martes, enero 28, 2014

Blossom Goodchild – 28 January 2014 ( Audio Version Included)

bloss arizona biggerHi. It was good to have a little break last week … not really from you, more so the onslaught of emails after we’ve ‘sent out’ a chat. Don’t suppose you’ve got a spare secretary around to work with me on that little issue! I have been trying to tune in with you when reading them, so that you get a general consensus of what we ‘down here’ are FEELING. I am hoping you were able to pick up on that and if so … how YOU FEEL about what WE FEEL?

Judith Kusel - Where do souls come from and what is soul? - January 28, 2014

Where do souls come from and what is soul?
The Cosmic whole thrives on perfection:  perfect balance, harmony and the immensity of Being itself.
Life itself never strives nor pushes, it exists as pure radiant energy.  It energizes all around it, and it forms fractals, patterns and sacred geometries, and within these sacred forms of life, life itself is involved in an intricate and beautiful dance of love and light.
The patterns themselves are called the Divine Blueprint of Creation.  Thus all of creation in itself bears a particular stamp (Blueprint pattern) which is uniquely its own.

Jahn J Kassl - FINDING PEACE FAR FROM FEAR, COUNCIL OF 72 - January 28, 2014,1366x768,2559.jpgchanneled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Worlds separate and worlds are joined together
 – the expansion of Creation continues.

We represent the COUNCIL OF 72

And we are dealing with all affairs and we are

responsible for all that is – on all levels of Creation, 
in space and time and beyond that.

All the time everything is subjected to changes and 
That is what is now happening on your Mother Planet

lunes, enero 27, 2014

Wes Annac – Every Path Leads Home – Part 2/2 – 27 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Concluded from Part 1
The problem with all of the different religions comes not from Source or the heavenly realms, but from man. We’re the ones who decided to start killing each other over our differences in belief, and in a lot of cases, we were led into war by self-serving kings and leaders who didn’t and don’t care about the fate of their people.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 27 January 2014

I am Horus once again, with you to tell you the latest from Hollow and Inner Earth. There is a great deal of activity going on within this great planet. It is a matter of all of you on the surface completing your missions here and then being ready for what we will be bringing for you to the surface. As you all take your places in the cosmic happenings that will be coming as a result of your choices, it will be as a homecoming for many of you, and a complete surprise for others. I speak of the coming forth not only from the cosmos but from inside this planet that you have called home for so long.

Natalie Glasson – Lady Quan Yin – In The Face Of Truth, Divine Mother Activation – 27 January 2014
It is with a heart filled with great compassion and gratitude that I, Lady Quan Yun, step forward to greet you. Please know you always exist in my heart as my love is as ever with you as it binds with the light of the Divine Mother aspect of the Creator which is so vividly in existence upon the Earth in this present moment. I bring forth with my own energy the intertwining and connection I experience with the Divine Mother vibrations so that you may unite with the same within and around you.

Wes Annac – Every Path Lead Home – Part1/2 – 26 January 2014 by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Every person who’s spiritually active, despite the template they express their spirituality through, seeks to know God; Source; the Formless. It doesn’t matter if they’re religious or generally spiritual – we all want to reunite with our creator and the heavenly realms of consciousness we’ve come here from.
People from all walks of life have opened up to spirit, whether their belief systems have been controlled or not.
I know a few Christians who are more interested in heaven and the afterlife than persecuting people who don’t think the way they do, and even though religion has been used as an excuse for war and persecution, it doesn’t invalidate one’s spirituality.

Méline Lafont – Shift Into Quantum Consciousness – 27 January 2014

Picture by Gretchen Rainforest Guskey

Giant leaps in awakening and in Quantum consciousness are amongst us, ladies and gentlemen! MAGNIFICENT connections, shifts, changes, growth and expansion, as well as experiences of the most beautiful things one could not even imagine were possible a few years ago? Well it is reality in this now! It is NOW and here that we are here and it is HERE brothers and sisters of the Light.
You might slightly begin to adjust to all and everything that is unfolding within you and in your personal reality and environment because we are in for a big treat and this is just the beginning for you all. A wondrous spectrum of colors and energies are amidst us all on the planet because WE bring them in into these Earthly templates as we are those conduits of pure Light. Beware! INCOMING transmission on the move!

Tribute to the Dolphins of Taiji - Stop the Slaughter, Enough is Enough!!!

