sábado, enero 04, 2014

John Smallman – Jesus – You Truly Are The Beloved Children Of God Temporarily Lost Within The Confusing Maze That Is The Illusion – 4 January 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Another year has passed and humanity still waits for the event, the awakening, the move into full consciousness, yet nothing of note seems to have occurred to indicate that you are any closer.  Naturally doubts and suspicions arise.  Is it all pie in the sky, wishful thinking?  Or is humanity just a biological system, for instance like a colony of ants, in which a biological drive or determinant, with no real awareness of itself, causes a flow of energy or activity that produces, through chemical interactions, a large number of different directives causing the colony to split into warring factions. Warring factions with very different but strongly held conflicting beliefs. Is life in fact meaningless, godless, pure happenstance?

Wes Annac – Individual Fragments Of Source – Part 2/2 – 4 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Concluded from Part 1
Claude Kelway-Bamber clarifies the inaccuracy of calling ourselves “sinners”, and we’re told that the burning flame will come into expression when it’s needed the most.
“If you are a ray of the sun you cannot mistake yourself for a tallow candle. This is why it is untrue and incorrect to teach men they are “miserable sinners” by birth. The body is not the man; his spirit is of God. However ignorant of the fact a man may be, his soul away in its dim consciousness knows this, and often in an emergency the “spark divine” asserts itself, and the man rises to the great occasion. It has been proved many times…” (1)
I really appreciate the line, “if you are a ray of the sun you cannot mistake yourself for a tallow candle”. For too long we’ve believed in a less-than version of ourselves and given our power away to something we’ve thought was higher or better than us.

LEARNING HOW TO BE 5D? - Telosians know how - Christine Meleriessee

AA Michael – As We Have Told You So Often, You Are Never Alone – Ron Head - 4 January 2014

RonHeadMichael with and for the Councils

Let us begin these messages for your year of 2014 with a new understanding of where this information will be coming from.  Nothing will, in fact, have changed, but we want to make it more clear to each of you where this guidance originates.
As you see above, I am speaking now for what we will call the councils.  Some channels call these groups, some call it other things.  But no matter what its name, it is the fact that each of you has, and in fact participates in, councils which guide you and every other sentient being on this journey.  You visit these councils.  Your higher selves sit here.  Your guides and your angels do, as well.

Pope Francis Tells Religious Orders To “Wake Up The World” – 4 January 2014

2014-01-03 Vatican Radio
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has told those in Religious Life to “wake up the world”, according to an article appearing in La Civiltà Cattolica, the Rome-based Jesuit weekly.
Editor Antonio Spadaro, SJ, has written an article recounting the private meeting last November between Pope Francis and the Union of Superiors General of religious men at the end of their 82nd General Assembly.

Blossom Goodchild - Audio and Note - Jan 4, 2014

Hello again everyone.
Here, as promised is an audio of the latest channelling. Joe Pena has 'captured the spirit' beautifully. Thank you Joe, for indeed it was a delicate matter!

Well, it seems this last communication caused a stir. I received hundreds (literally) of emails and they all seem to be saying that they have been FEELING exactly the same. Apart from three,  who were not happy at all ... you just cannot please everybody all of the time. I have to be TRUE to myself ... this is what The Federation teach.

Jahn J Kassl - REWARD FOR THE MASTERS, SANANDA - January 4, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The conversation we just had is “history”,
because the entire message has been erased,
due to the fact that my computer crashed. 

SANANDA: Indeed, at this time enormous centrifugal
forces are active on your level, where you are. The so called
Masters, those who display themselves as Masters, however
misuse their students and followers, fended off and at this stage
removed this message.

viernes, enero 03, 2014

Karen Doonan - Release of emotions in relation to old 3d earth paradigms - Jan 3, 2014

The old 3d earth was created in order to suppress, contain and dis-empower the human life experience. There are many, many levels to this containment and at this time you may be being shown one or many levels in order you may acknowledge the containment and work to dissolve the teaching that seeks to keep you creating from within this containment. It is to be noted that ALL of human society is set up to re-inforce these teachings, it may appear that the paradigms are supportive but they require both sacrifice and containment in order to be aligned with.

