sábado, mayo 11, 2013

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: The Basic Principles of How One Can Remove a Belief

Today we would like to focus on the topic of removing limiting beliefs. This question comes up quite often and it is our intention to share our perspective on how one may go about releasing a limiting belief that they no longer wish to hold. We touched upon this topic in our previous message “All conscious and subconscious beliefs of the parents are transferred to their children upon incarnation”. However today we would like to delve a bit deeper into this process. We are going to begin with a basic explanation in this message and we will elaborate in subsequent messages. Now with that said, let us begin.
As we touched upon in our previous message, as a newborn all of your beliefs are held within your subconscious mind, there are no conscious beliefs yet. The beliefs held by any newly incarnated soul in your reality are carefully chosen prior to the incarnation. Now we discussed a bit about how all of the subconscious and conscious beliefs of the parents are transferred to the child upon incarnation, however that does not mean that the parent’s beliefs are the only beliefs that the child has. It just means that all of the parent’s beliefs are transferred to the child. Subconscious beliefs of any soul come from various “past” lives, as well as ancestral beliefs held within the genetic line of the child. Once a child begins to grow a little older they are then able to start forming their own conscious beliefs. Remember that your thoughts and beliefs will always determine how you perceive your reality. What you believe you will perceive.

Sky Watch 2013 04/25-28 over Surprise AZ Rondomon

UFO Sighting Over Appartements In Kemerovo, Russia - FindingUFO [HD]

UFO Sighting Over Appartements In Kemerovo, Russia - FindingUFO [HD]

UFODI News: Military Recorded Shooting At 1 Of 3 UFO,s Over France!!! Is This Legal

UFODI News: A Big Cluster Of UFO's Appear Over Bolivian Military Training Opperation

The Pleiadians ~ We come to assist and to help you ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/upload/196302/images/Crops%20(1317).jpgWhile the moment of the solar eclipse is approaching, it will be felt by many that a huge expansion in time and consciousness is upcoming for all of you. The solar eclipse raises your Christ consciousness and contains some activations which will bring you even deeper in consciousness and in the expansion of insights and of yourself. This eclipse will be more decisive for a Christian and a Divine exaltation of all your cells, your DNA and your consciousness. It will largely appeal to you and will evoke a feeling of enlightenment.

The coming days shall and will be lived intensely in the heart and the Being of your physical incarnations and that’s the main reason why grounding is advisable as is getting rest and taking time out to meditate in order to integrate and absorb the Divine and Christian consciousness expansion through the Divine light particles of the cosmos and of the central sun Alcyone.

viernes, mayo 10, 2013

Karen Doonan: High Council of Orion – Disclosure - May 9, 2013

Dear ones we are here with you as you digest our words and process them through your heart space, for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. Many of you are now more than aware of the changes to your media and the changes within your media, the propensity for placing images of “alien” races now apparent as the distortion that it is in TRUTH. As the race that sought to contain and suppress was always well aware of this point in your human life journey, they left a legacy of distortion in relation to the actual shape and build of many of the races that share the universe with the human race. We draw your attention to the “spin” put on these races and the distortion of their intent. Now as the moon begins to strengthen and the new energies begin to increase in their frequency and vibration more will come to the attention of the general public as well as to those who are here to help prepare the human race for disclosure.

jueves, mayo 09, 2013

The healing waters - Aisha North - May 9, 2013

Beloved family of the light!
These last few days after the Gathering have been special for us all.  I have spent many hours reading through your comments, and I do not think I have ever shed so many tears of joy before. For so many, the Gathering in itself was such a profound experience, but it also ignited something deep within us all. In the following days, we have all felt the reverberations from this energetic connection, and the effects from this deeply and, for many, life-altering experience will continue. I am not the only one who have felt the need to step back and just try to come to terms with everything that has happened, and I know I still need more time to do so. Nohmad, you put it so beautifully when you call it ”integrating your blessings”. For yes, we have all been blessed, but for some, it can seem to be a blessing in disguise. As the CCs said it in A message about the Gathering, the doors to our hearts have not just been opened, they have been literally flung off the hinges, for they will never be able to close again.

Suzanne Lie – Galactic/Earth Alliance – The Landing Party Creates – 9 May 2013

I am not sure what I did, but I do know that I extended myself too far. I was trying to bi-locate to the reality of raising the Violet Temple on our Pleiadian Homeworld so I could check on Almon. However, I also wanted to remain in contact with my earth expression, as well as my 2013 Mytria consciousness that has been shared with my contact person.
However, I have become somewhat lost in the human consciousness, and I did not fully ground myself. Also, I forgot establish a contact with Mytre, the Arcturian or even my SELF on the Ship. I think that my humanized ego wanted to do it on my own. Well, I did get myself in quite a mess while being on my own because I do not know where I am.

Prosperity Funds And Saint Germain’s World Trust – 5 May 2013

treasure-chest(Lucas: I am sorry to say whatever way it will go there is too much deceit and misinformation about the prosperity funds out there so don’t lean on it. Just see it as information/ date coming out and very soon this will be all becoming clear. Just discern and do get into euphoria.)
The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain’s, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250 years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.
That’s 1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!
The money from the World Trust will be distributed in the following manner.
Level One — World Trust.

