martes, octubre 22, 2013

Natural News -Thousands of citizens in India killed by reckless Big Pharma drug trials - Oct 22, 2013

The second largest country in the world, India, has become a hotbed of pharmaceutical fraud, as unscrupulous drug companies, mostly from the West, continue to use India's generally poorer populations as human guinea pigs in unethical and flat-out inhumane clinical trials. 

And India's Supreme Court is finally taking action against this massive organized crime ring by ordering India's health ministry to justify its approval of 162 global clinical trials to take place in the country.

Because it is a rapidly developing nation with lax regulatory protocols, India has been a primary target of the pharmaceutical cartel in its never-ending quest to dominate the medical systems of the world. Major drug companies have been largely successful in swindling the Indian government to approve trials for all sorts of "new chemical entities" (NCEs), many of which have been tested on rural Indians in poorer communities, where there is minimal access to proper medical care.

Nancy Tate – Hatonn – 22 October 2013

NancyTateDear Ones,
I have been feeling inspired in the past several days to create another slideshow that was timely with the recent full moon eclipse and the energy that was associated with it. It is called Love Moon Rising, and it is available to see now. Click Here
I am here this morning to speak through this one about a matter that is troubling many of you at this time. It is one that needs addressing in a way that can ease your minds in many different ways. It is about the changes that many of you are experiencing in your lives and within your inner selves. I am Hatonn, and I am with you this day to alleviate some of the concerns that you are undergoing in these times.

lunes, octubre 21, 2013

Fran Zepeda- Lady Nada: Let The Sweet Peace of Your Stillness Be Your Guiding Light – 21 October 2013

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:
Hello my dear ones. It is a wonderment to see you all progressing oh so well. The changes within you are astounding and although it has been a challenge for some of you, you are graduating with flying colors.
It is not to say that the difficult times are over. However, many changes have been made to your light bodies and inner selves and you will see a marked change in your environment as a result.
All-be-it to say you are a work in progress, a wonderful and delightful work in progress. If you were to see a graph of how far you have come, it would astound you.

Dana Mrkich: For Anyone Still Asking “When is Ascension Going to Happen?” - Oct 21, 2013

This question came in from Richard* (name changed) about ‘ascension’. I’m sharing it here for anyone who has the same concerns.


I have been reading several ascension blogs. Most of them have info that humanity would ascend on 21 DEC 2012 and since then the dates simply kept on changing and even the so called channeled info from higher dimensional beings and ascended masters is wrong so many times.

Just don’t know what to believe anymore and like so many other readers and followers I am more than frustrated to just keep waiting for a date and when nothing happens then conveniently some new date comes up and this has been going on for so long. So my question is if we are going to ascend at all then when do you think its gonna happen? If it is so difficult to give a date then is it possible to atleast give a time frame? So many people who are working as channelers and light workers, how hard can it be to just get a date?

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Oct 21, 2013

We would like to take this opportunity to delve a little bit into the current energies. As many of you have already ascertained, these are not your regular blasts of energy, rather, it is as if you are being disconnected from it all, as if you are floating, almost like an astronaut lost out in space. It might feel lonely out there, but trust us when we say you have not been left out there for good, rather, this is a very important transitional phase, one that will help you to re-enter YOURSELF, rather than stripping you of anything that might still be construed as the old you.

Bionics, Transhumanism, and the end of Evolution (Full Documentary)

domingo, octubre 20, 2013

The Truthseeker: 'Casualty catastrophe': cell phones and child brains (E26)

Stretch Upwards like the Tree and GROW - Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ Julie Miller - October 20, 2013

Received by Julie Miller
October 20, 2013

The life you are currently working your way through continues to grow, bringing along many different paths along the way and your growth dear ones is similar like a tree. It is slow and gradual, you must root and ground yourself firmly and allow the Light and the Elements to nurture you into new height and strength.

Just like the growth of a tree, much of its development is done from the inside. The spiritual side of your development is honed and nudged gently into awareness, the seed of your spiritual potential remains in a sleep state until you are awakened and depending on each person this can be felt as a sudden occurrence or a gradual development, either way as soon as your awakened self opens, your blossoming begins.

