viernes, febrero 24, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Mother Mary - Healing Stars of The Universe - 24th February 2017

Blessings are sent from the essence of my soul into your being; I am Mother Mary, overseer of the 9th Ray of Light, a member of the Board of Karma, an essence of the Divine Mother and Queen of the Angelic Kingdom. In my communication with you today, I Mother Mary, come forth as a source of information to aid your inner healing and transformation.

Many of you are entering into periods of profound inner healing and transformation. Patterns and experiences which have been held within your being for numerous lifetimes are now being asked to be addressed and released by you. Realise that most of the challenges you are experiencing now, especially within your being, are from distant lifetimes, while also being the energies you have come to the Earth to resolve, transform and embody for yourself, humanity, your soul and soul group. Your inner healing is never personal to you in your current lifetime; it is always connected to numerous lifetimes, soul purposes and even the embodiment mission of your soul group. You are connected to all aspects of the Creator, and therefore you are connected to all aspects of your being or essence. Even the subtlest of inner shifts are born from the purpose of your soul, although this may be unknown to your personality or mind. Every unbalanced, painful or misaligned energy within you is a wondrous opportunity for you to heal, transform and reconnect with your truth, which in truth is reconnecting all to the Creator. It is time to recognise the numerous opportunities there are within you to create profound and inspirational healing experiences to aid your co-creation with the Creator.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message - February 24, 2017

Changes are forging ahead and much important work is taking place, literally out of your sight because it involves bases located in the Inner Earth. It is all destined to take away the power from the dark Forces to hold you “prisoners”. With modern detection devices your true history is being unraveled, and there will be no cover up as in the past. It is claimed that very soon much of the detail connected with very ancient finds, will be revealed and made public. It will at least re-write the last 50,000 years and show the actual path of evolution that has led to Humans in their present form. Little is as you have been led to believe and the truth will be like a breath of fresh air and plainly inform Humanity of its true path of evolution. The truth is going to excite most people, yet some will remain fearful as to what changes it will bring about and take away their “comfort zone”. Be assured that the final outcome will quickly lift you up, and it will be very apparent that your future is assured and will be most welcome. Simply consider what might have been held back from you for the last 150 years.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 13 - Sakkara - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

13 - Sakkara

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos encontramos al sol, ante una famosa pirámide, la primera, por un brillante arquitecto que estableció el modelo para todo Egipto. Me conduce a hacerles una pregunta: ¿Dónde está el modelo para su templo? Antes se lo dimos, y hoy daremos un corto mensaje que formula algunas preguntas y las responde de una manera en que nunca lo hicimos.

Queridos, la base de las comunicaciones con ustedes y con Dios es multidimensional; siempre lo fue. Miren el brillo de la historia egipcia, en que ellos reconocieron que sus dioses eran multidimensionales; les dio una vía de comunicación que estaba más allá de la 3ª dimensión.

Ron Head - The Council – The Other 99% - February 24, 2017

Very often you hear about the 99% of the cosmos that is not visible to you. Even more often you are told of the equally huge percent of your DNA that is ‘junk’. And you are constantly being reminded that humans use only five to ten percent of their minds, and that most of one’s consciousness lies in the subconscious. Shall we discuss that?

What lies in all of this unknown space? In the realm of your cosmos, we would say that you do not see or allow for the huge presence of energy that is in chaos, or potential. You only conceive of ‘reality’ as being within the spectrum of your ability to perceive. And never mind about those things that some know and you are not told of.

Sarah Varcas - Extraordinary and True - February 24, 2017

Extraordinary and True

Sarah Varcas

With four planets in Aries and five in Pisces, this eclipse speaks of over-due endings and fresh starts. A new way of being is in reach, born of wisdom gleaned from past experience and freedom from shackles that no longer bind. But these endings may not match our expectations, and if we’re waiting for the new to prove itself before letting go the old we may find ourselves frozen by fear, consumed by indecision or unhelpfully resistant to unavoidable change.

Which is why this eclipse requires an act of faith and a warrior spirit, all wrapped up in a ‘can do’ attitude which balks at the notion that the next step is too hard, too challenging or not what we’d planned. As such, it asks of us a lot but if we take a deep breath, resolve to stay the course and do what needs to be done it brings great strength and profound wisdom: direct experience of the divine as our personal source of knowledge and power. Ancestral trauma, family karma and inherited pain are all raised as issues at this eclipse. The coming six months will provide powerful opportunities to turn our wise and compassionate attention toward them, bringing to a close long-established patterns rooted within and beyond our lives.


2 Manik, 10 Zac, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Ya hay en marcha un ritmo lento pero firme. Continúa un proceso que pone la seguridad por encima del reparto. Los que representan a la viaja cábala están luchando duro y produciendo una serie de retrasos preocupantes. Es una estrategia que está poniendo a nuestros aliados en una actitud más cautelosa. Nos recuerda lo mucho que les gusta a los oscuros la complejidad. Es la última posición de esos oscuros y los últimos medios para retrasar más nuestra estrategia. Sin embargo, parte de un nuevo calendario va a tener éxito pronto. Hay una serie de viejos asuntos que actualmente requieren nuestra atención. Todas las otras vías van a ser reabiertas. Los secuaces oscuros van a ser arrestados finalmente, sus actividades reveladas y se va a desvelar una próspera realidad. Hasta entonces tenemos que pediros que tengáis paciencia. Vuestra gran recompensa está cerca de dar sus frutos. Los que han estado en el poder durante tanto tiempo van a ser derrotados pronto. Aunque nuestro progreso ha sido lento, de todas formas está teniendo éxito. Este gobierno corrupto, tiránico e ilegal está siendo estrujado. ¡Uno nuevo tiempo está cerca!

