miércoles, septiembre 25, 2013

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 25 September 2013

SheldanNidle5 Caban, 0 Tzotz, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We come to share some reflections on what is happening on your world. The dark cabal’s debt-based economic system is truly ‘on the ropes’ and continues to induce a rate of debt formation that is quite astounding. In effect, it has reached a point where the weight of debt is beginning to gouge into the infrastructure of the system, threatening to rip it asunder, and it has become clear that the dark can no longer hold the center together. It sees the moment approaching when a new system must take over and recognizes that this signals the end of its time at the top. The global currency revaluation in many ways represents this turn of events and indeed, we consider the revaluation to be the ‘kick of the mule’ which is to jettison these haughty ones from power. We also know that a totally different type of economic system is waiting for just such a moment in order to come on line. Our allies are at the ready and are shortly to force the demise of the old, decrepit, wicked system, thus throwing open the gates to a reality filled with the glory of the Light and which will transform global consciousness.

Sonic Geometry – The Connection Between Sound And Geometry – 25 September 2013

9/24/2013 — 7.8M earthquake in Pakistan causes NEW ISLAND to rise instantly

Saúl - El colectivo humano está haciendo la elección esencial de cambiar de dirección - John Smallman - 15-09-2013

critical_mass dos
Todo esto muestra muy claramente que el colectivo humano está haciendo la elección esencial para cambiar de dirección y ver sus problemas desde una nueva perspectiva mucho más sabia.

Enormes cambios se están produciendo cada vez con mayor rapidez en todo el mundo, y los principales medios de comunicación no son capaces de ignorarlos por más tiempo.
Sí, todavía escogen y eligen, con mucho cuidado, las cuestiones a abordar, pero incluso esa autocensura está siendo anulada con bastante regularidad, y con tantas fuentes noticiosas alternativas ya disponibles en las redes, se están haciendo, básicamente, cada vez más irrelevantes.

SaLuSa - Ustedes ya no van a usar sólo las palabras para expresarse a sí mismos - MADAD - 20-09-2013

telepatía dos
Ustedes deben estar totalmente despiertos a su verdadero potencial del Ser de Luz…. Ustedes ya no van a usar sólo las palabras para expresarse a sí mismos

Los que trabajaban en su limpieza energética sentirán enorme felicidad en los próximos días y serán capaces de relajarse una vez más en su propia paz mental, pero puedo decirles que este sentimiento será diferente de los anteriores, ya que va a venir de la pura energía de su alma.
Con esto vendrá la conciencia de que han cambiado por completo y nada permanecerá dentro de las viejas formas; serán capaces de comunicarse con sus Guías y con Todos aquellos de los reinos más Altos que están con ustedes en su viaje, tendrán mucha claridad y rápida comprensión de los mensajes, lo que les sorprenderá.

La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Mí amado hijo Jesús - 14-09-13

madre divina dos

Mi hija(o), ya has oído de mi que solo tú puedes salvarte a ti misma(o). Mi amado hijo Jesús – oh, sí, en verdad él también es mi hijo – no vendrá como tu salvador.

Él nació hace 2,000 años a través de Maria para mostrarte el camino. Para darte su luz, su amor y su sabiduría.
Mucho de lo que se te dice acerca de él en la Biblia no obedece a la verdad.
Ha sido tergiversado para darles a las iglesias aún más poder sobre ti. Mi hijo te ha mostrado a través de su propia vida y sus enseñanzas lo que es necesario para el desarrollo de tu alma para que también puedas venir más cerca de mí en tu camino.
Estas son actitudes que ya te he mencionado. Perdónate a ti misma(o) y a otros, no te juzgues ni a otros.
Amate incondicionalmente y ama a tu vecino de la misma forma. Esto no es mucho pero solo tú misma(o) puede hacer esto por ti.
Y estamos listos para ayudarte y asistirte en esto. Si quieres esto. Así que no titubees en llamarnos.
Tu Madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Konstantinos – Compartiendo pensamientos de Mer-Nun de Venus y Rakozz de Alfa Centauri - 07-09-13

mer - nun dos
Te saludo querido amigo y co- caminante en éste gran libro de la Vida.
Como lo recibiste la primera vez que estuviste en contacto con mi campo vibratorio, me llamo Mer-Nun y existo en un nivel muy alto de frecuencia en un mundo, que entre otros nombres, ustedes lo llaman Venus.
Soy lo que llamarían un aprendiz por mis años de edad, de acuerdo con su sistema de medida de tiempo, es más que su respectiva edad de la Adolescencia.
En éste momento, estoy disponible para compartir mis pensamientos con ustedes.
Pero después de eso, tendré que regresar a la clase, que en ésta ocasión especial estoy siendo entrenado para conducir una pequeña nave exploradora, combinando el conocimiento de sistemas mecánicos con la implementación mental sin usar las manos.