Sirian Archangel Hermes 10/20/13

Greetings fellow beings of light. I come to you now with several messages as the rainbow light codes of awakening are being transmitted through the multidimensional nodes of consciousness into your planetary matrix.
I come to speak of the Divine Feminine, and how it has, is, and shall play a key role in your ascension. The aspects of the divine feminine energy are manifest through the nurturing, loving, and healing of the holy spirit. The cosmic womb nurtures all and never asks for payment in return, for the payment is the development of all inhabitants of her womb. Many new age scholars will say that the divine feminine is an aspect of chaos, and they are partially correct in this, for the divine feminine is a mirror, reflecting, and then projecting the energy that was originally cast upon it. She can be love and order, or she can be fear and chaos, it all depends on you, the observer, the host, which energy will you choose to embrace?

Your dreams – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 20, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, your Spirit Guide is now increasingly working with you in your dream state. You’ll gain valuable insights from your dreams. It is best to put paper and a pen ready in the evening so that you can write down your dreams and the resulting findings. You could too easily forget through the night, as it happened to my scribe this night. If such a thing happens to you too, just relax and not think twice about it. The memories will come back to you when you least expect it. Nothing is lost. Your Higher Self and your Guides will bring back the memories to you. Because they love you as much as I love you, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Pyramid activation and inner earth changes …. Judith Kusel - October 20, 2013


Massive changes are happening in the inner earth crust, and these are pulling us more and more into the core of ourselves – that center place, where we feel the most….. It is there in the gut, and reaction to all the outside forces….. It is there in our relationships to the outer world – whether deep bonds of love, or social bonds….

Being Here and Now by Tazjima - October 19, 2013


So, here I am, wrapped up in a blanket, dealing with a sore throat and swollen lymph glands – classical signs of the “flu”.  And it is a golden day outside, in lower 50’s, blue skies, golden trees, a perfect Indian summer day, but I don’t have the strength to enjoy it right now, except internally.
Why did I say, internally?  I said that because of what I feel within, like a glowing sun warming my face with its rays.  There is a growing peace and sense of serenity emanating from my heart, despite all the apparent chaos that dwells in the world around me.

Méline Lafont ~ The I AM presence descending and the ego

Hilarion – Marlene Swetlishoff - October 20 – 27, 2013 -

Beloved Ones,
Behold yourselves in the mirror and you will see that the transformation of your physical bodies is occurring. There is a glow of radiance in your countenance and an indefinable something that others around you perceive. This will happen more frequently with every successful releasing of old programs and belief systems as they occur. As these are let go, more light is assimilated into your human operating system. Many of you have a great field of light that surrounds you wherever you go and this is a welcome, albeit unperceived, blessing for the people in your field of influence, which is expanding constantly.

AA Michael - Ron Head – Chaos Is What Things Are Built Out Of, You See – 20 October 2013

Many of you have seen and commented on the full moon over the past few days.  We would comment on the greater aspects of the alignments that are now occurring, if we may.
There are ‘goings on’ as you would say.  There are cardinal thises and grand thats.  There is a marvelous comet.  And you see things zipping and zooming around in your skies almost whenever you choose to look.  Culmination is the word we would choose.  You are approaching a wonderful culmination of intersecting and interwoven possibilities.
As your awareness and consciousness rises, the manifestation of the world you have determined to live in begins to appear, to gel, to ‘get real’ as you would say.  At the same time, your knowledge and perceptions of the world as you know it, as you knew it, are coming forth for you to wave good-bye to.  And so you seem to be living in total chaos at times.

HAARP' Super Weapon TTA SHOCKS THE WORLD with Ascension Isle Hydroacoustic SOUTH ATLANTIC DIAMOND F

John Smallman – Saul – Be Alert! – 20 October 2013

john-blog-pics-0135The excitement continues to mount as does the intensity of humanity’s collective intent to awaken.  The ocean of Love flooding the planet is embracing you all, everyone is immersed, there are no holdouts or exceptions, and the effects are absolutely amazing.  Yes, a very small minority of hardcore illusionists are still refusing to acknowledge the unreality of the environment that they are attempting to shore up, but their efforts and intentions are futile as the power of humanity’s collective intent strengthens and engages ever more fully with the divine ocean or field of Love in which all are enfolded.  The illusion is disintegrating rapidly, and that small core of refuseniks who are trying to hold on to power and control by supporting and maintaining that unreal and unloving state of affairs will just be gently relocated to an area where they can continue playing their games without in the least way inconveniencing the rest of humanity.  The time for controlling, dominating, and manipulating others is over because the New Age is one in which synergistic and loving cooperation provides a harmonious environment for all to enjoy to the full free from unwarranted authoritarian hindrance or interference of any kind. Your Father created you free, and free you will always remain. Your awakening into the awareness and experience of that your natural state is the event for which you are all enthusiastically waiting. You will not be disappointed!
The message for today is “Be alert.” The grand event is very close, and as it happens the joy that humanity experiences will be wondrous. You have been waiting eons for this great spiritual and evolutionary step forwards and upwards which was planned as soon as the “separation” occurred, and its time is now almost upon you. Time is a difficult concept for you, being part of the illusion and seemingly very real, but in fact there is only “Now.” Now is eternal, everything that happens happens now, there is no other time . . . there is no time!