4MIN News May 7, 2013: Volcanos Erupt, Spaceweather

Base Extraterrestre Popocatépetl

Yeshua: Move Into Your True Center~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 8, 2013


Hello dear ones, I greet you today from a place very close to you all now. There is really no separation and you are realizing it more and more throughout your journey back to Oneness.

Suffice it to say that you are all glowing and emerging into your Christ Consciousness and it is so gratifying to see. You are all saviors; you are all pioneers on this illustrious journey back to Oneness and you have held up very well against the onslaught of negative and egoic distractions.

Dear Beloveds, I stand beside you now in celebration and acknowledgement of your accomplishments. You are like me in your heart of hearts. You want Peace and Unconditional Love and Prosperity for all. You are glowing with that intent and purpose. You are ready for your next step closer to ascension and embodiment of Christ Consciousness.

TheOne-DreamDreamer – You Think It’s Just Earth? – 8 May 2013

Though I’ve always been aware of how much what humans are doing influences all of not only our solar system but also our whole galaxy and Uni-Verse but I never LIVED it – at least not at this deepness- so far.
Got your ticket? We’re embarking now.
God I don’t even know where to start from… last post I guess.
Let go I’ve always seen ships and never doubted life existed outside of this planet since… well my birth, and let go I’ve never been surprised when I first stumbled upon websites talking about them during my own awakening… still I was not interested in going beyond it. Yes I have read a lot about them and felt a lot of it was pretty much BS but did not too much care to deepen my knowledge. I was more in the “energy-quantum” mood of interest, found it much easier to remember my Knowing there. It was my path to feel my True Self.
So far of course. For life seems a big surprise party, you never know what’s in the next gift. And this, oh man oh man what a Heaven Given Gift for all of us! Fasten your seat belt please, we’re ready to take off for a Universal Heavenly Journey!

2 Living ETs Working With US Government – Paul Hellyer – 8 May 2013

Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada reveals: - Some ETs Species who have visited and still visit Earth: Zeta Reticuli , Pleiadians, Orions ETs, - Tall Whites living on US Airforce Property - CABAL: Military Industrial Complex, Builderbergs, Cartels - Shadow Governments, Ruling Elite, Rockerfellers, Bush etc.

Look at the bright and divine soul that you are and step forth. – Channeled by Ron Head - May 8, 2013


We would begin this message by returning to a topic which we mentioned a few days ago.  The topic of flow has been given to you, our channel, both in session and in your own life, repeatedly over the last week and more.  It is time now for you to expand upon the topic further than you have done in these messages.  We know that we began once before and allowed the message to end before this picture was completed, but as you must realize by now, we try to keep these to short and easily digested portions.

You have been given the vision of a meeting, in council, of your self in dream state, others of your soul family, your higher self, guides, teachers, and divine beings.  You have been led to understand that this is a planning committee that has been, is, and will continue to be in session throughout all time.  This is where you participate, even initiate, the decisions which guide your lives.  And this, dear friend, is where what you call flow originates.

Nutrition – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 8, 2013

It is time that I tell you more about your food, my child. You avoid pork or rare meat because you think I have forbidden it for you. That was no prohibition but only a simple hygienic order from long ago times when especially in the South, in hot countries and the desert you had no cooling or a veterinarian who told you the pork was healthy and free of any parasites. You have made an iron law out of it and you don’t deviate an iota from it. Why? The conditions have but multiple changed since then. Today you have cold stores, refrigerators and meat inspectors. There is no reason anymore for this order. But you should look if the animal has lived energetically positive and wasn’t suffering when killed or under stress. If you are already vibrating high and are respecting all life you won’t  anyhow kill an animal or eat meat. All your body needs you can find also in the vegetable kingdom or as a product of living animals like honey. Also I haven’t forbidden alcohol, only advised to be cautious, especially in the heat it can move easily into your head and you act out of lower vibrations. Be moderate in all you eat and drink. The best drink is clean pure water.
Notice what your heart and your body tells you about your food, what your body tolerates. They are the best indicators for a healthy balanced nutrition. You need to learn again to listen to your body, my child, then you will feel very much better. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/

NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – Peru Bans GMOs: Will America Take The Hint And Follow Suite Before it’s Too Late? - May 8, 2013

GMO-No2-300x130(NaturalNews) The only other country in the Americas besides Ecuador to completely ban genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) from being cultivated within its borders, the South American nation of Peru has taken charge to help protect not only its own citizens but also the people of the countries to whom it exports food crops from the horrors of biotechnology. As reported by CSMonitor.com, Peru has successfully implemented a 10-year moratorium on GMOs while extensive, long-term safety tests are conducted.
Accomplishing what practically no other country in North, Central, or South America has yet had the willingness or boldness to even attempt, Peru has essentially told the biotechnology industry to take its untested “Frankencrops” and shove them where the sun does not shine. Not only are GMOs dangerous for the environment and humans, agree many local experts and farmers, but they also threaten to decimate the rich biodiversity that has sustained the many civilizations of Peru for millennia.

Wes Annac – Astral Travels : Blessing Lower Reality-Planes With The Hathors – 8 May 2013

astrThis week, we are going to work with the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes to bless the lower astral planes of the Earth.
As I’ve said before and as they’ve said, the Hathors who speak through me are higher dimensional beings existing in the higher or “solar” astral planes of the Earth. They have come to the Earth to assist in its ascension and from the realms they’re stationed in, have been funneling down the energy that Creates and sustains our realities and, I would imagine, have been performing a myriad of other tasks (such as delivering channeled communications).