Autumn_Equinox dos
picture source: www.bracaleart.com
Amados corazones, es verdaderamente un placer conectarme una vez más con ustedes en este momento del Ahora.

Otra fantástica oportunidad está persistente justo a la vuelta de la esquina en su realidad presente la cual puede traerlos poco a poco a la conciencia superior y una energía más refinada debido a que el equinoccio próximo implica la posibilidad de fusionarse con la Conciencia Crística y también garantiza la activación de las frecuencias elevadas en su mundo y hacia su realidad.
Como siempre es un deleite para mí compartir los detalles de esos procesos que sus encarnaciones y sus organismos pasan ya que es sumamente importante estar conscientes de que este tiempo no es sólo una pequeña activación insignificante sino más bien que es distintivamente claro que este equinoccio causará los cambios más grandiosos en su mundo interno y en mucho más.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Continuamos estando a un respiro, a un pensamiento, a una oración de ustedes - 18-09-13

suspiro dos
Arcángel Miguel: En éste momento maravilloso en su tierra, justo antes de su luna llena y antes de su equinoccio venimos a hablar con ustedes.
En sus tierras del norte, es su momento de cosecha. Y en verdad lo es para todos ahora.
Es tiempo de que comiencen a cosechar los beneficios de todo lo que pacientemente han sembrado y atendido.
Aún hay mucho aumentando y alcanzando un creciendo en lo que se está enviando a ustedes en términos de apoyo y energía.
Aún hay mucho cambio ocurriendo dentro y alrededor de ustedes.

Conversaciones con SaluSa - Seguimos siendo su familia estelar amorosa.- Océano Multidimensional - 19-09-13

alfa sirio  dos
Gentilmente mantenemos nuestra vigilancia a todos nuestros equipos queridos de la Tierra, y nos mostramos a ustedes en una forma más o menos directa, a veces con cierta duda. Seguimos siendo su familia estelar amorosa.

Queridos, estamos complacidos de verlos trabajando unidos y como si fueran uno durante éste último trecho hacia la última fase del despertar de las masas.
Disfrutamos inmensamente verlos trabajar en línea, con mucho amor, compasión y entendimiento entre ustedes.
Muchos de ustedes aún tienen grandes expectativas por la etapa de la Ascensión, muchos de ustedes realmente no ve que de alguna forma, muchos de ustedes ya ascendió pero desean continuar el juego, para que más hermanos y hermanas de ustedes vengan con ustedes.

SaLuSa - Estamos esperando a los primeros en llegar para darles la bienvenida y celebrar su regreso - MADAD - 17-09-2013

satar shipa ashtar dos
Estamos esperando a los primeros en llegar para darles la bienvenida y celebrar su regreso… No podemos responder a todas sus preguntas de la manera que ustedes desean, porque algunas respuestas ustedes deben descubrirlas,…..

La intensidad de la limpieza actual es visible también en su clima y tan pronto como estas viejas energías sean liberadas, el clima se calmará de nuevo.
Sientan este momento de limpieza energética y estén agradecidos porque así como llega la calma climatológica, también se calmará en lo más profundo de su interior todo lo que han estado soñando y ello se establecerá frente de ustedes y lo verán mejor pues su visión se aclaró de la ilusión que por muchos años mantuvo cubierto todo eso, lo que no se atrevieron a mirar.

