martes, junio 04, 2013

Denise Le Fay – Orbiting Into Photon Light – 4 June 2013 mentioned in A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution (2010) that I had been clairvoyantly seeing what looked to me like a dense field of large, perfectly uniform white “raindrops” falling at a slightly diagonally slant for many years. I began seeing this constant, uniform shaped and sized white diagonal “rain” falling in 1996. I’m not saying that’s when this anomaly started, only that that was the year I first saw it. It is not physical rainwater at all, but energy photon particles. These “raining” photon particles merely look like falling rainwater drops but they’re powerful particles that go through everything and everyone. I’ve watched these photon light particles raining down and go into and through absolutely everything and everyone they come into contact with; the earth, mountains, boulders, stones, cars, animals, air, humans, human’s physical bodies and brains, human energy chakras, the human aura and so on.

Amazing Crystal Clear Footage Of CIGAR SHAPED UFO 2013

UFO Releasing spheres Mexico city- OVNI SOLTANDO ESFERAS 31/06/2013 BY ALESSA

lunes, junio 03, 2013

The Top 10 Destinations for Conscious Travelers - Andrew Bain - The Healers Journal

HJ: Thinking about taking a trip but are sick of resorts and other commercial, touristy destinations?  Nourish your soul with these conscious travel destinations, which offer spiritual substance in addition to their breathtaking beauty.  Much more than just a vacation, these places will give you a profound new perspective on life and the spiritual history of humanity.
- Truth 
10 places to travel for a higher cause
By Andrew Bain | Lonely Planet

Seeking some deeper meaning on your travels? Make your own pilgrimage to some of the world’s great spiritual sites.

High Council of Orion – Detoxification of energies as we move into Higer levels of existance - Abigail Wainwright, posted June 1, 2013 dear one. Many of you are experiencing intense periods of detoxification right now as the vibration of earth continues to rise at ever increasing speed. There is indeed an influx of light entering the earth’s atmosphere that is extremely intense and this means you will be releasing that which no longer serves at an even faster rate than ever before in this realm of existance. You may be feeling very unusual and uncomfortable energies within your system. Sleeping patterns become distorted, digestive issues, body cramps and pain, skin irritations, mood sings, depression etc… At other moments you may also feel the other end of the spectrum also surface such as feelings of joy, love, gratitude, calm, peace, knowingness and inner wisdom.

Pennsylvania judge sentenced to 28 years in prison for selling teens to prisons - June 3, 2013

Guilty and going to prison for 28 years
Why is money so important to certain people? I don’t understand this world that we are living in, and nothing surprises me anymore. I am glad things are changing. Although the old must be broken down, before the new can fully take place. Sometimes I wish everything could just be exposed at once, instead of little by little, and we could start building a better world. Once you know the truth, the world is not the same anymore, and I know for me, I just want the truth to be relvealed and for people to actually be aware of it. No more sleeping people! I know it’s nice, but being awake is pretty awesome too :)

Disgraced Pennsylvania judge Mark Ciavarella Jr has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for conspiring with private prisons to sentence juvenile offenders to maximum sentences for bribes and kickbacks which totaled millions of dollars. He was also ordered to pay $1.2 million in restitution.
In the private prison industry the more time an inmate spends in a facility, the more of a profit is reaped from the state. Ciavearella was a figurehead in a conspiracy in the state of Pennsylvania which saw thousands of young men and women unjustly punished and penalized in the name of corporate profit.
Read more:

