Capricorn represents our livelihood in the material world and how we react within that element on a physical level; whereas, Cancer represents our connection to our inner self, our emotions, and creating a loving environment in our daily living. We could look at this as the Mental Body vs the Emotional Body trying to come into alignment. It is a time for us to look at what is necessary in both worlds and allowing them to be completely balanced.
As we experienced the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance to come into physical creation on the 31st of December, we are now being asked to delve deeper into our core essence. This ray represents the ability to fully resurrect what does not work for us any longer in order to achieve the equilibrium we are searching for.
The aspects of this moon continue within that essence to allow us to look deeper in both aspects of our mental and emotional bodies to find the balance that we are all searching for within ourselves. The way that we have been living physically is a major part of this as in 2015 we need to be in deeper harmonization with our environment and others. The power of these energies presently just takes us into a journey of the self that will assist us to live more cohesively in our outside world. We cannot stay stuck in either aspect but allow them to come together more fully within our consciousness. This will then open up the doorway for the actualization of what we desire to achieve to come into our reality.
This full moon also activates the Uranus Square Pluto energies that we have been experiencing during December. This is another element that will initiate our timelines through our Etheric Body. So some of the elements you may be experiencing could possibly be those memories of the times long ago in which you need to access to allow the divinity of the being you are to be fully actualized on a physical level.
I believe that this is allowing the Feminine Divine to be even more activated within each individual. When we find the balance of the mind and emotions to be fully actualized, then we learn to see the depth of whom we are and what we are experiencing from our Highest Purpose and not the physical self. This is so very important to allow for the healing to continue within our four body system as it will mold our life in a completely different way than if we don’t accept our Higher Self to be the controlling factor in our existence.
We are at a stage in our evolution, both personally and globally, that we can no longer be the person that we were previously. The energies are changing us to accept our divinity of light to be fully manifested within our physical existence. It must start with each of us individually in order for the world to accept it.
This moon is the first step of the New Year to help us come fully into balance of our emotions and thoughts. It is a time to get rid of the cobwebs from the past in order to fulfill our destiny of love and acceptance.
Take time during this full moon cycle to look deeply within your emotions and thoughts to see what does not serve your purpose any longer. Then call upon the essence of this earth and sky to assist in transforming them into your Highest Purpose that is waiting for your arrival to be fully manifested within your physical being. It is truly a magnificent beginning to 2015.
Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly Full Moon Celebration via teleconference (accessible via Skype) on Monday evening, January 5th, at 4:30 PM Pacific. We hope you will join us as we connect with the Ascended Beings of Light within the Unified Whole Command at the Clarion Temple of Oneness. Details are available by clicking the link above (Walking Terra Christa).
In Expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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