martes, septiembre 24, 2013

Fran Zepeda – Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: The Sky is the Limit - Sep 24, 2013

http://www.moroni10.com/Mormon/Bible_References/Council_in_Heaven.jpgYeshua and the Company of Heaven:
Hello our dear illustrious ones. You have made it through yet another significant marker of your journey into and of ascension, and the energies are settling within you and about you, and reveal and represent and portend a significant jump in your vibration both individually and collectively.
The universe is expansive. But your energies are also expansive, and you are realizing that you can be as big in your energy as the universe and even beyond that to the multiverses. The expansion of your energies is so immense right now. As it settles and integrates, be prepared for many insights and inroads into a new way of living.
You have left the old behind in so many aspects and so many connotations of the concept of duality. You have been allowed by your own intentions to open the doors of your proverbial cage of duality and can now breathe free and soar through the door into many vistas of beautiful realities and possibilities, and yes, into the unknown, but dear ones, you are ready for that; you are prepared.
All the work you have done up to now to discard all that does not serve you is paying off big time…you have hit the jackpot so to speak. For in letting go and of your hold on limiting concepts and beliefs and fears, you have opened up your energy for so many possibilities and new experiences that it would take a while to categorize it, to quantify it, and to appreciate it.

NSA Surveillance Goes Beyond Orwell’s Wildest Imagination September 24, 2013

'All sorts of people around the world are questioning what America is doing,' Alan Rusbridger told an audience in New York. Photograph: Sarah Lee‘All sorts of people around the world are questioning what America is doing,’ Alan Rusbridger told an audience in New York. Photograph: Sarah Lee
Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Stephen Cook: George Orwell’s dystopian book ’1984′ was a big (brother?) favourite in my family. I don’t quite know why, but my parents actually selected the numbers 1,9,8, and 4 for the final four digits of the phone number for our family home in reference to the book! (In hindsight: weird, huh?) Now Alan Rusbridger,  the editor of The Guardian, the newspaper that broke the story of Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations, says the depth of the NSA surveillance programs greatly exceeds anything the 1984 author could have ever imagined. Oh, and I suggest you read ‘Obama administration’ as more accurately being the ‘US government administration’.
By Dominic Rushe in New York, The Guardian – September 23, 2013

Wes Annac – The Pleiadians And The Arcturians : Your Evolution is Physical And Spiritual – 24 September 2013

wes-annac-300x229-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With Love and appreciation for the continual efforts of the awakening public in helping your Earth to ascend, I am SanJAsKa speaking for the Pleiadian High Council, the Pleiadian Council of Nine and the Company of Heaven overall.
We continue to watch you progress and expand in all Earthly endeavors you find yourselves undergoing, and we encourage you to seek spirit in any moment you feel as if your searches aren’t rendering the results you’d prefer.
In this time of development and expansion in the minds and hearts of each of you, you can find broadened and deepened connections with the spiritual realms if you can only open up to these connections and understand your infinite and uninhibited ability to bring through higher-dimensional energies and impressions.

Archangel Raphael – “Maturity” – September 17, 2013 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

AA Raphael
My blessed angels, my noble warriors, you are coming to maturity in this sphere. You have, over the ages, passed through all possible proofs and are finally reaching a wonderful maturity, a capacity for understanding andacceptance that has made the world around you overflow in light and this can be seen and felt almost palpably.
Are you aware of that? Have you ever stopped to see the way you deal with situations today? The way you stop to solve everyday issues? How are you more relaxed and confident? Yes, dear ones, accept it and not be afraid of it. I know many might say: ”Raphael, but I‘m not feeling like this, I keep stressing me out with anything“ - my dear angel, don’t you realize that in the past even this questioning couln’t do, besides rampaging and rampaging?(Smile), this is called maturity, dear angels, regardless of the situation.

You won’t be bored – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 24, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Note: Today’s message was light in nature, because I was not quite undisturbed.
My child, you do not have to learn a lot anymore. As a Master and divine Being you know so much. You just have to remember. Still a lot is blocked in you, but this is subject to change. After your ascension your consciousness will be greatly expanded. You’ll continue to learn and develop yourself, because there is still so much to discover on your way back to me. You won’t be bored, I promise you. As a member of a galactic society you will then have endless opportunities to grow, to learn and to evolve your soul. Believe me, life in the higher dimensions will fascinate you. There are so many universes and multiverses to discover for you. And I am always with you in your heart. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

lunes, septiembre 23, 2013

AA Michael - Ron Head – …An ‘Inside Job’ Of The First Order – 23 September 2013

RonHeadMichael and Yeshua
On this day of your equinox, we urge each of you to look into your hearts and commit once again to the re-birth of yourselves and your world.  As you meditate, pray, walk in nature and commune with your higher selves, please continue your excellent work on this path.  Use the energy that is pouring into your world at this time to your best advantage.
Ask us for help in this endeavor.  Ask your Creator to send loving energy to you for the highest and best for you and your world.  Do not imagine this to be outside help, dear ones.  It is an ‘inside job’ of the first order.
Even if you do not yet feel the complete oneness of it, feel the love of family in it.  Feel the trust placed in you.  Feel the love.  Fill your hearts with it.  Fill yourselves with it to the point that it spills out into everything you do and everything you say.  This will make the changes that are needed seem effortless.  This will truly fill your days with joy.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 23 September 2013

