, and there will be events on the Earth that will require collective transformation and an imaginative response.  These will be opportunities to rise above old ways of thinking and perception based on fear and lack, and to rise up to a new level of co-operation and creation as a Planetary family.
As you are awakened to this reality, you will find it easier to simply allow yourself to transform, to rise up and respond in magical ways.  You are the Dreamweaver, the Magical Dancer, creating the luminescent dance of life.

Keepers of Magic

As you work with Dragonfly magic, you too will become a Keeper of Divine Magic.
Dragonfly teaches us how to move between worlds and dimensions, and how to weave dreams that create new realities.
The magical dreams that you will weave will be the creation of your reality and your timelines.  Your life will become as fluid and graceful as a Dragonfly's dance, creating magic and light in your wake.
You have learnt to be aware that life is an illusion, now you will learn to weave this illusion into a field of magical light that will reflect your energy signature and your love and compassion.

The Dragonfly Meditation and Activation for 2015

dragonfly 1
This meditation will assist you to connect with the energy of Dragonfly.  It will activate that energy in your Light Body Field.
To begin the meditation, ensure that you are either lying down, or seated in a comfortable position with your feet on the floor and your spine straight.
Begin by focussing on your breathing, focus on the in breath and then the out breath, allowing yourself to become relaxed.  If you are a shamanic practitioner, you can open a Sacred Circle for this work.
When you feel that you are relaxed focus your attention and intention into your Heart Center, and allow yourself to connect with the Divine Light and Flame that lives within your heart.  Feel yourself expanding that light and filling your body and light body with this Divine Golden light.
Let yourself breathe this light, with every cell in your body!  You may begin to see many magical colors - first a shimmering blue, then a radiant silver white, then gold, pink, green, turquoise and many other colors.  Allow these colors to flow over you and to dance around you.
Now you are ready to summon the energy of Dragonfly, so call Dragonfly to you.
You will see in your inner vision a beautiful Dragonfly that will come to you, dancing on the light and flying and hovering.  Allow yourself to melt into the Dragonfly, and now you are flying and dancing and weaving light with Dragonfly energy.  Let yourself flow into the luminescent pathways of light.
You may fly into the sky, you may hover over water, or you may sit quietly on a reed drying your wings.  And you will dream.  You will dream of creation and new projects and desires that seek manifestation in your reality.  And you will feel the energy of Dragonfly helping you to weave those dreams into reality.
Feel how ancient is this energy as it weaves the light.  Feel the ancient magical energy of the dragons that is still held in Dragonfly.  Feel how the illusions are slipping away until you see the pure and shining beauty and truth at the heart of all creation.  And this is Love. Pure Love and Compassion manifesting as Creativity, Joy and Abundance.
Feel how you are receiving into your heart, your soul, spirit and light body, the ancient blessing of Dragonfly.
This energy will be with you and support you in 2015. It will assist you to dance with light, beauty, magic, joy, abundance and love.
Allow yourself to be open to any messages that may come from Dragonfly.
When you are complete, you can then return your focus to your heart center and breathe deeply. If you have opened a circle you can close it now, and return to daily consciousness.  Breathe deeply several times and move your arms and legs.  It may also help to stand up and stamp your feet to ground yourself back into the Earth.

El Año de la Libélula: Perspectivas desde el Nuevo Chamanismo
por Celia Fenn
6 de enero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

2015 va a ser un año asombroso y mágico en el Planeta Tierra. La Energía que es la Guardiana y Cuidadora de este año es la de la Libélula. La Libélula es la Guardiana de los Portales de la Magia, de los Sueños y del Misterio. Es una energía apropiada para guiar nuestro surgimiento en la Sexta Dimensión de la manifestación de Magia y Sueños.

A medida que anclamos la sexta dimensión mágica en la Tierra, la Libélula ayudará a guiarnos hacia una nueva realidad mágica y chamánica.

El Nuevo Chamanismo es una forma de vida y también es una percepción de la realidad que se basa en el antiguo sendero del Chamán. Pero, en el siglo 21, este camino se expresa y se experimenta en un nuevo nivel de conciencia que incorpora conciencia superior, compasión y creatividad.

