Music to read by below:
Welcome to 2014. We made it and it appears we are stronger and more focused than ever before! The journey continues and so must our stamina. First of all I want to thank all of my readers for being a part of One World Rising. It has been such a pleasure having you all be a part of the awakening process in one form or another.
It has been an amazing journey for us all and I’ve so enjoyed having you awakening with me. So many things we have learned over the last two years, we have learned to grow into ourselves and our wisdom and strength have grown along with us. There is a remarkable strength that comes with knowledge and understanding and even more so with truth. It has been escaping little bit by little bit and hopefully will pick up speed in this new year. It is time for truth to consume the world and shift our consciousness to better understand our situation.
I feel strongly that the message for this new year is to know ourselves and in order to do that we need to understand our placement in the world and to do that it is time to lay down and reconnect with nature. Our disconnection from it has been a large source of our reckless thinking and abuse of the world in general. It is time for this to stop. It is time to tend to ourselves now, to shift how we see the world, to raise our consciousness and to open our hearts as wide as they will go and let in the love and compassion for ALL. The old paradigm lays smoldering in a dirty gray heap and it is time to sweep the remnants aside and clear the ground for a new and loving foundation upon which to build the new world.
So it seems our mission for the new year is to fully understand ourselves and where we stand and to reconnect with and respect nature and her animals at long last and hold truth above all else. All suffering must come to an end now. To cause or ignore the suffering of others is inexcusable. If we are to successfully raise the collective consciousness of humanity, we must embrace respect for one another and feel it from our hearts, not with our minds.
If we know ourselves well, if we are truthful above all else and we have respect for all others, we stand a good chance of correcting our wrong doings and finally creating peace within this wonderful world. We’ve been given our homework, now we must not only do it, but prepare ourselves for final exams. We can do this. I know we can, we just need to stay awake and stand together as one. Happy New World New Year to one and all.
Many blessings to us all,