sábado, octubre 19, 2013

The journey into your inside – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 19, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, without the veil of oblivion you could not fulfill your mission. The pain of memories would be too much for you. It was absolutely necessary that you forget everything so that you could work out anything new and in this working out anew you  can pass on to your fellow man your experiences and cognitions of it. The fog of forgetfulness was in this sense a blessing for you. Now it is getting thinner and memories, knowledge and skills are slowly but surely coming back to you. Through meditation you can speed this up a bit. Pay attention to what you see in it, hear and feel. Pay attention to what your intuition gives you and on your dreams. You’ll remember that way much. You are a multidimensional being, my child, and you know and can do more than you can imagine now. Start on the journey into your inside and rediscover yourself there. You’ll be amazed at what you can find there ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

AA Uriel - ‘Nunca’ Puede Ser Mucho Tiempo - a través de Jennifer Hoffman - 11 de Agosto 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

¿Alguna vez han dicho que ‘nunca’ más harían algo nuevamente, usualmente después de pasar por una situación que no concluyó con muy buenos resultados? Quizás alguien los traicionó y ustedes dijeran que ‘nunca’ se pondrían de nuevo en esa situación. O quizás alguien les rompió el corazón y ustedes dijeran que ‘nunca’ dejarían que eso les sucediera de nuevo. O quizás tomaron una decisión, no le gustaron los resultados, y ustedes dijeron que ‘nunca’ harían eso de nuevo. Nunca es una palabra muy fuerte que bloquea el flujo de energía y a través de este creamos una gran cantidad de juicios de nosotros mismos que bloquean aún más energía.

Acelera Tu Progreso Espiritual por Selacia - 10 de octubre del 2013

Traducción: Fara González López

Vivimos en un tiempo de cambio revolucionario, catalizando comienzos y terminaciones que ayudarán a crear un mundo más amoroso. Aquí están ambos, el panorama mayor y cómo este impacta en ustedes en su vida personal.

El Panorama Mayor

Las terminaciones en nuestros tiempos de cambios sin precedentes incluyen un desmoronamiento de los sistemas disfuncionales y de los enfoques. Los comienzos incluyen la creación de una manera totalmente nueva de coexistir los unos con los otros – alimentado por el amor en lugar del temor. Estas energías de comienzos y terminaciones están a todo nuestro alrededor y ahora – ellas son globales y le impactan a ustedes y a todos con quienes ustedes se encuentren.

“EL AMOR ES UN ESTADO NATURAL DE SER” 1 de octubre de 2013


Traducción:Fara González López
Edición: Odilia Rivera

Amados maestros, nunca olviden: el Amor es un estado natural de Ser. Elamor es una condición innata, de afirmación de la vida...  Cuando el amor es la fuerza irradiadora en sus vidas, el temor desaparece.  El temores creado por la ausencia de amor. El temor es un estado de la mente creado al acceder a las formas de pensamiento distorsionadas, de baja frecuencia.  Cuando ustedes se vuelven hacia su interior y acceden a ese manantial-pozo de amor dentro de su  Corazón Sagrado, este primero invade su Ser Interno; el resto entonces irradia hacia el mundo. Como resultado, comenzarán a ver a través de ojos filtrados por energía amorosa, lo cual cambiará la forma en que ustedes perciben a las personas en su vida – también afectará cómo ustedes enfrentan los desafíos diarios y las oportunidades – un recubrimiento de energía amorosa crea milagros.  

Peggy Black y el ‘Equipo - Tergiversado y Al Revés – 15-10-2013

concientes dos
Estamos aquí envolviéndolos con nuestro Amor y ofreciéndoles estas palabras de apoyo.