Esta nueva conciencia puede abrazar la "medicina" de la Libélula, o la signatura de la energía de la Libélula. Esta es la capacidad de transformar, de soñar y de tejer luz en Manifestación Mágica.

Transformación con Magia de Libélula

La Libélula comienza su vida en el agua, y luego se transforma rápidamente de su elemento agua inicial en una criatura alada que puede volar y flotar en el aire sobre el agua en una danza exótica de luz luminiscente.

Así será en 2015. Encontrarás que la vida y los acontecimientos requerirán cambios y transformaciones muy rápidos. Serás desafiado a elevar tu conciencia y percepción y tomar vuelo en las alas de la imaginación creativa.

Ya no serás capaz de simplemente nadar a lo largo de las corrientes de la conciencia colectiva inferior, sino que sentirás la urgencia y la necesidad de transformar tu vida y renacer como algo y alguien más hermoso y creativo. Serás llamado a la danza de la Vida en los caminos brillantes de la Luz Diamante. Esa luz brillará en tus alas espirituales mientras bailas con la Luz!

Esta urgencia por transformar y por "vuelo" creativo se hará sentir también en el plano colectivo, y habrá eventos en la Tierra que requerirán de transformación colectiva y de una respuesta imaginativa. Estas serán oportunidades para elevarse por encima de las viejas formas de pensamiento y percepción basadas en el miedo y en la carencia, y para elevarse hasta un nuevo nivel de cooperación y creación como una familia Planetaria.

A medida que eres despertado a esta realidad, encontrarás que es más fácil simplemente permitirse a uno mismo transformarse, elevarse y responder de formas mágicas. Tú eres el Tejedor de Sueños, el Bailarín Mágico, creando la danza luminiscente de la vida.

Guardianes de la Magia

A medida que trabajes con la magia de la Libélula, te convertirás también en un Custodio de la Magia Divina.

La Libélula nos enseña cómo moverse entre mundos y dimensiones, y cómo tejer sueños que crean nuevas realidades.

Los sueños mágicos que tejerás serán la creación de tu realidad y de tus líneas de tiempo. Tu vida se volverá tan fluida y agraciada como la danza de una Libélula, creando magia y luz en tu estela.

Has aprendido a ser consciente de que la vida es una ilusión, ahora vas a aprender a tejer esta ilusión en un campo de luz mágica que reflejará la signatura de tu energía y tu amor y compasión.

La Meditación y Activación de la Libélula para el 2015

Esta meditación te ayudará a conectar con la energía de la Libélula. Activará esa energía en el Campo de tu Cuerpo de Luz.

Para comenzar la meditación, asegúrate de que estés o bien acostado, o sentado en una posición cómoda con los pies en el suelo y la columna recta.

Comienza centrándote en tu respiración, enfócate en la inhalación y luego en la exhalación, permitiéndote relajarte. Si eres un practicante de chamanisno, puedes abrir un Círculo Sagrado para este trabajo.

Cuando sientas que estás relajado, enfoca tu atención e intención en tu Centro Corazón, y permítete conectar con la Luz Divina y la Llama que vive dentro de tu corazón. Siéntete expandiendo esa luz y llenando tu cuerpo y tu cuerpo de luz con esta luz Divina Dorada.

Permítete respirar esta luz, con cada célula de tu cuerpo! Quizás comiences a ver muchos colores mágicos - primero un azul brillante, luego un blanco-plateado radiante, luego oro, rosa, verde, turquesa y muchos otros colores. Permite que estos colores fluyan sobre ti y bailen a tu alrededor.

Ahora estás listo para convocar a la energía de la Libélula, así que llama a la Libélula hacia ti.

Verás en tu visión interior una hermosa Libélula que vendrá a ti, bailando en la luz y volando y revoloteando. Permítete fundirte en la Libélula, y ahora estás volando y bailando y tejiendo luz con energía de Libélula. Permítete fluir en las vías luminiscentes de luz.