Un escenario maravilloso está preparando un nuevo sistema financiero global. Es algo que merece su actual naturaleza secreta. Continuar la actual operación de esta forma tan peculiar asegura su éxito general. Actualmente estamos esperando una serie de pasos clave que aún tienen que ser anunciados. Cuando se acaben estos trabajos vamos a terminar finalmente con el Banco de la Reserva Federal. ¡Este importante paso legitimiza el nuevo sistema monetario global respaldado por el oro! Con esto superado, una serie de osados movimientos pueden apoyar la distribución de las nuevas monedas apoyadas por el Tesoro. Sólo la nueva moneda va a terminar con el actual poder de los dineros de papel. Estamos esperando los pasos que van a conducir a este bienvenido y necesario proceso. Luego se pueden crear con más facilidad las condiciones para el reparto. Esto, a su vez, nos permite extender una prosperidad mundial. También nos permite llevar a cabo una serie de importantes cláusulas del tratado de Paris del último año.

Actualmente hay una lucha entre los últimos restos de los secuaces oscuros y los que representan a las fuerzas de la Luz. Esto va principalmente sobre vuestra libertad y sobre los que desean mantener a esta realidad en una extraña sensación de flujo. Esta lucha solo existe porque las fuerzas de la Luz aún dudan de su destino profetizado. Cuando esta persistente duda se resuelva finalmente, el triunfo de la Luz está asegurado. Esta operación comenzó como un tipo de operación de “castillos en el aire”. Su éxito es algo parecido a una historia de Hollywood. En otras palabras, los aliados de la Luz aún no tienen su propio poder. Lo que deseamos es que los diversos elementos de la Luz reconozcan su apasionante poder. Este mundo de la superficie aún no puede creer lo que ha sucedido. Sois lo que contra todo pronóstico produjisteis una auténtica gran victoria. Utilizad este poder nuevamente adquirido para aceptar quiénes sois. Sois valientes y sabios. ¡Que todos sepan que vosotros entendéis lo que está sucediendo por todo este gran globo!

Ya tenemos los inicios de una nueva estructura de poder, una que va a crear una República de derecho y a dar salida a una nueva organización, NESARA. Estad orgullosos porque podáis lanzar todo esto. Los oscuros están destinados al cubo de basura de la historia. El viejo reino está actualmente acabado y está ocurriendo un nuevo y maravilloso entendimiento de esta realidad. No es fácil olvidar el difícil y temeroso pasado, pero dentro de vosotros está el camino hacia un nuevo mundo. Dejémoslo SER y unámonos en el siempre expansivo brillo de esta nueva Luz y de este nuevo Amor. Los viejos métodos oscuros están acabados. Coged de la mano este poder y dejadlo ser. Habéis eliminado a la vieja tiranía. Sed inteligentes en todo ello. Seguid los sabios edictos de los Maestros. ¡Elevaros y sed libres! Sois los que sufrieron en silencio y que temían reconocer su poder. Dejad de lado eso y actuad como si hubieseis ganado. Sed sinceros con esto y haced lo que sea para demostrar el maravilloso alcance de vuestro poder. ¡Es hora de hacer arrestos en masa y de la proclamación oficial de la República NESARA! ¡Elevaros y sed soberanos, prósperos y libres!

¡Namaste! ¡Somos vuestros Maestros Ascendidos! Este tiempo es especialmente relevante para establecer los diversos y benditos elementos para que se realice la RV global. Es una sagrada labor para que todos nos unamos y utilicemos nuestras diversas visiones para asegurar que suceda el más fabuloso conjunto de creencias. Necesitamos profundamente que se manifiesten eventos que demuestren la santidad de nuestros esfuerzos conjuntos. Hace mucho tiempo, nos unimos y nos prometimos los unos a los otros que nuestras mutuas creencias eran de verdad reales. Necesitamos demostrarnos esto los unos a los otros. Este reino ya ha mostrado el poder que tenemos conjuntamente. Después, necesitamos seguir para que pueda suceder la RV global. En este proceso de esperanza y gozo podemos engendrar la fuerza colectiva que va a introducir rápidamente esta era divina. Así que es el tiempo adecuado para poner fin a todas nuestras suposiciones y de manifestar esta nueva y sagrada realidad.

Así que es de vital importancia que utilicemos nuestras visiones positivas para forjar una realidad que finalmente permita que sucedan muchos eventos globales. Tomaos tiempo para crear gozo y permitirnos así a todos experimentar prosperidad, soberanía y otras cosas. Unámonos para transformar esta realidad. Este es un tiempo intencionado de milagros y visiones. Los oscuros están en el punto de mira. Ahora tienen que ser eliminados. Este mundo ya no puede seguir en su actual estado. Al contrario, es el momento de vuestra auténtica liberación. Este globo se está preparando para una revuelta de proporciones sin precedentes. No se le puede pedir al pobre que custodie las recompensas del ciego. ¡Uniros, hijos míos! Demandad que los han sido derrotados actúen como tal. Divulgad las promesas del Cielo. Daos cuenta en vuestro corazón de lo que realmente sois y uniros para recibir esta santa bendición.

