Greetings Divine Ones,
We connect with you here, now, as you are, in total appreciation of you.
We do this, completely aware of your life, and how you are present. We feel uninhibited joyful appreciation of you.
We wish today to reflect back to you, how we know you and share the joy we have in our experience of this co-creation with you.
First and foremost, you are here boldly experiencing life. In all you are and do and choose and experience, you are expanding life. You are transforming the possibilities for being human from within embodiment. As you allow your own consciousness to sync up with your eternalness, and as you let yourself live in unconditional love, you alter life on Earth as it has been, opening up new pathways for the non-physical to stream into form here.
Unconditional love is your true state and your true self is spontaneous, creative, abundant, free and infinitely resourced and supported. We speak to you, encouraging you to see yourself as this eternal light and know this life is simply an elaboration of who you truly are; holographic to who you truly are. Capable of so much more than you have yet discovered how to allow.
You are becoming more aware of the drive to create and the power of desire within you. You are learning to see yourself as worthy and peers with us in the non-physical. This is beautiful for us and empowers our co-creation in significantly new ways. It’s not essential that you see life this way, yet if you want life to be fun and easy, then it is important to know yourself as an eternal being co-creating with the non-physical on the leading edge of life.
In embodiment, you are this amazing portal; an ever-expanding point of distinct focus in which the absolute non-physical pure positive energy that is LIFE, flows into physical manifestations and expands Creation! This is happening through you.
We, in the non-physical, are amplifying all that you are creating and intending and preferring and communicating vibrationally through consciousness as you live your life and focus. We are also here to remind you and celebrate you and support you in remembering who you truly are. We do this so you can live as you intended and so we can more directly co-create with you - each playing our role.
We are not here to help you improve. We are not here to heal you. You do not need fixing, or healing, or to clear out things of your energy field, or to forgive yourself. All that you are is holy and blessed and is expanding creation.
In the non-physical we do not see life as right or wrong, nor you as right or wrong.
Any ideas, processes, communication or beliefs that suggest that you are not doing well right now or need to improve, do not come from clear non-physical consciousness. Such ideas are human inventions - practiced, perpetuated and solidified by lots of focus and yet, inaccurate understandings of you, your eternalness AND your humanity.
From the non-physical we are also not communicating with you so that you can become your non-physicalness. You are not "waking up" so you can leave your embodiment or emancipate yourself from it. You are waking up to who you truly are, for the joy of directly co-creating with All That Is, while embodied! For the fun and expressiveness and fulfillment of being you, on Earth, with knowing.
It is hard to believe life can be this simple, and yet we say, it is so. We invite you to consider, do you feel excited and joyful when you hear these things? Do you feel a flow of ascending energy rise within you giving you a glimpse of what might be a more fun, happy and exciting path?
This is an important indicator of alignment and truth. Inner knowing will feel expansive, good, freeing, uplifting and may also make you warm, physically. Use these feelings to know if what you encounter is for you. If it feels good for you, it IS good for you. This is different than so much popular thought in your world and living in this clarity may take practice and reorientation, repeatedly until you establish as beliefs that when you're happy, you're in alignment and on your optimum path in life!
There will always be other view points in your world. About everything! Diversity is expanding and will not diminish.
You discover who you truly are, through this wonderfully expansive realm in which there are so many different ways of being. The more you understand that your joy in embodiment comes from opening up your awareness of you and opening up your capacities, the more the variety on your planet will excite you. The great diversity shows you what is possible, and gives you ideas. You have natural responses of "yes" or "no" to pretty much everything, if you feel for your knowing. In all this, you discover more about you and you create an ever-expanding field of possibilities for a joyful life.
Each of you are sovereign divine beings. We are urging you to drop anything that makes you feel that you’re not there yet. Where is there, anyway? You are infinite and eternal. You are going to focus and create, endlessly. Endlessly. In fact, you already are.
Happiness and all other feelings are manifestations of your perspective of focus and whether you use conditions to create your desired feelings or choose them unconditionally, you are always free to feel as you wish and create the state of your energy field. You are sovereignly creating your life. Always. So is everyone. Whether you embrace this or not, does not change the fundamental premise of life.
The world is opening up as more of you realize these truths and drop all the false stories and beliefs that say you’re not enough, that you’ve got to earn it, that your life is to be feared, or others are dangerous to you. Once you truly claim your sovereignty you no longer fear anything. No one can create your state of being, or how you feel, and what manifests in your life, but you. You are completely free.
To know this is not an end, it is a beginning.
We are with you always. We love knowing you are witnessing your consciousness flow as you open up to these radically liberating perspectives. It is exciting to us, that you are starting to enjoy your desires, to embrace them. Once you move beyond the fear of wanting things you don’t have yet into a realization that life is a flow and desires, give you focus, you begin to enjoy the expansion you create for you and for All That Is, as you discover what you want and use it to focus. This focus that draws more life force through you and in which your inner sense of what feels good, guides you, always, on a joyful path of ever-expanding life, capacity, well-being and abundant everything, is the way to live as the multidimensional being you are, with mastery!
Once you establish the understanding of your sovereign eternalness, as your sense of self, life becomes about discovering yourself in new ways, creating and enjoying your life. In all you do, you are flowing inner light, from your own non-physical source, into your body, your life, your world. Life is integrating and Oneness is being expressed and harmony is being expressed as you tune to your inner knowing, and joy.
Many are still living in limiting paradigms. Love them, and let them be. Give up any ideas of denying their intelligence or their sovereignty. Withdraw your focus from what doesn't interest you and focus on what appeals to you, what calls to you. This is your own vastness guiding you through your feelings and inner knowing. This it the pathway in which you tune to joy and life becomes joyful! Allow all version of life to be valid and realize how each individual unique being gifts you with clarity and knowing about you!
In this orientation, unconditional love, the seemingly impossible state of being, for humans, arises naturally. As it must for it is your true state.
Denying what is your true state, does not make you un-sovereign, or take away your freedom, but it can make you feel miserable, trapped, unhappy, bored, angry and disempowered. You can tell yourselves stories that you are limited, and energize beliefs that you are blocked, that you can’t have what you want, yet none of this changes the fact that you are creating even that, in your sovereign freedom. You’re making it up with your focus, as you go along. Why not tell the stories and energize the beliefs that fulfill you? That give you pleasure? That open up your flow and your inspiration and fill you with aliveness?
Glimpsing your sovereign powers of creativity is a doorway. Step into a life of exploring these insights more fully and making them your own way of living, liberates you!
A life beyond limitation is at hand for those of you who choose to embrace your sovereign eternalness and live as your true self.
The joyous possibilities of an Earthly life are starting to come into view for more and more of you. We celebrate your growing clarity, your eternal light and all that you are here, and all that you are becoming.
Know too, that are One. (Smile)
We are the Council of Radiant Light. We are complete.