Puedes volar hacia el cielo, puedes revolotear sobre el agua, o puedes sentarte tranquilamente en una caña para secar tus alas. Y soñarás. Vas a soñar con la creación y nuevos proyectos y deseos que buscan manifestación en tu realidad. Y sentirás la energía de la Libélula ayudándote a tejer esos sueños en la realidad.

Siente cuan antigua es esta energía mientras teje la luz. Siente la antigua energía mágica de los dragones que aún se mantiene en la Libélula (N. de T.: en inglés “libélula” es “dragonfly”, cuya traducción literal sería “mosca dragón”). Siente cómo las ilusiones están escurriéndose hasta que veas la belleza y la verdad puras y brillantes en el corazón de toda la creación. Y esto es Amor. Puro Amor y Compasión manifestándose como Creatividad, Dicha y Abundancia.

Siente cómo estás recibiendo en tu corazón, tu alma, espíritu y cuerpo de luz, la antigua bendición de la Libélula.

Esta energía estará contigo y te apoyará en el 2015. Te ayudará a danzar con luz, belleza, magia, alegría, abundancia y amor.

Permítete estar abierto a cualquier mensaje que pueda venir de la Libélula.

Cuando estés completo, puedes regresar tu foco al centro del corazón y respirar profundamente. Si has abierto un círculo puedes cerrarlo ahora, y volver a la conciencia cotidiana. Respira profundamente varias veces y mueve los brazos y las piernas. También puede ayudar ponerse de pie y estampar tus pies para anclarte de nuevo en la Tierra.

© 2014-15 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Se permite copiar, distribuir, mostrar y realizar el trabajo bajo las siguientes condiciones: Deben acreditar la autora, no pueden utilizar esto con fines comerciales y no pueden alterar, transformar o modificar este trabajo. Para cualquier re-uso o distribución deben aclararle a los demás los términos de licencia de este trabajo. Cualquiera de estas condiciones puede dispensarse si obtienen permiso del titular del derecho de autor. Para cualquier otro fin se debe obtener autorización de la autora.

lunes, enero 05, 2015


channeld by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: A radiantly beautiful Angel faces me and says to 
me in my native language (Slovenian):“Zahvaljujem se ti za 
vse kar ti delaš. „I thank you for everything that you do.“ 
After I also thank the Angel for everything it does, it leaves me. 
(End of dream)  

Interpretation: The thank you is the thanks of the Source and 
the thanks of Mother Earth (mother tongue) for everything that 
the Lichtwelt project brings into the world. Thereby the thank 
you from Heaven includes everyone, who contribute here, directly 
or indirectly, and no matter at what position or with which 
assignments. And I pass on this “thank you from a radiantly 
beautiful Angel” to you, honored reader, with the following 
message. (JJK)

Christine Meleriessee - Experiencing the Balance Within ~ Full Moon of January 2015 - Jan 05, 2015

1st_full_moon-qprWe are in a most powerful acceleration of the first full moon in January. On the 4th of January we experienced the activation of the Full Moon within Capricorn of the Sun and Cancer of the Moon to merge within each other.
Capricorn represents our livelihood in the material world and how we react within that element on a physical level; whereas, Cancer represents our connection to our inner self, our emotions, and creating a loving environment in our daily living. We could look at this as the Mental Body vs the Emotional Body trying to come into alignment. It is a time for us to look at what is necessary in both worlds and allowing them to be completely balanced.
As we experienced the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance to come into physical creation on the 31st of December, we are now being asked to delve deeper into our core essence. This ray represents the ability to fully resurrect what does not work for us any longer in order to achieve the equilibrium we are searching for.