Como se ha dicho anteriormente, este es un tiempo para la acción divina, un tiempo capaz de transformar este reino de la superficie y de proporcionar un divino patrón para el tipo de alteraciones que alejan a la tiranía. Gaia entiende lo que está sucediendo y desea profundamente apoyar una revolución silenciosa que eleve a la humanidad a su potencial. La humanidad ha alcanzado un punto en el que los crueles métodos de la cábala son conocidos por todos y la cábala es derrotada. Es en esta Luz donde el Amor tiene que elevarse y sus victoriosas posturas ser adecuadamente recompensadas. Esta era va sobre crear los pasos justo antes de la revelación y de alterar la mentalidad de Gaia para siempre. La humanidad necesita ser consciente de dónde está ahora y de adónde se está encaminando ahora exactamente. Bendecimos esto y os preparamos para lo que va a ser vuestro esplendoroso destino. Delante de vosotros hay una serie de eventos que van a permitiros vivir de nuevo entre vuestras familias espirituales y del Espacio.

Hoy hemos continuado con nuestro informe global semanal. Estáis al borde de un nuevo tiempo para la humanidad, de crear la oportunidad de experimentar lo que habéis soñado durante tanto tiempo y de liberaros finalmente de la deuda que habéis heredado. ¡Sabed, Queridos, que el incontable Suministro y la inacabable Prosperidad del Cielo son realmente Vuestros! ¡Así que Sed Eso! ¡Selamat Gajun! ¡Selamat Ja! (En Siriano: ¡Sed Uno! ¡Estad en Gozo!).

Sheldan Nidle

Traducción: PEC

jueves, febrero 23, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Leaving Time - 2-23-17

Leaving Time

By the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Leaving time is a very confusing concept for many of our grounded ones, as “time” has been the ONE stable component of their 3D life. However, once their consciousness began to resonate to the fourth dimension, they realized there was a deep urge to be creative and to use their mind in a more exploratory, creative manner.

But, just as they began to fly off in their mind, something in their daily life called them to return. Of course there were the artists and the mystics who chose their inner world over the outer worlds. Sometimes that worked for them, but sometimes they found themselves without the necessities of the third dimensional reality.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 12 - Hotel Mena House - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

12 - Hotel Mena House

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hoy deseo hablar de algo que la mayoría de los canalizadores no quiere decir. Repasando: hay sociedades en este planeta que tuvieron lo que yo llamo una ventaja inicial: información avanzada desde el mismo comienzo. Hemos hablado de ellas en el pasado. La más significativa, por supuesto, fue Lemuria. También les contamos que Lemuria solo contiene una vida de un alma antigua; no muchas. Era casi como un lugar de entrenamiento, donde el alma antigua luego se reencarnaba en otros lugares del planeta.

Hablamos de los antiguos que también tuvieron conocimiento avanzado; en distintas partes del planeta los indígenas todavía hoy lo conservan. Su mitología habla de un dios que les permite regresar muchas veces.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 11 - Adiós al Nilo - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

11 - Adiós al Nilo

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Sigue un mensaje muy breve (hubo una canalización previa de Marilyn Harper). Tengo dos cosas que contarles. Esta es la última noche en el Nilo, de modo que dicen adiós al río. Se les han contado muchas cosas sobre el río. ¿Alguien les contó que está vivo? Esto parecería una metáfora, queridos. ¿Qué representa el Nilo? Representa al Todo lo que Es para los egipcios; es la vida, es la madre, y en este momento ustedes están sobre él.

Aquí hay más que lo que los ojos ven, queridos. Muchas veces les digo esta frase: Que siempre beban del Nilo. Hemos explicado lo que significa, y nuevamente les recordamos que el Nilo es la energía creadora para Egipto, y está vivo. Si yo les dijera que, multidimensionalmente, mucho de lo que han visto hasta ahora ha estado vivo, ¿me entenderían? Eso es la primera cosa. Adiós al Nilo, por ahora.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – February 23, 2017

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends and fellow Light Beings! We are pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again today.

Our writer has been speaking with us about the very great, very perplexing issue of forgiveness and release of judgment.

This issue has probably never been of such importance to Lightworkers, or to humankind, as it has lately become.

The divisive nature of the political environment in many countries at present show several things.

NASA confirma Siete Planetas como la Tierra

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Febrero 2017 ~ VIVIR EN LA PARADOJA

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Febrero 2017 ~ VIVIR EN LA PARADOJA ~

Febrero se siente mucho como dar a luz. Hay una gran intensidad, pero no hay opción de detener lo que estamos haciendo. Tal como cuando estamos en medio del trabajo de parto dando a luz a un bebé, no podemos hacer de repente como que es un día normal y decidir salir a ver una película. Tenemos que poner todo nuestro ser en el momento presente de AQUÍ y AHORA. Sin embargo, aunque todo es súper intenso y concentrado, también hay una sensación de euforia y un gran entusiasmo que nos anima, por el nacimiento inminente.

Muchas cosas están sucediendo este año que no podíamos imaginar antes. El año pasado, escribí que el tornillo ya estaba en posición y estaba apretándose. Ahora, el tornillo REALMENTE se está apretando. Tenemos que actuar pronto para reclamar nuestra libertad o ésta habrá desaparecido. Tenemos que ser proactivos y no esperar a que las cosas empeoren antes de hacer algo.


