viernes, diciembre 11, 2015

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - New Moon Update 12-11-15

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Friday, December 11 at 3:29AM Mountain Time (MT).

This New Moon is the perfect opportunity to reset, to pray, to set intentions and to be involved in community in a way that is meaningful. It is important to look ahead instead of looking back. Forgiveness plays a big part today as you contemplate the challenges you have just been through. Take a deep breath and allow the goodness and love of the universe to penetrate into your soul. Honor that today is the first day of the rest of your life. How do you want to live it?

Kryon "Messages from a Mountain"

Diane Robbins - TREE TALK - Dec 11, 2015

Sunset in the Trees
at Ascension Rock
Mt Shasta, CA
(Photo by Violet Schindler)

Below is an excerpt from

The TREES Speak

Living here on Earth gives you the opportunity to strive to develop all your talents and learn new skills - this is why you are here. You are not here to do “nothing”, but to learn to do everything. And you have the time to do this…at least you did up until now. Now you only have the time to wake up quickly, and gather your wits about you, and start taking responsibility for changing what you allowed to be created. Start taking part in your community activities and forums and local governments, and start standing up and speaking on behalf of your rights and the rights of other life forms to live in peace and abundance. Start taking responsibility for others. You still can stop all this. It just takes a majority of people to align their consciousness to topple the current regimes of darkness. It just takes all the people to come together in consciousness to break the spell…and then it is over.

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 3

Selacia - Energy Update - Create Peace - Dec 11, 2015

Create Peace

- Tips for Creating Peace & Feeling Peaceful in Turmoil-

by Selacia

The world is in accelerated turmoil this month, fueled by uncertainty and a fear-induced crisis of confidence. You may be asking yourself how you can create peace and feel peaceful when the world has gone mad. That indeed is an excellent question to be asking right now. Even in the asking, you can begin to tap your inner wisdom that has a larger view of things.

Mike Quinsey - 11th December 2015

Much is happening on your Earth at this time, most of which is out of sight so that you have little if any knowledge as to what is taking place. A fierce confrontation is occurring between the Light and dark Ones who are rapidly losing their influence. Gradually long suppressed inventions or advancements are coming into being, with those Light Beings involved sometimes risking their lives to be successful. However, they cannot stem the flow and the Light is lifting up all over the world. With an increase in the level of your consciousness, more souls than ever are suddenly becoming aware of how for centuries they have been misled. Time has virtually stood still as the dark Ones have ensured that new inventions that would have lifted you up, have been held back. Be assured that it can only be a temporary delay, as you are destined to leap ahead before this present cycle ends.

jueves, diciembre 10, 2015

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 3

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Dec 10, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re getting some interesting phenomenon. We’re having quite a few glitches, we’re really working diligently on the inner planes at getting communication purpose to align and really what’s happening is something like tidal waves, that’s how we would describe it energetically.

Kryon "The Three Winds"

Ron Head - The Council - There is a Great Deal of Talk - December 10, 2015

There is a great deal of talk in your media about religion vs. religion, nation vs. nation, and race vs. race. Unfortunately, in order for you to define who you are, it is necessary at some point for you to see what you are not, or what you refuse to be. That is just the function of the mirror in your societies. It is not seen clearly that the vast majority of you are using this to say internally, “I am not that. I do not concur!” It is not necessary for you to ‘fight’ anything. It is enough that you be who you define yourselves to be. And toward that end we would make a couple of points.

Insights of Gandfather - Dr Charles Thomas Cayce on Edgar Cayce

miércoles, diciembre 09, 2015

Dana Mrkich - End of 2015 Energy Summary: Where are we at? - December 9, 2015

As 2015 draws to a close, it’s a good time to touch base on where we are at exactly on this mammoth energetic and very physical ride that we are all on. I want to also acknowledge those who have their doubts, those who may feel, or have heard, that the whole ‘new age’ was a big distraction campaign complete with a ‘false light’ guiding us.  There are some valid nuggets of truth concerning that particular perspective, and that’s important to address, yet let’s get clear so that we don’t throw a perfectly good shoe out the window just because of a few pebbles that have been wedged inside.
What with false flags to the right of us, and supposed false lights to the left of us, what is a person to believe anymore? Let’s take a moment to see what’s what, what truth we can sift out to take with us into 2016, and what we can leave behind in the garbage bin labelled ‘expired’.