Fran Zepeda – Mother Mary: We See Your Luminescence Ever Growing Brighter – 27 January 2014

Mother-Mary-213x300Mother Mary:
My dear sweet angels of Light, of illuminated excellence that you are. By now you are feeling the energies in a most accelerated fashion. They are becoming such a part of you as you are of them. As you expand, you take in more of your essence and accept it to the “nth” degree and in doing so, you spread it out and encompass a larger part of you and mingle with a larger part of everyone, my dear travelers of the Light.
I come before you to enhance your experience with this new light infiltration, with this new Light Essence of you. By now you are not feeling such a delineation between you and the light, between you and others, between you and the many aspects of yourself. They are one and the same with you as you are one and the same with others.

Serie del Descubrimiento Shaud 5: "Descubrimiento 5"por ADAMUS - Geoffrey Hoppe Presentado al Crimson Circle - Enero 11, 2014

Presentado al Crimson Circle en Enero 11, 2014

Traducción: Yezid Varón

Shauds en archivo Word: Manantial del Caduceo:

Shauds en MP3 y videos doblados al español: Grupo33

Yo Soy lo que Yo Soy, Adamus Saint-Germain. Pero ustedes ya sabían eso. ¡Ah! ya saben taaanto que ni siquiera saben que saben, una ingente cantidad.

Estamos aquí en la Serie del Descubrimiento, en este Shaud, y es acerca de descubrir lo que ya saben. ¡Ah! Ustedes han estado buscando cosas que creen que no saben; se trata de lo que ya saben.

Vamos a tomar una profunda respiración con eso, porque ya está ahí. Ya está ahí. Hm.

¡Ah! Fue una de las pocas – ejem – introducciones musicales que disfruté, Safe and Sound*, porque lo que van a llegar a saber es que todo funciona y es increíble. Heh, palabra sobreutilizada – es impresionante. Es perfecto. Todo funciona. Todo llega junto y nada importa. ¡Ah! Podríamos terminar ahora mismo.

Jahn J Kassl - ENLIGHTENMENT, MAITRAYA - January 27, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The enlightenment of the world has begun, 
has reached all levels on this planet and has 
seized all human Beings!

A process, which has been mandated by the prime 
source of All-that-Is, cannot be more comprehensive, 
more perfect, greater and more exalted.
You are honored beyond all measures!

I am MAITRAYA, the cosmic Christ,
I am among you.

What does the expression “enlightenment” mean?
What to think about, what to attune to?

domingo, enero 26, 2014

John Smallman – Jesus – Your Human Life Path Is A Journey Of Great Importance And Significance That Is Mostly Hidden From You – 26 January 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms we are all deeply indebted to you for your ongoing and frequently exhausting Earth journeys as you work non-stop (yes, you do really work non-stop, waking, sleeping, and dreaming) to bring your brothers and sisters to awakening by constantly sending them Love.  What you are doing, and achieving, is quite amazing.  Each of your individual functions and contributions in this ongoing awakening process is essential to it; without your combined collective intentions and efforts it would not happen.

The Light Collective: On the Journey - Eliza Ayres (Tazjima Amariah Kumara) - January 26, 2014

Eagle Creek, Eagle Cap Wilderness

We are the Light Collective, a gathering of light beings, ascended masters, archangels, angels, ascended galactics, and elementals who are overlooking and guiding the ascension of humanity and of GAIA, your beloved planetary home.
Today, we would like to address some comments recently received by our channel wherein people express that they are at some loss in the present energies. This is to be expected, dear ones, as you are actively engaged in the process of deconditioning yourselves and your lives of all that you have been taught and guided to do in your previous existence as an unwilling captive of the 3D Matrix.

River within – SaLuSa 26 Jan 2014 by Multidimensional Ocean

salusaRiver within – SaLuSa 26 Jan 2014 by Multidimensional  Ocean
We come again with news from the higher planes of existence, dear ones. We are always by your side, even though you are rarely aware of our presence. We enjoy watch you grow and understand the nature of life day after day. You are becoming more and more aware of your abilities for the light, although many among you still enjoy living in a 3D box as it were, closed off to the outside world. Do not judge those people, as they too have been placed on Mother Earth to grow and learn, to develop and awaken to the higher possibilities of humans. Yet, some people must go through a great ordeal to develop and discover those possibilities. Especially the younger souls, who are still developing, for even though we are all part of the One, the One keeps expanding and creating new souls, who must learn and grow in turn.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 26 January 2014