Wes Annac - Planetary Healing: The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius – Part 3 – Conclusion - Jan 3, 2014

The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
Concluded from our Age of Aquarius discussion.
So, is there a Christian perspective on the Age of Aquarius? Perhaps the better question would be, is there a positive Christian perspective on a new age?
I’ve read some religious perspectives on a new age that proclaimed the belief systems surrounding it to be the work of the devil (but what isn’t that’s outside of strict religion) but is there a lighter or more understanding perspective about it?

Keshe Foundation Update - 2014 to be the year that new technologies will be released to the public. - January 1, 2014

Source Link: http://theunknownmoment.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/keshe-update-re-2014-year-of-people.html


M T Keshe the Iranian Physicist based in Belgium has made an important and challenging statement on his website/forum 


... calling for 2014 to be the year that new technologies will be released to the public.

..."By the end of December we will make sure, that there are no grounds for disruption for space travels on regular bases from all the nations on this planet that all shall harvest the reaches of the universe collectively and equally.

2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY ~ New Earth Frequency Update - January 3, 2014

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.
With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.
It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

Waking Times – Dick Pelletier: Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says - Jan 3, 2014

Flickr-parallel universe-jurvetsonDick Pelletier, IEET, Waking Times, http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/02/parallel-worlds-exist-will-soon-testable-expert-says/
Is there another you reading this article at this exact moment in a parallel universe? Dr. Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, believes that this freakish quirk of nature may exist; and he discusses its amazing possibilities in this 3-minute TV interview.
A growing number of cosmologists agree with Greene that we are but one of many universes and at least one of these other worlds lies close to ours, maybe only a millimeter away. We can’t see this world, because it exists in a type of space different from the four dimensions of our everyday reality.
MIT’s Max Tegmark believes this multiverse model of ‘many universes’ is grounded in modern physics and will eventually be testable, predictive and disprovable. “This is not sci-fi,” he says, “its real science.”

Jeshua via Judith Coates: Do You Know How Blessed You Are? Jan 3, 2013


Beloved one, when you first thought to create, you left a part of you, an awareness of you that is still with you. You turned from it and you said, “I want to create. What can I create?” And you have created all worlds, all scenarios, everything that you can imagine in this lifetime and more because you wanted to know your creative ability.
At first your creations were from Love and from the Isness of Being. Then, later the creative Energy desired to know what else there could be, what could be unlike Love. So you began an experiment. You wanted to know, “How does it feel to be completely immersed in my creation and to be creatively challenged by someone else’s creation?”

Defense Minister of Canada Announces On TV News That Aliens Are Here To Help Humanity

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 3 January 2014

SaLuSa (1)

We join you at an exciting time as you enter the vibrations of a New Year. Across the world there is anticipation of a coming time that brings wonderful changes. They are going to be ones that will give a clear signal that a new era has got under way. Outwardly the chaos would still seem to be present, yet it is clearing to reveal long awaited changes. It is now a time of taking opportunities as they present themselves, to reveal the new way of bringing people together so that harmony can be restored. Love will become seen as the energy that will remove all traces of the old ones that have held you back for millennia of time.

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE - Wake Up "The Matrix" version - fan made Music Video -

Top 10 UFO Sightings Of 2013, AnonymousFO

Archons, Annunaki, and 2014 and Beyond with James Gilliland

Why Have 10 Major Volcanoes Along The Ring Of Fire Suddenly Roared To Life? December 31, 2013