Kryon "The Ascended Doors of DNA"


Greetings everyone, before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. I have received two channelings back to back, one from the 33rd Dimension from Melchizedek and company and another from the Arcturians. I was asked by my guides to combine these two together for you into one transmission as both are very important and timely.

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 2

martes, diciembre 08, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Whose Plan Is It Anyway?) Part 16

Kara Schallock - The 12:12 Gateway of 2015 - December 8, 2015

We are building momentum to the next big Gateway; that of 12:12, occurring December 12th. As a result, there is a lot going on not only in the world, but within us all. This is accentuated also by solar winds, which especially affects our inner and outer poles (think duality). This energy takes us through the 12:12 Gateway and continues through the Solstice. So be clear with your communications and be patient with yourself and others. It is best to not engage in any battles, but be the Compassionate Observe and be in Detachment, which is observing without judgment or attachment to what is happening or the end result. If you have always been the “fixer” or the “peacemaker,” let those roles go (along with all roles you’ve played till now). Remind yourself that everyone chooses how they want to be. Who you are within creates your outer life. So if there is some clean-up to do, this is a great opportunity to do it. Do not take things personally and view all dispassionately so you don’t react. You needn’t do anything, but hold the space of Love through being your Authentic Self. Be aware of what you’re learning, including deep illusions you hold about certain things.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Reminder and Reflection of the moment from the Dolphin Collective - Dec 8, 2015

Hello Lovely Ones,

We are the Dolphin Collective and we come forward today to discuss an issue that raises a lot of questions among you. We refer to the life you will lead after this illusory 3rd Dimensional World is over ; we refer to the life in the Higher Dimensions and more specifically in the Lightworlds. As your own Ascension process approaches rapidly it is high time that we at least lift the veil, that keeps you in ignorance, a bit so you get a glimpse of this wonderful world. The world in its 3rd Dimensional Frequency will cease to exist and be no more. This climax of illusion means its demise and it will end soon. The moment you complete your own Ascension process, you will be in for a most wonderful world. One you have never experienced before; even the most exquisite paradise on Earth pales by comparison. A world filled with magic and fairytale scenes would be an accurate description. You will find yourselves in a self-created world where all and everyone will walk hand in hand and be united with each other. The greatest trump of this world is its harmony and all will come to pass instantly. Imagine that we, the dolphins, are swimming with you side by side in a beautiful lightfilled clear blue ocean. We are eager to explore this world with you to guide you through each and every magical scene. So let’s start, are you ready? Let’s go!

Ron Head - The Council - Consciousness - December 8, 2015

Consciousness ~ The Council

Today we will return to a topic that we have discussed before through this channel, although not in this particular forum. We will visit some of the aspects of consciousness and give you some things to think about.

Some words that may be used rather too often are consciousness, awareness, subconscious, and knowledge. We are afraid that avoiding that may not be possible. It is, after all, the subject, and we are limited by your vocabulary regarding that.

Let us begin by stating some things that you will remember us saying before, perhaps too often for some. There will always be those reading or hearing something for the first time, or understanding from new perspectives.

Sheldan Nidle Update – You are at the Very Edge of a Different Reality – 12-8-15

4 Ik, 5 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) An operation which is to give you a new world is now finishing. For millennia your surface reality has been limited in its perceptions by core lies and unbelievable deceptions. You are at least at the very edge of a different reality, in which you are surrounded by truth and new governance dedicated to your well-being. This is something that you are not used to. Rather, you expect to be lied to, cheated or just plain deceived. Over the past few weeks, a new realm has been constructed. This world is more than a gift for this holiday season; it is to be a realm in which you can rejoice. This new realm is there, but not yet manifested. You are presently seeing it manifested before you. The dark is defeated, but not yet isolated from you. A final set of events needs to occur before this most wished for event occurs. This reality is being slowly transitioned and when this is completed, some very clear signs are to appear before you. Until then, be both knowing and confident of this great change in your reality.