AishaNorthAs many of you have already ascertained, there is a short lull in the proceedings, and none too soon you will perhaps add. For these last few days have been marked by a huge influx of energies, the likes have never before been seen on this little planet of yours. And yes, this is also something that is becoming visible, not only to your scientists, but also to the untrained eye. For your world has started to receive some signals from deep, deep space that was sent out a very long time ago according to your measurements, and now, they are reaching your shores, for the first time ever. And no, we are not referring to anything that can be deemed to be a mere coincidence, for as we have always told you, everything happens when the time is right for it to happen, so too, in this. So if you lift your eyes to the sky, you will see a small pinprick of light that was not there a few days ago, but now, it will seem to become more and more visible, as the signals that was sent out for such a long time ago, now have come to greet you all. We are not referring to any sort of disaster in any way, merely something that your scientists will call a supernova, but that we would like to refer to as the greeter.

NWO: DOMINO EFFECT (2013 Full Documentary) Let the Domino Effect begin..


A film by Mark Howitt

DVD versions now available for anyone having trouble viewing film, and everyone who cannot watch on mobile:

It's time to bring down the house of cards by exposing the largest and most deadly criminal organization on the planet. Mark Howitt presents some of the most important problems that threaten the human race and explains solutions that are simple and achievable for everyone in the world. Each problem, or domino, is placed in line so that you can see what is really happening as a result of the empire that has a grip on the world. At the end, it all comes crashing down like a ton of bricks. NWO Domino Effect provides mountains of evidence of premeditated murder, genocide, crimes against humanity, deception, lies and government corruption. It is a view from deep within the rabbit hole and is the silver bullet, the Deathblow to the New World Order.

This documentary was created in an attempt to abolish this structure and show humanity how easy it is to transition and make the changes necessary for our continued survival. The artistic approach and in depth information presented in this documentary is truly shocking and yet inspirational, giving hope to humanity to give them the tools, strength and wisdom needed to take back the control of their own life.

This film should change the way you look at life, and therefore change the world as you know it as a result. If the information in this film does not have an influence on you then it is a sure sign that there is no hope left for humanity, because it means you have given up or are happy aiding in the death of millions of innocent people. The information presented in this documentary offer's the solutions required to make the right changes to protect the world from the true evil that exists and colludes behind closed doors.

This is not a fictional pipe dream video, but rather our lives explained from the perspective of love and harmony, evolution and sustainability, and truth and justice for all. If you do not like the message of this video, then you are likely a member of the government, or have ties to this criminal empire and therefore are a criminal yourself, by your support for these criminal activities and fraudulent leaders.

This documentary could be regarded as the "Silver Bullet" used against the New World Order. It was created in an attempt to make a difference by identifying the problems we face and by offering a real solution that is easily obtainable by all.

Thanks for watching. Please share and don't forget to subscribe for more documentaries and videos.

Check out the World Public Union:

Let the Domino Effect begin..

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 26 January 2014 - Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 26 Enero al 2 de Febrero 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff

January 26-February 2, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Many of you will feel heat within your body as your physical bodies begin to activate your DNA/RNA codes. This can be a rather uncomfortable period for you so it is important to stay well hydrated and well rested. Trust that all is well and that you are being cared for by your etheric guides as you go through this process. Listen to your guidance and do whatever is suggested. This process is the beginning of an accelerated transformation that will leave behind all former limitations. The past will fade away and dissolve as you learn to live in the present moment. This will facilitate a greater clarity of mind and an inner knowing that there has been a shift in your perceptions and you will start to regain your divine abilities in whatever way is unique to you. We, your guides and team members assist in many ways to help you on the next step of your journey. You are never alone, Dear Ones, for we walk with you during the intense and irreversible changes that are now beginning.

Peace doves released from Pope’s window viciously attacked by seagull and large black crow - January 26, 2014

| | Last Updated: Jan 26 3:25 PM ET
More from Associated Press
Pope Francis looks at two children as they free doves during the Angelus prayer he celebrated from the window of his studio overlooking St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014. Pope Francis has called for "constructive dialogue" between Ukraine's authorities and its people, urging all to renounce violence in the upheaval convulsing their country.
AP Photo/Gregorio BorgiaPope Francis looks at two children as they free doves during the Angelus prayer he celebrated from the window of his studio overlooking St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014. Pope Francis has called for "constructive dialogue" between Ukraine's authorities and its people, urging all to renounce violence in the upheaval convulsing their country.
Two white doves that were released by children standing alongside Pope Francis as a peace gesture have been attacked by other birds.