Alien Temple and Structure On South Pole Of Mars Captured By NASA

domingo, enero 04, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - January 2015 Energy Report - Jan 4, 2015 - Reporte de Energías Enero 2015

The few times that I have been on roller coasters (I don’t like them very much; they scare me, and I always regret getting on them once the ride starts), I notice that there is a lot of time spent on safety and preparation.  A height check to ensure that participants are tall enough to not fall out, or be thrown out of the seat, the attendant checks every person’s seat restraint, instructions are provided to make sure everyone knows what to do while on the ride, and the ride starts very slowly as it climbs up the first hill. Then in a few harrowing minutes the ride is over. The buildup to January has been slow and at times, the energy may feel like it’s moving slowly, but the ride has begun and we are on it until it comes to a full stop at the end.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Acknowledge Yourself - January 4, 2015

The Gabriel Message for this week is:
Acknowledge yourself for how far you have come instead of how far you think you have to go.
I loved receiving this message from Archangel Gabriel in the early 1990's. It demonstrated a bit of angelic humor. The operative word that struck me most deeply was "how far you think you have to go."
At that time I was in a fast-moving portion of my life, growing personally and spiritually as quickly as possible, while starting a new business working with the Angels. Being in the business world was completely overwhelming for me then, but I was convinced I could create work that was based in spiritual principles and stay in that center while my business grew. This, of course, created a spiritual incubator that kept the learning experiences coming fast, deep and strong. When one goal was met, I was on to the next one without a breath in-between.

Earth's Shields Continue to Collapse/Cern

Anna Merkaba - Supreme Atom – Creativity – Atomic DNA Upgrade – 2015 – Metatron - Jan 4, 2015

supremednaatomGreetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. First of all I would like to take a moment and wish all of you a very Happy New Year! As many of you have been feeling rather disconnected last few weeks especially the last week of December, you will understand my excitement and anticipation of the changes to come. Whereas December has been all about purging, January will be all about re-aligning ourselves with our higher self with the assistance of the new benevolent energies that are coming onto our planet right now, finally!
Many of you shall begin to experience your CREATIVE juices flowing, you will be prompted to look for new ways of getting things done, and just as in previous uplifting times you will have tremendous connectedness to your higher selves, however this time around what we are being told is we will literally be pulled as if by magnet to each other. Many of you will experience sudden meetings that you have been longing for, for so long. And I am not just referring to the romantic relationships, no this particular channeling is all about your mission here on earth. Everything will begin falling into place, however, when you seek to connect to the divine, you will right away be pointed to go deep within yourself first, listen to your heart and solar plexus and tune into the atom of your soul which resides within your bodies.

Aisha North - Welcome to the January Gathering around the Pond, Sunday January 4, 2015

Dear family of light! 2015 has begun, and this Sunday, January 4 at 21:00 Oslo time we have a new Gathering around the Pond coming up, the first opportunity we have to dive into this new year and these new energies as a collective. This is what the CCs have to say about it:
“Once again you stand before an event that will help to secure not just your connection to these very new energies but that will also help to anchor these energies in such a way, your whole planet will benefit from them. You see, as you passed through that doorway that separated the past from the future and yesteryear from the new, it also served to catapult you all into this very new energetic moment of NOW. And through that, you also initiated a sequence of separation and realignment that will enable you as a collective to nourish yourselves fully from this wondrous new source of sustenance that is now in place here in your very new environs. And as such, you will in turn serve as a portal that will enable so many of your fellow men to follow in your footsteps. For you have already begun to immerse yourselves in this truly fertile sea, this cauldron brimming with potential, ready to be imbued by you all. And when you once again step up to the challenge to intertwine your separate energetic strands during this collective event you have given the name of the Gathering, you will once again help to construct a veritable ladder of energetic filaments that will enable so many to elevate themselves even further up this path of harmonics.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – January 4, 2015 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 4 al 11 de enero, 2015

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
The way before you has burgeoning potential and possibility. Those of you who have persistently done the work of the initiate on the path of light will now begin to reap the rewards. These rewards come as the blossoming of new gifts of the spirit. These gifts lay waiting within you to be discovered, explored and developed. Many of you are beginning to have lucid dreams in which you take control and then direct as you desire. This is a sign of one who is awake and aware of their true presence, one who is a Master of Self. No longer are you floundering in confusion about whom or what you are. You KNOW that you are a being of light and that you CHOSE to be here on Earth expressly for these times that are now upon you. You will be finding it much easier to implement your plans, goals and projects, those which have been put on hold until now. You will be amazed at the rapidity with which these now manifest into the world.

sábado, enero 03, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Mankind’s paths separate!
Levels upon levels are now separating
the energetic as well as physical structures 
are severing, visible in this world, visible for 
all human Beings.
With the consequence that the chasm between the 
awakened ones and the unconscious ones widens again; 
until it becomes unbridgeable and the definite end of the 
common time of all human Beings in this world is sealed.

