martes, junio 27, 2017
Laura Pleiadian - The Process of Unfolding ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - June 27, 2017
Everything is unfolding perfectly. Even if it feels if it is not.
When intentions and desires do not unfold as desired, there is a process going on deep within your subconscious.
This process is part of your Ascension. YOU accessing living as your Original Light.
Memories as energetic impulses arise through energetic exchanges as part of this process.
Willing away the external energetic charges, does not address the inner doubts and fears, that act as the TRIGGER through your cellular and blueprint memory, to be cleared.
Understanding, accepting, trusting that all of this is unfolding as it needs to be, even when uncomfortable is part of the surrender process to the Higher Self. That knows clearly what needs to be activated within you. To be seen, to be cleared. Adjusted or whatever word you would like to use here.
It is the same thing. Energy as memory triggered by fears that is waiting to be released, so that the DESIRED experience in its purest form may be accessed.
After all, that is what your desire is there for.
As the driving force that leads you to go through the memory releasing process.
Sometimes this may be painful. Hitting rock bottom, may be when you surrender. It’s not all as bad as imagined. Although the dark night of the Soul may feel like a very lonely process.
It really is not. Accepting that your Higher Self is directing all of this helps. It is not the you that struggles and feels pain that is directing it.
No intention can negate the underlying energy of fear within your subconscious. It will bring it up THOUGH!
So if you have all these desires for abundance or Twin Flame love ~ yet you have carried with you fears and doubts and thought patterns that reflect that. And you enter an intention spree….your twin flame may not immediately land at your for step. YOU may go through an intense uncomfortable releasing process. SO THAT YOU WILL be ready.
So the process never goes against you.
You may kick and scream, that never stops the process.
Cutting cords, doing energy work, will not work IF THE UNDERLYING process THAT IS THE REASON for the desire to cut cords, remove etc. WITHIN YOU has not yet been addressed, recognized, for the energetic charge of fear and doubt that it holds for you.
You cannot run away from the process.
There is no thought intention, that is separate from your frequency. What you may not see or realize is that your subconscious is active and part of what may seem hidden. Yet reveals what is going on at the deeper levels within you.
Your frequency is your intention.
So you desire and intend a relationship (as an example) your frequency sends out the signal CLEARLY (because it is what you are) I desire a relationship but look I have all these things to be cleared some fears and I do not feel worthy inside (that is what are sending out as your vibration) and nothing happens. OR you get a repeat experience, that brings up more pain. Not because your Higher Self is not guiding things. But because WHAT IS ~ your FREQUENCY is letting you know what REALLY is going ON within YOU.
We accept, we love of ourselves.
WE DO as we enter fully the Highest levels of manifestation.
How did we get there? Through the process.
The pain is there for a reason. The shifts are there for a reason. Not getting what you want is there for a reason.
The REASON is your Highest evolution. Whatever the experience.
When You are ready~ not ONE moment will keep you from the experience you desire.
It is there when it is YOU.
Everything is here now because of YOU.
You are evolving and your outer world and the experience of it will transform when you are READY.
It is YOU.
You are inside the inner you and the world you feel is outside of yourself.
It is all there ~ like a playground of energetic impulses. Some feel great some not so great.
Entering your Heart and living through your Heart, is WHAT consciously allows you to consciously be aware of all of this.
Of what and why you are going through in all moments.
LOVE and TRUST. There is a bigger picture…that is inside you and will activate as MORE OF the eternal Light YOU. In the here and now. In perfect Divine Timing.
Feel and receive now. In Glory and Love, I Am with You.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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5ta. Dimensión,
Laura Pleiadian