Ring Of Fire 450x266 Why Have 10 Major Volcanoes Along The Ring Of Fire Suddenly Roared To Life?
Ten major volcanoes have erupted along the Ring of Fire during the past few months, and the mainstream media in the United States has been strangely silent about this.  But this is a very big deal.  We are seeing eruptions at some volcanoes that have been dormant for decades.  Yes, it is certainly not unusual for two or three major volcanoes along the Ring of Fire to be active at the same time, but what we are witnessing right now is highly unusual.  And if the U.S. media is not concerned about this yet, the truth is that they should be.  Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 80 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire, and it runs directly up the west coast of the United States.  Perhaps if Mt. Rainier in Washington state suddenly exploded or a massive earthquake flattened Los Angeles the mainstream media would wake up.  Most Americans have grown very complacent about these things, but right now we are witnessing volcanic activity almost everywhere else along the Ring of Fire.  It is only a matter of time before it happens here too.
Sadly, most Americans cannot even tell you what the Ring of Fire is.  The following is how Wikipedia defines the “Ring of Fire”…

jueves, enero 02, 2014

Visionkeeper: A New Journey Begins - Jan 2, 2014

Music to read by below:
Welcome to 2014. We made it and it appears we are stronger and more focused than ever before! The journey continues and so must our stamina. First of all I want to thank all of my readers for being a part of One World Rising. It has been such a pleasure having you all be a part of the awakening process in one form or another.
It has been an amazing journey for us all and I’ve so enjoyed having you awakening with me. So many things we have learned over the last two years, we have learned to grow into ourselves and our wisdom and strength have grown along with us. There is a remarkable strength that comes with knowledge and understanding and even more so with truth. It has been escaping little bit by little bit and hopefully will pick up speed in this new year. It is time for truth to consume the world and shift our consciousness to better understand our situation.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “2014 Revelations & Transparency” – 2 January 2014

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. 2014 what an interesting year! I always give a theme for the year in my quarterly forecast which is available “2014 1st Quarter Forecast”. The term for 2014 I’ve put in “Revelations and Transparency”. It’s going to be very interesting in terms of how that plays out and especially so in large institutions, financial organizations, maybe even military around the globe. Just be very, very interesting.

Karen Doonan - Release and the moon energies in the New Earth - Jan 2, 2014


For many of you at this time it may APPEAR as if little has changed in your outer waking reality. The rituals of the old 3d earth working to deflate, to teach a sense of expectation that is not fulfilled. At this moment you may feel exhausted, tearful, angry or frustrated to the extreme. The new moon is working to release the residue that sits deep within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. Whilst many of you crave release you may be filtering out how this release is processed through your human vehicle and this may see you fall once more as a temporary “blind fold” is placed upon your BEing.

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspectives – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 2 – We Are One – 2 January 2014

While Jason and I sat around the table eating our brunch, we talked about my dream and our confusing feelings about Mytrian.
“I am so happy that I had this dream and the intimate experience of being with the Arcturian,” I said as I sipped my coffee. “I have to admit that I have really missed Mytre and Mytria. Have you had any more of your dreams about Mytrian?”
“Yes,” responded Jason. “In fact, just a few days ago I had a dream in which Mytrian was with the Arcturian. However, I am still having difficulty understanding how one person or being, as I am not sure Mytrian is a human, can have all those different component of SELF.
“I mean, supposedly you and I are part of Mytrian’s Multidimensional SELF, which includes Mytria, Mytre and the Arcturian. How can that be?  How can one being hold that many different frequencies of consciousness in one form?”

Blossom Goodchild – 2 January 2014

bloss_270711So, here we are in 2014. It’s been a busy time for many of us … and I have to say I am feeling tired and emotional for one reason or another. So, before I begin, I would like to make it clear that I am not coming from anger in this communication … yet there are some things that I feel need to be said. You have told me before that it was part of our agreement for me to inform you of how things are going from the point of view of us humans here in the thick density of the Earth … for you are unable to gauge this fully, being where you are. So chaps … are you ready? I want to say also, that there will be many an enlightened soul who reads this and will, without question, be thinking ‘Oh Blossom, when are you going to ‘get it?’. I would like to say … I GET a lot of things … much more than some who write in give me credit for … yet at the same time, I have come to realize that I am able to be a spokeswoman for many of us Earthlings and many it seems, FEEL exactly the same as myself. So … here I go! From our perspective, first and foremost …