The Best UFO Sightings of 2015. (January) Part 1

viernes, enero 02, 2015

Natalie Glasson – The Cycle Of Crucifixion By Archangel Michael – January 2, 2015

natalie glassonIn this new cycle, which is long awaited as are all cycles of this time, we enter into a space promoting the energy of freedom. The vibration, frequency and consciousness of freedom is awakening from the very depths of your soul, like a candle newly lit casting greater light where there once was not. The dawning and awakening of the vibration and consciousness of freedom within your soul is born due to your continued acceptance of the Era of Love, it is akin to a new aspect of your soul readily available to be fully born into your embodiment. Freedom is such a powerful vibration, it fills all the senses with the questions, answers and experience of life beyond the physical reality, life which is the life force energy of the Creator, the source of the Creator. Freedom speaks of a time where the soul and spirit is free from limitation and yet still exists within a physical reality. How can this be? It is a process of being and it is the true reality of humanity upon the Earth. Remember that unlike previous Ascended Masters, your goal is not to ascend beyond the Earth; it is to ascend with your feet firmly planted within the soil of Mother Earth thus acting as an accelerating boost for all upon the Earth.

Jahn J Kassl - 2015: THE YEAR OF TRUTH, JJK - Jan 2, 2015

written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Mankind is awakening!

This can no longer be denied. 
At all corners and ends human Beings 
stand up against injustice and clearly 
reject the lies from politics and the media.
„Solemn Vigils and Peace Vigils”, “Monday Demonstrations”, 
„PEGIDA“, movements, which a few years ago were sill unthinkable, 
record enormous throngs. Also the alternative and investigative 
media record active intakes, while the readership of the equally 
configured mainstream media breaks away. „In the Western 
Countries the media has become the greatest power; more 
powerful than the legislative, the police or jurisdiction.“ 
Alexander Solschenizyn (1918-2008)

SaLuSa - January 2, 2015

We hear many of you question why time seems to be going so much faster. It is simply that the speed of the vibrations is increasing, whilst at the same time the vibrations are lifting you up out of the lower vibrations. It will continue until you are completely lifted up into the 4th. Dimension, to no longer be assailed by the lower vibrations The coming City of Light, that is also part of the new dimension is just one many manifestations that are lined up to appear this year. That it already appears to have been delayed should not concern you as it due to appear very shortly. We know that humans are impatient but you are so near to seeing the City of Light we ask you to have patience.

Mahala – Planet Alert January 2015 – January 2, 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on January 1st, 2015
Happy New Year Everyone!  What will happen in 2015, or what will we create in 2015? I am creating a vision of it being a very wonderful year! How many of you will join me in creating that vision? The numbers 2+1+5 equals 8, and the number 8 rules money so let’s create a year of abundance for everyone!
Speaking of money, did you notice that Saturn is now in Sagittarius and that sign rules the banking system? Sagittarius also rules teachers, colleges, lawyers, judges, the court system, mountains, and the higher mind. It is a fire sign and that energy makes everything move very fast. If you think this year went by fast, just wait until you see how fast this upcoming year will move. Here is an interesting link called The World Changes on December 29, 2014. It’s about money and the change between China and Russia.