Plashdar Answers the Question: How Does A Person Know If They Are A Starseed? - May 8, 2013

How Does A Person Know If They Are A Starseed? Ben
I am Plashdar. Thank you for your question.
At one time we all gathered together. We each answered a call to serve the unprotected planets and help them in their ascension process, that each planet could be free and uninhibited, that they could have their own culture, their own government, their own religious beliefs and their own way of life.
Some of us answered this call, and chose to remain above these threatened planets, guarding them with technologies, sending telepathic messages to the inhabitants of the planets, and we were assigned to individuals on the planets as guides, and to protect those individuals we were assigned to.

Karen Doonan: Transmuting the Ghosts of the Old Self - May 8, 2013

As many of you may be aware I am on my own personal journey and this journey will now see me leave the area in which I have spent the past 3 years healing and the country I have spent my whole life in so far.
Many people have expressed to me how excited I must feel and how amazing this opportunity is for me and whilst I can totally relate to this there is a part that is often overlooked. The dissolving and transmuting of the old self in order to find balance and wholeness once more in the SELF that I AM at this moment. I have found the past week or so extremely challenging and have noted how my human vehicle has resorted at times to what can only be described as blind panic.

The manuscript of survival – part 307 - Aisha North - May 8, 2013


Dear friends, dear family! Yes, we would like to extend our warmest welcome home to you all, for you have truly passed the border and returned back to your former glory in so many ways. We know that for some of you, this will leave many a question mark within your mind, for you fail to see anything different in your life, or even in your physical body, and so you will think ”what on earth are they talking about?” So let us explain a little bit about what has happened in these last few days.
For as you consciously opened that last door into the very core of your heart, whether that was before, during or even after the Gathering many of you took part in, you also removed the last obstacle standing in your way. For know that this is how this has always been decided, the choice must be yours, and yours only. No one or no thing can force you to surrender to yourself, that is only your decision, and yours alone. But when you do make that decision, no one and no thing can stand in your way either. So as you say YES to yourself, All of creation will listen, and the doors will all open as if by magic. For then, and only then, can you step into your true self.

miércoles, mayo 08, 2013

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 8 May 2013

sheldan5 Moan, 8 Caban, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! We come today to speak about the changes that are required to manifest your new reality. There are signs everywhere that a new consciousness is dawning upon your world. Organizations dedicated to change are learning about each other and about ways to create international social networks to bring about such change. One area among many of these diverse changes is the redefining of the concept of money as a mechanism of exchange; e.g. the rules of micro banking and microcredit in the developing world, and the organic spread of small-scale businesses and ‘village banking’ in these countries. These social and cultural networks provide the trestle, so to speak, that will support all that is to happen at the highest levels of commerce and banking. Long ago, when the Age of Discovery began in the West, those nations most affected by the intrusions of the West’s soldiers, ships, and guns took their symbols of wealth, gold, and silver and hid them away in secret depositories where they have lain for centuries. Meanwhile, the West conquered and plundered. Throughout this time the ancient ruling families knew that this scourge was destined one day to pass away.

Man that takes UFO pics vanishes


martes, mayo 07, 2013

New Financial System, Currency RV, Rumors & Updates - May 7, 2013


TerryK Intel update ------ It is to pop this afternoon!!

TerryK  Intel update



Shabibi met with Jack Lew last night to sign off on Iraq part.  IQD was traded on paid Forex sites last night.  

It is to pop this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


John Smallman – Saul: Assistance of a Very Wise and Technologically Advanced Order is Now Available to Help You - 05/05/2013

As spring turns to summer in the northern hemisphere the new energies are blossoming enthusiastically all over the world, and there are now very few among the wayshowers and Light-bearers who remain unaware of the upliftment that they are providing.  Your mood swings may be greater as the stuff you need to address and release comes up more insistently for your attention, but you are mostly finding that it also clears much more quickly and easily, and you do not get stuck in anger, fear, or anxiety to the same extent as you did before the great energy shift of last December.
All that exists is conscious energy, and the basis of all energy is Love from which all was created.  Depending on its stage of evolution the consciousness of an energy field varies from almost insensate at the most basic level of matter (as you perceive it in the physical world) to infinite — a vast field in which numerous possibilities for evolution are present and perpetually developing.  There is nothing within creation that is completely insensate; everything that exists evolves to enjoy and avail of the fantastic creative potential with which it was created. Anything a human can imagine is possible, and far, far more besides, because God in His glory is limitless, and His creation is utterly abundant.

EL GRUPO ARCTURIANO ​- LA REALIZACIÓN DEL​ UNO​ - Marilyn Raffaelle - Mayo 5, 2013

Shanti dos


Saludos queridos. Venimos hoy a contarles de los muchos cambios que vemos sucediéndose en su mundo.

La energía de Luz se está incrementando cada día lo cual a cambio está exponiendo mucho de lo que ha sido mantenido escondido por años.

No se desesperen si no ven esos cambios por ustedes mismos porque sus noticias no están reportándoles lo que nosotros vemos.

Lo que nosotros vemos tiene que ver con el despertar energético de las almas y la conciencia planetaria elevándose a niveles nuevos y superiores.

Esto a cambio, está permitiéndole a la gente ver dónde y cómo están siendo usados y engañados por aquellos que mantendrían el mundo en las viejas formas para beneficio personal. Es así como el cambio sucede.

