viernes, noviembre 11, 2016
Christine Day - Message From The Pleiadians November 2016 - Nov 11, 2016
Beloved Ones We Greet You,
As you move into the expanded energies of this November you will discover, experience a building intensity within your lives. This energy is the quickening of the multidimensional core of your Earth expanding. The pulse of this magnetic core has transformed in frequency and this changing movement is expanding through your heart cells. You are being birthed, realigned to the light force, the sacred design of your Higher Self presence that you are destined reconnect with at this juncture.
You are being called by your sacred within to rejoin your heart connection, to once again align to the Truth that is unveiling through you. An aspect of your destiny design is to play an integral part through holding a steady connection through your heart. Know that all things arise through your heart. The Heart it is your true center of your world and where all manifestation is made possible.
Claim your heritage through your heart and simply let go. Bypass the ego mind’s control and allow the unlimited aspect of Self to arise within through your heart. This is a glorious time to Be, and witness the unfolding drama in your world. Know that all is in hand, in perfect order and perfect disorder. The chaos leads to transformation of your planet.
So Be It!
We hold you close as you birth.
The Pleiadians
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Christine Day,