Ruth Ryden – Ruth And The Masters Of Light – 2 January 2014

RuthRydenMasters, will you give us an overall set of predictions for this coming year that would include world-wide weather conditions, earth movements, ocean currents, anything that will be impacting human habitation on this planet?
MASTERS: “You are all aware of the immense changes that are now taking place on your world, and it has been a difficult year for all. This coming year will be no exception as the frequencies in your solar system are being caused by other systems colliding and “pushing” against each other in your universe.
Creation is an on-going thing, as you must realize, and there is no such thing as “status quo” as many of you would rather believe. In another ten to twenty of your years the heavens will look quite different as other planets and “stars”, as you call them, will either be gone or new lights will appear. Astronomy will become a much more interesting electronic “game” than the violent make-believe fascinations that you have now.

Jennifer Hoffman - 2014 Predictions – The Year of Love - 31 December, 2013 (posted 2 January, 2014)

Every year, since 2005, I have been writing annual predictions and every year I say the same thing, “I write predictions even though I don’t like writing them”. I hesitate to make predictions, especially about world events, because I do not want to influence anyone’s thinking or skew the energy in any particular direction.
Since they are read by millions of people from dozens of countries, and who can translate and interpret what they read in different ways, sharing these predictions is a mission that I take very seriously and I write them with a great deal of care. That said, at different times during the year I refer to the predictions I made (which I do not change once they are published),  and I am surprised at how accurate they are.

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Jan 2, 2014

As this new year starts to unfold, you will all find yourself staring into a brand new space in all sorts of ways, as you have now left the old and outworn energies of 2013 well and truly behind, and you have all taken that first tentative sip of the brand new energies that came in as your calendar shifted from one year to the next. This may sound improbable to many of you, but that is in fact just what has taken place, as you have been taken through a grand shift once again. As usual, only a few of you have yet been able to feel into these brand new vibrations, for they will not make themselves fully announced just yet. Suffice it to say, they are here indeed, although not in full force. For as usual, everything will be taken in increments, so too this, as the levels will be adjusted ever so slowly at first, until you all get back on your feet as it were, and you are able to stand fully upright whilst being exposed to the full and final extent of these new vibrational levels.

Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – How To Tune To And Live From Your Purpose – 2 January 2014

MeredithMurphyGreetings Dear Ones and Blessings to you, and all of your family of light today. This day, in which together we begin to explore this more Cosmic approach to being you and living here in this NOW moment of incredible light and upliftment.
So much is opening up for you. So, so much. To really know this you have to take time to explore. We keep saying this, but it’s true and we cannot do that part for you. We cannot get you to sit down and go within and find those new rooms within you those new spaces that are now accessible and all that is within them. The perspectives and consciousness available for you to merge with and retrieve, to incorporate. No, we can only point you in that direction, encourage you, tell you there is BIG STUFF there and say — GO GET IT. PLEASE.

Wes Annac – Division Or Unity: A Simple Choice – Part 2/2 – 2 January 2014

http://ih0.redbubble.net/image.14595759.7743/fc,550x550,white.u3.jpgWritten by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Concluded from Part 1
I read articles or watch videos from people who rebel against the spiritual movement taking place because “nothing happened” on a certain date or timeframe. Even though I used to feed this mindset, when I see it today I ask myself where our sense of personal responsibility to heal the planet has gone.
I believe in the existence of our star family, for instance, and for a short time I expected them to come down and “save the day” as it were, but eventually I realized that that belief doesn’t let me act on my greater potential with the knowledge that we’re meant to change the world.

Saint Germain ~ A message for the new year ~ By Méline Lafont - Jan 2, 2014

Picture Credit: Gretchen Hermey

Greetings beloved ones,

The new Era of your time on the Earthly plane has come to be here in the Now and as we transcend the old paradigm, which was created by all of you, by all of us existing from creation, Earth shall pass its boundaries of comfort to be enabled to give birth to all. As the new you arises through the consciousness embodiment of what you form now, there shall be a new plane birthed on your plane which you call the Earth.