La intensidad del cambio en su realidad está incrementando. Lo que está polarizado se está polarizando aún más.
Ustedes están experimentando que quienes sostienen ciertas posiciones o creencias firmemente sin flaquear están afectando el bienestar y salud mucho mayor global.
A partir de nuestras observaciones parece ser que siempre hay una situación atorada en su lugar debido a dos puntos de vista o actitudes opuestos.
Los conflictos entre individuos, países, nacionalidades o religiones han sido la energía detrás de las muchas guerras que su planeta ha experimentado.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 11:11 Trilith Phantom Crystals 2013 – 19 October 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWithin the center of these beautiful Phantom crystals lives a portal of Creation, doorways of Light beckoning one to enter and See.  The pyramid power within each 11:11 Trilith Phantom is powerful and giving. It invites one to enter and sit under its apex to receive teachings of time undone.  It recognizes that you are an integral part of the cosmic equation. The phantom within the crystal is TRILITH of nature, which means a sacred place made out of stones, which allows prayers to be held.  It asks you to enter as a shaman into the dolman (earth lodge) connecting you to Earth’s Oversoul which allows you to see with clarity all that has been and all that is to be.

Kryon - Synchronicity - The Way It Works - Cómo Funciona La Sincronicidad - Asheville, Carolina del Norte - 24 de agosto de 2013 




Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way

Suzanne Lie – Perception/Creation – Part 2 – Surrender To The IS – 19 October 2013

SuzanneLieWe, the Arcturians, return to remind you that:
Surrender to the IS
It IS HERE and NOW that you shall consciously connect with your SELF.
Your Multidimensional SELF IS.
Your Multidimensional SELF exists HERE in the NOW.
You have been trained from your many incarnations in a third dimensional reality that you must wait. You had to wait because there was time, and it was not the “Right Time” for you to receive what you wanted NOW!
Therefore, you learned to wait. If you were very patient, as patience was a commendable virtue, you would get what you wanted. However, what was in your heart and mind while you waited?
Was your heart and mind filled with the belief that that which you wanted was already yours? Or did the waiting make you believe that that you were not good enough, yet, to get what you wanted?
No one told you that the time you waited was best spent raising your consciousness to live in the NOW. Then, in the NOW, you could create that which you desired. No one told you that once you lived in the NOW there is no time.

Blossom Goodchild – 19 October 2013

bloss arizona biggerWelcome my friends. I have been wondering what today’s conversation shall entail. Although, if I may … there are a couple of things I would like to address on behalf of some readers who have asked me to ask you about Comet Ison. Now I personally really know nothing much at all regarding where it is heading, so therefore have no idea where this conversation is heading either … Is that ok? Over to you if I may?
Firstly we welcome you also. There is much Love and excitement still within and around your planet … which we should also care to address. Yet to comment on the comet. You are quite correct Blossom in your replies to these souls who inquire. If indeed there was to be an up and coming ‘mishap’ with this travelling object … do you not think we would have addressed if before now?

Aisha North – A History Of Creation – Part 5 - Oct 19, 2013

As we have been saying this ocean of creative energy is there waiting for you all to dip into, and when you do, you will find the experience an exhilarating one, for then you will feel at home for the very first time in literally ages, and as such, it will be like coming home after a prolonged walk in the desert. For you are so thirsty for knowledge, and finally, you stand at the edge of the fountain where every thirst will be quenched as soon as you start to drink from it. We speak in parables again, so let us move on to what you are here for, namely to get a little bit more light on the actual process of creation.

You are on your way to experience those miracles which you are yourselves – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 19.10.2013

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, the Archangel Raphael, speaking here. It’s time again to submit to you a another new message since there is quite a lot to report to you.
Presently everything is running here on earth much faster than before what you experienced here in the past. You might have notified this already yourselves that everything around you is passing away before your very eyes in some speed never been experienced before.
What are the reasons for such event?

John Smallman – Jesus – Your Egos Are Like Teenagers – 19 October 2013

john-blog-pics-0135All are One, and daily this truth seeps into the conscious awareness of more and more of humanity, as you all – well the vast majority of you – move closer to your awakening.  It is a done deal, you are going to awaken, it is inevitable and nothing can prevent it, so focus on the inner peace and joy that you encounter when you go quietly inwards in relaxation, prayer, or meditation knowing that this is the divine Will for you all.  Doing just that is extremely healing for you and for all with whom you interact.  It is what you came on Earth to do, you can do it beautifully, and that is all that you need to do.  Truly it is very simple.  Focusing on your anxieties and fears is very counter-productive, although they do often seem extremely important as they demand an enormous amount of your attention; just continue practicing letting go of them except when you are dealing directly in the now moment with issues that cause them.