UFO entering Interdimensional Portal over Geneva SWITZERLAND - Dec 2015 !!!

Kryon "The Time Capsule of GAIA"

Kryon "The DNA Time Capsule"

Kryon "The Recalibration Scenario"

Kryon "The Recalibration Scenario" Mini Channelling

Benjamín Fulford - 08-12-15. Los imperios persa y otomano chocan mientras la lucha por el petróleo de Oriente Medio continúa con rabia

08 Dec

Los acontecimientos históricos continúan desarrollándose en Oriente Medio mientras los viejos imperios, el Otomano (Turquía) y el persa (Irán), buscan aliados en su lucha para conquistar pozos de petróleo y redibujar los mapas de la zona. Los combates en Oriente Medio están relacionados con el control de los petrodólares y sobre el sistema financiero mundial. Como tal, es una guerra civil occidental usando a sus agentes en la zona.

El complejo conjunto de fuerzas que luchan por este premio de petróleo hace que las noticias procedentes de la zona sean confusas. Así, podría ser un buen momento para tratar de identificar a los principales actores y sus agendas antes de entrar en los últimos avances en la guerra.

Trey Smith - Enoch: Prophecy of Isis, Israel, Rapture, World War 3, Antichrist, End Times and Bible's Armeggedon

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION, A Tribute Part 1

lunes, diciembre 07, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Gods Trapped in Illusion) Part 15

Marlene Swetlishoff - Arcángel Gabriel - Diciembre 3, 2015

Amados, Tengamos una charla sobre la cualidad del amor conocida como caballerosidad. Esta cualidad es el sentimiento que se tiene de valor interno y valía de lo que se sabe que es ser noble. Tienen el deseo de mostrar respeto por esta cualidad cuando la descubren en el mundo. Alienta a una persona a mantener una reputación que es digna de respeto y admiración. La caballerosidad implica conducta virtuosa, integridad personal y actos honorables por cada individuo. Es la estimación del valor de la valía personal en la propia familia y en la comunidad donde su palabra es de confianza y su consejo es buscado y respetado por los demás. La caballerosidad se muestra en las obras y trabajos que ejemplifican la gloria de la esencia divina que vive y se mueve al interior de uno. Es garantizar que sus hechos y obras muestran el honor de sus familias a través de las generaciones. Su espíritu altamente moral y generoso, la grandeza de la mente, del corazón y del alma siempre actúan con fines nobles. Sus acciones se toman para el mayor bien de todos, y muestran respeto por toda la creación siguiendo las reglas del Creador por las que viven. Siempre hacen lo que prometen y son confiables por mantener su palabra. Practican vivir y encarnar las cualidades de amor cada día. Siempre hacen lo correcto y son un buen ejemplo.

Natalie Glasson - Andromedanos - Explosión de Luz Dentro de Ustedes - Nov 27, 2015



Hay frecuencias de luz llenando el aire y la atmósfera, penetrando a través de las dimensiones, la forma, la materia, e inclusive otras vibraciones de luz. A través de la atmósfera avanza un estallido de luz aguardando a penetrar su ser, y no tiene ningún otro propósito más que unirse con la esencia de la humanidad en la Tierra, el núcleo mismo y la constante energía creadora en la humanidad. Muchos de ustedes pueden sentir este estallido de luz acercándose a su ser, están apareciendo ‘espejos’ todo alrededor suyo, y tal vez se sienta como si todo lo que no resuena con la luz estuviera saliendo de su ser, y aunque desea permanecer anclado en él, también desea escapar. Esto pudiera crear un caos en su interior que van a experimentar a diferentes niveles para cada individuo. En el pasado esta luz ha nacido a través del caos, ustedes están avanzando a una experiencia del caos interior despertando para traer y permitir un estallido de luz en su ser.