February feels a lot like giving birth. There is such an intensity, but no option of stopping what we are doing. Just like when we are in the midst of labor giving birth to a baby, we can't suddenly pretend that we're having a normal day and decide to go out and see a movie. We have to put our full beings into the present moment of the HERE and NOW. Yet, even though everything is super intense and concentrated, there's also a sense of exhilaration and great excitement about the impending birth which spurs us on.

Many things are happening this year that we couldn't possibly imagine before. Last year, I wrote that the vise was already in position and was tightening its grip. Now, the vise is becoming REALLY tight. We have to act soon to reclaim our freedom or it will be gone. We have to be proactive and not wait for things to get worse before we do something.

Brenda Hoffman - Abriendo la olla a presión - 20 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mis queridos:

Tal vez sientan como si no pudieran sacarte la coraza de enojo, pues en el instante en que viran hacia la dicha, otra situación los arroja en una caída descontrolada de incomodidad y temor.

Esto es de esperar durante este momento ya que están limpiando en profundidad numerosos miedos enraizados. No sólo están sintiendo su enojo, sino también el de otros.

Al introducirse más en esta transición, tienen mayores habilidades para percibir los sentimientos ajenos. A pesar de que ahora puede que piensen que esto es una maldición, sólo es un mero indicador de cuán lejos han llegado en poco tiempo.

Pamela Kribbe - Earth - Body and Soul - February 2017

Body and Soul
Pamela Kribbe channels Earth

Dear people, I am the voice of the Earth. I carry you in my body. The planet on which you live and walk is my body, the expression of my soul. You are welcome here because you are part of my body. Your body is part of me, made of earthly matter. Be very aware of the cells in your body, which are very small, independent entities that know exactly what they are supposed to do. They work toward balance and harmony and cooperation in your body

Now imagine that you are present as a brilliant sun in your body. Your light is not of the Earth; you come from the cosmos. You are a living soul who is able to take on various forms and now you are present in an earthly form. Imagine that the light of your soul radiates in the center of your body, the center close to your heart. See a light burning there and remember who you are: you are aeons old. You have had many lives; you are not here for the first time.

Clearing between Eclipses, NEW Codes Anchored, Continual Physical Upgrades

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday February 23, 2017

Dear Ones, please understand that as your grow and evolve it is a process – one that happens one shift at a time. We urge you to be kind and gentle with yourself through that process!

So many of you learn a new concept and then expect yourself to be absolutely perfect in the implementing of it. For example, you will learn about the correlation between your thoughts and your reality and then you will pressure yourselves incredibly to have no negative thoughts at all and then berate yourselves when you cannot comply to that immediately.

Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel. - Utiliza el poder de la oración - 20 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel.

¿Cuántas veces has orado pidiendo mejoras en tus relaciones, más dinero, un trabajo mejor, un nuevo hogar, paz y alegría? ¿Y cuántas veces repites tus oraciones cuando no recibes lo que habías pedido? ¿Rezas las mismas oraciones día tras día, semana tras semana? ¿Crees que tus oraciones serán atendidas o piensas que el Creador y el Universo están sordos porque aún no has recibido respuesta? ¿Qué haces entonces? ¿Te sientes abatido e impotente? ¿Vuelves a pedir lo mismo, con la esperanza de que tus oraciones sean escuchadas? Debes saber que toda oración llega hasta la Fuente y que cada deseo de tu corazón recibe una respuesta. El hecho de que, en apariencia, nuestras oraciones no tengan una respuesta inmediata no significa que nadie nos oiga, sino que hay otras lecciones o cuestiones en juego que determinan el resultado final.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 10 - Templo de Seti en Abidos - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

10 - Templo de Seti en Abidos 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Estamos dentro de un templo en Abidos. Quiero dar un mensaje sobre algo que es cercano a todos ustedes, sobre mi tema favorito. No es sobre historia; es sobre el amor.
Dios es grande, Dios es bueno, Dios es amor. Dios es la compasión del Creador. Dios es grande, Dios es bueno, Dios es amor. Dios es la compasión del Universo y todo esto está representado en la imagen del humano dentro del templo que ustedes crearon. Algunos dicen que esta es su alma y yo estoy de acuerdo, y hoy digo mensajes sobre el viaje del alma. Si han seguido mis enseñanzas saben cuánto se honra al ser humano. Hemos dicho muchas veces: nacidos magníficos, y se van también así. Esta es la enseñanza de Kryon; también es la enseñanza de muchos de los antiguos. Piensen en lo que está dentro de ustedes, a nivel esotérico.

















 Walking Terra Christa presented the first phase of Creating the Higher Essence Foundation with Step 1 – Process of Surrender by visiting the Etheric Golden City of Shalanacheiee with Lady Nada, Angels Uriel and Aurora and special guest, Lord Metatron, who initiated the first Metatronic Seal of the Solar Angel within the Temple of Divinity of Peace. The City of Shalancheiee resides in the 5th dimensional earth over Montana and Idaho in the United States.