2 Celestial Body with the same form... Jan 26,2014

Daily Mail - Is this proof near-death experiences ARE real? Extraordinary new book by intensive care nurse reveals dramatic evidence she says should banish our fear of dying - 25 January 2014

By Penny Sartori

The Ascent of the Blessed, detail from a panel of an alterpiece of the Last Judgement. Historic texts are filled with accounts of near-death visions. Are they to be ignored so readily?
The Ascent of the Blessed, detail from a panel of an alterpiece of the Last Judgement. Historic texts are filled with accounts of near-death visions. Are they to be ignored so readily?

As a nurse, I’m always cheered when I see a patient who appears to be making a good recovery. That certainly seemed the case with 60-year-old Tom Kennard, who’d been suffering from sepsis after surgery for cancer.
After a couple weeks in the intensive care ward, he was well enough to be moved from his hospital bed to a chair. Moments later, however, he suddenly slumped into unconsciousness.


UFO Over Brazil Dropping spheres- OVNI en Brazil soltando esferas Edit 24/01/2014



Kryon - Tour Kundalini Oct-Nov 2012 Preguntas y respuestas 1ª parte - Riviera Maya, México 17 de Noviembre 2012 - Enero 26, 2014

Saludos mis queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Canalizar es un proceso interesante, canalizar requiere que el Ser Humano tenga un portal abierto. Esto no es algo intuitivo para el Ser Humano puesto que vive en una caja tridimensional de supervivencia. Pero en esa caja existe un portal hacia el otro lado del velo, pues ésa es la realidad normal del Ser Divino. Todos ustedes tienen este portal. Cada Ser Humano en el planeta puede canalizar y la mayoría de ustedes ocasionalmente ya lo han hecho. Es lo que llamamos intuición, es como un relámpago rápido de información que les llega y que proviene de su Ser Superior.

sábado, enero 25, 2014

Karen Doonan - Letting go of “ordinary” in the New Earth - January 25, 2014

As the energies begin to expand and to find balance before again expanding and deepening it is vital to understand that your life in this your human form is changing moment to moment. Life in the old 3d earth paradigms was TAUGHT as continual and “ordinary”, that is you were taught to EXPECT a day to unfold in a certain pattern, you were encouraged to really anchor this pattern and to work to keep it in place AT ALL TIMES. As many of you are now experiencing this is NOT supported in the New Earth at any level, so a day may be experienced in a variety of ways at ALL moments. For those of you who have found some sort of SOLACE in the routine of a “typical” day the past few linear days may have triggered you in surprising ways. The more that you try to hold on to “routine” and “typical” the more OUT of balance you may FEEL and this of course will then confuse the human logical mind. For it may be trying to teach you that you need only find the “new” pattern to your life experience and you will feel the sense of “familiar” again. This is distortion and works AGAINST the very process that is unfolding at this moment through you, around you and within you.

Suzanne Lie – Meanwhile On Earth – Part 5 – The Portal Of Manifestation – 25 January 2014

I think it is the NOW for Sandy and Jason to return to the Ship. What do you think my love?
“YES,” answered Mytre. “I have been observing their energy as they work together. I think they are ready for an experience of merging into one being.”
“Yes,” I responded with a bright smile. “Do you remember our first merging?”
“I have never forgotten,” he responded with that special look in his eyes. “I see how the energy of their working together is greatly expanding, and know they are ready for a conscious merging on the Ship. Do you remember, beloved when the Arcturian guided us into our first conscious merging into ONE?”

How You Are Enslaved And Why You Dont Know It

Mother Mary: On Nurturance and Changes - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - January 25, 2014

Mother Mary: On Nurturance and Changes
Not all women are mothers; some have chosen a single life, especially in this transitional period upon your planet. Being single means one has more time for self-improvement, looking within and taking the long journey inward. This does not mean that one has abandoned the ability to nurture others through sharing of one’s energies and presence. Indeed, it often allows the ability to expand as the focus moves to the self through the Heart Center and then outward to touch the collective.
Women are not the only ones who carry the “mothering” energy. This is not the kind of smothering, over-concerned and controlling energy that is often found in women overly attached to their progeny, but an expansive compassionate regard for the sacred qualities that reside within all humans whether or not they are aware of containing them.