Jennifer Hoffman - Manage Expectations to Master Outcomes - Dec 7, 2015

How many times do we set an intention and then get disappointed in the outcome? The problem is partly with our intentions, depending on who we’re making them for, and partly with our expectations, the things we hope will or won’t happen. These create what I call ‘false alignment’ because while we’re outwardly convinced of our intention, our internal alignment is off and we don’t get the results we want. Our expectations are a mirror of our fears and hopes, especially the ones we don’t want to admit to. But if we can keep our intentions personal and manage our expectations, then we can master our alignment and control our outcomes.

Benjamin Fulford - December 7, 2015: Persian, Ottoman empires collide as big Middle Eastern oil fight rages on

Historical events continue to unfold in the Middle East as old empires, the Ottoman (Turkey) and the Persian (Iran), look for allies in their fight to seize oil fields and redraw maps of the region. The fighting in the Middle East is also about control of petro-dollars and thus over the world’s financial system. As such, it is a Western civil war using proxies in the region.
The complex array of forces fighting over this oil prize makes the news coming from the region confusing. So, it might be a good time to try to identify the key players and their agendas before going further into the latest developments in the war.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Dec 7, 2015


Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast - December 2015

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - LORD MICHAEL - Walking As An Angel - Dec 7, 2015

by Walking Terra Christa.

Note: Walking Terra Christa’s ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE focusing on assisting you to bring forth more of your ANGELIC SELF is now in progress. For those who are looking to receive discounts from 30% to 70% please view our FIND YOUR WINGS sale here.

A transmission from Archangel LORD MICHAEL through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

As the transition of Gaia continues, it is important to realize our potential as Angels upon this Earth. I give to you in these moments the gift of your Remembrance.

I AM Lord Michael standing amongst each of you at these times of great change. As the influctuation of energies occur within the land of Gaia, the transition is not just of the Earth but each of you that inhabit the space of light which is being guided by your Angelic Self to become more of what you ever thought you could be.

As the changes have occurred within each of you, it is increasingly apparent that there is still so much work that needs to be done. We are only at the beginning stages of re-growth within the Earth. It almost feels like the rebirthing effect is more of a birth that has never occurred previously. There are new energies that are being sent into each of you that may seem uncertain; there are experiences to be felt that can be compelling within your consciousness to try and satisfy your mental minds of what it may be. There is an awakening within the planet that is being felt by many different levels of creation.

Brenda Hoffman - It’s Your Graduation December 7, 2015

Dear Ones,

You have your graduation cap and gown at the ready – waiting for the moment your name is announced in the ethers.

Even though you probably expect someone other than you to determine when you are ready to graduate from your current earth class, you determine when such is so. For you are the creator of your life.

But know that you are indeed graduating for the next class is ready to start their last shift/transition before following you to new frequencies and Universes.

domingo, diciembre 06, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (In Search of the Exalted Self) Part 14

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - December 6-13, 2015

Beloved Ones,

The world at this time is in the throes of ever increasing energies and this is bringing to light many formerly hidden truths that now rise to the surface to be acknowledged, accepted, surrendered and healed. There are many secrets coming out into the light of day which bring with their revelations, a sense of unreality to those who have risen above the impact that this makes on the world at large. This is because those of you reading this message have moved into a different vibration and quite often, you feel as though you are viewing another world entirely when you observe the happenings upon it. Keep steady in holding your vision of wholeness and perfection for the Earth and all of her inhabitants, calling upon the Violet Flame is having a beneficial effect. We would ask that you extend this practice beyond December 11th for at least another week.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Trusting the Divine Plan - December 6, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:  

Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.
It is sometimes extremely difficult to remember that there is a Divine Plan at work in our lives. In fact, I have heard it said that if we could just relax into it, there is no way that Life is not taking us to our most Divine Destiny.
When there are situations that appear so dark, senseless and violent that we can't imagine that Divine Order is there, it is at those times that we must employ Radical Trust that God is working in and through all people and situations to bring forth the Highest Good for all concerned.