Lena Stevens - January Forecast 2014 - GET READY, GET SET............Jan 2, 2014

This month starts out with a rare New Moon on January 1, the first of two new moons this month. January 2014 is a month of getting all your ducks in a row in preparation for the times to come. It is a good beginning to the year of the Warrior (see trends 2014 for more info/ link here). The Warrior energy bursts forth as a desire for organization, "to do" lists, and focus. There is great satisfaction in clearing, cleaning, setting new intentions and getting things back on track.

miércoles, enero 01, 2014

Giant UFO - Cube,"RODs" and other anomalies near the Sun - Review for the New Year December 31, 2013

Wes Annac - Division or Unity: A Simple Choice – Part 2/2 - Jan 1, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Concluded from Part 1
I read articles or watch videos from people who rebel against the spiritual movement taking place because “nothing happened” on a certain date or timeframe. Even though I used to feed this mindset, when I see it today I ask myself where our sense of personal responsibility to heal the planet has gone.
I believe in the existence of our star family, for instance, and for a short time I expected them to come down and “save the day” as it were, but eventually I realized that that belief doesn’t let me act on my greater potential with the knowledge that we’re meant to change the world.
Is it so strange to believe that our star family could be here without thinking that they need to save the day or that they’re frauds because they haven’t? Is it so hard to think that they can exist and give us assistance without doing the work for us?

Jesus via John Smallman: What You Have Been Seeking Has Been With You Always - Jan 1, 2014


The New Year is a time for cleansing, for releasing old thought patterns that no longer serve you, for forgiving yourselves and others, and for renewing your inherent but possibly forgotten intent to share and extend the Love that God offers you in every moment of your eternal existence.
It is a time to remind yourselves that you are always firmly held in the loving embrace that enfolds all of creation, that you can never be separated from it, and that any feeling or sense that you are alone, abandoned, or judged unworthy by God is illusory, a terrifying fantasy whose time is past. You will awaken and your joy will be boundless.
To awaken is and has been your destiny ever since you chose to temporarily forget who you are. God, Wisdom, Reality, Love knew that your desire to experience existence without Him was unsustainable and that you would change your mind and allow the illusion to crumble and dissolve, and that is what it is now in the process of doing because you have collectively chosen to awaken.

Stephen Cook: An Open Letter to Leaders Around the World. Please, Just Tell Us the Truth in 2014! - January 1, 2014


By Stephen Cook –  January 1, 2014

Please Help This Message Go Viral! 

An Open Letter to the Leaders of Every Government Around the World: Please, Just Tell us the Truth in 2014!
Dear World Leaders,
As a society, the human collective has been treated with such huge disrespect by you, our leaders, for way too long.
No matter what country we live in, you continue to lie to us every day.

Be it through saying you will do something while trying to get us to vote for you – and then not delivering or changing your mind. Be it through hiding some erroneous error you or your staff has made.

Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines – 31 December 2013

Have you noticed that there has been an absolute explosion in the number of people developing chronic illnesses, heart disease, diabetes and cancer? If you are like most Americans, you probably have quite a few family members and friends that are seriously ill right now. Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea why this is happening. Most of them just assume that all of this sickness is just “normal”. But that is not the case at all. The truth is that we are slowly killing ourselves by what we eat, by what we drink and by what we allow to be injected into our bodies. The vast majority of people out there have never even heard about the dangers posed by aspartame, fluoride, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs, cell phones and toxic vaccines. Most of them have no idea that our food is toxic, our water is toxic and our vaccines are toxic. Right now, it is estimated that approximately 70,000 chemicals are being used for commercial purposes, and as a result of our “modern lifestyles” we are literally being endlessly bombarded with toxins. This has resulted in a massive tsunami of death, disease and chronic illness in America. But very few people actually understand what is being done to all of us. The following are just a few of the ways that the “soft killing” of the American people is taking place…

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: Ritual of Passage into a Fifth Dimensional Reality - Jan 1, 2014 - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL * LM-1-2014 TRANSMITIDOS A TRAVÉS DE RONNA HERMAN - “Ritual Del Paso Hacia Una Realidad De Quinta Dimensión”


Beloved Masters, you are presently in the midst of becoming your genuine, authentic Self through the process of Ascension, which involves ever-expanding cycles of Soul growth. Your OverSoul-Higher Self is ever urging you onward and upward into the Light of more complex and powerful fields of consciousness.