The Pleiadians May 2013: Passage to Expansive Freedom By Meredith Murphy Monday, 6 May, 2013

http://api.ning.com/files/37KeM1SbuqXFeH58d0aSnlAcZVWwZS4GC2kIVR0dwZ*mH7y5Zw-9mSDuYX8QfgMNO*7bOCXF7v3OGjuGxxHLBhrtwcQit5Ul/pleiadele.jpgGreetings Dear Ones,
We are the Pleaidian Emissaries of Light and we speak to you through an expanded corridor of connection which was established almost a year ago, during the Eclipse Cycle of May 2012. Since that time so much has transpired in your world and in your lives. Know that the themes you are experiencing are also felt within larger spheres of organization, the fields of light and energy you think of as the galaxy and even the Universe.
More and more you are realizing the true nature of your being.
In this realization you open more fully to all that you are and you, yourself expand. It is increasingly possible that you are becoming way-station managers and flow-ers (smile), of energy. Isn’t it wonderful that the idea of being one who flows, is so like the word for flowers? that endlessly open and gracefully unfold in your lives? You are becoming increasingly the means by which the higher and lower levels of creation are integrated. This leading edge is what you hoped to achieve in coming here to participate in planetary ascension. It is that which you are instinctively creating when you begin to orient to your heart. As you discover your ability to ground more energy and manifest, then you embrace the flow between the upper and lower levels of your being. As you begin to relate to yourself in self-love then you begin to see that there is only beauty in all aspects of your experience — that which you create directly and that which mirrors your vibration to you. In this fuller relationship to life you become more whole.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Message From Sekhmet : Restore The Power Of Your Heart – 7 May 2013

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloveds, This Is Sekhmet again!
After  My last message through this channel many responded from their heart to My outreaching to humanity.
I again wish to speak to you now, to clarify and deepen your understanding about Who I Am and the process that occurs through My assistance, to rise your frequency to enter higher dimensional consciousness.
First of all know that what you are used to call “Mother Sekhmet” is in reality a Group Consciousness of the sixth dimension on Sirius A, the Group Consciousness of beings with a lion-like energy signature.
As you are about to wake up, or remember or develop your multidimensional consciousness, it is now time to understand this.
From the point of view of the third dimension you need a familiar three-dimensional  depiction to relate to when you  communicate with Us. Therefore in some cases We have appeared to you in this way.

A Message To Crystal Children From The Eternal Child — Remember-- Isis-Neith and Wolf Shanti - May 2013

I am The Eternal Child and this is what The Eternal Child has to say:
It is very important to admit your age. It is very important for crystal children especially to admit their age. When someone is bossing you around because they think they are older than you or because they think they have been around longer than you, remember your age. Do not let a person’s age influence the way you listen to them. There are people smaller than you who know what they are talking about. There are people far older than you being born on Earth right now. They may appear to you as children, they may even be your children, but stop and listen when someone older than you is talking. See who you are talking to. Do not judge a person because of their size or their age. I am far, far, far older than you and I know my age.

Eclipses of 2013 help us Access the Spaces between Dimensions By DL Zeta - May 4, 2013

http://www.rpp.com.pe/pict.php?g=-1&p=/picnewsa/1127855.jpgWe are in a time of endings and beginnings ushered by a series of eclipses designed to help us gain traction in any stuck areas and take significant steps on our chosen path. The eclipses of 2013 kicked off with the April 25th Scorpio lunar eclipse and will continue this month with the May 9 Taurus solar eclipse and the May 24 Sagittarius lunar eclipse.
Key Eclipse Issues are Abundance and Personal Power
Key issues emphasized in this time center on abundance and personal power. These eclipses ask us to examine our beliefs around these core issues. If we are invested in thought viruses based on lack and scarcity in any way, this will come to the forefront during this time. Issues that may arise encompass a broad spectrum of topics, all of which share the core issue of scarcity. These issues include relationships, health, resources, spiritual insights, inspiration, creativity and much more.
If there is any area of pain, conflict or struggle in one’s life, it can likely be traced back to thoughtforms along these lines: “I don’t have enough,” “options are limited,” or “I am small and limited.” These are indicators that old programming is still in place around issues of abundance and scarcity. If we keep following the thread of a scarcity thoughtform, it eventually translates into thoughts such as “I’m not enough,” “I am nothing,” or “I am unloved.”

THE ARCTURIAN GROUP via Marilyn Raffaele

http://elishean.unblog.fr/files/2013/01/marilynraffaelei.jpgTHE ARCTURIAN GROUP
~ channelled by Marilyn Raffaele
May 5, 2013 – http://www.onenessofall.com
Greetings dear ones. We come today to tell you of the many changes we see happening in your world. Light energy is increasing each day which in turn is exposing much that has been kept hidden for years. Do not despair if you do not see these changes yourselves because your news is not reporting to you that which we see.
What we see has to do with energy–souls awakening and planetary consciousness lifting to new and higher levels. This in turn is allowing people to see where and how they are being used and lied to by those that would keep the world in the old ways for personal profit. This is how change happens.
Evolution manifests in the small events of daily life–a smile to or from a stranger, comfort to someone suffering loss, or the recognition of another’s true identity even if they are unaware of it. Learn to live in compassion dear ones, not in sympathy for in sympathy you align yourself with the lower energies that the other is suffering from. This is an important point for those of you who work with people in some capacity.