Amazing Crop Circle in Victoria, Yoro, Honduras - Dec. 2nd - 2015

Kryon "The akash awakens"

sábado, diciembre 05, 2015

Ann Albers - Let Love be Your Guide - December 5, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Celebrate the season! It is a beautiful time upon your planet earth during the holidays, when the vibration of love becomes so much stronger. You think about those you love. You plan to share with those you love. You dream of times that you loved. And some of you even love by missing those you love who are with you now only in spirit.

New Map of World's Groundwater Shows Planets 'Hidden' Reservoirs

Crop Circles 2015 - Texcoco - Mexico - 3th december 2015 - UFO 2015 - OVNI en Texcoco Mexico

Alcyon Pléyades 33-2ª: Amenazas EI, Biotecnología, robótica, nanotecnología, modificación ADN

J. Tyberonn - The New Earth & New Human - Live at the Crystal Star-Gate 2015


Video (recommended)

Dearest friends,

Relative to the escalating discussion that earth is flat, I am getting a knot in my stomach. Actually, my whole energy system starts to ache and contract. Increasingly my natural breathing is being interrupted and I am starting to feel really sick, because the healthy currents of energy flow in my body are being interrupted. How about you!

Is my system being that brainwashed with the belief that earth is a spinning globe, that the truth is making me literally sick?

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Sage of Family of Light. 2/2) Part 13

Ron Head - Graduation Day ~ The Council - Dec 5, 2015

We know that this message is being given on a day that is out of cycle, so to speak, from our normal pattern over the last couple of years. Let that mean to you that this is a topic that we give great importance to, and a message that we hope will surprise and delight you. We are asking that it be titled ‘Graduation Day’. This does not mean that there is no further work to be done. However, you may consider that you are now going to be working on your master’s degree. Lest you begin to hope that school will be over soon, let us tell you that the number of doctorates that await your attention stretches into infinity.

viernes, diciembre 04, 2015

Sandra Walter ~ The Dimensional Doorway is Open - Dec 4, 2015

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

A great dimensional doorway opened with this Gateway (December 1-4). It continues to expand and is beautiful to behold. Energetic alignments were set in place with the timeline shift last month and an unprecedented amount of photonic light is flowing through the Solar system. Many of you felt the palpable shift in energies prior to the dramatic influx of cosmic rays during the November Gate (November 23-28). That photonic light influx initiated the change in the SUN which was discussed on Healing Conversations last month (the replay is on youtube).

UFOs near the Sun in the official images NASA - December 4, 2015 myunhauzen74 myunhauzen74

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Palladian High Council - December 4, 2015

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and currently working full time with the Earth Council.

At the present moment we are going toe to toe with the opposing forces. You can feel this energy being emitted from the current events. Some would like you to believe the lies and injustices are the result of various religions, but this is not the main issue. The biggest problem is hidden agendas by those in control. Because these events are becoming increasingly obvious and the dark forces’ creativity is being tapped, you will begin to see humanity awakening at a faster speed.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – December 4, 2015

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you on this beautiful day.The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

There are many powerful changes occurring now, both on and around your Earth.

Though it is so that there seem to be more than the usual disturbances, in terms of what are called “mass shootings,” understand that these forms of violence occur in many places upon the Earth every day.

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Dec 4, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well Venus is kind of an important planet to be watching during this time period and this week it moves into the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio has a tremendous amount of healing power. It also can be death, birth, regeneration.

Mike Quinsey.- 4th December 2015

There is so much going on in the world of which you have little knowledge. The dark Ones are fighting a losing battle with the Light which will soon reign supreme. Many groups upon Earth are successful in restricting their activities, and preventing them from proceeding with their plan. So much so, that they are panicking as up to now they have acted with impunity, believing that they were untouchable. Now the net has been cast wide and many of their minions have been removed, which has severely weakened their ability to cause serious trouble. They have now realised how their hands are being tied and their resources are being restricted, preventing an escalation of their activities. It is too late for them to recover so they try to create mayhem wherever possible through their forces upon the Earth. So you will see the result of such attempts, but in comparison to their past abilities it will be of a minor nature. The Illuminati were prepared to destroy the Earth if they could not get their own way, but now their ability to do so has been stopped completely. This is largely down to the support you are getting from the Galactic forces who will ensure your safe passage to Ascension.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Sage of Family of Light. 1/2) Part 12

Göbekli Tepe: Ancient Site In Turkey Unlocks Clues of Catastrophic Events In the Past

jueves, diciembre 03, 2015

Selacia - Change the Ending - December 3, 2015

End 2015 on a High Note

The way you end 2015 can significantly influence how you experience the start of 2016. Next year will be full of rich opportunities to express more of your soul’s purpose. You want to be ready when the doors open – ideally holding the highest vibration possible and being clear about your life and what you want to create next.