432 Hz chakrahealing with crystal harp.mp4

Galactic Timelapse - Amazing

Kryon canalizado en vivo por Lee Carroll - La Recalibración Del Amor - Perth, Australia, 25 de marzo de 2012

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Se ha formulado la pregunta: ¿Qué viene ahora? Si esto es así, esta energía en la Tierra está empezando a cambiar incluso eso que realmente es la naturaleza humana. ¿Qué viene ahora? Si el alma vieja ha vivido durante eones en el planeta, quiere decir que aquí hay almas viejas que tienen que aprender a hacer algo diferente porque su experiencia en la vieja energía, sin importar cuánta, no las preparará para la nueva energía. De modo que esto no será automático: hay una curva de aprendizaje, incluso para las almas viejas. Y ese es el tema de todos estos años de enseñanza: que las cosas se están recalibrando. La esencia misma de las cosas que ven, que sienten, que comprenden tan bien, se está recalibrando. Las relaciones, de Humano con Humano, se están recalibrando. Aún lo que ustedes sienten que es su supervivencia está empezando a cambiar y ustedes se preguntan: ¿Qué puedo hacer? ¿Qué debo tener en cuenta? ¿Qué cambió? ¿A qué debo estar atento?

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Demystifying The New Age - Part 3 - January 25, 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There was a time in the channelling process where my partner was not involved to the degree he is now. The new phrase is "he steps aside", which means he's still here. The channelling process is not a takeover, and for those who would hear this and think it was odd, mysterious or spooky, I would like to give you this to examine: The indigenous of your planet understood this process, and they did it on a regular basis. There were names for it and ceremonies for it and it wasn't until you got "modern spirituality" that those things went away.

There will come a time when this kind of communication isn't needed anymore. Things change, dear ones, and humanity changes. The evolvement of the Human spirit will eventually come to a place where most of humanity will be given messages directly. This will be because their pineal is open for them, and they won't need to channel entities with odd names or magnetic masters. Receiving benevolent, beautiful messages from home will be for all. I know who's here and what I'm going to give next is fun for me.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Report: In the sauna a man pours 4 full ladles of water 
on the stove, without asking other visitors. Thereby humans 
leave the place one after the other while cursing in the 
direction of the man – I remain inside and notice that 
this man is totally untouched by this. (End of report)

viernes, enero 24, 2014

Karen Doonan - Working to open the HEART space in the New Earth - January 24, 2014

As the New Earth energies begin to expand and to deepen many of you may be feeling overwhelmed. I have blogged on using the symbols and signs that appear in your outer waking reality as reference points for this your journey into the New Earth. For many of you at this time they may be being filtered out or the old 3d earth may try to teach you that you are somehow being toyed with. For many signs and symbols will be repeating but APPEAR to have no relevance to that which is being currently experienced at human conscious waking mind level. It is to be noted that as you move through the transition process YOU are ALIGNING with the New Earth reality that you are creating. That is you are flowing INTO PLACE.

Massive Globular Metallic structure Report sighting ValPescara

SaLuSa – “You are walking to the unveiling of the veil” – January 23, 2014 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

SaLuSa (1)

Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o inglês da mensagem original do SaLuSa, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui
Gabriel: SaLuSa why do I feel that you are choosing to stay silent more than normal , in my opinion?
SaLuSa: There are many things that are going on at this time on Mother Earth and beyond her. We are at a critical moment, where very serious and important decisions are being taken. Mankind has reached its most important moment during all this path and it asks a little more of our attention.
Many souls,  at these time, are ready for the big jump forward, and they know they can’t  take with them nothing more but their momentum conquered in Mother Earth , which is patience and love. They are showing the way for other souls who begin their path back home . It is a blessed path and the momentum generated by the missionary has enabled us to get closer to all.

Wes Annac - Being the Example - Jan 24, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
It’s time for a shift to take place. This shift can’t be delivered to us – we have to take full responsibility for bringing it about. We have to become the examples in an example-less society, because we can only change the planet if we change ourselves.
It’s time for us to start acting on the intense love we feel and talk about. As more people understand that this reality won’t change if we can’t cultivate inner peace and see beyond our differences, they step up to the plate and start living the change they want to see.


Conversations With ... Jim Self and Tom Kenyon

The Most active UFO hotspots on Earth [FULL SHOW]

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: January 24, 2014

As ever, time flies by and is speeding towards the times of important changes that are the forerunners of a new period in your history that is leaving the past behind. All proceeds as intended, and before very long you will begin to receive the proof that you have been seeking.
You will be in no doubt that all along the forces for good have been working towards the changes that you have been promised and that the New Age is upon you. Outwardly many will only see confusion and many parts of your world in turmoil. It is the final throes of the dark Ones who are now in retreat. Before long those who have been working silently for the Light will reveal themselves, and you will know that the New Age has truly begun.