AishaNorthDear friends!
Yesterday ended with a massive injection of energy for me. As I have already commented under the previous post, I sat down last night, connected to the Pond and tuned into the Equinox energies. It was SO powerful. I ”saw” us all turning into these individual white flames that formed a blazing circle around the turquoise waters of the Pond. I heard the word ”fusing” as I felt a strong current of particles surging through this whole circle, and the image I got, was that we were something similar to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. I collapsed into my bed after about 40 minutes of this, but the energies kept rushing through me for another two hours or so. This morning, I felt so full of energy, I had to go and literally dig in the dirt on my vegetable plot for several hours before I sat down to channel today’s message. I still feel full of energy and ready to DO things, so I really, really hope this is has come to stay ;-)

Stop Wishing – Create Now - Sep 22, 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s September 22, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Your DNA is changing so creating is easier. Key phrases for now and ever more are: “It is now and it is easy” It’s time to move through your Old Age perception block that all happens in the future and you must “work” to receive it. It is now and it is easy.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Testing Your New Communication Skills”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Let us address your fears that your creations are of the future, that you are not skilled enough to create immediately – nor is such possible for anyone other than fairy tale heroes.
You continue to believe your Old Age teachings:  All is work and you are not quite good enough.
Even if you had ten million dollars, your Old Age you would compare yourself to someone who has twenty million or the number of their toys and social connections.

Judith Kusel - Moving into Infinite Space…. - September 22, 2013


There are massive electro-magnetic storms and other activities going on within our solar system, the solar sun bursts, the universe and counter-universe and the Milky Way Galaxy itself. This means that there a huge, like an electro-magnetic energy field in upheaval, like a massive cosmic storm
In this it is starting to push all of us, not just Planet Earth, for she is but part of the greater whole, into a different state of Being. It is creation re-forming herself on multiple levels and becoming something different – it is restructuring itself into a form of life and moving into a higher evolutionary state of Being.

domingo, septiembre 22, 2013

Méline Lafont - Equinox - Sep 23, 2013

The Pleiadians – It Was Always You – 21 September 2013

You want to believe that we know more, that we have something to share that will finally reveal it to you, but indeed we only express what you already know in a way that clarifies it, and you could say even reminds you. For some reason when the messenger is more human, so many want to believe that they do not have something special to share, because they are like you.  Therefore, they know no more than you and so you do not listen. Yet, they know the same as you, just as we do.    But we would like to say that this comes from the shame on your planet of your human nature.  You have decided we are better, more evolved, as you watch so many in your world go towards war and manipulation.  So when a human messenger comes, you have a hard time trusting.

I am with you – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 21, 2013

23324_536337373051928_907460147_n(Translated from original language german)
My child, the energies of the equinox will be very strong. You may feel them already. Accept them and let go all that doesn’t serve you anymore. This will help you to integrate the energies so that they can work in you. Rest much and drink lots of clear clean water. I can’t stress that often enough. Ground yourself, go out into nature if it is possible for you and look for a nice quiet place where you will be safe for that what will happen in yourself. Meditate and connect with me, my child. I am with you, as your Divine Father, all Angels and Archangels, the Ascended Masters and your spiritual guides are with you. You are never alone and especially now countless helpers stand ready for you to assist you at your calling them. I envelop you in my infinite deep love for you. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Meeting my Protector Ship Face to Face !! by Multidimensional Ocean 22 Sept 2013


After having had without any shadow of a doubt the most difficult week in my life, I am home for the weekend.
My partner called me upstairs this morning, with his most blase tone of voice, telling me: ” Oh shit! another UFO outside the window! come and see”.. and indeed! it was!!