Mother Mary: Be Love in Action - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Jan 1, 2014


Mother Mary: Be Love in Action

Good morning on this first day of your new year. I AM Mother Mary, but you can think of the One that I AM as the Mary Energy, a part of the Divine Feminine that came into embodiment some two millennia of your timeline.

When you embody, beloved, you leave so much of your Self behind. This other part of your Self is your full multidimensionality, of which you are now becoming aware. As you attain and can sustain a higher vibration within your body vehicle, you will become reacquainted with that greater part of Self, because now you will be able to hold more of You within. And you will begin to communicate with your guides and mentors who are ever with you, even if you have not always been aware of their presence.

Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form

Anna Merkaba - New Moon. New Year. New YOU! – The Hathors – Anna Merkaba - January 1, 2014

…And so let us then describe to you briefly what is in store for you this coming year.
The new moon that you shall see appear in your nightly sky shall bring with her the opportunities, new life forms, new thought patterns, new understanding of the cosmic gateways of consciousness. For all of you are interconnected with each other, and all for you are interconnected with the eternal OM.
There is much of the new discoveries that shall be revealed to all of you. Much of the ancient world shall be disclosed to your earthling species. Much of the information from the hidden files of your governments shall be made public to all for you. Much evidence shall be revealed proclaiming to the world, more and more informational decree of the truth of who you are, and the truth of who we are. And the truth of who has been behind everything that has been distorting your reality for so long. For eons. Truth can no longer be contained by a small portion of your population, and shall spread throughout your known world with vigor and triumph. Truth shall be the number one leading emotional aspect of your coming year…

Judith Kusel - 2014: The true re-empowerment of mankind as consciousness rises - January 1, 2014

993417_573036622733283_660399077_nDear Infinite and Precious Souls
“In the center of ALL LOVE
I stand
And am firmly anchored in.
From that center I,
The one who serves, will work: -
May the Love of the Divine Soul Self
Be shed abroad
In my heart,
Through my contact with others –
And throughout the world.”
As we truly now have stepped into the realms of the sheerest Beingness and with immense high frequencies now coming from inside the earth, with the full reactivation of the pyramid energies inside the earth, above and below the earth and the under the sea, as well as other major energy center, and the most important ones, the Lion gate and the crystalline golden infinite core rod in Africa (my book on this whole scene will be published in this year – even if I have to self-publish), something profound is shifting in the whole consciousness of everyone on earth.

Andy Bojarski - 46-100 Questions and Answers on Energy and Healing - Jan 1, 2014

questions_answers_8This is a repost that I posted on another site a few months ago but did not include on this site…If you did not read it, then it is new to you and I invite you to read it…if you did read it, you can skip it or read it again…Other reposts will follow in the next few days…Love and blessings to all of you…

John Smallman – Saul – See Only The Light, The Christ Consciousness In Others – 1 January 2014

The New Year of 2014 has arrived bringing with it an abundance of blessings for all of humanity as you approach ever more closely to the moment of your awakening into Reality.  Let go of your doubts about this and any you may have about God, even about whether He truly exists or not, for they only disconcert you.  Deep within you know that you are forever held in His loving embrace and are shortly to awaken. Focus on the truth of that, the Reality of that, and allow His Love to flow through you to all of humanity uplifting and inspiring you as It does so.
We are all One.  There is no separation.  God is All that there is.  He is His creation and therefore we are all, every one of us without exception, eternally part of or aspects of God.