Judith Kusel - Sophia – the Return to Wisdom - January 24, 2014
We are now reaching that type of maturity, collectively which has outgrown its childish shoes of being told by others what to do, to think, how to act and be.
In essence this is what the rising of consciousness is all about.  It is stepping past the childhood and tumultuous teenage years, and into the state of true adulthood and maturity.   It is the Golden Age of Wisdom that is dawning now, with the Age of Aquarius.  Overlighting this whole process is none other, than Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom in conjunction with Athena and Artemis.  These three Goddesses form the triad of the return to state of inner knowing and wisdom.
When I use the term “Goddess’ I use it with the understanding that all of these Goddesses are representing a type of archetype, a type of inner knowing which is in essence is there to show us the way.  They are then the way shower archetypes who are showing us the higher way, the way of wisdom, the weighing and bringing into perfect balance the scales, while Artemis is showing the way of purity.

John Smallman – Saul – Love Connects You In A Harmonious And Eternal Concatenation Of Links That Bring You Together In joyous And Everlasting Communion – 24 January 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms all is ready for your awakening.  On Earth you could expect a feast, fireworks, and great music to celebrate a momentous occasion such as this, except such an occasion has never before occurred.  What we have prepared to greet your arrival is far, far grander than anything you have ever experienced or even dreamed of during any of your earthly lives.  You will all experience an absolute abundance of amazing enjoyments as we rise to greet you and offer you presents chosen specifically to resonate with your most deeply cherished individual desires.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 391 – 24 January 2014

AishaNorthYou have already been through numerous occasions when you find yourself suffering from the illusion of non-progress, and we are well aware that this is a phase that is taxing for you all. When we use the word illusion, it is with intent, because you are never suffering from a lack of progress, far from it, but as your human brain is still rather limited in its capacity to register progress in any other way than the one you have gotten used to so far in your long line of human existence, it is still quite challenging at times to make you understand that what may be construed as a standstill, or even a step backwards, is in fact nothing else than a giant leap forwards.

Shanta Gabriel - Creating a Matrix for Sacred Life - Archangel Gabriel - January 24, 2014

Dear Ones,
Your soul volunteered to be here during this pivotal time to act as a bridge between Heaven andEarth. You are here to bring Spirit into matter, to be the Divine human that acts as a LightBearer for awakening consciousness. It is incumbent upon you, therefore, to bring your spirituality into every area of your life in full unity and recognize that all is a part of God. Whenyou do this, your presence becomes a blessing and all that you are brings more Harmony into the world.

Terri Newlon- Djwhal Khul – “Triangulation And Vibrational Healing” - January 24, 2014

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
The vibrational patterns within the physical body have begun to respond to magnetic shifts, solar influences and the major transformation that is being experienced in the greater cosmos. It is important to allow vibrational transformation at the cellular and sub-cellular level, and rapidly so now.
The process of triangulation in general is upon us. You may want to research the ways in which this shows up, scientifically, relationally and much more. In the esoteric sense of the term, one may create a series of triangles extending from the third eye outward, for example. I am going to recommend this technique for the removal of stuck energy anywhere in the body or in the life.

jueves, enero 23, 2014

Karen Doonan - Achieving mental clarity within the STORM of CHANGE - January 23, 2014

At any one point within this the “ascension” process you may have gone through what can only be described as a “mental fog”. This is due to the over stimulation of your logical mind by the teachings of the old 3d earth.  For within the old 3d earth paradigms you were TAUGHT how to tie your logical mind in knots and this was deliberate.  A logical mind that is focused only on “solving a puzzle” will begin to filter out and ignore even the most obvious signs that things are other than they are.  The human logical mind LOVES a puzzle, it is no surprise that video games and electronic devices are created to be like puzzles, the more complex the better for many on planet earth who see the challenge and filter out WHY the challenge is presented to them in the first place.

Denise Le Fay - What is my “Mission”? - January 23, 2014
“…why do I not have a clue about what my mission is supposed to be? And why am I so oversensitive…?”