Anna Merkaba - URGENT – ABUNDANCE PORTAL – NEXT 3 DAYS – PLEIADES – 9/21 – 9/25

abundanceportalpleiadesAs the universal energy of the spherical ball of fire is spanned in the direction of your sun, so too does the supporting angle of the thirty seventh parallel unfold on your planet earth at moment’s notice. The thirty seventh parallel of your hours on the planet earth is the parallel of self discovery and innovative ideas, the thirty seventh parallel is the gate to fruition  abundance and inner knowledge.
The 37th parallel can be accessed physically by traveling to a spot on earth that sits above this energy meridian of your planet. It can be accessed by the crystalline grid laid out on your earthly map with the crystal gems tones of Aventurine, Goethite, Himalayan crystal and Blue Agate, in a formation of the triangular sphere of life.

Jim Self – Conversations with Barbara Hand Clow – Energy Update

The Jesuit Oath Exposed

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Ihs-logo.svg/567px-Ihs-logo.svg.pngAs you know the current Pope in the Vatican is a Jesuit from Argentina.  I am posting the oaths that the Jesuits undertake and swear allegiance to.  Some of you will be surprised others will probably know already what type of being this group represents.  I highlighted parts in red that show statements that do not seem to represent compassion, love, tolerance, self thinking, and freedom.  In fact in some statements are quite opposite.  The Jesuits seem to worship a 'Jesus" that is completely devoid of love and compassion.  So is the Jesuit Jesus an imposter?  Are these statements of the Antichrist?  Is the new Jesuit Pope trust worthy? 

The following paragraph was taken from wikipedia.

sábado, septiembre 21, 2013

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Imperfections, Frailties, and Failures – A Place of Possibility September 21, 2013

imageLearning to love our human-ness.  How much plainer can this get?
Imperfections, Frailties, and Failures – A Place of Possibility, as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, September, 2012 at: http://www.thequantumawakening.com
Everything is changing and upgrading. Life is getting messy and pushy and demanding. It is demanding that you pay attention, that you listen. Like an old nanny, the universe is pulling your ear and tweaking your elbow to get your attention.
It is demanding that you listen with your heart and not your hard head. The brain that has kept things secret is now is ready to speak its peace. It is ready to tell you about yourself. Who are you really? Why are you really? You are so afraid to look at yourself. You busy yourself in relationships, in cleaning, with worry and menial chores. When you finally do stop, you switch off and sleep. You are running from the inside out.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 21 September 2013

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
In the atmosphere around you, there is a feeling of expectancy, of anticipation for something greater to appear before your very eyes that will validate the shifts that have taken place within you. Dear Ones, we say look within yourselves – for the greatest shifts that have occurred and will occur are taking place within people’s consciousness. There have been many moments of revelation and validation for each of you. It behooves you all to become more observant of the changes within your own thought processes to understand the enormity of what is now happening within the hearts of all humanity.  Underlying all the outer happenings upon your planet there is a new energy and that new energy is the move towards unity in all things and in all ways. The world’s people are beginning to discover that it is indeed, a small world.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 357 - Sep 21, 2013

We come again to give you all a huge pat on the back, and even if this will sound perhaps a bit condescending to some, take it for what it truly is, a sign of our utmost respect for the work you all carry out. For you are nothing short of Masters dear ones, as each and every one of you continue to raise to the occasion and keep bringing in round after round of transformational engery. This energy is doing wonders, not just for you, but for your whole world. And now, you will start to see the results from all of this even in the so-called mass media. For if you open your eyes and look around, you will indeed detect a change in the atmosphere on a global level. The rhetoric of hatred and fear is starting to fade away in some of the hotspots around your world, and instead, you will find the talk of reason passing over the lips of leaders hitherto more interested in spreading distrust and incite anger in their fellow men.

Dazed And Confused Earths Magnetics Out Of Wack? - Pole Shift 09-20-2013

viernes, septiembre 20, 2013

SaLuSa 20.09.2013 by MADAD

SaLuSa (1)
Those who worked on their clearing will feel enormous bliss in coming days and will be able to relax once again in their own peace of mind, but we can tell you that this feeling will be different from previous one, as it will come from your pure soul energy. With this will come awareness that you have been changed completely and nothing stayed within the old ways, you will be able to communicate with your Guides and All those from Higher realms that are with you on your journey, very clearly and your quick understanding of their messages will surprise you.