It is I, Lord Adama. Let us gather together in our group Merkabah feeling the colors upon colors. Remembering to breathe deeply. Opening up your Solar Plexus to a new journey of experience within your world.
If you are having moments of feeling uncomfortable of allowing this energy to open up, breathe into and allow the chakra and the ray to spin from the left to the right and then downwards, then to the right upwards allowing the Ruby Red-Golden Flame to come within you to give you the Peace and the ability to just relax and have patience with this journey.
As we gather together now the Ruby Red and the Golden Flame is very strong within each of us as we create our group Merkabah. We step into the vortex of light of the Ruby Red and the Gold. As it spins us from the 4th dimension into the 5th dimensional Earth over the area of Montana and Idaho in the United States. The colors are spinning within us and around us as we move into the beautiful Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee. Feel those energies within you, feel the power of what Lady Nada brings to us on this day.
As we arrive within this city, we are walking through a beautiful garden. It continues completely around the entire temple, The Divinity of Peace. We are met by Lady Nada, the Elohim Peace and Aloha, the Archangels Uriel and Aurora as Lord Astia and Lady Fratia overlight the entire city with their immense frequency of light. Feel the power of this energy coming fully within you.
I now hand off the energies off to Lady Nada as she will work with you, and then we will step into the temple. I look forward to meeting up with you at the end of our journey. I Am Lord Adama

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - This moment in time is brought to you by the Letter A -February 21, 2017

Dear Ones,

Divine Light has blasted the foundations of your past programming leaving you feeling untethered to all that you have known. It is now time for creating a practical grounding for the base of your new reality.

This moment in time is brought to you by the Letter A.

You have been asking to live in Abundance. Abundance includes living with a sense of pure Beauty using specific tools that raise your vibrational frequency so that your heart and mind are uplifted. From this place you are inspired to create a new foundation that grounds you into a fuller sense of Wellbeing. The Light Field of Abundance can then bless every area of your life with more Freedom and Expansiveness.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Living as Your True Self - Feb 23, 2017

Greetings Divine Ones,

We connect with you here, now, as you are, in total appreciation of you.

We do this, completely aware of your life, and how you are present. We feel uninhibited joyful appreciation of you.

We wish today to reflect back to you, how we know you and share the joy we have in our experience of this co-creation with you.

First and foremost, you are here boldly experiencing life. In all you are and do and choose and experience, you are expanding life. You are transforming the possibilities for being human from within embodiment. As you allow your own consciousness to sync up with your eternalness, and as you let yourself live in unconditional love, you alter life on Earth as it has been, opening up new pathways for the non-physical to stream into form here.

miércoles, febrero 22, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 10 - Templo de Seti en Abidos - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

10 - Templo de Seti en Abidos 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Estamos dentro de un templo en Abidos. Quiero dar un mensaje sobre algo que es cercano a todos ustedes, sobre mi tema favorito. No es sobre historia; es sobre el amor.
Dios es grande, Dios es bueno, Dios es amor. Dios es la compasión del Creador. Dios es grande, Dios es bueno, Dios es amor. Dios es la compasión del Universo y todo esto está representado en la imagen del humano dentro del templo que ustedes crearon. Algunos dicen que esta es su alma y yo estoy de acuerdo, y hoy digo mensajes sobre el viaje del alma. Si han seguido mis enseñanzas saben cuánto se honra al ser humano. Hemos dicho muchas veces: nacidos magníficos, y se van también así. Esta es la enseñanza de Kryon; también es la enseñanza de muchos de los antiguos. Piensen en lo que está dentro de ustedes, a nivel esotérico.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 22, 2017

Dear Ones, fear can come up in many ways for human beings. In some ways fear serves you by keeping you safe from danger, but in most cases fear just keeps you in a state of stagnation and contraction. One of the most common fears people experience is fear of judgment.

Fear of judgment has been well ingrained in you over the years – fear of the judgment of an angry, vengeful God, fear of being judged for your spirituality or gifts and either put to death or tortured for it, and fear of judgment from others resulting in you being shunned.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Gravitational Pulls & Resoloving/Releasing Denser/Fixed Realities for Quantum Timeline Jumps, Collapses & Convergences to Occur - 2/22/2017

Deep cellular cleansings... working through all. Honoring releasing all not working/no longer in flow..... Quantum Timeline Jumps shake realities up/loose. WE have to open up more/expand, adapt, re-configure, re-calibrate, re-assess, re-align through higher heart-mind-unity-consciousness....

When Quantum Timeline's collapse for unification on a higher vibrational timeline to occur, the collapsing realities are not always comfortable, yet necessary to move us all out of denser realities that no longer serve our highest purposes here. As humans, we don't do well with this. We don't shift, change, let go easily...... ↓↓↓

As Quantum BEings, we have to adapt/shift/jump or everything goes sideways and collapses if we don't. When realities have to shift/reconstruct, we have to shift with them as they are meant to...

Aisha North - Water Speaks - February 22, 2017

Posted on February 22, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen


martes, febrero 21, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Use the Power of Prayer - Feb 20, 2017

How many times have you prayed for better relationships, more money, a better job, a new home, peace and joy? And how many times do you repeat your prayers when you do not receive what you asked for? Do you pray the same prayers every day or every week? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered or do you think that the Creator and the Universe are deaf because your prayers go unanswered? What do you do then, do you feel defeated and powerless? Do you ask again and hope that your prayers are heard? You should know that every prayer reaches Source and every desire of your heart is answered. The fact that it seems your prayer is not answered immediately is not a sign that you are not being heard, but that there are other lessons or issues involved in the outcome.

