miércoles, junio 28, 2017
Laura Pleiadian - Magical Shifts in Consciousness ~ So much GREATER than Imagined! - June 28, 2017
Profound Bliss and Ecstasy as the Frequency shifts and you receive more of the Awareness of Consciously Being your Original Light Self.
Feel and receive more of the expanded YOU as Sacred and Divine Light.
Feel the Light YOU align in its awareness with the SUN inside your Heart…
The YOU observing this is inside the Sun.
It is within YOU and you are within it!
The Alignment ~ Violet Light Sun ~ with the Sun and SACRED Divine Majestic Being.
Feel ~ Gaze and Receive.
I AM the ONE that is the LIGHT that I have waited for to receive.
Wholeness ~ Bliss ~ Ecstasy downloading to you now.
Through your Heart.
Feel ~ Can it Be more Blissful? Yes…now and now.
Is it so much greater than Imagined? Yes and Yes ~ Eternally!
Eternally expanding! Always and forever!
Can there be greater Joy?
In All moments.
The Expanded, Fulfilled YOU.
Masculine and Feminine as ONE.
My Beloved…here we ARE!
I love YOU!
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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5ta. Dimensión,
Laura Pleiadian