~ ¡UF, AY Y GUAU! ~ por Karen Bishop - Sept. 20, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


El Portal del Equinoccio & La Iniciación del Renacimiento Señor Metatrón vía James Tyberonn - Sept. 20, 2013

El Equinoccio del Renacimiento
Un Campo Metatrónico que Barre la Tierra en Renacimiento
Canalización de Metatrón
El Portal del Equinoccio & La Iniciación del Renacimiento
Señor Metatrón vía James Tyberonn

Traducción: Fara González López

 ¡Saludos Maestros!

Los abrazamos a todos y a cada uno de ustedes con una energía de nutrimento y con el campo de auto-empoderamiento, porque cada uno de ustedes es verdaderamente un Maestro en su sendero a la Ascensión.  Es nuestro objetivo ofrecerles inspiración y claridad, pero de hecho ahora y siempre es requisito que USTEDES, como un SER sagrado y soberano, practiquen el discernimiento  con éste y cualquier otro mensaje ‘canalizado’.

Maestros, el Portal del Renacimiento se abre ahora en la apertura del Equinoccio de Septiembre.  Esta magnífica apertura es un portal codificado que se inicia en la apertura de 7 días del Equinoccio de Septiembre y termina con el Eclipse Solar del 2 de noviembre.

M. Gamma - ToolBox – Archangel Jophiel and his Dissolving Flame - September 20, 2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on Earth. This is I, Archangel Jophiel. speaking to you. It has been some while when I directed myself to you, humans on earth. I am an Archangel who prefers acting more in the background of everything pulling strings. I am not one alike my brethren and sisters being on the forefront and supplying you always with latest news, sage matters, and spiritual topics.

Thus it is my very special pleasure today to submit to you my particular share to the ToolBox. This my Dissolving Flame is even more unknown to you than that of Archangel Metatron since – as already mentioned – my activities are those in the background.

Reuters, ABC Online - Pope Francis: Church Must Shake “Small-minded Rules” on Abortion, Contraception, Divorce, Homosexuality - September 20, 2013

Pope FrancisThanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Stephen Cook: I have placed the link to the English translation of the full interview Pope Francis gave to La Civilta Cattolica at the end of this story.
From Reuters, ABC Online – September 20, 2013
Pope Francis said the Catholic Church must shake off an obsession with teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality and become more merciful or risk the collapse of its entire moral edifice “like a house of cards”.
In a dramatically blunt interview with an Italian Jesuit journal, Francis said the church had “locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules” and should not be so prone to condemn.

Judith Dagley – Pisces Full Moon- A Gateway Within A GATEWAY – 20 September 2013

judithLove/Light Message from the celestial team
We shower our Love/Light greetings to You through the gateway of your glorious Pisces full moon, Beloved!
Indeed, it is glorious, for it is a gateway within the larger Gateway that has already formed through recent planetary alignments. You might call it a special door, even a magical one, for all who choose to use it—or a ”shortcut” through all of the pressure and confusion that such Gateways stir, and into the integrative energies of your Fall Equinox.
We suggest You also remember the more common term for your Pisces moon as it rises in full splendor at this stage of your yearly cycle, which is “harvest moon,” and know that this term has never applied more than it does NOW.

AA Metatron - The Equinox of the Renaissance - J. Tyberonn - Thursday, 19 September, 2013 (posted 20 September, 2013)


We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self-empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
Masters, the Portal of Renaissance is now opening in the aperture of the September Equinox. This magnificent opening is a coded portal that initiates in the 7 day aperture of the September Equinox, and competes on the Solar Eclipse of November 2nd.

MOVE FORWARD WEARING A BADGE OF COURAGE As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Sep 20, 2013

You are a conjunction of all of your fears, your tears and your dreams come true. You are conjunction of time and space and heaven and hell.  You are the destiny of this beauteous planet that you stand so willingly upon.  You hold the vibratory key that escorts many into a place of safety.  it is in this place of safety that you will lift them up so they do not stumble.  You will lift them by holding the fire light for them.  You will lift them in your song, in your laughter and in your grace, because that is what you have always done.  Unbuckle the humanness that keeps you so strapped in to all the roles that you play.  Know at this time and this intersection of light and life you are worthy of a majesty that you have failed to become in the past. 

