By Diane Canfield
Tonight blissful energy is streaming in from the Cosmos. This energy comes from the Divine Creator and the Galactics.
They know we need a rest now with all of the transformations we have gone through in this past 2 months. (for more details see my articles)
This Energy is Blissful, Calm and Serene. It is our gift to overcome the obstacles we have jumped over in bringing more light to all of EARTH and it’s inhabitants. Tingles centering around the Crown Chakra and spreading to the facial area are occurring.
As more LIGHT Streams in, more of the Creators Energy automatically also streams in to bathe us in the Divine light. The Galactics who occupy a higher plane of existence are also more in tune with this same energy.
The Galactics know what the Earth has gone through and what needs to be done to solve the issues that remain. They are helping us through downloads such as the energy tonight to raise our vibration and become more in Harmony with them.
As Diamond and Crystal encodements continue to pour in, we must accept them. Relax and accept this energy as your own. For we are a part of the higher consciousness and all that exists. This is why we are here, for this time.
I love you all !
In Service and Love
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert
Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included