Mahala – Channeling For The New Year From Mona Delfino – 2 January 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on January 1st, 2015
Her email address is:
Her web site is:
Happy New Year, our loved ones!!
“This is the year that things have come to a closure .It is an event that is happening in your world due to global awareness of the shift within.
Most people are into the concept-based holiday season, and some do not recognize how important and huge this event really is. If we can set aside that idea and see what is the significance happening, we will witness this closure from what was to a new state of what is. You may see this time like a big wrapped candy that closes off at the end and pinches down and twists. When you get into the New Year, you begin to unwrap it… you don’t see what was in this before. Instead you start to see a new way of seeing, a new adventure.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “New Year 2015″ – 2 January 2015

(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright.  Well we’re technically pre-recording this because you know all of the articles go out every week for those who have subscribed to them and we do them ahead so that the ladies that run the office and all can have their time off and the channel can have her time off so we have, we say the office is unwomanned during the holidays so Janet and Terri both are off.
Now this year, I do want to talk about it because it is a turnaround year. We are finally going to see the end of the strenuous things coming about, the Uranus Pluto Squares, the Blood Moons will finish up sometime during the year.

Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn - The Diamond Path: The New Creative Adventure of Love and Abundance in 2015 - 31 December, 2014

The Diamond Path: The New Creative Adventure of Love and Abundance in 2015

On the first day of the year 2015 you are stepping into a new beginning and a new adventure on Planet Earth.  2014 was experienced by many as a difficult and chaotic year with personal challenges to many of you. But, Beloved Family of Light, it was also the year in which the gateways and portals of Magical Abundance and Creativity were anchored on the Earth. The challenges that you faced helped you to truly stand in your power and be the Creator of your own Reality. This is the essence of a Multi-Dimensional Master of Light.
In the year 2015, you will be given the opportunity to further develop your skills and abilities as the powerful Diamond Light energies create further acceleration of consciousness and further activations of DNA codes for spiritual and physical evolution. We call this new Time Spiral the Diamond Path, and on this path you will discover the power of Infinite Love and Compassion. You will discover your power within the Galactic and Cosmic energies and you will focus this into the creation of a loving and harmonious reality as you travel the Diamond Path as multi-dimensional Masters and Creators.

jueves, enero 01, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather – 2015 Yearly Snapshot - January1, 2015 - El Clima Cósmico – Instantánea Anual del 2015
2015: Manifestation, Magnification and the Big Magic
You have to believe we are magic. Nothin’ can stand in our way. You have to believe we are magic. Don’t let your aim ever stray. And if all your hopes survive, destiny will arrive. I’ll bring all your dreams alive, for you. From where I stand you are home free. The planets align so rare. There’s something in the air, and I’m guiding you. ~ Lyall/Patton
To talk about where we are going in 2015 it’s important to take a moment to discuss where we’ve been. From where I see it, all of the trials and challenges in 2014 have served as preparation and initiation for what is to come. The distractions and diversions have been great, but we’ve become more actutely aware of them. Many people have seen the price to be paid for getting seriously pulled from their own center into collective or personal dramas and to let their vibration drop. Especially in an “8” vibration consistency and focus are important keys. Of course we’re going to have “off” days everyone does, it’s just a matter of how fast we get back on the horse so to speak.

James Tyberonn – ARCHANGEL METATRON CHANNEL: 2015 : THE AMAZING YEAR AHEAD - Dec 21, 2014 - Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn 2015: El Asombroso Año que Empieza

via James Tyberonn   – – Dec. 2014
Copyrights Protected-All Rights of Authorship Reserved

Greetings Masters,
I am Metatron, Archangel of Light, and I greet you in a vector of unconditional love. And so in this gathering we are asked by the channel to discuss the year that lies before you, 2015, in your linear chronology.
It is ‘ Year Three’ of the New Earth. It will be a truly amazing year, a time of shift, a time of great change .. and indeed a year of intensity. All is purposed , and the difficulties that humanity encountered can and will be resolved. But effort and involvement is requisite. It is time to co-create a world of Peace.
Dear Humans, before we begin on the topic requested, we wish to add a point. The ongoing turmoil on the planet clearly signals to humanity that complex, deeply embedded issues of conflict, whether of religious, territorial basis or concerning social equity and inequity… all must be resolved.
These have surfaced many times before without resolution. However in the energy of the New Earth, such issues will not just go away. In the energy of your ‘present’ linear time, such conflicts will absolutely percolate to the surface and remain there.