Oneness ~ You are the Magic Ingredient! – by Debbie Erasmus

Oneness ~ What is it? What does it mean? I was prompted to write about this because of a picture of a tree I was shown a couple days ago. It was an image of a magnificent Cork Tree stripped of its bark. The gentleman who showed me the image proudly claimed that when they harvest the bark, the tree is not damaged, so it’s eco-friendly. Then he said that the tree lives up to 200 years. The difference between myself and this gentleman is that he saw an eco-sustainable product. I saw a beautiful tree left naked and vulnerable. A tree that’s intended lifespan is cut short by perhaps many thousands of years. But what has this to do with Oneness?
The word Oneness implies being One with something. That something starts with You – YOU are the magic ingredient in Oneness. I am compelled to ask this: Do you love your self? I mean really love your self. Within you are a million parts, some miniscule, that make up your entire body. Each part is working in divine harmony with each other part to be your Body. If you truly loved yourself, you would honor your Body. You would look after it, nurture it and make sure it was not damaged in any way.  The same principle applies to all things outside of you. It applies to every living thing you see, because those living things are all an extension of YOU. It applies to this Planet, and the entire Universe. This is Oneness. Oneness is seeing every living thing as a part of the Whole. That is at-one-ment. It’s the awareness that You and all things are One.

High Council of Orion – Human Love and boundaries By Karen Doonan - May 6, 2013

http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0601/llori_orion_hst_f.jpgGreetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support. Our “subject” that we wish to guide around is the human definition of “love” and the boundaries that are ignored and created around this very human concept. LOVE JUST IS, it has no boundaries, it has no definition yet on planet earth you have been taught not only to define it but also to alter it to your every need and whim. This is distortion and we are here to guide more fully on how this may now be challenging for you in this your human form.

No other race/realm in the universe defines LOVE, all embrace and allow the LOVE that IS to flow freely for ALL is created from the LOVE that IS but the human race has been taught to use the LOVE that IS as a weapon and this is not TRUTH. To state that you “love” another human being and place definition on the way in which you will love them distorts the situation and binds you to lower dimensional frequencies that begin to arise as the person that you state you love then tries to stay within the boundaries that YOU have created FOR them. Do you understand our guidance dear ones? do you understand how you set up a scenario of expectation that cannot be met by anyone other than SELF for it is only SELF who has created therefore it is only SELF who can experience?

High Council of Orion – anchoring of the new coding within the human vehicle By Karen Doonan


Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support as all now move in vibration and all now begin the downloading and anchoring of the new earth codes within the human vehicle. Many of you at this time may be moving through various scenarios that are manifesting various “symptoms” within the human vehicle. It is vital that you become more consciously aware of what is physically happening within the human vehicle in order that you do not start to try to filter out all that is transforming within your human vehicle. The human vehicle is now changing its structure to accommodate the higher energetic frequencies of the new earth and the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND.
As these changes are happening from a cellular level outwards it is relatively easy for the human logical mind to filter out these changes and to try to teach that you are “ill” or “run down”. We are here to help you achieve clarity of vision and to help you process these changes at human conscious waking mind level. The way in which your human vehicle uses and stores energy is now changing and these changes will continue to expand and to deepen as you anchor the new energetic coding for the new earth. It is not helpful to assume that a “cold” is a cold and take the actions that you would take under the old earth frequencies, for ALL is vibration and ALL is energy. The way in which you store and retrieve energy is changing radically and understanding this at a human conscious level will allow you to adjust more readily to these changes.

Wes Annac – THe Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes : Funneling Consciousness Down, Transmuting Accumulated Density And Traveling With Faith – 7 May 2013

http://sacredvisionaryart.com/images/12/HathorsLight_782p.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Continuing to show dedication to your ongoing spiritual path will see you well on your way, now and in the time ahead. You are growing into purer aspects of the ultimate oversoul consciousness that is you, and along this process you will encounter some discomfort along the way that we hope to be able to assist you with in any moment.
To those extents, we work far beyond issuing our communications for the collective of humanity to absorb and hopefully benefit from. We are working from a myriad of different positions on the ascension of your Earth and on the awakening of each and every dear Earth soul who is still stuck in the limitations of the third dimension.
These limitations have, of course, been necessary for your growth as a soul and while people on your world with negative intents and agendas have been trying to keep them fed and enforced on a collective level, your collective is now more than ready to grow out of them and this will become apparent as the demand and drive to realize change and release truth is strengthened upon your evolving planet exponentially.

Brenda Hoffman – This Week’s Energy Theme – Physical Healing – 7 May 2013

Summary of Brenda’s May 5, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The energies this week encourage you to explore your physicality as it relates to societal beliefs, your earth death transition or living in joy.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “You Don’t Need to Return to Battle Trenches”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
A number of you used the past few respite days to hide within yourself – or in plain view. Perhaps your respite frightened you into thinking that others might pass you in terms of Lightworker knowledge. Such a fear is merely a brief relapse into Old Age ‘one-upmanship’. You are progressing more rapidly than either you or we thought possible before you entered earth.
Even though the theme this week is physical adjustment, the energies will impact you all a bit differently. Perhaps you remember that the most common transition is to explore your spiritual being, then your emotional and finally your physical segments.
You completed the cleansing of your emotional and spiritual beings – though there may be a few pieces in either area you wish to sparkle instead of just shine. The same is not true for your physical being. You created beliefs of what the perfect body looks like  and functions. And by not directing your spiritual or emotional attentions to frightening issues, you allowed your physical body to display that fear.
Today we address an issue difficult for some to fully understand even though you have frequently heard the message – you create your reality.
Who would create cancer? Who would choose to transition or die? Who would have limbs or other body parts removed? Who indeed?

