Greetings, my dearest ones. It is my pleasure to be with you once again. It is I, Yamteleus, your Guide within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.
It seems like such a journey since we have been apart. It is now your year 2015, which seems miraculous to me. You will find that we will be experiencing in the next few weeks is going to be very life changing. All the Beings that will be coming through from the Board of Directors of Walking Terra Christa you all know very well. They will be talking about some other Elements of how we can work through the Energies and assist ourselves in Planetary Transformation whilst accessing the Multidimensional Selves. Tonight we are being honored by Lord Adama, who is the Academy Chancellor. He will also bring forth the Energies of the Telosian Council of Light. For those of you who do not know, Walking Terra Christa is guided by these beautiful Beings, everything that they do and everything they bring forth.
The Energetic Exchange that comes through Meleriessee and Aranathanara to assist each of you, they are experiencing those also in their own Dimensional Frequencies as each of you is doing the same. I believe it will be a very exciting time. This is a beautiful gift to have for our first Ceremony within our Temple for this year, as we have been bringing in many new Souls who have been on the Inner Plane and have just passed away. We are assisting so many individuals on a Soul Level within this beautiful Temple. Please do remember that you can return at any time you choose. If you feel that the teachings are something you would like to continue on your own within your meditations, we assist. I look forward to seeing you here.
Many Blessings My Dearest Ones.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds.
It is I, Lord Adama. I have with me the Telosian Council of Light. They are very much part of Walking Terra Christa.
I am not here to talk about Walking Terra Christa. I am here to share about what we are coming into and what we are growing toward together as the Inner Earth Beings, especially the Telosians. The other Inner Earth Beings will converse later in the month. Each of you knows me very well. Not as Lord Adama, but as the Being of Light that I AM and have been and have been in previous incarnations. You and I are one and the same. Only I am in a completely different environment than you are experiencing. I am here to assist you with this process. That is my role with Rev. Ara and Rev. Meleriessee to assist Humanity to understand what we are all experiencing together.
The role of creating the New Earth is not an easy one for anybody. We have been trying to do it for eons of time, as you have been also. Now our timelines are becoming One. That is the Blessing of the meeting this evening.
The Telosian Council of Light is here with us. We have 12 individuals that make up this Telosian Council. I am the spokesperson for the Council. We have had the beautiful pleasure of assisting Christine and Michael for quite some time. It is our pleasure to come together in this way. Not only for the partnership we bring forth for Walking Terra Christa, but each of you and what it means for each of you. It is for you to understand more about yourself than you have previously, to acknowledge the gifts and the beautiful Essence that you have within yourselves, which has been forgotten over many lifetimes.
Those are the challenges you are dealing with at this present time. Finding within yourself that you can trust, finding within yourself that you are secure, finding within yourself that you are important – and each of you are. We are coming together to create the New Earth. I would like to share a little bit about what that means presently and where we are in the Evolution of the Old Earth into the New Earth.
Changes are happening everywhere. People are awakening. People are noticing more about themselves. Individuals are walking into the Mastery Pathway, even though most of them may not know it.
What does this mean for each of you?
What does Mastery represent?
It represents the ability to be the Alchemist, to be all Aspects of each of the first Seven Rays and to command that Energy within your Physical Body.
It also represents the ability to be a Leader and to share the Knowledge, Wisdom and Gifts with others. Through that process, what occurs is Awareness of the Individual Self. This is the most important phase of Mastery. We must understand what the mirrors are and go deeper within our Hearts to become better than we were a moment ago.
I say to you, are you not a better person each time you go deeper within your Meditations, joining us for one of these calls, converse with the Mentors, or share with another about what you have learned?
Change is inevitable. This year is going to be a powerful year of those changes. Those of you that know me dearly and closely know that we are pushing each of you to become better and more than you were before. You see, there is a majority of enlightened Beings such as Light Workers and Starseeds that are so very enmeshed within their Lower Self and Lower Egos that it could cause the Planet to take a disruptive turn.
