Concluded from Part 1
I read articles or watch videos from people who rebel against the spiritual movement taking place because “nothing happened” on a certain date or timeframe. Even though I used to feed this mindset, when I see it today I ask myself where our sense of personal responsibility to heal the planet has gone.
I believe in the existence of our star family, for instance, and for a short time I expected them to come down and “save the day” as it were, but eventually I realized that that belief doesn’t let me act on my greater potential with the knowledge that we’re meant to change the world.
Is it so strange to believe that our star family could be here without thinking that they need to save the day or that they’re frauds because they haven’t? Is it so hard to think that they can exist and give us assistance without doing the work for us?
Because of this idea of “nothing happening” a budding movement to reintroduce spirituality, harmony and equality has been rebelled against. Distorted associations have been attached to it, and each person’s unique definition of concepts related to it has caused a rift between conscious camps. This we can’t deny.
In putting all of our focus on these concepts, these ideas, we lose sight of our real goal. We distract ourselves from the goal of uniting in respect and harmony, and we rebel against things that aren’t as exciting as they once were because they aren’t new anymore.
In everything we do, everything we discuss and advocate, our focus and where we put it is very important. Our constant goal of coming together and repairing this planet is the thing to keep in mind, and it’s unfortunate that people have drawn their dividing lines over their different interpretations of simple ideas.
It’s unfortunate that so many of us are still so okay with proclaiming our division from other parts of the conscious community. Have we not learned that division forever leads to the conquering of man and the squandering of our greater potential?
If we can open up to the idea of brimming spiritual realms beyond our conscious understanding, why can’t we grasp the importance of respecting everyone’s unique interpretation of those realms or anything that has to do with them?
The same can be said for contemporary matters. We all interpret the things that are happening differently, and we don’t make any progress when we say “I’m right, you’re wrong. This is the way it is.”
Doesn’t that stance seem a little bit dense? Uncaring? As if we’re playing into the hands of the planetary controllers by feeding division?
This isn’t the condition I want to see my fellow conscious seekers in. You don’t have to believe in star people, the light, etc. to absorb and act on the simple but powerful ideas of unity and respect, and in my opinion, if we can’t do this most basic thing then we won’t build anything different from what we currently experience.
A lot of people have expressed to me lately that they think unity will need to start from the bottom up. Everybody needs to work on inner peace and harmony before we can even hope to unite, and I’ve repeated this endlessly because the message still doesn’t seem to have soaked in.
I still see conscious people dividing themselves over their different interpretations and beliefs, and it seems like we’re failing the most basic lesson we’re being given: seeing beyond our respective differences, philosophical or otherwise, and coming together despite them.
If the conscious public, who’s been advocating this and plenty of other ideas for decades, can’t achieve this, then nobody will. We’re the example, and I think it’s time to put on our big boy pants and live up to what’s asked of us.
All that’s asked is for us to respect and love each other. Is that so hard?
Can we cease the self-righteous act of setting ourselves apart from others in the conscious community because we don’t agree with them about some things? Things that seem important now, but that are tiny in the bigger picture?
I’ve done and advocated things that some of you out there might not agree with, but we can agree on the basic idea of building a new paradigm rooted in unity.
It surprises me that even some conscious seekers don’t seem to understand that what we have in common is more important than any minor differences between us, and I agree with everyone who’s told me that they feel like we still have a long way to go.
Unity isn’t impossible, but if we can’t hear its basic message out, it’ll be far more difficult than I initially envisioned. Whether or not something has or will happen outside of us isn’t important – the effort we make now to bring about a positive future is.
It’s time for us to cultivate strength, perseverance and respect, because it seems like our journey has just begun.
Wes Annac – Ready for unity, and for everything else to dissolve away.
Wes Annac is a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as writings from Wes and more. Come check us out!
See also Conscious Oneness, The Aquarius Paradigm on Facebook and The Golden Age of Gaia.