My beloved humans, this is Archangel Michael speaking through this channel again with some new message. As from today this channel will be missioned again to collaborate with us again in some official sense of it. Archangel Raphael, my brother, will not appear through this channel any longer as we want to give more ample personal space to our channel in order to support his own spiritual evolution.
Previous weeks and months have been quite tiresome and difficult for this channel and thus represent also the common situation in which you all are now. Much is happening on all levels and this all has to be rightly addressed and subsequently elaborated. The latter matter of elaboration all this intake has to be made most on various levels and our channel had repeatedly made failures of alike kind which he should have abandoned long ago.
Thus being due to the fact that our channel is doubting in himself too – even our channel may not be able to accept his true greatness entirely going in such way through this valley of fires in order to discard all the old energies too. As you will know our channel always used to refer to his weaknesses quite openly resp, he has writing upon it and thus he was able to demonstrate to you that even some channel of light-messages is equal to you – at least not a bit better nor worse than you too.
He appeals on your greatness ever again and thus is helping other humans to acknowledge their very own greatness too and repeatedly there are others addressing him and expect spiritual guidance from him. He is very able to respond in the desired way however some channel like Marc has to accept the fact that he too has to follow his very own individual way and that this he has to do solely all by himself.
Meanwhile he has been able to acknowledge this particular fact and quite a lot of matters have accordingly been changed so that we may continue working with him now. Without all previous changes this would not have been possible and therefore we should have had to terminate our communication with him. Since he would not have been prepared then in such case to take up this sort of energy streaming out of this message. It would have been too strong and would have overwhelmed him entirely.
So, let us leave our channel for the time being a bit leeway’s, my beloved humans and let us turn to all of you being here on this planet in so far that we shall submit to you all the knowledge our channel has learned in the meantime. Since everything our channel learned has not been limited solely to him individually but is for all of you here. Our intention is to elaborate par example the whole matter in order to demonstrate to you that you have to direct your focus to some specific matters. These are quite simple and very fast to be explained yet on the other hand they will request that you apply some little effort to its achievement.
If you are willed and prepared to accept these matters i.e. to integrate such views and explanations you then may be able to proceed on your chosen way. However, in case you do not sense any resonance to it – in which case I do not want to hold you up in any way since this is and will be your very own decision and matter – being always laid into your own hands at any time, it is upon you solely to decide which way you want to follow up and no-one else than you will acknowledge what appears to be rightful for yourselves. Whether this will turn out in some true sense of it I shall not be able to predict to you since every one of you has to follow his/her own individual path – which, of course, will always show specific deviations when compared to those of other humans.
Now, let us deal with the topic of today !
To accept your own true greatness. Do you know anything about it? Now, my channel knows this topic quite well but it is not exactly one of his favorite subject at all. This is why he has to follow me going through it and you all are invited to join us in reading about it. You will be able to learn about it a great deal and you will duly note also what really is the matter about it.
Our channel is somebody. Like all of you he is some great entity of Light. What this exactly is the meaning of it is something not being of great importance in this very context.
When he first learned about his true essence he has accepted right away. And when furthermore he learned that he even was more than the before-said – he also has accepted it. However, when he was confronted with even more knowledge of himself – he appeared to have accepted such news or acted similarly like before – yet this new message has not reached his inner self in a true sense of it. He has never been able to integrate it into his entire essence. And this you all have to do, my beloved humans. I am urging you to embrace and accept your true greatness with all that you are. Since it is with such described action you will be able to proceed onward it is this special integration of your true greatness that will further your evolution ever more.
Our channel has been able to comprehend what we told him however it still remains quite a farther way to follow up and thus we only want to show you that even some channel has to proceed forward like all of you. You all are equal before God the Creator. It does not matter at all where do you come from, which is the color of your skin and what is your religious belief. You all are equal and this knowledge also must be accepted deep in your inner hearts.
Let us conclude this message here and make an according summary to it:
It is upon you to accept your true greatness. You have to accept it deep in your inner hearts and you will thus be able to follow and proceed on your spiritual path. If you fail doing so you won’t be able to continue with what you started and fail to reach your target. Regarding us – we do really love your incredible and wonderful greatness and we are always aware of it. You and particularly all of you are of such essential importance to us and also this fact you have to anchor deeply into your hearts as well. And solely this accepted knowledge of your inner hearts will enable you to take up everything which will be given to you in due course – and it will enable you to step forward when needed.
We shall enlarge on these topics later on and it is through our channel playing the scapegoat for it. By submitting to your new messages from us he shall once again go through most difficult periods and acknowledging thereby eventually what has become of his former self. You may be laughing at our saying now, my dear humans still this may pass away very soon when becoming aware that you are in a somewhat alike situation too.
Writing it down as well speaking it out is just so easy and a simple matter but to live it through and being in the middle of it will turn out to be entirely different a matter. If anybody of you all has already been guided once by Spirit to his/her own steepest faults – he/she will know what I am talking about here. After such an experience the ones concerned have undergone a profound change and transformation. Those ones will gain some deep understanding. All those accepting the fact that to obtain some mastership will not be an easy task and way at all – those stand some good chance to encounter open-minded all challenges to come.
Do you want to be confronted with your mastership? In the positive – well, join us on our special journey, my dearest. I shall accompany you too and it will be fun that I can assure you – since what will be coming to you will be enjoyed by. Everything that is to come to you and in the process of being manifested here will entail quite some delight for you. And afterwards when all has passed you will become aware that I, Michael, was so right when foretelling all these facts. However until you will have arrived at such stage you do not will hold it as “Fun” to look at for all lections of life and foremost lections of Masterships are by no means easy matters to overcome. It is the loaf-of-Life earned the hard way and my dear beloved humans, such are the facts that have to go deep down into your inner consciousness too.
We shall continue with these topics next week again and then we shall discus further topics of Mastership. Time-line and energies are matching well in order to start with such topics. Will you join us or do you want to remain in your old kind of energy ? I am in the waiting for you here and I am accordingly looking forward to be you companion on your further path, my beloved humans.
Yours Archangel Michael
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.