This year we are on that edge where changes can be made in a beautiful manner because of each of you being here, each of you accepting your role, each of you wanting to be more and holding those Vibrations within yourself to allow it to be expanded into Gaia. We have a lot of work. The Planet, as you know, is taking some down-turns within society, within comrades, within the way others such as politics. for example. Thin what is important at this time is to hold within yourself the Power of your Light. That is how we are here to assist. We are not here just to share with you how beautiful Telos is and how wonderful our life is so that you will want to be with us. The truth of the matter is that we want you to know those things. We share through Channels what those beautiful experiences are about, so that you can manifest them within your World.
It is not for you to just come to us. It is not for you to just remember who you are. It is for you to manifest your Desires in this present time-frame. That is what our role is.
If we manifest those Desires within ourselves, what do we do with them?
If we do not understand about the past, we cannot accept the Future. This is so very true for all of us.
That is why I strive very intensely through Meleriessee to push individuals and to put out information that maybe others are not sharing. The only way I can do that is, because she has done it herself, as each of you is doing. My role is not frivolous. My role is serious, just as yours is. We are Comrades in the Light, achieving a new Planet together to bring the Essences of Telos, of Lemuria as we knew it to be. Believe me, Lemuria was not all which you think it was. Neither was Atlantis. Atlantis was not all bad and Lemuria was not all good.
That is why you are here once again. Each of you as Lemurians and Atlanteans have arrived once again with the Knowledge of the past and the Teachings of all the beautiful Ray Chohans who lived at that time. They created those beautiful Temples in the Etheric Realms to assist the Earth. Now we are coming into that time where it is occurring.
My role tonight is to give you Confidence, to give you Trust and to give you Faith to continue the Pathway you are walking upon, because it will become more diligent. It will become more challenging. The deeper you delve into your Soul’s Essence, the more your Strength is increased, but also the deeper is your Darkness as it has been ignored for such a long time. There are many that get to this point and choose to leave the Planet. They choose to ascend. Meleriessee had this choice. Yet we convinced her that her Essence was needed upon this Earth to assist many others to do the same.
Michael is experiencing the same conditioning. They have arrived in Mount Shasta to assist many. This is the place where they could do it. They could not do it in any other location within the World. Each of you is aspiring to do the same. I see many of you arriving in Mount Shasta in the years to come. Not only for a visit. This is truly what will happen, as Telos becomes more energetically involved with the base of Mount Shasta, the Root Chakra of the Earth. We are allowing that Healing Process to occur. You will find that your Energies will be supported when it is time. It may not be time for a decade or so for many of you or even more. Yet when it is time, you will be able to ground what you are doing presently into your pure existence.
Until that time and continuing further, I hope to be a Mentor for all of you, a Teacher, a Guide, a Friend and a Brother. My role tonight is to substantiate that relationship with each of you. No matter how deep your pain is, your pleasure is deeper.
This is truly what the Crystalline Ray represents within you.
I want to bring Encouragement.
I want to bring Love.
I want to bring Acceptance.
I want to bring Joy.
I want to bring Pleasure.
Yet, I know in order to get to those phases, you will have to go through many doorways which will seem as if you cannot do it. That is what your Old Self will tell you. The Old Aspects will want to reveal to you that you cannot achieve it, because you have tried before and you were not able to sustain it. This is no longer true. This is the year when we are going to work together more closely than we ever have before. This is the year where the Power of these Light Infractions will assist you on a much deeper level within your Physical Body than you can imagine.
I know it must be terribly challenging in the Lower Initiations. You are being combated with having to go through those low sublevels of the Physical, Emotional and Mental just to achieve to connect with your Higher Self more physically, let alone go through the process after that happens. To bring forth those Energies onto yourself but yet being hit with Light Infractions of every month or several days, Energy Exchanges of the Seasons and the changes that are occurring within the Planet.
We have sustained this Frequency from 2012 because you are doing it. You are doing it, and you are fully allowing yourself to accept it.
So do more, my children. Do more. Do as much as you can. Listen to what our dearest Divine Mother and Father God share with us about being gentle with yourself. You do not have to push through those doorways. You do not have to be running a marathon.
That is not the way to do things any longer. It is Gentleness. It is Acceptance. It is allowing yourself to be One with yourself. Do not worry. Your Higher Self is not going anywhere. Do not let the Physical Body collapse.