Sheldan Nidle – Update By The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 1 January 2014

12 Men, 18 Mol, 10 Caban
Selamat Balik! We return with more information on the ongoing transformation of your world. This present situation is playing out as this Gregorian year of 2013 AD comes to a close. The dark cabal is flustered as it is forced to concede area after area of its former unfettered areas of power. This dynamic process is ongoing and is to be concluded shortly. The various elements of the Light have completed a number of vital agreements that truly “seal the deal.” The dark cabal realizes this and understands that its long reign in this realm is coming to an end. Not only are they to taste the rigor of a broad legal confinement, but they will also be put in a position to watch much of their wealth and former special privileges fade away. This is just the beginning of what is to happen. The new governance, as we stated previously, will transform your current non-disclosure of our presence into a formal declaration of recognition. A new gold-based currency and new global banking laws will lead to the breakup of most super-large banking institutions. The near future for this reality is indeed bright!

Sarah Varcas - 1st January 2014: New Moon in Capricorn – Messages for 2014

Spiritually Naked for the New Year
A New Moon conjunct Pluto and Mercury to start the New Year. What a powerful symbol of what’s to come in 2014! The chart for this Moon is full of energy, pulling in many different directions. Do we strike out to make our mark or withdraw to the safe familiarity of where we already know acceptance? Do we stand our ground and do what’s best for us or compromise and work with others to bring about a win/win scenario?
Do we lean on those around us for support or rely only on ourselves to get us through? There are a lot of ‘either/ors’ in this chart, telling us we stand at the threshold of a year in which we may have to make some very significant choices and then stand by them no matter what. 2014 is a year of decision like no other.

S0 News January 1, 2014: Major Updates, Merck's Poison

Steve Rother- The Group - A Special Gift from the Group to Celebrate the New Year - January 1, 2014

Greetings I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

It does not take me that long to come in because I am here all the time. Once in a while he will step aside a little bit and I will sneak in whenever I can.  Greetings everybody. I am Elrah and you are not.

Love and Laughter Attract the Attention of Home
We are going to share about a special vibration on planet Earth—but it is not just planet Earth. It is all over the vibrations because there is a very unique part. You know, you have something on Earth you call Love and when you love somebody, it actually causes the attention from Home. Now many times you think, “My love is focused on this one person,” or “I am going to love this or that so much,” and your focus is so intense, that is all you see.

Dana Mrkich: Goodbye 2013 – Hello 2014 - Jan 1, 2013

In the years leading up to 2013 amidst all of our healing and growth experiences, as challenging as they may have been, we at least always had a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to. A turning point representing hope for great transformation. The time when we moved from the end of one long evolutionary cycle to the next.  The time finally arrived and instead of greeting us like a breath of fresh air, it felt like a bucket of sobering, ice cold water being thrown all over us with one clear message: Wake up. Here’s the state of reality on Earth in 2013. What are you going to do about it?
This message was shocking to those of us who replied, drenched and tired of it, “We are awake! Is this some kind of joke?” This year we learned the meaning of ‘awakening’ more than ever. We may have been ‘awake’ but day after day we were asked in a multitude of ways: What are you doing with your awakening?  How is it showing up in your life? How is it working for you? How is it contributing to the world? How are you embodying it? Are you happy with who you are and with what you are doing and with whom you are doing it? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Steve Rother - A Special Gift from the Group to Celebrate the New Year - January, 2014 - Un regalo especial de El Grupo para celebrar el Año Nuevo -

Greetings I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

It does not take me that long to come in because I am here all the time. Once in a while he will step aside a little bit and I will sneak in whenever I can.  Greetings everybody. I am Elrah and you are not.

Love and Laughter Attract the Attention of Home
We are going to share about a special vibration on planet Earth—but it is not just planet Earth. It is all over the vibrations because there is a very unique part. You know, you have something on Earth you call Love and when you love somebody, it actually causes the attention from Home. Now many times you think, “My love is focused on this one person,” or “I am going to love this or that so much,” and your focus is so intense, that is all you see.

Planetary Update - January 2014