Kryon in EGYPT Welcoming Ceremony 2017 February

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Becoming a Crystalline Gridkeeper & Star Gate System of NEW Earth - 2/21/2017

Yesterday was a huge activation and integration day of encodements relative to each of our individual (and collective) evolution here. Powerful is an understatement. By afternoon, we had gone ultra-sonic, then a half hour later we hit Stellar Frequencies. Needless to say, I too pulled away to allow for what I needed to do as a GateKeeper/Gridkeeper here.

Kara Schallock - Rising in Authenticity, Power and Sovereignty - 21-Feb-2017

We are in a very powerful period. What hasn't been released or shifted will be and this all leads up to the Equinox next month. There most likely have been many old memories surfacing, along with wanting to know more about ancient history. Ancient history does not belong in the New and neither does your current life memories. Pay attention to what ancient history timelines you've been attracted to and you may discover some of your old lifetimes. All is to be focused on the present moment. Do your lifetimes center around the time of Jesus, Mohammad or Buddha? Atlantis or Lemuria? Ancient Egypt? The Reformation? King Arthur? Druids? Joan d'Arc? It truly is time to let them go. You are being asked to be completely immersed in the New with no old patterns or beliefs in tow. There is no old karma to work through.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 21, 2017
Dear Ones, feel into the energy of what you would like to create in your life. Does it feel like struggle or does it feel like ease? If it doesn’t feel light and of the flow, examine your beliefs about it. Do you feel it will be hard? As you continue to examine your beliefs and the language you use about your desires, ask do they hold the vibration of what I wish to create and how I wish to create it, or do they still hold elements of pushing against what is unwanted?

Keep adjusting until every single word associated with it feels good – so good – that just thinking about the potential feels wonderful. That is the energy you wish to create from. It doesn’t need to be complex, often just a few well chosen words will capture the essence of your dream and give the you effect you are looking for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Avenda, February 21, 2017

As we go into our system that is being fabricated with all of the desires and interests of each other, we are seeing the results of what we believe, and what we desire for our lives. We see the attitudes of so many people change and take on a different agenda. As this takes place we will go through the awakening process that will bring us to a clearer picture of what our journey at this time is creating for us. It is a Wake up Call that surpasses all that we have accomplished to this point in our journey. As we go through this we are contemplating several pathways that will lead us to the expansiveness that is in store for us as we take our journey through this experience that we are creating.

Ron Head - The Council – Intensification - February 21, 2017

Some of you are experiencing discomfort at this time. Not that before you have not. But this seems to be sudden and more intense. Some of you, when hearing of this, think it has passed you by. Sorry, but there are extremely few who have no clearing left to do. We are showing the channel a picture of a ski jumper on the downward run.

As you may have followed these messages for a while, we will tell you that you have been prepared for the changes that we have told you were coming. You have been down quite a bit if the downward run, as it were. You have each prepared for the end of the run that you will reach. But you will reach yours at your appropriate time. It may not be the same day as your neighbor, much less the same as the one who is half way around the globe. You have been preparing for what you will need where you are.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 9 - Templo de Hathor - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

9 - Templo de Hathor

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos encontramos en el Templo de Hathor. Queridos, estoy pidiendo a mi socio que vaya despacio. Aquí hay un gran misticismo. Aquí hay mensajes que exceden lo que los egipcios saben que hay aquí. Queridos, deseo revelar algunas cosas esotéricas, cosas que no necesariamente creen los que aquí enseñan, de modo que habría gran controversia.

Pido permiso otra vez a los ancestros y a los antiguos para esta información. Empezamos a darles esto en el templo de Isis y ahora revelaremos el resto de la historia. En los muros están escritas aquí, literalmente, las historias que ustedes deberían saber, describiendo cosas que ni siquiera los egipcios conocen.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 8 - Templo de Karnak - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

8 - Templo de Karnak

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y entonces hoy el grupo se sienta en el Templo de Karnak. Es un bello día y el sol brilla sobre ustedes, y en este lugar hay muchas energías para probar. Pero la energía que hoy quiero que prueben en este templo es la introspección - para ustedes.

Tendemos a quedar abrumados - todos - por el enorme tamaño de las cosas, y se volverán más grandes. Muchas veces el tamaño es como una comparación para el individuo; a veces es el individuo y Dios. A veces están tan mezclados que no se sabe dónde empieza uno y dónde termina el otro. Pero en este día no hay duda de dónde empieza y termina, porque se trata de ustedes.

Sheldan Nidle Update~2-21-17~Rise Up and be Sovereign, Prosperous and Free!

2 Manik, 10 Zac, 13 Caban

Dratzo! A slowed but steady pace is now in effect. Processes continue that put security over delivery. Those who represent the old cabal are fighting hard, and producing a series of worrisome protracted delays. It is a strategy that is returning our allies to a more cautious attitude. We are reminded of how well the dark likes complexity. It is the last stand of these dark ones and the last means of further delaying our strategy. Yet part of a new timetable is shortly to meet with success. A number of old items currently require our attention. All of the other pathways are to be reopened. The dark minions are finally to be arrested, their activities revealed and a prosperous reality unveiled. Until then, we need to ask you to be patient. Your grand reward is close to fruition. Those who have been in power for so long are shortly to be vanquished. Although our progress has been slow it is nevertheless succeeding. This corrupt and tyrannical, illegal governance is being squeezed out. A new time is nearly here!

lunes, febrero 20, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Unity Connected Realities or Separation Disconnected Realities? - 2/20/2017

When the dynamics of your realities start to shift and change, how well do you shift too in order to adapt for intentional continued expansion to occur?
About a month ago we activated "adaptive algorithms" for how our realities would now play out. About a week or so ago we were shown that the dynamics of our realities are about to dramatically change. The constructs, infrastructure, directions of realities are all birthed, built, managed and maintained from within. It takes awhile to see how all works in conjunction to all things here.