These were a couple of questions I received in an email recently. I’ve received many such emails from people over the years about them not knowing ‘what their mission is’ consciously and feeling bad, confused or concerned over it. Because we’ve all had these questions over the Ascension years, I thought I’d focus on this again in an article instead of a private email in hopes of more people possibly benefiting from this information. Thank you Gro from Norway for your questions. ♥

Méline Lafont – Nefertiti Speaks Of Relationships – 23 January 2014

MélineNote from Méline: Hi everyone, I felt compelled to share this excerpt of a reading that I did for someone as it speaks of relationships in general. I find this very helpful and this might be the case for you too, this is why I asked persmission to share this with you all. Note that this resonance field might differ from consciousness state to consciousness state as we all do need reflections in our evolution till a certain point is reached where all the needed is within and that you become aware of that.  Than the outer reflections are not so much needed anymore when you become that understanding.  This is what Nefertiti refers to.  Much love , Méline ♥
Nefertiti speaks:
I am here to speak to you of such. The message that one must hear is that by all means and in all hearts, gratitude for every being and level has to be obtained and revealed. As such, that level of gratitude allows the welfare and benefits of harmonious relationships to stay steadfast in whatever way they are here to stay.

The return of the Gods – Pleiades High Council – Anna Merkaba - January 23, 2014

thereturnofthegods copy
Dearly Beloved Children of the Universe,
On the date of the second rising of the moon and the tidal waves of the sound of the horn blowing through the winds of fire, the winds of change, you shall see a colossal cloud rising on the horizon of the your divine selves, a cloud rising in the horizons of your divine selves which shall change the course of history of mankind forever.
The disclosure that we speak of shall come from the direction of the eastern wind of the fiery escalades, fiery escalades of the divine selves, the fiery escalades of the divine selves, shall spread the wings of love and beautiful armory of disguised. For the disguised in question shall open the gates of no return, the gates shall spread open the fiery heavens and the heavens shall once more speak to all of mankind, to all of mankind in the dignifying decree that they shall be free.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Chacras And The True Heart – 23 January 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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There is, at this critical point in time of Great Change and Liberation – as I understand it, and always did -  one main responsibility we have: the responsibility to connect with the Heart of our True Being and to live from there. To live from the Depth of it, in the Beauty of It.
Because this Is What we really Are.
This, in my best understanding, is Ascension.
Now there is much misunderstanding about what the Heart is. I use a capital ‘H’, and not a small ‘h’ to make the difference clear.
The Heart I am talking about is NOT our heart chacra!

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 23 January 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as healing. This quality brings in energy to affect a feeling of release and ease within the human body, mind and soul. On all levels, this quality is infused with unconditional love and brings balance and renewal to the individual who is open to this experience. As in all things upon the planet, one must be willing to receive this energy as it comes, and many times, the individual to whom healing is directed is unable to fully receive and assimilate what is given due to pre-conditioned programming from their childhood and, many times, from their previous lifetimes upon this school called Earth. We are now entering a new phase wherein there is a new dispensation allowing the overriding of pre-existing programming so that each individual who seeks wellness and wholeness may receive such in their physical reality and experience.

1.23.14 Getting Beyond “Confusion and Overwhelm”

If you are one who has let me know that you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by confusion lately, here is why my response is always “Wonderful!”
NOW is a “time” when we are being invited, or urged, or even having-the-obvious-shoved-right in-our-faces, to realize that expanding INTO what we want requires expanding OUT of repeating the experiences we do NOT want.
What usually makes this seem “hard” is a long-term reliance on linear logic as our compass. And “logic” was not designed to be a compass!

miércoles, enero 22, 2014

Proof That The Pineal Gland Is Literally A 3rd Eye

Is it possible that you literally have a third eye that connects you to spiritual dimensions? The pineal gland is something as that is spoken of the in New Age community as being the intuition organ and the connection point between body and spirit, but very few people realize that the pineal gland is in fact a literal eye.

The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland in the exact geometric center of the brain and comes from the root word “pinea” which is Latin for “pinecone”. Pinecone symbolism appears all over the ancient world from the Sumerian, Greek, and Roman traditions, to the Vatican’s “Court of the Pine Cone” and staff of the Pope.

It is highly reverenced to be of high psychic and spiritual significance, and bindis are often word in Hindu culture as a way of signifying the pineal gland’s importance with spiritual wakefulness. Why are so many ancient cultures obsessed with pineal gland symbolism? The answer may be found when biophysical analysis is done of the pineal gland interior.

“Under the skin in the skull of a lizard lies a light-responsive “third eye” which is the evolutionary equivalent of the bone-encased, hormone-secreting pineal gland in the human brain. The human pineal is denied access to light directly, but like the lizard’s “third eye,” it shows enhanced release of its hormone, melatonin, during the night. The challenge is to understand the mechanisms which regulate the synthesis and release of melatonin. The pineal gland is the ‘mind’s eye.’ Dissected, the reptile’s pineal looks much like an eye, with the same shape and tissue.” – Dr. Cheryl Craft, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California.