Wes Annac – We Have Never Been Alone – 7 May 2013

Lift-Your-Spirit-Final-293x300Listening to Stephen Cook’s Lift Your Spirit radio show, I get a true and real sense of how interconnected every one of us are in terms of what we are feeling, experiencing and learning. The stories and lessons that were shared by fellow awakening souls seemed to almost-exactly mirror what I have been feeling and undergoing, and it’s truly amazing to see that I am not alone in any way during my journey on Earth.
I am one who tends to remain silent about my beliefs and how I feel to those around me, and I don’t tend to hold many discussions with fellow awakening souls over the internet or in person.
The exchanges I do have usually prove fruitful and helpful for me personally, but it can be easy to forget that in this very moment, there are millions of other awakening souls just like me who are learning, growing and experiencing the lessons that help initiate us into higher states of consciousness and awareness.
I would say that our ultimate goal is to collectively reach those states of consciousness again and to an extent, that belief is correct but in another sense, we are here to collectively anchor the higher realms unto our Earth as we simultaneously work to sharpen and broaden our personal and collective understanding of exactly what makes up and drives our conscious experience of reality.

The Light Returns - Selacia - 6 May, 2013

http://0801.nccdn.net/1_5/089/2c8/3a2/Selacia.jpgMonday, 6 May, 2013
This 2013 Wesak season is unique, with vast potential to catapult you into a higher vibrational state of being. Be awake to the opportunities and you will have potent fuel for your enlightenment. You can shed significant amounts of old dysfunctional patterns and step into your higher purpose – much easier than ever before.
Why is this Wesak different?
First, there has been a significant quickening in humanity’s awakening since last year. Events on a world scale and shifts in consciousness mean dramatic changes in how people view and respond to circumstance. There were high points in the awakening process during 2012 – including the December 21 Solstice – but this Wesak carries even greater potentials.
Second, regardless of how you view your own spiritual progress over the past year, you indeed have grown in awareness and capacity to shine your light brightly in the world. Sometimes you may feel you’re the same as before, or simply frustrated about longtime challenges that persist. It takes great clarity to notice your subtle inner shifts. Appearances can be deceiving. Trust that you aren’t the same being you were a year ago.

Natalie Glasson: Fairy Bluebell – Wisdom Of The Faries – 6 May 2013

(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgmxK6QCzZoTCq3viG2CBUGCUB3R7vEcys8IEHIdelK6xh2ug4x7YMSpZ_jNnvJtmxN5jCiYS1K3cAByGYlMHn64XqPL0-oKYsQwsRx2OI7XEtvBHGluXrSCp5Y6Mh-SHAeK98wuHea5Wg/s1600/Bluebell+Season-Maria+Gardner-Photographed+by+Nadine+Burzler+Photography-3.jpgBluebell is Natalie’s Fairy Guide)
I bring to you messages and vibrations of love from the fairy kingdom, our greetings are always with you as we send vibrations from our hearts each time you connect or observe nature. One of our main purposes is to amplify and encourage your connection with nature upon the Earth. When we see you connecting into the energies of nature it creates waves of bliss within our heart chakras because we know that you are connecting into the vibration of the Creator. We understand that when you gaze upon nature especially the plant kingdom you are seeing the mirror image of the beauty of the Creator which is within you.
Our greatest wish is for you to enhance your connection and experience of oneness with the Creator because it truly allows for the entire vibration of all to be elevated. The beauty of nature creates a perspective of beauty which opens up energy networks especially within your mind making it easier for you to observe the vibration of the Creator within your being.
With your observation of nature and your connection into the network of the Creator vibrations within your being and within the structure of nature you are able to be simultaneously at one with yourself, the nature kingdom and the Creator, this is a very powerful point of anchoring and realisation. In truth you are connecting into all that is your reality. The Earth is a living pulsating vibration as are you, transmitting and constantly forming the vibration of the Creator. Within this most blissful connection you become one with all that is your reality and the Creator.

Undersea Revelations: Brazilian ‘Atlantis’ and Egyptian ‘Sunken City’ Found - By AFP, The Telegraph,UK - May 7, 2013

A member of the Geological Service of Brazil with the rock dug out from the deep sea bed 1,500 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro Photo: AFP
Stephen: Some of our true ancient history now starts  to reveal itself…

Brazilian ‘Atlantis’ Found

By AFP, The Telegraph,UK -  May 7, 2013
Geologists have announced the discovery of what has been dubbed the ‘Brazilian Atlantis’, some 900 miles from Rio.
Roberto Ventura Santos, a top official at Brazil’s Geology Service (CPRM), said granite samples were found two years ago during dredging operations in an area known as “Rio Grande Elevation”, a mountain range in Brazilian and international waters.
The area could be part of the continent submerged when the Atlantic Ocean was formed as Africa and South America drifted apart 100 million years ago. Granite is seen as a continental rock.

