Dear Friends,
New Moon is Friday, June 23 at 8:31 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
On the heels of a very powerful Solstice comes the New Moon. What better way to anchor some of your new reality. What are you doing differently in your life? This is a good time to revisit the intentions you refined at the beginning of the month. Take an inventory of your reality checks; of what opened up for you, what is still in question, what you eliminated, what you committed to, and what is different in your experience of your reality? If you have gone through a painful separation in your relationships ask for and set an intention for healing. If you are experiencing great openings, opportunities and abundance, have gratitude for it but at the same time focus on setting up the details of how you will support this new reality on the physical level. As you reach for the next level, remember to get help and support from the right places.
Where will you use discipline? What practices will support you? Take some time and explore your new reality, fill in the blanks with details of your intentions and your commitments to the actions that will make them so.
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
New Moon in Cancer
Sun and Moon in Cancer ~ 2º
Friday, June 23, 8:31 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Saturday, June 24, 2:31 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
Blessings on the Great Mother in all her manifestations. The powerful time of Solstice brings us into the sign of Cancer. Under the influence of this water sign, our emotional, feeling bodies are opened up, we nourish ourselves at the deepest root levels, and we connect in new powerful ways to our ancestral roots and to our clans, tribes, and families. We revitalize and renew ourselves as we touch the extremes of the Earth’s relationship to the life-giving Sun whether in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Cancer, the sign of The Mother, holds those deep reservoirs of memory that link us to the past, our origins. Cancer is where we create our families and where our families create us. Cancer rules the breasts, the stomach, food and home. Cancer is where we nurture and protect the young to guarantee the lineage for the next generation. We honor the archetypal mother for our very existence. Cancer rules the most intimate and personal aspects of our lives.
Watch where you feel most at home now and where you notice feeling insecure and emotionally vulnerable. If feelings of abandonment arise, areas where you did not receive the nourishment you longed for, you can be present for the child in you and use your Cancerian gifts to protect and support that needy part. All the better to remember your true essence and why you came here before your family programming began to shape you.
Is your home a nurturing place for you? Is there some way to feather your nest and make it more reflective of who you are and a place of retreat and renewal? The Moon, now in her own sign, is here to assist you. Use water and water ritual to connect you to the fluid, imaginal realms. Wash yourself clear from all that has gone before and reset your intentions. Breathe your intentions for the future into a glass of water and set it into the Sun to fill with light and energy, and then drink it, sprinkle it or spray it on your self and your home.
Mercury is in Cancer 5º and riding with the Sun and Moon, so our thinking minds and information highway are tuned to the emotional realms. Cancer has strong empathic and psychic abilities. Wherever you have watery Cancer in your chart is where you feel and ‘know’ what others are feeling around you, where you are an emotional sponge. Synchronicities, intuition and flow will be the language of this New Moon cycle.
Mars is also in Cancer near Mercury. Cancer is a cardinal sign – our initiators, who like to get things started, get excited about the beginning of a new effort and can rouse others to support. Use Mars to light a fire under your projects and to protect what you have begun. Mars is exactly opposite Juno, the asteroid of partnership. Here’s a chance to listen to your inner voices that continue to program your disempowerment and kick them to the curb taking back your power. Mars is your ally here. You may experience some clearing of the airwaves or more likely some emotional clearing going on in your partnerships or within your self. But when that path is clear of held emotion, some passionate expression right from the heart may be in store for you. Emotion like water must be free to move and flow. Jupiter in Libra is closely squaring both Mars and Juno forming a T-square. Jupiter is either inflaming the issues or truly seeking to find a balance so all needs can be met and all positions can be heard and received in true Libra fashion.
And with Venus in Taurus exactly trining Pluto in Capricorn some very practical inroads can be made in the power dynamics in relationships of all kinds – personal or professional. Venus also rules our financial, economic state, so it’s a great time to make some practical financial moves and also to understand the psychological underpinnings influencing the current state of your abundance.
The Grand Trine in Fire continues with Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries and North Node in Leo – a huge boost in the skill development needed to realize the creation of our own reality. We are being supported by Saturn – tested and coached to find those frequencies that inspire our creativity, eliminate self criticism, and uproot our old beliefs, while Uranus demands from us radically shifting our perspectives, rebellion against the status quo, learning to live on the shaky ground of change, and calling in our freedom to radiate our brilliance. Aligned with the North Node in Leo, we learn to tame our egos and desire for control and the great cosmic finger points to access to our true path of growth at this time.
Uranus with Saturn is so different from the 2012-2015 period of Uranus with Pluto. Now with the help of Saturn we gain the skills and discipline to build the conscious world we want to live in.
Abundant opportunity fills this New Moon chart. When planets are in affinity to each other, energy tends to align and things work out. Fire is working with air; earth is working with water. So with a generous amount of sextiles greasing the wheels here and a Grand Trine providing ease and the element of fire proving inspiration, adding a few T-squares creating the tension we need to make us add our motivated efforts, we’re so good to go. Some BIG movement can take place here. Remember the Sun is a big energy working with the Moon providing the vitality and power to move us along especially when the emotional way has been cleared and we can operate on all cylinders. Your assignment, if you care to take it, is to set clear intentions so Spirit can align with you to create what you desire.
All times are in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)
07/08 Capricorn Full Moon 17º 10:07 PM MDT
07/22 Sun enters Leo 9:15 AM MDT
07/23 Leo New Moon 1º 3:45 AM MDT
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
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