LOS MATERIALES DEL CÍRCULO CARMESÍ La Serie del Descubrimiento SHAUD 2: "Descubrimiento 2" Presentando a ADAMUS, canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe - Oct 5, 2013
Presentado al Círculo Carmesí


La Serie del Descubrimiento

SHAUD 2: "Descubrimiento 2" Presentando a ADAMUS, canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe

Nota: Las ilustraciones, fotos y diapositivas de Adamus pueden ser vistas en la versión PDF o en el video.

Traducción: Fara González

Edición: Irma Sztabinski

Shauds en archivo Word: Manantial del Caduceo:

Shauds en MP3 y videos doblados al español: Grupo33

Yo Soy El Que Yo Soy, Adamus del Dominio Libre y Soberano.

Tomando una respiración profunda, huelo un fuego de leña abrasador. Me trae tantos recuerdos, abre los sentidos. ¡Ah! Cosas tan hermosas acerca de ser un humano, y una vez que ellas están ahí, ustedes nunca olvidan totalmente. Para nada.

Un auditorio un poquito diferente aquí el día de hoy. Un auditorio un poquito diferente. (Sin auditorio en vivo debido a las inundaciones recientes, las sillas están ocupadas con animales de peluche). Como dijo Linda, la destrucción reciente, los eventos recientes han evitado que muchos estén aquí, pero en realidad de verdad lo están. Oh, todos los habituales, todavía están aquí. Sí, puede ser lo que parece un animal de peluche sentado en el sitio de ellos, pero no lo es realmente. Son los Shaumbra habituales

viernes, octubre 18, 2013

SaLuSa - Recuerden que hay muchos otros en el sistema que no son visibles y están trabajando en silencio…MADAD - 08-10-2013

Sin-título-7 (1) dos
Recuerden que hay muchos otros en el sistema que no son visibles y están trabajando en silencio hasta que sientan que es el momento adecuado para dar un paso al frente y hablar abiertamente….Este es el momento increíble en que vamos a ser finalmente capaces de abrazarnos y compartir mucho más de lo que hacemos ahora.

Su mundo está cambiando con gran velocidad, lo que no pueden percibir desde su punto de vista actual porque dentro de esta realidad todo lo miden con ciertos plazos de tiempo y mientras todavía están funcionando en esta realidad, ustedes necesitan mantener la medición de todo lo que pasa con su correspondiente tiempo.

Meditation The Female Voice of Kryon


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Saludos querida gente del gran planeta Gaia, nos regocijamos con ustedes al observar la Luz fluyendo progresivamente desde y hacia ustedes en este tiempo. 

La Tierra se está moviendo rápidamente hacia una nueva energía universal la cual se incrementa con cada persona que abre su corazón y su mente a las nuevas y elevadas formas de ver.
Nosotros observamos alrededor del mundo cuestionando y preguntándose si lo que les han dicho aquellos a cargo es realmente verdad.
Este cuestionamiento indica receptividad persona y universal a la verdad lo cual a su vez trae enfoque y cambia la multitud de formas de falta de poder que tantos aún experimentan. Es así como el cambio sucede.

Tazjima - La Dama Venus: “Ustedes Son Una Parte De La Sinfonía De La Vida” - 12-10-2013

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SOY La Dama Venus, consorte de Sanat Kumara, Reina de Venus. 

Soy un miembro de La Hermandad Blanca y una Sacerdotisa de la Madre Divina. Yo personifico la Verdad, el Poder y la Gracia del Femenino Divino.
Viajo cruzando las distancias entre nuestros mundos en el vuelo de un caballo blanco puro, un caballo alado.
No hay necesidad de un transporte físico pues la energía de nuestro mensaje viaja a la velocidad del pensamiento.
Y con la intención sagrada de anclar el Amor de la Madre Divina en el suelo de Gaia, he enviado a la Tierra a una de mis hijas, nuestra escriba.

AA Miguel - Ustedes son creadores. Sean buenos en ello - Ron Head - 10-10-13

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Arcángel Miguel: Felicitamos a aquellos que han estado y continúan estando apartados del caos aparente que los rodea en éste momento.

Como siempre, no todo es como aparenta ser desde su perspectiva. Hay de hecho, un gran motivo del cual estar alegres, incluso en esos eventos que atraen mucho su atención si los dejan. ç
Claro que les recomendamos que no les presten demasiada atención. Sin embargo reconocemos la dificultad de eso.
Así que digamos que lo que aparenta ser terrible en la superficie, y como hemos establecido previo a estas ocurrencias, es solo la limpieza del camino para mejores cosas.

