As the old earth frequencies are released from your human vehicle they first of all may appear as a emotional release, that of tears, it may be that you experience a “penny dropping” or “light bulb” moment where you suddenly understand something that has deeply confused you. The relief may be immense and the relief is but the start of the process. For the cellular release sees these lower dimensional frequencies ignite within you, they are re-experienced at various levels as they leave your human vehicle. So you may have a linear day where you felt you cleared enormous amounts of emotion and then wake up the next linear day feeling like the bottom has dropped out of your world. This may be highly confusing to the human logical mind, after all you have released the emotion so why would you re-experience it?
The way to work with this is to simply acknowledge and DETACH from the emotions that arise within you at that moment. The acknowledgement and the accompanying visions or memories work to help you understand that you no longer need or align with what is being released. However the old 3d earth knew that you would be able to release them so it created what I term a “barb”, this is a frequency that is stronger than the overlying frequency and works to try to re-trigger the very emotions that the frequencies worked to have you feel in order to be anchored. Release then depends on your ability to acknowledge that you are releasing, you are not re-experiencing and recreating that which you are seeking to dissolve.
At a time of deep release I would guide you to FEEL at all levels of your BEing. Allow the tears to flow, allow the anger to rise within you and simply acknowledge it. Nurturing SELF is vital during this process, allowing yourself to rest, to let things go for the moment, no trying to fill up your day to try to distract yourself, remember the distractions of the old 3d earth are what has allowed these frequencies to be anchored almost blindly by the human race.
Be gentle with SELF, be KIND to SELF and allow all to flow, the more you relax and release into the process and allow the flow the sooner the frequencies dissolve from your cellular structure and you will begin to FEEL LIGHTER and more expansive. Mother Earth has heightened and expanded her energy signature at this time to accommodate this deep release which is ongoing and at all times expansive. It is not TRUTH to assume that you are going around in circles and the human logical mind if allowed to will try to present you with the “evidence” you need. You may for example at this moment be thinking back over the last linear year, you may have memories of people, places and events pop into your mind. Simply acknowledge and release at all times.
At a time of major release it is not appropriate to try to go about your “normal” day or try to create /manifest. Again the old 3d earth may try to re-install LINEAR into you and I would guide for you to detach from this at all times. As many of you are now experiencing you are MULTI DIMENSIONAL and as many of you are now fully experiencing everything CAN and WILL change moment to moment. The energies now increase dramatically and many of you may feel like you need to “pause”, gather strength or take a break and this is NOT supported by the New Earth. View yourself as if on a plane and about to be airborne, the plane needs to gather MOMENTUM in order to gain in height and become airborne. This applies to your human vehicle, GO WITH the flow and the intensity for at ALL times it is working to release you from the WEIGHT of the old 3d earth, you need to gather momentum to be able to burst through the frequency containment that has been put in place and seeks at all times to keep you earth bound. You are ENERGY that has incarnated into a human vehicle so you are comprised of heaven AND earth. The old 3d earth will seek to teach you at all times you are merely of the earth, this is NOT TRUTH and is not supported by the New Earth.
It is also to be noted that the old 3d earth paradigms seek to lower your frequency deliberately at all times. Let go of the outside waking reality and work to find balance within at all times. As you release the lower dimensional frequencies you will begin to “trigger” those around you by your frequency movement, this should be taken as “evidence” if you will or a major shift in your frequency, do not allow the old 3d earth to try to teach you that you are doing something wrong, it NEEDS to keep you in check, it NEEDS those around you who are unaware of the frequencies to react to bring you back to the “fold” so to speak. This how the old 3d earth “policed” the human race. Being aware of this and detaching will work to help you keep your balance at this time. NONE sit in judgement of you for that is not their role nor their place no matter what you have been TAUGHT to believe around this in the old 3d earth.
For those of you who are struggling or who need further information/guidance please join me on the Bob Charles Radio Show this sunday jan 5th at 2 -4pm (est) where I will be talking with Bob and with Allayah Frisch, we are available to answer any questions you may have at this time.