Jahn J Kassl - WELCOME TO THE YEAR 2015, JJK - Jan 1, 2015

written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Honored Readers,
The Year 2014 has been stripped off. The ultimate decisions 
on an individual as well as global level have been made and 
now these become reality.
Rapidly and with an awe-inspiring dynamic these light-filled 
facts begin to prevail; the darkness yields to the Light, the 
evil of darkness and a mostly godless mankind begins to turn 
toward God.

Planetary Update - January 2015

miércoles, diciembre 31, 2014

Lena Stevens - January 2015 Monthly Forecast -Dec 31, 2014 Pronóstico Mensual – Enero del 2015

The theme for January is ACTIVATION.

The year starts off with an intense period of release and initiation and a push from spirit to get all your ducks in a row. As we move from the more organized influences of 2014 into the chaos, creativity and destruction of 2015, it will be truly useful to take charge of what is being activated in your life, especially this month. This is not the month to be passive, apathetic or be waiting for someone else to solve what is not working in your life. This is a month to be disciplined about your boundaries and to step into your own creative power of choice around what gets activated and how.
ACTIVATION: stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical; the activity of causing to have energy and be active; making active and effective.
This is the month to take all those dreams, intentions, resolutions, plans, ideas and inspirations that have been dormant or sitting on a shelf waiting for right timing or the right ingredients, and to activate them. Activation requires taking ACTION. This is not a month to sit around. It is a month that supports movement and action provided you have the right ingredients. (This months Mp3 is helpful)

UFO Spotted on BBC New Year's Eve Fireworks 2015 in London - 2015 Midnight Firework Show HD

Selacia – 2015 Predictions Update – ‘Coming in 2015′ – 31 December 2014 - Entrando al 2015

SelaciaComing in 2015
by Selacia
Relax a bit and take a deep breath as the New Year begins – a gentler and lighter energy in the air. You have witnessed and likely lived through many complex challenges in recent times. The year 2014 was not an easy one, to be sure.
As mentioned in my 2015 Predictions article published in November, much is changing in our world. The changes are nothing short of a miracle, with long-outmoded institutions coming under the magnifying glass in a very public way. This process of disclosure and unveiling, while not complete, has set in motion the momentum needed for the most radical revolutionary shift to date. By the time it’s finished, society’s key nonworking power structures and ways of being will have been scrutinized and taken out of the closet for airing.

My Outlook for the Year 2015 - Dec 31, 2014
My forecast for 2015 will be short and succinct:
This is the year when we shall transfigure, just as 2014 was the year when we officially ascended and became incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia and Guardians of the New Golden Galaxy. Period!
When shall we transfigure?
It depends on how effectively we create our reality as Logos Gods in the knowing that linear time is an illusion. Optically our transfiguration to unlimited multidimensional beings will be heralded by the final escalation of confrontation between the forces of light and darkness and its resolution through transformation at the political stage – by the collapse of this Orion world and the emergence of the New Age.
Will the resolution through confrontation include a dramatic paradigm shift in the collective mindset?
According to my view, this is inevitable for the proper unfolding of the final resolution through confrontation.

Jahn J Kassl - THE BEATITUDES, SANANDA - Dec 31, 2014 the Book: "Master-Dialogues"
Volume I

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

Blessed are they, who fully devote to God,
because they will find entrance into Heaven.

Blessed are they, who totally accept life,
because they are accepted by God;
God is Life.

Méline Portia Lafont – Master Saint Germain And Anka (Elohim) – Liquid Gold Blood And The Inner Changes – 31 December 2014

MélineHi sweet friends!!
WOW! to another amazing month and the closure of a very profound and moving year 2014. Have you been feeling the inner changes this year as if they were surreal, mind blowing but nonetheless ever so clear?! Well, too much has been happening with me that I cannot hold track with my writings, inner changes and energy work that I have been doing. I know many of you feel the same and have been through much of the same. As always: we are in this together! So I wanted to share with you a very personal message I received last year December from my Elohim Self which is called Anka. I read it again today and I realized that the message and time frame that has been given to me then, applies more to this NOW in some parts and not so much on the time when it was given to me. Another clear indication to let go of time :)

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Being Gentle In Multi-dimensional Energy” – 31 December 2014

LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss being gentle in multi-dimensional energy.
The vibration of the energy is increasing at a very rapid rate. As this occurs, the veils between the dimensions are thinning. You may feel as though you can stretch from the third dimension to the fourth, fifth, and beyond at the same time. You may feel as if you are existing in more than one dimension simultaneously. You are becoming a multi-dimensional Being where you can move between and across dimensions very easily.