Contact Is Now, 5D Is Here – by James Gilliland, May 6, 2013

Many were waiting for the grand shift December 21st 2012. There was a shift yet it was james_gilliland1the beginning not the ending. The dramatic things people were expecting on the day did not happen, nor were they meant to. There was a setting of the energy for the days to come and the sensitives and adepts were the only ones who really felt and understood what happened. This gave way to the naysayers, yet as we all know the big events happen soon after the skeptics have their say. We are now in those changes. One gamma ray burst after another along with other rays within the electromagnetic spectrum are bombarding us. The magnetic poles are shifting, weakening, opening up the Earth to more consciousness, light, and energy. There is a great transformation happening, the wheat is being separated from the chaff and how that translates to today’s society is those who align with the wounded egos are being separated from those who align with the soul and spirit. Those operating outside of universal law are receiving the hard lessons, their deeds are surfacing, being exposed, and the reactions to their actions are being accelerated. The alignment with the Galactic plane, the end of the 25,000 year cycle is the main player in this unfoldment. 

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – From Nancy – 7 May 2013


I awoke today with my own wake up call. As I lay in bed the thoughts and feelings kept rolling through me. Yesterday I had a day like I’ve never had before. The evening before Bob and I went to look at a vehicle to buy from someone in the area. We liked it tremendously and found the owners to be very much in tune with us, wonderful people. We came to an agreement on the vehicle and that started the whole process for me of accessing some of my innermost feelings about different things in my life.
I didn’t realize the depth of it until this morning. I will give you the info about what has taken place in my life recently. A few days ago I received in my bank the inheritance from my mother, who passed over almost two years ago. The feelings of what will happen when a gift like this is all gone came over me. I was feeling, what will I do for extra money when the gift from my mother and father is all gone. There are no more sources of these kinds of funds waiting in the wings for me. Oh, I’d better be careful how I spend the rest of the money that is such a beautiful gift to me. Do I deserve it?
Yes, I certainly do. I’ve spent my whole life being careful about spending. Be careful; don’t spend too much on this, or that. Do you really need this; do you deserve that? Of course you do, I said then and so many times. Still the feelings came up from time to time. Was it because it was true, or because people told you it was. Or was it because people told you that you don’t deserve it, maybe not in words, but in actions.

BREAKING: European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government

NaturalNews) A new law proposed by the European Commission would make it illegal to "grow, reproduce or trade" any vegetable seeds that have not been "tested, approved and accepted" by a new EU bureaucracy named the "EU Plant Variety Agency."

It's called the Plant Reproductive Material Law, and it attempts to put the government in charge of virtually all plants and seeds. Home gardeners who grow their own plants from non-regulated seeds would be considered criminals under this law.

The draft text of the law, which has already been amended several times due to a huge backlash from gardeners, is viewable here.

"This law will immediately stop the professional development of vegetable varieties for home gardeners, organic growers, and small-scale market farmers," said Ben Gabel, vegetable breeder and director of The Real Seed Catalogue. "Home gardeners have really different needs - for example they grow by hand, not machine, and can't or don't want to use such powerful chemical sprays. There's no way to register the varieties suitable for home use as they don't meet the strict criteria of the Plant Variety Agency, which is only concerned about approving the sort of seed used by industrial farmers."

Virtually all plants, vegetable seeds and gardeners to eventually be registered by government

All governments are, of course, infatuated with the idea of registering everybody and everything. Under Title IV of the proposed EU law:


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Beloved masters, we have told you that “You are the Inbreath of the Creator.” These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe. Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: The Celestial Convergence - Solar Eclipse Set To Turn Sun Into "Ring Of Fire" This Week!

May 07, 2013 - SPACE - The moon will block the sun in a potentially spectacular solar eclipse this week — a celestial event that will transform the sun into a cosmic "ring of fire" in the daytime sky.
The ring-shaped solar eclipse , known as an annular eclipse, will occur Thursday and Friday Eastern time. Weather permitting, the eclipse will be visible in certain parts of Australia and the Southern Pacific Ocean, where the local time will be Friday.

A perfect ring of fire captured by Kevin Baird on May 20th, 2012 from Bluit, New Mexico.
(Credit: Kevin Baird/Universe Today flickr Group).

"Solar eclipses can be inspirational to students and others, so it is interesting to have everyone view the eclipse, but only safe methods of viewing should be used," Jay Pasachoff, an astronomer at Williams College and chairman of the International Astronomical Union's working group on eclipses, said in a statement. [See Spectacular Photos of a 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse]

domingo, mayo 05, 2013

We are always closer than your next thought. – channeled by Ron Head

Today we wish to discuss the phenomenon of growing and connecting groups of lightworkers and wayshowers.  In times past, and even until very recently, it has been very common for you to have found yourselves isolated in places where you were a true outpost for the light, holding and anchoring the new energy in spite of all odds, even in the face of ridicule.  You felt completely alone.  Let us tell you now that your efforts have produced far more effect than you yet realize.
The trickle of building energy, of increasing numbers of you, through awakenings and births, has reached the point where such isolation is no longer necessary, and in fact, there are very likely now better uses for the energies you carry.  Even the most aware of you do not understand yet the full impact of your energy upon your environment, but we tell you it can make, and has made all the difference.