Emmanuel Dagher ~ December forecast - Divine Liberty and Justice for All - December 2015

My friend,

Something very powerful is occurring right now within the consciousness of the planet.

A Sweeping Change

Over the last three years, we've moved through a celestial occurrence known as the Pluto/Uranus square. During this time, the energies that accompanied this square initiated within us an eagerness to make big changes in our personal lives and in the world.

During these three years, since December 2012, a new theme has taken center stage for billions of people around the world: the motivation to take real action for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

Meredith Murphy - A New Platform is Emerging - December 3, 2015

"It is really the dawn of a new age. Your sense of not knowing, your sense of not knowing how to begin, your sense of feeling all the old things don't make sense, your knowing that you cannot plan, must live in the moment, your feeling of your own fullness, all of these are indicators. They are indicators that your old life is over." - Archangel Michael
Hello Beautiful,
There is a very big rearranging going on in the ascension experience for those on the leading edge. It's part of a real and profound shift. A new platform is emerging.
By platform, what I mean is a new, elevated state of collective experience that presents in new ways. This new level of experience is resonant with a state of awareness that is more Universal. In essence, it's an expanded experience of Unity or wholeness and the shared experience of life on Earth with others resonant too, with those frequencies.

Ron Head - Break Free – The Council - Dec 3, 2015

Today we will speak of your efforts to break free from the old paradigm that you seem to be surrounded by on all sides. And we say ‘seem to be’ because that is what is being made most evident to you while the evidence of anything else is not apparent at all.

There is a manufactured phenomenon in your societies, many of them, called news. First, please realize that it is a manufactured phenomenon. This means that someone has dreamed it up. This means that someone is very likely benefitting from it, and that, dear friends, is probably not you.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (The Fullness and Sweetness of Your Days) Part 11



The planet Maldek used to orbit the Sun between the planets Mars and Jupiter and was an upper 4D planet with a civilization that was more technologically advanced than that of the Earth today. They had advanced space travel based on crystal technology, and could cross the entire the Solar System in moments. They also had crystal laser weapons like the “Star Trek” phasers.

There was a scientific community and a military community on that planet, and the scientific community would invent things for the military to use. I remember living lives in both communities. During one life in the scientific community, I remember discovering a deposit of a mineral that could only be described as “levitation stone”. I demonstrated it to the military governor and led him to the site of the deposit.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - December 3, 2015

December 3, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as chivalry. This quality is the feeling that one has of inner value and worth from which one knows that they are noble of being. They have the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world. It encourages an individual to maintain a reputation that is worthy of respect and admiration. Chivalry involves virtuous conduct, personal integrity and honorable acts by each individual. It is the estimation of the value of one’s worth in one’s family and community where their word is trusted and their advice is sought and respected by others. Chivalry is shown in one’s deeds and works that exemplify the glory of the divine essence that lives and moves within them. It is ensuring that their deeds and works show honor to their families through the generations. Their highly moral and generous spirit, greatness of mind, heart and soul always acts for noble purposes. Their actions are taken for the highest good of all, and show respect for all creation following the Creators rules that they live by. They always do what they have promised and can be relied upon to keep their word. They practice living and embodying the qualities of love every day. They always do the right thing and set a good example.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - GET READY GALACTIC LIGHT BEING WAYSHOWERS... YES YOU! 12/3/2015

Can you walk in multiple dimensions and balance them all from inside. Can you see them all and choose the ones you desire to walk in, the ones you want to experience and bring forth here? Can you see the ones you do not desire any longer and just let them go? Do you hold on and "suffer" or do you see that as you release your attachments, perceived needs, lack energy and fears of safety and survival that there is so much more waiting to come forth that doesn't work within those same limiting constraints anymore?