Sandra Walter – Blessed Upon Our Year Of Mastery – 31 December 2014

sandra-walter-300x239Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I AM feeling deep gratitude for our connection on this remarkable journey of Ascension. The New Light intensifies, adjusts, purges and renews all at once; such is the nature of photonic Divine neutrality. We welcome in 2015 holding the intentions of grace, joy and peace for all that is.
Our first wave of acceleration – the first in a powerful series – arrives on January 4. Now is not a time to rattle on about predictions, preparations or repetitive advice.

Jennifer Hoffman - 2015 Predictions - December 31, 2014 - Predicciones para el 2015

Happy-New-Year-Its-timeEvery year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction.
Now, more than ever, there is enormous power in the shared collective awareness. Since my predictions are read by millions of people from dozens of countries, who can translate and interpret what they read in many different ways, sharing these predictions is a mission that I take very seriously and I write them with a great deal of care. That said, at different times during the year I refer to the predictions I made (which I do not change once they are published), and I am surprised at how accurate they are.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 432 – 31 December 2014

AishaNorthLet us serve up some more information on the matter that you are all created from. For this is in every way all about matter, and about how this matter comes into being and indeed seemingly ceases to exist. For as you know already, this is in actual fact all about energy and of the transformation of such, for there is never anything that ceases to exist, it is simply transposed into another stage of being. In other words, what was once created will always BE, but it will never be the same for eternity. That goes for all of you, but it also goes for all of the stars on the firmament, and indeed, the very firmament itself. For the firmament is no such thing as “firm” or intransient, it is at all times a living organism fluctuating between the different stages of creation, going from “birth” to “death” and all of the stages in between simultaneously. And you are a part of this at all time fluctuating mass of matter, blinking in and out of “existence” – or rather – perception – on a regular basis.

Sarah Varcas - January 2015 Astro-Energy Report - Don’t React, Reflect! -

Astrology of January 2015, Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, Full Moon in Cancer, New Moon in Aquarius, the nature of the mind
Image: “Happy Thoughts” by Gary Rosenberg

Energy builds in the sign of Aquarius as January progresses, offering a much needed mental spring-clean. Simultaneously an alliance between Uranus and the South Node reminds us it is sometimes the most familiar things which need discarding, whether our de-cluttering is internal or external. It’s no good focusing only on those things which stand out like a sore thumb, that we simply never found the right place for. This month we must look around with fresh eyes at those aspects of our lives we know best – be they physical possessions, thoughts, feelings or attachments – to establish which have outlived their usefulness and are sitting there purely because we’ve gotten used to their presence and would feel uncomfortable about the space left behind were we to get rid.

martes, diciembre 30, 2014

Ronna Herman – Message From Archangel Michael – LM-01-2015 – “Your Light Cloak Of Many Colors Awaits You” – 30 December 2014

ronna1aBeloved masters, as the Age of Pisces fully fades into the past, there is a new system of rules and Universal laws which will now apply to all emerging Spiritual/Human Beings.  A new, expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to attain a unified state of consciousness will be designated as advanced cocreators of the future. As an empowered Bearer of God Light on the physical plane of existence, your new Divine Mission is to assist in the expansion of God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a master of manifestation, drawing forth the Essence of Creation, and activating it within your Sacred Heart. Then, through a heightened intuitive awareness, you will begin to receive specific thoughts / concepts, which will be sent forth into your Sacred Mind. You will gradually gain the ability to radiate new Seed Thoughts into your personal Flower of Life/Creator Wheel, which will begin the advanced process of creating those things that you require for an abundant, joyful, refined existence. Your Light resonance will increase as it gradually flows forth in a sweeping Infinity pattern, making a greater, more beneficial impact on your environment and those around you.