Steve Rother - 2014 Predictions

Wes Annac - Unity in Community: Taking Baby Steps - Oct 18, 2013

“Unity in Community”.
That was one of many catchphrases suggested during Thursday night’s roundtable discussion on Tinychat with Michael Genova, myself, and at one point about sixty others.
The theme of the meeting was discussing and building upon some of the ways we can breed real and lasting unity amongst various Lightworker and alternative news oriented websites, which remain separate and independent in terms of the projects and work being done.

Anna Merkaba - Full Moon October 18 – 19 : Theme – Gestation – AA Michael - Oct 18, 2013

fullmoonDearly beloved children of light, we come to you once again in the preparation of the full moon that is about to open its gateway into your subconsciousness .

The theme of the upcoming portal is Gestation a period of gestation has indeed began for new consciousness, and we urge all of you to partake of the upcoming energies and fill your heart with the love and light that this portal brings its way.

El Dilema del Cambio en el Eclipse del 18 de Octubre - Queriendo y Rechazando el Cambio - Por Selacia

Traducción: Fara González López

Edición y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Justo ahora a medida que el mundo continúa en su viaje de cambio estilo montaña rusa, ustedes pueden sentirse algo mareados o inestables debido a la incertidumbre que naturalmente acompaña a los tiempos de grandes cambios.

Aunque como divinos hacedores de cambios ustedes están naturalmente cableados para desear el cambio, pueden rechazarlo cuando aparezca en su puerta. Su rechazo puede ser consciente, como cuando ven que viene un cambio y entonces sienten que no están preparados para enfrentarlo, así que demoran la toma de acción. Otras veces, pueden rechazar el cambio inconscientemente, porque tienen tan profundamente enterrado el temor a lo desconocido que simplemente ustedes no están conscientes de ello.

SaLuSa 18. 10. 2013 by MADAD

 SaLuSa (1)

The feelings of Oneness and blissful joy are surrounding you with such intensity never experienced before, and we are enjoying your amazement when they are entering your beings so powerfully, as your intentions and wishes are set very high and allowing you to experience ever deepening and more fulfilling feelings of Unity with All. The more you are aware of these energies, the more you want to be immersed in them, as they are of pure Love and Light and help you to clear yourselves completely from all of the old energy patterns. In this phase of your final clearing you might experience a sudden change in your mood and feelings due to some old issues being cleared away suddenly, without getting through the usual process that you all are very well aware of. This is because of your strong will, intent and choice that you have manifested this final clearing happening in such beautiful way, with feeling very strong presence of Angelic Realm and your Guides, and this is allowing us to share so very much more with all those of you who wish to experience our connection at this moment.

SaLuSa - Todavía hay mucho que aprender sobre la realidad superior, … Sientan nuestra llamada de bienvenida para todos ustedes y relájense …MADAD - 04-10-2013

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Todavía hay mucho que aprender sobre la realidad superior, pero será una experiencia maravillosa para todos nosotros. Sientan nuestra llamada de bienvenida para todos ustedes y relájense de nuevo en la tranquilidad de sus mentes y permítanse terminar todos los preparativos…

Sabemos que ya sienten esos momentos felices de no tener miedo al mirar directamente a su realidad superior.
Lo que les está ocurriendo a todos aquellos que deseen estar en su realidad más elevada en este momento del Ahora es que sentirán definitivamente esta dicha y la libertad de toda la ilusión, porque están liberando las últimas gotas de que lo que antes fluía en su ser como el río del miedo y las dudas sin fin.

jueves, octubre 17, 2013

High Council of Orion Message - YOUR BREATH & YOUR CONNECTION TO SOURCE - 16th October 2013

Audio file is available at


“Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the High Council of Orion.

Before we begin we ask that each one of you take that nice deep breath in for yourself, allowing the air the surrounds you to fill your lungs. Allow it to infuse greater level of oxygen into your body, yet understanding always that it is your breath, which is your connection between your spirit and your human existence. For when your spirit no longer animates your human existence, the breath stops. Or if the breath stops the spirit, the soul, loses its connection with the physical body. So understanding that your breath is integral to your incarnation, and it's also integral to your connection with the spiritual realms and the realms beyond.