The old realities were safe, because as humans that's all we knew. It's what we believed, because we could see it, feel it, touch it and because we had "tangible physical proof".

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retroceder para Obtener el Futuro - Vancouver, BC, Canadá - 5 de Septiembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Antes de comenzar, otra vez les pedimos que cambien ligeramente la realidad de su pensamiento. ¿Qué está pasando? ¿Quién está hablando? ¿De dónde viene esto? Le pido a mi socio que se aparte completamente y esta noche permita que fluya lo que debe fluir. ¿Pueden pensar fuera de la caja de lo que saben? Para la humanidad en general, lo más difícil es ir a un lugar donde nunca han estado. La supervivencia depende de que vayan a lugares que conocen. Si no estuvieron nunca en un lugar, y no tuvieran advertencias de cómo podría ser, vacilarían en ir. Tiene sentido. No abrirán frecuentemente una puerta si dice: "Desconocido". Normalmente abren la puerta que dice "Conocido" porque se sienten cómodos con eso. Y la razón por la que digo esto se debe a lo que vendrá a continuación. Quiero mejorar lo que saben sobre la humanidad. Para hacerlo, hablaré de cosas polémicas. Los que escuchen este mensaje después, tal vez tengan una percepción totalmente diferente de la que tienen ustedes en este salón. Pero este salón tiene una energía que no puede reproducirse en una grabación o una transcripción. Las personas de mentes afines establecen una confluencia de coherencia y creencia. Podría decirse que su creencia resalta aquí la verdad que llevan consigo.

Jennifer Hoffman - Cómo Usar el Temor para Ser Feliz - 24 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Alguna vez han querido hacer algo pero el temor los paralizó? ¿Alguna vez se han enojado consigo mismos por perder una oportunidad, por no actuar ignorando de nuevo sus sueños? ¿Quisieran librarse de su temor para poder ser felices? Hay una forma de hacer esto y no requiere que den grandes saltos de fe, pretender ser valientes (cuando no lo son), enrolarse en aventuras o hacer algo que los saque de su zona de comodidad. Son tres pasos que comienzan con el temor porque el temor es la base para crear la felicidad.

Sarah Varcas - Reporte de Astro-Energía de Diciembre 2015 - Dentro de la Red del Despertar - 27 Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Dentro de la Red del Despertar

Sarah Varcas

Así pues, aquí estamos acercándonos al final de otro año. Si en algo te pareces a mí te estarás preguntando ¿a dónde diablos se fue ?! Comienza diciembre, ajustadamente tal vez, con los reflejos y las explosiones del pasado, lo que nos recuerda que no dejamos nuestros antiguos yoes detrás a medida que cambiamos y crecemos, por el contrario, los asimilamos al yo más pleno, más auténtico y eficaz que surge de la profunda indagación. Este proceso no es uno que nos haga "especiales" o algo que no sea humano. En su lugar, nos lleva a un estado de plena humanidad, que funciona en todos los niveles - físico, mental, emocional, espiritual - de una manera equilibrada e integrada.

You must know this! Giant UFOs near the Sun - December 3, 2015

Aisha North - Dec 3, 2015

Aisha North series 82 - 2

Maryann Rada - In Response to the Climate of Change - December 3, 2015

Change is upon you already. The soothing words of learned men can do nothing to alter the course of destiny. While world events rage in defiance against the inevitable rebirthing of planetary sentience, still the steady pace of change advances, unabated, unfathomable, undaunted by the trembling voices and bold pronouncements of those who would deem themselves its managers. Yes, it is about to turn in the direction of abrupt shifting and kneeling desperation, but desolation, desecration of the Earth is not within the scope of destiny’s lens. Kinetics of change notwithstanding, you are on a path of return to the origin from which you spring. Your truth is emerging. Your humanity is awakening. It is a time for every eye to open to the light of divinity in all things. This is separate from religion, yet envelops every mode of thought regarding who you are, what your planet is, and where the arrow of time is taking the moment from now into the future. This is a time for you to recognize in each other the answers that you seek from within yourselves, not to look to an outside source, not even to take what we say as the absolute truth apart from anything you have as your own truth. For the truth is, we are not separate from you, only in time and dimension. As you settle into the future, so too will you settle into a new reality, from which our eventual meeting will be.