4MIN News May 5, 2013: Extreme Weather, Climate Studies, Spaceweather

Aisha North: Welcome to the First Gathering Around the Pond! - May 5, 2013

Welcome to the first Gathering around the Pond!
Dear, shining family!
My heart is overflowing today, the joy is just pouring out of me! What a transformation we are witness to! This Pond, this cauldron of love as the CCs called it in a message to me this morning, this space has become something so powerful and beautiful and important, and the reason it has grown into this beautiful flower of light, is the love and nourishment you have all added to it. For now, it is literally a place of vibrating love, and the ripples from this Pond is flowing outwards and into the web that is encircling our whole globe. People from all over the world have visited this Pond, and today, many of you will be taking part in this Gathering that will bring us even closer together. I have made a screensave from the statistics map showing all of the countries that have been linked to this page at one time or another by a visitor, and as you can see, this is truly a world wide endeavor.
  According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country to this blog.   According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country.   Of course, not all of those persons who have at one time visited this blog will be coming to the Gathering today, but I know that they will all in some way be present anyway. For they have all left a small fraction of their light here, like a footprint, and this light will also be activated by the intent we all bring to this ceremony today. For I like to call it a ceremony, or maybe celebration will be a better word for it. For we are truly celebrating ourselves, all of the hard work we have done so far, and also the glorious world we will be creating just by the very fact that we are living and breathing and connecting in this space and on this planet today.
Dear friends, I welcome you all, and I am so proud and so honored to be allowed to say to each and every one of you: thank you so much for being a part of this. For without you, this world would not be going through the changes we see and feel around us every day. For you have said YES to being a part of this momentous day and this momentous journey, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. For today, we will each of us sit down and gather in a circle around this Pond of pristine light, and as we focus our gaze on the surface of this Pond, we will see this light being reflected in hundreds, no, thousands of other hearts, and all of these single beams of love and light will connect and fuse together into a beam of such clarity and intensity it will burn through any old density still left.
And we will do all of this by the very fact that we have all dared to open our hearts to each other, but most of all, we have dared to open our hearts to ourselves. For without having the courage to go all the way inside, to the very bottom of our soul, we would not be able to shine as strongly as we do today. So I thank you, and the CCs have told me that I must do this on behalf of All of creation. For what you have done, is not only for yourself, but for us all. So as we sit down in love today, know that you are doing so at the request of a power that is beyond anything we can fully comprehend now. For this power of love is only starting to percolate through us all, and the bliss we have felt so far, is only a small taste of the bliss our actions and our intent will bring not only to us, but also to this whole planet. For we are being the change we wished to see, and now, it has come to BE.
Thank you, my beloved family of light! For today, I will become one with you all, and it is a day I have dreamed of since before I came to be here on this planet.
In love, light and gratitude, Aisha   PS. The time that have been chosen for this Gathering, is 21:00 my time (Oslo, Norway).
Remember, you do not need to connect at this exact time, the only thing you need to do to be a part of this, is to choose to focus your intention on this Gathering. As for the duration of this, I would suggest you sit for as long as feels right for you. Personally, I usually sit between 20 minutes and an hour, but as always, I will just follow my inner guidance. I think we will all have our own unique experience of this, and I hope many will want to share it afterwards.   Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:
London: 20:00
Helsinki: 22:00
Sao Paulo: 04:00 PM
 New York: 03:00 PM
El Paso: 01:00 PM
Los Angeles: 12:00 PM 
Singapore: 03:00 AM monday
Tokyo: 04:00 AM monday
Sydney: 05:00 AM monday
You can find your local time here: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/ 

TRANSFORMATION 2012: DNA CHANGE ALREADY HAPPENS PHI 3rd eye - crown chakra increase 1/3

Awaken From The Matrix! You Are The ((((O))))nes You Have Been Wa

TOP SECRET - Alienspacecraft and Alienmoonbase found on the Dark Site of the Moon

Ashtar Commander Says They Will Decloak Over Disclosure Hearings - Ashtar/Athena - April 30, 2013


Channel:  Ashtar/Athena
April 30 2013
3:07 PM Mountain Time


This is Lord Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.

Greetings, Family,

This is a beautiful day in the Washington DC area and the Disclosure Hearings are being heard. 

My crew and I are hovering over the National Press Club watching and listening on OUR BIG COMPUTER  ;-)  to the Disclosure Hearings.

The facts are: they are doing a superb job of prooving that we do exist and are not harmful to mankind. The Congressmen, Military personnel, and others have testified that UFO's have been observed all over your globe. These facts have been covered up by your government, files have been hidden away and some even destroyed; the people have been lied to, to prevent them from knowing the truth.  All of this 
has, of course, been to your government's advantage and the advantage of other heads of state.  

Governments have been pretending that this lack of disclosure was for "safety reasons" under the Security Act.  Another justification to compensate and cover up the truth. 

Keep tuned in, beloved ones,  the real truth is being heard here. Now, if truth unfolds, we here on the ships have planned that by the end of, or around, or through the 3rd of May, watch in the skies, beloved ones!  Watch over the Press Club and all over your globe. The peoples of the world, will know that we are for real and that you are not alone! 


Your beloved Commander, Ashtar
The Galactic Federation of Light


Citizen Hearing: President Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51

Quote:  "Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51"...


Today... there is a video interview being broadcast LIVE AT THE HEARING with a never before seen witness testimony...

go to:  

SIGN UP FOR THE LIVE STREAM ... today is the last day... this is history in the making...
Talking about interviewing an alien (Grey)...
Quote:  "Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51"...
Interview by Rich Dolan... Deathbed confession of WITNESS!!!