Jenny Schiltz - Beginning Phase of Frequencies Separating on Earth - February 20, 2017

We are right in the middle of two eclipses and we can feel that something major is changing. In December I shared that come March the frequencies (3D, 4D, and 5D and beyond) would begin separating. Here is a link to the post: We are in the beginning stages of this now. We are being shown in clearer and clearer ways what each frequency feels like within and we are being asked to choose where we want to reside. We are being asked from which frequency do we want to create our reality.

Everything that will not stand in the higher frequencies is being shown to us if we take the time to simply observe. Observing requires being present within yourself and not allowing yourself to get caught up in the insanity of the outer world. The ego may appear to be getting louder within as it is begging not to be dissolved but to be integrated with love into our being. There is a quality to this energy that is demanding us to be still and really listen to the internal thoughts and beliefs. Anything that does not match your soul, your true nature will show itself.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 7 - Luxor - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

7 - Ciudad de Luxor

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente estamos afuera, todavía en la ciudad de Luxor. Deseo seguir la conversación sobre la consciencia, y quiero hacerlo de modo que ustedes entiendan cuán importante es esto para este planeta en este momento, qué ha pasado en la historia, y por qué este cambio en particular es tan asombroso; más que lo que ustedes saben, más que lo que pueden concebir respecto a lo que se empieza a mover en este planeta y cómo es.

Repasemos un momento; la búsqueda de Dios es intuitiva; la idea de una vida después de la muerte es intuitiva; y una civilización tras otra han utilizado su tiempo haciendo estas cosas lo mejor que pueden. Pero la consciencia es elección, y no es intuitiva. Pusimos como ejemplo al niño. Continuemos eso. Cuando un niño pierde tempranamente a sus padres, en ciertas sociedades lo juntan con otros niños y forma parte de la manada, sin instrucción, no tiene una consciencia acelerada, ni ética, ni compasión, y ustedes han visto esto una y otra vez.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 6 - Templo de Hatshepsut - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Templo de la Reina Hatshepsut

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon de Servicio Magnético.

Hoy el grupo se encuentra en Luxor, lugar de muchas tumbas.

El mensaje de hoy tratará de la ascensión, la iluminación y la consciencia. No confundan ninguna de ellas como que necesariamente van juntas. Existen algunos enigmas en la cultura que estudian. Ustedes ya saben que estudiar el Egipto antiguo es diferente del Egipto de 2000 años más tarde. De modo que nos concentramos en el comienzo, y empezamos hablando de algunos enigmas que algunos de ustedes han notado.

Antes de hacer algo más, les decimos que estos mensajes que se vuelven más elegantes en su información se los damos antes de la cosa importante (se ríe), porque cuando lleguen a Giza se sentirán abrumados con ideas, con lo que ven, y también simplemente con la enorme magnitud de todo lo que allí está.

Donald Trump, The Media, The Illuminati and The Starseeds

Blossom Goodchild - February 20, 2017

Well, here we are again my friends. The time is flying by. It’s very noticeable to me that something that took place maybe only yesterday, can seem as if it was a fortnight ago! Time feels very warped.
Welcome to you and may we offer words of consolation?
By all means. They would go down well. (Just paid out a lot of money to have 100 copies of A NEW DAWN printed and the cover design is off centre. Long story!) So, my mood was a little 'off' to say the least. Yet, had it in my diary to channel today, as I am pretty busy right now.
We are fully aware of you working on changing your attitude and indeed, your mood about this matter and we commend you for this. Do you see how far you have come, in not allowing ‘anything’ to mar your Vibration?
Well … it did for a while!
How long?
Ten minutes.

Brenda Hoffman - Opening Your Pressure Cooker - February 20, 2017

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if you cannot remove your anger shell. For just as you shift to happiness, another event sends you into a tailspin of discomfort and fear.

Such is to be expected during this time. For you are clearing deeply seated fears as are so many – you are not only feeling your anger but also that of others.

As you move deeper into this transition, you have greater abilities to sense the feelings of others. Even though now you likely believe that such is a curse, it is merely an indicator of how far you have come in a short time.

Sandra Walter - Stargate Activated: Gateways Open for Embodiment - Feb 20, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our Gateway week is upon us. Gatekeepers opened for the influx on SUNday, and the energies increased immediately. This is a powerful and transitional stargate for HUmanity, which will greatly affect those engaging with Solar Cosmic Christ embodiment. This massive stargate portal from the Great Central Sun is a highly encoded geometric template. The Gateway of this week – beginning on the 222 (February 22) will trigger aspects within the new HUman templates, and launch many of you into a stronger experience of the Cosmic Christ.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday February 20, 2017

La imagen puede contener: flor, planta, texto y naturaleza
Dear Ones, today we advise you to catch your breath. Do something loving and nurturing for yourself. Let the sun kiss your face. Seek things that automatically activate feelings of love and gratitude within you. All of these activities will support you with the shifting you are in the midst of, and remind you that your body and your ability to feel allow you to experience pleasure. ~Archangel Gabriel