miércoles, diciembre 02, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Immortality of Being and Contact) Part 10

Suzanne Lie - Kundalini Point of Perception by The Arcturians AND Veil Five--The Illusion of Love - 12-2-15

The Kundalini Point of Perception
by The Arcturians
Just as your third dimensional self enjoys traveling from one location to another, your Higher SELF enjoys traveling from one frequency to another. It is easy and enjoyable to travel from one physical place to another because you can enjoy your favorite locations that you have visited for many years.
In the same manner, your inter-dimensional travels are fulfilling and a lot of fun because you are reuniting with your favorite higher dimensional places and beings. We remind you to remember to expand your multidimensional perspectives so that your physical self can consciously enjoy this “inner travels.”
Your physical expression loves visiting your favorite, physical places, and your Multidimensional SELF appreciates visiting your many lives on different dimensions. However, what is occurring within this NOW is unique. 
Within this NOW, as your Multidimensional SELF travels through all the countless timelines, frequencies, and dimensions that YOU have created, you are asking all versions of your SELF to join you in your present incarnation.  

Kryon "The New Human"

Mike Quinsey - Ya es el momento de acceder… para algunos cambios finales - Noviembre 27, 2015


Aunque no hay descanso en los acontecimientos que están llevando a pérdida de vidas, lo que estáis viendo es el trabajo del karma que tiene que limpiarse. Pronto pasará la posibilidad de hacerlo, porque a medida que las vibraciones sigan elevándose, las energías negativas se desvanecerán. Los cambios ya se están acelerando y se ve que hay esperanza de una vida más pacífica. Esos de vosotros que lleváis la Luz con orgullo y no os implicáis con los Oscuros estáis llevando adelante la marcha hacia la libertad. Estos son tiempos de grandes cambios que no pararán y que anunciarán la llegada de la Nueva Era. En muchos puntos de la Tierra, el comienzo de ello se está fijando, así que cuando comience progresará rápidamente por toda la Tierra.

Natalie Glasson - Serapis Bey, Cambio Del Temor Al Amor - 20-11-2015

El temor es una energía que ustedes crean y vigorizan dentro de su ser en respuesta a circunstancias, experiencias e inclusive procesos.
El temor es un aspecto del ego que está presente para protegerlos y salvaguardarlos como un ser físico en la Tierra, que sin embargo ha sido empoderado por la humanidad. Se ha incrementado el poder del temor más allá del instinto o impulso de protección, y se ha vuelto un modo de vida, una experiencia constante, y una voz guía interior. El temor originalmente estaba presente para alentarlos a ser conscientes y tener conciencia y ser observadores de cualquier peligro a su alrededor, y sin embargo el temor alienta a muchos ahora a ser inconscientes y no tener conciencia de su verdad, sus sentidos, y el Creador.

Benjamín Fulford - 01-12-15. Según lo prometido, los Illuminati ofrecen un pavo (Turkey=Turquía) de acción de gracias a trozos, mientras que los líderes del mundo hablan de gasolina en París

01 Dec

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Los Illuminati (Gnósticos), a través de su “gran maestro” Alexander Romanov, prometieron una sorpresa para el día de Acción de Gracias de este año y hasta nos dio una idea de lo que sería, mostrando un mapa de Turquía en su página web. Ahora fuentes del Pentágono dicen que Turquía va a pagar por haber financiado a Isis y sus agresiones en Oriente Medio mediante la confiscación de grandes extensiones de su territorio. Tanto los Illuminati como fuentes del Pentágono dicen que lo mismo le va a pasar a Israel. Dicen que Arabia Saudita, por su parte, dejará de existir como el parque de recreo de propiedad privada de la familia saudita.