Archangel Metatron ~ Equinox, gatekeepers, lightworkers and wayshowers ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont - Sep 20, 2013

picture source: www.bracaleart.com 

Metatron as Channeled by Méline Lafont on September 9, 2013
Beloved hearts, it truly is my pleasure to connect once again with you in this Now moment. Another fantastic opportunity is lingering just around the corner in your current reality which can bring you bit by bit to a higher consciousness and a more refined energy because the upcoming equinox implies the possibility of merging with the Christ Consciousness and also grants the activation of the higher frequencies on your world into your reality.
As always it is a delight for me to share the specifics of those processes that your embodiments and your organisms undergo as it is utterly important to be aware that this time around it is not just an insignificantly small activation but rather, it is distinctly clear that this equinox will cause the most grandiose changes in your inner world and so much more.

Judy Jartori – Full Moon Transmission September 2013 – 20 September 2013

judy_satoriThe Full Moon Meditation for September
A guided meditation and technique to assist with self healing,
to manifest what you wish to create and to balance
and heal karmic relationships
“I plan to listen to this meditation daily for the next 21 days.  We are all going through much change and release.  Listening to this will help!”  Judy
The meditation involves creating three vibrations of peace, love and oneness or unity consciousness and then reinforcing this creative energy trinity with emotions of knowing, positive expectation and gratitude.

A Message from Archangel Michael ~ The Rainbow Bridge – Channeled Through and Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley - Sep 20, 2013

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Your Brilliant Light Beams are bursting forth even though the Earth Plane is filled with unrest and chaos. You are becoming your true selves My Beloveds. You are remembering and recognizing who You Really Are, Bravo! Bravo!
The Celestial Light Realms are so very proud of you for your efforts to evolve in spite of all the negatives that are still being brought to the surface to be cleared away. Good Job, All know that it has not been easy for you, Good Job.
You My Beloveds are the “A” Team. That long wait in line in the Celestial Realms to volunteer for these Earth Plane assignments has placed you in a most unusual timeline. These moments in NOW will be written up in the vast history records to be heralded by every generation to come. Bless YOU My Beautiful Beings of Light for having the courage to answer the Call.

Mike Adams – Natural News Exclusive: Whole Foods Market Whistleblower Says Employees Were Deliberately Trained To Lie About GMOs – New Organic Spies Video – 20 September 2013

Naturalnews-Logo2(NaturalNews) A new video from the group calling itself “Organic Spies” is once again rocking the organic food industry. In the video, a woman who identifies herself as a former employee of Whole Foods Market (WFM) testifies that she and other employees were deliberately trained by Whole Foods Market management to lie to store customers about whether the stores carry foods made with genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs).
According to this female whistleblower, whose identity is concealed for her protection, Whole Foods Market employees were deliberately instructed to lie to customers as part of their employee training. The denial of GMOs being sold in Whole Foods stores was an integral part of the training of employees, she explains:

Pleiadian Return to SELF via Suzanne Lie: Back On Ascending Earth – Deciphering the Dream - Suzanne Lie, September 18, 2013.

Jason Speaks:
Sandy and I stayed in the meadow for a few hours to ponder the mystery of M&M Travel. Perhaps the mystery was actually about the building. We seemed to be getting nowhere, so we decided to go home, get some breakfast and then see what we could find on the Internet about M&M Travel.
After we ate, we turned on the computer and searched for M&M Travel. All we could find was a few obscure websites about the M&M Travel in our area. They did not seem to have any other locations, which seemed quite unusual for a travel company. The websites were small and not attractive enough to draw business in a world in which most people was making their own travel arrangements.

Konstantinos - Female Star being with message on the truth and purpose of our lives here on Earth September 20, 2013

[Konstantinos's note: Today (Sep 19th 2013) at 1:25 am or so, I was lying on my bed and I had a kind of contact with one of my recent starbeings connection..and then I sat next to my office and I was ‘hearing’ a female energy telling me things of the below post’s nature. And then, instantly this post came into my mail inbox. Thank you friend Greg for letting me/us know about this great post. This is a truly wonderful and resonating dialogue.]
Female Star being with message on the truth and purpose of our lives here on Earth:
Earth human: “What purpose does life have?”