Even though I know it is challenging. We, in Telos, are also feeling these Energies. That is why I bring the Telosian Council of Light with me tonight. They are part of the Board of Directors within Walking Terra Christa.
What do you think that means?
It means that each of these beautiful Beings in the Council and myself decide what information we are going to bring forth to you. What teachings we are going to present, and how we can assist you deeper. Every one of you who comes to Telos for a Healing, for an issue, walks through that doorway with the Council of Light. It is not only me. It is not only Lady Galactia. It is each of us.
You are constricted in the 3rd Dimensional Realm until we can make sure you can come into the 5th Dimensional Realm. You are working on those issues within the Telosian Energy. We do it with Gentleness. We do it with Love. We do it with pushing. Yes, we push. We know what it is like because we have all been there.
What I want to assist you with tonight is to continue what Divine Mother and Father God have given us and to bring that form of Gentleness. Do not push so hard on yourself. Do not say to yourself “Why? Why can’t I? Why am I so bad? What is wrong with me?” Those Thoughts are the worst Thoughts you can have for yourself and they are your Old Thoughts. They are those Old Aspects that no longer matter.
What matters in this moment is that each of us is coming together in the Creation of the New Earth. We reach out our hands. We reach out our Wisdom. We reach out our Knowledge. We reach out our Gentleness and Love.
I ask you to look within yourself and to see the Beauty that you are. That Beauty is shining through all that you are achieving within your world. I ask of you to be gentle and to be Love and to be in Balance, even if you do not know what that means. Allow the Essence we bring onto you tonight, so that we of the Telosian Energies can come forward on the Upper Earth to create the New Earth. You cannot do it alone. We cannot do it alone. The Hierarchy cannot do it alone.
Be this Essence. Be whom you truly are. Take those moments of Silence and bring forth the Gentleness that you are. Therein lies your true Courage.
It is not the banging on the doors or getting the axe and ripping things away. This is the Power of our moments. This is what is going to assist in creating more to come and more to be. When you have a dream of Telos, bring that forth into your Physical Essence. Feel it into the location where you are. Let it expand into your Physical Body.
Be that Essence. Bring it back onto yourself. I hear people saying so many times “I just didn’t want to come back”.
Well, bring it back with you. You have the Power to do so.
In the Light that we are together, this is truly what we need from each of you to help with what you are experiencing.
Let us breathe deeply.
Each of us here within the Council and myself bring forth this Essence of beautiful flowers, beautiful sunshine, 24 hours a day. Breathe that into your Hearts. Feel the Purification of the Essences that we are from the Telosian Community to come into your Heart for you to remember your humble beginnings in Atlantis or Lemuria. Allow that Beauty to expand within you. Do not worry about who you are, what your gifts are, what you do for a living, or what you do for service.
In this moment, you are that Eternal Being of Light circling within you, being that Essence. We bring forth Galactia with her Energetic Voice.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Feel the Beauty that you are and the remembrance of times gone by. Bring that into your Awareness. Bring that into your Heart. Allow it to expand out of you through your Physical Essence. Everything that you experience is Beauty of Energy.
Let us now send this Frequency of Light through the Dimensional Realms onto the Earth Plane and into the Core of Gaia, so that she can remember also. She can remember and it can flourish onto everyone else, circling around the globe.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Feel the Beauty within Gaia’s Core, within the Crystalline as it is functioning through all the geographic areas within all the animals, within all the lands, within all the waters, within all the people. This is our future of the New Earth.
Bring that back into your Consciousness now. This is you. This is you because of whom you are, what you are experiencing and allowing yourself to be. Every moment you do not feel this and you are going through a huge doorway, remember what you have experienced this evening of the fluidness, of the feathers, of the snowflakes and feeling yourself flowering in a much deeper state. Remember the true Essence that you are. Know within yourself that it will be once again.
Do not say “I wish”. Say, “I know”. It will be for our future.
It is magical and it is beautiful. I see it coming for all of us. I see it in each of you.
I am deeply honored to not only be a Chancellor for Walking Terra Christa, but to be in this Temple on this night.
Many Blessings and Love.
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©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.
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