La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Honestidad - 08-10-13

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Mi hija(o), es bastante evidente en las dimensiones superiores si un ser dice la verdad o no.
Podemos leer nuestras mentes y los cambios en el campo energético también, dependiendo si decimos la verdad o si un ser está mintiendo o engañando un poco.
De esta forma oímos, vemos y sentimos su un ser es honesto. Por lo tanto deberías acostumbrarte a decir la verdad, por su propio interés.
No solo tiene la ventaja que no necesitas memorizar lo que dices, sino que te sirve de ejercicio para las dimensiones superiores y también sostiene las altas vibraciones.
Las mentiras, no obstante, bajan tus frecuencias. Entre más pronto comiences, más fácil será para que después siempre seas honesto, mi hija(o).

Tu Madre Divina.

Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.

Traducción: Gustavo T

SaLuSa - Tu vida ya no es sólo tu parte física nada más - MADAD - 11-10-2013

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Tu vida ya no es sólo tu parte física nada más, permite que este hecho entre de lleno en tu mente y deja de lado las últimas preocupaciones que están esperando ser liberadas, ya que también tu mente se prepara para experimentar lo nuevo.

El campo de energía alrededor de cada uno de ustedes y alrededor de la Madre Tierra es cada vez más fuerte y ya no permite acumular aspectos negativos de la realidad 3D.
Este campo de energía está lleno de Amor y Luz de alta frecuencia y funciona como un escudo de limpieza de todo lo que tiene que ser liberado.
Los que realizan sus propias limpiezas energéticas pueden sentir este poderoso sentimiento de ser elevados de todo aquello que los sostenía anteriormente anclados hacia abajo y esto los está ayudando a que se acostumbren a una mayor frecuencia del Ser.

La Madre Divina - Isabel Henn – Permite - 09-10-13

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Nota: Ella me pidió publicar éste mensaje hoy, simplemente me lo dio ya que es muy importante.

Mi hija(o), ¡permite! Permite que las energías pasen a través de tu cuerpo y se anclen en el corazón de Gaia.
Tu cuerpo toma las energías que necesita y pasa el resto a Gaia, a tu alrededor y a la gente a tu alrededor.
Esto funcionará sin problemas si solo permites éste proceso. Estas energías que están siendo enviadas a ti por mi misma y otros seres son enormemente importantes al proceso en general de la ascensión.
Por eso es importante que permitas y no bloquees, mi hija(o).
Tu Madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 2013 THe Year Of Initiation – 17 October 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs the dignitary of time walks about, showing its fullness of color, like a well endowed phoenix what was uncompleted long ago comes forth written in the sands of time.  No one is certain where the hands of time will land. All await the next dust storm to settle before the writing on the window sill has been seen.  2013 has existed as an isle outside of time beating to the drum of a new element. Rules gone by no longer adhere to earth as the hidden formulas within the text of the ancient ones reveal the magician behind the curtain. The invisible ink has faded and all can be read. What has been redacted bursts free from its inky shackles.

Arcángel Sandalfon – EL AMOR GUIARÁ EL CAMINO : por Julie Miller - 12-10-2013

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Sean verdaderamente honestos, ¿cuánto tiempo al día se la pasan juzgando a otros? ¿están conscientes de ello cuando lo hacen?

Cuando alguien pasa caminando a su lado piensan para sí mismos: “caray, se ve triste, o feliz, o su ropa está desarreglada, tal vez tuvieron una mala noche, etc?”
No importa cuán poco pudiera ser, tan pronto como ustedes tienen un pensamiento tipo observación, hay un juicio involucrado en él.
Las acciones y palabras de otros están siendo juzgados, y nosotros estamos conscientes de que esto sucede con mayor frecuencia de lo que ustedes notan.
Si ustedes están totalmente felices consigo mismos, y quiero decir 100% felices, entonces no tienen absolutamente ninguna razón para juzgar a otro querido ser que comparte su hermosa Tierra.
Es fácil suponer y juzgar a otro sin llegar a conocerlo pero, ¿están basando esos juicios y suposiciones sobre lo que saben que ese querido ser está pasando, han andado ustedes en sus zapatos/se han puesto en la piel del otro?