We Have Never Been Alone: Galactic Diplomacy Trailer - 25/08/2013

Sincronicidades por Tom Kenyon


Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Puede que las hayas experimentado tú mismo – esas raras “coincidencias que de algún modo parecen ser más que mera coincidencia. Te dejan una extraña sensación, como si, tal vez, hubieras caído dentro de un episodio de Twilight Zone.

Llevo más de tres décadas observando y estudiando las sincronicidades. Me han intrigado y me han desafiado. Como otros muchos, he experimentado unas cuantas. Pero como psicoterapeuta, he encontrado muchas más, tal vez cientos, en mi consultorio y en los talleres.

jueves, septiembre 19, 2013

It will be wonderful that will come – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 18.09.2013

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans, this is the Archangel Michael speaking to you. Again another week has passed by and much has happened in the meantime. My brother – Archangel Raphael – explained already last weekend some new matters too and I shall submit to you alike matter today even more.
Mutually we ‘d like to prepare you for what may be manifested  soon. Please understand that if we announce such manifestations it is because we are able to notice the potential of it and subsequently may also show it to you. But it is solely you to be responsible for the final event! It is not us who are the change but eventually it is always you – please be always aware of it!

Blossom Goodchild – 19 September 2013

bloss arizona biggerWell hello there my little E.T chums! I am imagining that you can pick up from my energy that I am feeling so much stronger in these last few days and so much more me! Phew! I was thinking you could maybe talk to us about shifts, as sometimes no matter how hard one tries, one is not able to ‘shift’ … and can feel trapped in a ‘non happy … what’s the point of it all’ place … and then, wake up one morning and it is so obvious that a shift has taken place. Ones persona and attitude are so much brighter, yet nothing changed overnight … yet clearly something did.

SaLuSa by Laura Multidimensionalocean 19 Sept 2013

earth_sts118_bigDear ones, we are so pleased to see you unite and work together as one during this last stretch towards the last awakening phase of the masses.
We enjoying immensly to see you work online, with so much love, compassion and understanding of each other.
Many of you still have great expectations for the Ascension stage, many of you do not really see that in a way, most of you have already ascended, but just wish to keep the game going, in order that more brothers and sisters of yours would come with you.
It is very difficult for many of you to let go of your earthly life and duties.

Fran Zepeda – Master Lanto: You Are Full and Conscious Divine Beings – 19 September 2013

Master LantoMaster Lanto:
Hello dear ones, It is I again, Master Lanto, bringing you wonderful news on your progress in your ascension process.
As it stands right now, your illumination and the development of your crystalline bodies has increased tenfold, even a thousandfold from just a little bit of time ago.You are growing and expanding in leaps and bounds and your radiance is astounding and magnificent. You are all looking like beautiful stars to us here in the Celestial and Galactic Realm.

El Proceso de Balance de la Luna Llena – Nuestra Luna Llena del 19/9/2013 por Selacia

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Queridos Amigos:

Nuestra luna llena del 9/19 llega en un momento de gran agitación y tensión emocional - sentido en todo el mundo y muy probablemente impactando en ustedes o en alguien que ustedes conocen, también.
El efecto intensificado de esta luna llena se produce justo antes del fin de semana y de las celebraciones tanto del Equinoccio y del Día  Internacional de la Paz. Lo que realmente se necesita ahora en mayor medida es un equilibrio de las energías - la gente está dando un paso atrás, a  partir del caos, el miedo y lo desconocido, el tiempo suficiente para encontrar respuestas centradas en el corazón. Así es como creamos paz y un mundo más amoroso. Este equilibrio es siempre el remedio, por supuesto, pero con una luna llena y sus estados emocionales amplificados puede resultar más desafiante permanecer en calma.
En este artículo encontrarán un proceso para auto-equilibrarse, que les brindará un recurso beneficioso para esta luna llena.
Amor y luz,

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 356 – 19 September 2013

AishaNorthAs you have mayhaps noticed, the intensity of this stormfront may have left you breathless in more ways than one. We hasten to add that this is in no way a signal of anything negative, far from it. Rather, it is indeed signs of a cleansing and restructuring that will give you many a cause for celebration in the time ahead. We know that during these storms, celebration may seem to be the furthest thing from your mind, as the effects of these lashing winds of high voltage energy is not to trifled with. But again, this is only a signal of the thorough upgrading and indeed reconstitution this whole planet of yours is receiving at the moment, and a such, celebration will indeed be a thing on the agenda not far from now.