Selacia – Get Ready Year Of Horse And 1/30 Super Moon – 22 January 2014 - Prepárate para el Año del Caballo por Selacia 22 de Enero 2014

SelaciaNext week promises to be a powerful time for energy shifts and openings – especially with the super moon January 30 ahead of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Horse officially starting the next day. These energies are auspicious and hold great potential for you on a personal level – helping you to connect with your destiny path and your true power to create as a multidimensional being of light.
In this article are suggestions for making the most of these beneficial energies, while also continuing your progress of forward movement this year. If you are like most people, you have likely had a number of highs and lows since 2014 began. There indeed has been, and continues to be, a generally lighter feel and tone compared with 2013.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 390 – 22 january 2014

AishaNorthBy now, you will all have had your moments of “what is happening to me? And what is the next step I must take?” Or “why is nothing happening at all, I must be doing something wrong.” Well, let us answer all of these questions with one simple answer; you are not doing anything wrong, in fact, you are right where you are supposed to be. And even if you feel almost like being pushed into a corner, that is also exactly where you are supposed to be. And no, if you do find yourself as if between a rock and a hard place, it is not because you are meant to be stuck there, suffering, while you see others floating by on a cloud of bliss. Remember, this process is indeed a very individual one, and bit by bit, pace by pace, you are all following YOUR path towards the same goal as everyone else.

Starting on Mastership now – will you join us ? – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 22.01.2014

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans, this is Archangel Michael speaking through this channel again with some new message. As from today this channel will be missioned again to collaborate with us again in some official sense of it. Archangel Raphael, my brother, will not appear through this channel any longer as we want to give more ample personal space to our channel in order to support his own spiritual evolution.
Previous weeks and months have been quite tiresome and difficult for this channel and thus represent also the common situation in which you all are now. Much is happening on all levels and this all has to be rightly addressed and subsequently elaborated. The latter matter of elaboration all this intake has to be made most on various levels and our channel had repeatedly made failures of alike kind which he should have abandoned long ago.

Hidden Messages - Television Mind Control - Subliminal Messages

Brenda Hoffman – Ease Of Movement Beyond 3D Is Your New World – 22 January 2014

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Summary of Brenda’s January 18, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re sensing more distinct visions of  past, present and future, other Universes or whatever you like. You’ve always done so during sleep. Now you’re opening your awake travel skills. You may even do so at the request of some of your new segments. It’s a bit like computer glasses that allow you to view a computer screen, as well as the person in front of you. You merely need to believe – much as you now believe you can receive healing via a telephone.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “JUMP, RUN, DANCE into Love NOW”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
A common travel fear beyond 3D earth is that you will not return to earth. Such is not possible for you are of earth in this lifetime. Not always. Perhaps not of your past or future – but now.
Maybe you would better understand this fear if you would but remember the unknowns of space travel in the late 1950′s. Many feared astronauts would be sent into the heavens never to return. You are now familiar with moonscapes – at least the exterior of the moon as viewed through 3D eyes. But in the early stages of space travel, artists, scientists and engineers guessed and developed spacecraft accordingly.

Karen Doonan - Entering the STORM of transition in TRUTH - January 22, 2014

As the New Earth energies begin to align fully chaos will begin to unfold RAPIDLY, we are guided to place this information on our blog to help you prepare for the transition of the human race which will begin to rapidly unfold over the coming linear days. For the old 3d earth attempts to teach that the New Year and hence what some are calling the second year of the Age of Aquarius began on the 1st January 2014. This is distortion for it uses the calendar from the old 3d earth paradigms which is out of sync with the natural ebb and flow of universal energies. (For more information please visit the Crystalline Sanctuary website).

What ARE The 3rd and 4th Dimensions? - Jim Self - January 13, 2014

Understanding the aspects and rules of 3D and 4D allows us to better choose where we want to live.
Many of us know or intuitively feel that we are transitioning form the third-dimensional reality, passing through the fourth and are on our way to the fifth dimension. Dimensions are not places but instead levels of consciousness, each with its own characteristics and ways of thinking and feeling.
Our Third Dimensional Experience
The third dimension is very dense and operates within a specific set of rules and structures that hold many vibrations of thought and emotion.  One of those vibrations is known as fear. In our spiritual quest to fully explore All-That-Is we went deeper and deeper into density choosing to incarnate many times upon the Earth. To maximize our third-dimensional experience we purposely left behind Higher Aspects of ourselves and lost our sense of connections to the Creator.

Gnosis - Secret Gate to Garden of Eden.