Maryann Rada - The League of Light - In the Interest of Time - February 20, 2017

The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our perspective on what is happening is far enough removed from the maelstrom of emotion and logic breakdown that many are experiencing to give us some simplicity, some interpretive leeway, and thus perhaps some wisdom worth considering. We have mentioned that what is happening on Earth is akin to what many others in our field of service have experienced on other worlds, at other times. However, none has been so markedly attuned to the vibrational synchronicity that exists within the multiplicity of worlds that is in your now. You’ve heard it before: what happens on Earth now affects not only your world, but many. The ripple effect transcends time and material dimensions, and brings everything into the light of transformation. What that means for you, individually, is that you have the moment before you to move into a markedly more intelligent and creative reality than you have the wherewithal to yet imagine. What that means for your world remains to be seen. How your movement within your world affects other worlds is simultaneously ending and beginning a mode of being. You are in synchronous swathes of transformation with many relative realities, so it is well to be aware of your full potential from one moment to the next. The year before you is full of opportunities to release and expand, to seek and discover, and to meet challenges for settling into a new envelope of self-reflexive empowerment and wisdom.

Selacia - Prepare for New Moon - February 20, 2017

Themes involving beginnings and endings are center stage now as we prepare for the Feb 26 new moon with solar eclipse in Pisces. Most likely, you already have had your share of beginnings and endings in these initial weeks of 2017. You are about to get an opportunity to reconsider how you view and orchestrate beginnings and endings. This can have profound impact on your current situation and future prospects.

The Opportunity

Leading up to the new moon is an opening of energy that can catalyze ideas of new seeds you want to plant and new ways to be with yourself and others. In this article I'll describe simple steps to take advantage of this energy opening.

domingo, febrero 19, 2017

Jamye Price - Areon - Shaping Your World - February 17, 2017

Shaping Your WorldBlessed beings, as always, it is a special moment when we meet in your awareness for it is your awareness that enlivens life and brings it into the focus and the experience that you are creating. Your awareness has a shaping power to it that creates. You hear much about your thoughts shaping your world. Yet as you begin to think and focus, you recognize that you do not have the immediate experience of shaping your world. It becomes frustrating, it becomes confusing, but in your heart it feels right.

Yes, it feels right that your thoughts and your emotions are creating your world. And they are. There are aspects of it that are out of your control, but they are not in your experience. They are out of your control, but they are not in your experience. This means then that whatever is in your experience must be in your control, yes? Not completely. 

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Gently and with love, honor yourself - February 19, 2017

Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.

Lauren C. Gorgo - The karmic template release - February 19, 2017

As we begin our transition from the first (lunar) eclipse to the second (solar) eclipse of the season on the February 26th new moon, the tide is beginning to turn and we are all preparing to shift into a very different dynamic.

The full moon lunar eclipse certainly did it’s job of bringing up those familiar core wound patterns and in the process, each of us have been faced with some major choices…choices that are 1) determining our path to physical ascension and 2) will come to life more fully following the March equinox.

In the last report I mentioned that in December I started seeing (in my mind’s eye) a definitive split between worlds as timelines/reality programs were separating, to the point that the 3D world is seeming more and more like the dream it really is, and…to those who are vibrationally aligned with the unity timeline…the 5D reality program is starting to come into sharper focus. NOTE: In my experience it usually takes at least 3 months for any spiritual vision to be made manifest in the physical world, so my assumption is that the separation I was shown (and the resultant emerging 5D reality) will become more readily available around the equinox.

Suzanne Lie - Third Message from The Golden Ones-Creating New Earth - 2-19-17

Third Message from The Golden Ones


Through Suzanne Lie

We are the Golden Ones, here with you all within this NOW. As you may remember, we are Gaia’s highest expression of SELF. We maintain the frequency spectrum of Gaia’s many versions of reality while she continues Her Ascension Process. 

From our perspective on the Threshold into the fifth dimension, we can see the entire spectrum of our dear, Grounded One’s collective ascension experiences. This “spectrum” represents a huge spectrum of light/realities.

From our multi-dimensional perspective, there is NO difference between “Realities” and “Light” because all reality is light and light creates all of reality.

John Smallman - Jesus - Release your masks of fear that you present to the world - February 19, 2017

Humanity is on a roll. Humanity is awakening. Yes, of course you are very much aware of conflicts, suffering, and other chaotic happenings all across the world that are continuously brought to your attention by the various media sources you follow. However, those are powerful indicators of the enormous changes that are in progress all across the planet. These essential changes are being preceded by a collective releasing of vast amounts of emotional baggage that humanity has been burdened with and carrying for eons. This emotional negativity has severely restricted your ability to see the truth of who you are – divine beings having temporary and unreal physical experiences as humans in an insane illusory environment. Insane because it allows so much pain and suffering to arise within it.

Now the collective has chosen to release all that unreality and awaken to its true nature – LOVE!

John Smallman - Saul - It is your task to be Love in action, and only that - 02/19/2017

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms our excitement continues to grow as we observe the enormous progress humanity is making on its path to awakening. It may well appear to you that things are getting worse and worse, but what is disturbing you and causing pain and suffering for many is the collective choice to release so much buried stuff that has been holding you back, anchoring you in the darkness of uncertainty and fear. Now is the time when all of that is arising so that you can swiftly and easily release it.

60º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2017: Transgénero, fin del dinero, EEUU-Rusia, OVNIS