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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Liga de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, febrero 20, 2017

Maryann Rada - The League of Light - In the Interest of Time - February 20, 2017

The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our perspective on what is happening is far enough removed from the maelstrom of emotion and logic breakdown that many are experiencing to give us some simplicity, some interpretive leeway, and thus perhaps some wisdom worth considering. We have mentioned that what is happening on Earth is akin to what many others in our field of service have experienced on other worlds, at other times. However, none has been so markedly attuned to the vibrational synchronicity that exists within the multiplicity of worlds that is in your now. You’ve heard it before: what happens on Earth now affects not only your world, but many. The ripple effect transcends time and material dimensions, and brings everything into the light of transformation. What that means for you, individually, is that you have the moment before you to move into a markedly more intelligent and creative reality than you have the wherewithal to yet imagine. What that means for your world remains to be seen. How your movement within your world affects other worlds is simultaneously ending and beginning a mode of being. You are in synchronous swathes of transformation with many relative realities, so it is well to be aware of your full potential from one moment to the next. The year before you is full of opportunities to release and expand, to seek and discover, and to meet challenges for settling into a new envelope of self-reflexive empowerment and wisdom.

martes, febrero 07, 2017

Maryann Rada - No Time to Remember: Dzen, of the League of Light - February 7, 2017

No Time to Remember: Dzen, of the League of Light

What is happening now on the world stage is nothing less than a complete recalibration of the human psyche. In all shades and colors, the internal personae of human life are unleashed, and a torrent of annihilation of what was comes crashing down upon you all. Everything seems to have arrived for review and testing, and all of the expressions of being that you wanted to take on are there in reach for you to try on. What will you choose to wear? How will you choose to express your inner voice? The time has arrived to make your contribution to the revealing of a new world; the choices you make now will have far-reaching effects through what you know as time and space, so choose well. Choose mindfully, and with your heart.