OVNI aparece en la tragedia del Monster Truck en Chihuahua

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Uno de los videos muestra un OVNI durante la tragedia ocurrida en Chihuahua, donde un Monster Truck cobró la vida de nueve personas, el pasado 5 de octubre.
Es posible observar desde tres encuadres distintos la presencia de un misterioso objeto que vuela en el cielo durante el espectáculo “Monster Truck”.
El objeto volador realiza movimientos extraños de manera oscilatoria, de arriba hacia abajo, de un lado a otro y en patrones que no son comunes para las aeronaves comerciales conocidas.
Estas nuevas imágenes han causado asombro del público y empiezan a circular distintas versiones sobre lo que pudiera ser el objeto.
De acuerdo con diversos videos en YouTube, ya se comienza a hablar del “hombre polilla”, un mítico ser que se aparece antes de que sucedan catástrofes humanas y naturales.
Algunos afirman que ese extraño ser es un ángel que se aparece para avisar sobre el peligro inminente, otros aseguran que se trata de un demonio que causa las tragedias.
Desde 1960 se han dado datos del misterioso hombre polilla, pero nunca se ha podido recabar información o evidencia que pueda constatar al fenómeno como un hecho.
Hasta el momento permanecen 10 personas hospitalizadas, mismas que resultaron heridas en el accidente.
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Fuente: El Gráfico


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Nota de la Autora – Mi mente ha estado rondando y rondando sobre el concepto de percepción y creación simultánea. Sin embargo, mi intención original para este artículo era escribir sobre ser un canal. Pero primero, quise preguntarle a los Arcturianos sobre la declaración que leí la cual decía “nuestros sentidos son proyectores en vez de receptores”.

Esta declaración de alguna manera pareció abordar la posibilidad de la percepción y creación simultánea, pero no sabía cómo.
La respuesta a mi primera pregunta fue tan detallada que se volvió el artículo entero.
De acuerdo a mi intención original, me gustaría decir que cuando su guía superior habla, ESCUCHEN.
De hecho, la declaración es el fundamento para toda la canalización. Cerrando, me gustaría agregar que canalizar es en realidad una conexión consciente y un entregarse hacia las expresiones de frecuencia superior de nuestro SER Multidimensional.

SaLuSa - ... sus intenciones son cada vez más fuertes y esto les permite concentrarse … MADAD - 15-10-2013


.. sus intenciones son cada vez más fuertes y esto les permite concentrarse en completar todos los preparativos necesarios… Cada uno de Ustedes sabrá cómo usar esto para su evolución posterior, ya que no habrá tristeza ni enojo, ni cualquier otro sentimiento de bajas vibraciones que bloqueen sus acciones.

Vemos lo rápido que se están elevando a sí mismos y están dispuestos a dejar llegar lo nuevo, porque el llamado de su realidad superior es muy fuerte y con su foco en él, sus intenciones son cada vez más potentes que nunca.
Ahora es importante que escuchen a su propio cuerpo y tomen el mayor descanso que puedan, ya que los cambios físicos están ocurriendo en el tiempo de su realidad actual.
Aunque todavía se están acelerando, estos cambios no pueden ocurrir todos al mismo tiempo, debido a que todavía tienen que ser parte también de la vieja realidad y compartir su luz, cada vez mayor, con los demás.

Grandmother Anna via Natalie Glasson: Your Divine Role - Oct 16, 2013


It is with great bliss and joy that I am permitted by Archangel Michael to come forth to greet and share with you today. So much love is shared with you through my own and expansive heart, I acknowledge the sacred soul within your physical body and the roles you are playing upon the Earth to aid the further ascension of all.
I honour and thank you for each effort, commitment and light vibration you dedicate to the light and your own ascension because you are creating the most beautiful awakening upon the Earth now.  
Such an awakening I have seen before, experienced before in a physical body looking through the eye of a physical woman and a divine soul, simultaneously upon the Earth and the inner planes. I am the physical grandmother of Master Jesus, I am the guardian, the being that brought forth legacies of transition and awakening onto the Earth. For I gave birth to Mary Anna (Mother Mary), I planted her energy like a seed onto the Earth so that she could channel her sacred soul into her physical frame preparing herself for a new wave of Christ consciousness to flow forth.

SaLuSa – Pidan un deseo - Océano Multidimensional - 12-10-13

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Pidan el deseo y denle al universo un tiempo para manifestarlo, solo considérenlo como un juego y un experimento divertido, y no tengan expectativas de ningún tipo, de hecho, si fuera mejor que lo olvidaran una vez que hayan pedido su deseo.

Queridos: Los tiempos por venir llenarán sus corazones de lágrimas de alegría y amor.
Los reinos angélicos han preparado un show de amor para muchos de ustedes, en especial en los círculos espirituales y de los trabajadores de la luz.
No tengan expectativas de cómo sería su vida y no se preocupen demasiado si las cosas no salen acorde a sus planes.