RT - ‘No Nukes’: Thousands in Tokyo Rally Against Nuclear Power - June 3, 2013

A protestor holds a banner during a protest march against nuclear power plants, following the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown-disasters, in Tokyo on June 2, 2013. (AFP Photo / Toshifumi Kitamura)
A protestor holds a banner during a protest march against nuclear power plants, following the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown-disasters, in Tokyo on June 2, 2013.
Russia Today, June 2, 2013
Thousands of demonstrators have gathered in Tokyo to protest restarting of nuclear reactors the government is considering.
Around 7,500 people participated in the anti-nuclear protests in the Japanese capital, according to organizers cited by AFP. The demonstrators gathered in a park in central Tokyo, marched through the city and rallied outside the offices of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant which suffered meltdowns of three reactor cores following an earthquake and tsunami two years ago.
“No Nukes! Un-evolved Apes Want Nukes!” read one of the banners held by Tokyo protesters. Disaster victims and celebrities, including Nobel literature laureate Kenzaburo Oe, participated in the event.
Shortly after the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, the Japanese government pledged to fully abandon atomic energy by the 2030s. However, in about a year authorities realized their promise was a hasty one, as the archipelago nation had hardly any other means to ensure sufficient electric energy supply but to return to nuclear power generation.Earlier this year two nuclear reactors were put back into operation in Japan and plans were announced to restart six more by the end of 2013.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly promised the reactors would only be restarted if their safety is ensured by a special supervising body – Nuclear Regulation Authority. But his words could never quell the anti-nuclear moods in the country, where the tsunami disaster took 19,000 lives and lead to some 150,000 residents of the Fukushima area being displaced.
It’s estimated the post-disaster clean-up would take about 30 to 40 years and cost around US$15 billion.

Suzanne Carvell-More messages and instructions from St Germain and Jesus

images (2)
In a few days Orion is sending ships together with Phoenix.  (Orion is a very Large mother ship.) regarding the three days of darkness which are approaching and Earth will move into soon.  Nine minutes into the darkness light Ships will appear lighting up around the Earth signalling the rescue of Mankind.   Fortunately  many keep only relit port holes within themselves open. Time must STOP link now to Jesus. love and light St Germain  

Animals – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 03, 2013 - Tiere – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 03.Juni 2013

Note: She knows well that many people are against animal abuse and torture and that they love their animalbeings, but she wants to shake up the commonality and to point on this topic.
With sorrow I see how you treat the lightbeings who you call animals. You torture, abuse, neglect and kill them, out of pure lust, mindlessness and greed for profit. These wonderful beings are souls. A soul like you are; and I. They too are part of my essence, my light. I have given them to you as companions, as friends and yes, also for benevolent utilization to relieve your life. But NEVER to satisfy your greed for power and money with them. Look into the eyes of a dog or a cat. They love you, comfort you in your grief and loneliness and even heal you through their presence. Have you yet seen how beautiful the eyes of a cow are? Have you ever felt how soft the mouth of a horse is? Haven’t dolphins rescued so much humans from drowning? Look into the eye of an animalbeing und you see ME in them, you see the endlessness of your Universe and feel my neverending love to you and them through their eyes and the love, they bestow so unconditionally to you, my child. You call them but animals, but they are beautiful lightbeings, equivalent and equal with every other being in this Creation, with you too. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Tiere – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 03.Juni 2013

Anm.: Sie weiß sehr wohl, dass viele Menschen gegen Tierquälerei handeln und auch ihre Tiere lieben und achten, aber sie möchte die Allgemeinheit wachrütteln und auf dieses Thema aufmerksam machen.
Ich sehe mit Bedauern, wie Du mit den Lichtwesen, die Du Tiere nennst, umgehst, mein Kind. Du quälst, mißbrauchst, vernachlässigst und tötest sie; aus purer Lust, Gedankenlosigkeit oder Profitgier. Diese wunderbaren Wesen sind eine Seele. Eine Seele, wie Du sie bist; und ICH. Auch sie sind Teil meiner Essenz, meines Lichts. Ich habe sie dir als Gefährten gegeben, als Freund und ja, auch zur Nutzung, um dir das Leben zu erleichtern. Aber NIE, damit Du mit ihnen deine Macht- und Geldgier befriedigst. Schau in die Augen eines Hundes oder einer Katze. Sie lieben dich, trösten dich in deinem Kummer und deiner Einsamkeit und heilen dich sogar durch ihre Anwesenheit. Hast Du schon gesehen, wie wunderschön die Augen eines Rindes sind? Hast Du je gefühlt, wie weich das Maul eines Pferdes ist? Haben nicht Delphine so viele Menschen vor dem Ertrinken gerettet? Schau in die Augen eines Tierwesens und Du siehst mich darin, Du siehst die Unendlichkeit deines Universums und fühlst meine unendliche Liebe zu dir und zu ihnen, durch ihre Augen und die Liebe, die sie dir so bedingungslos schenken, mein Kind. Du nennst sie zwar Tiere, aber sie sind alle wunderschöne Lichtwesen, gleichwertig und gleichrangig mit jedem anderen Wesen in dieser Schöpfung, auch mit dir. ~
Deine Göttliche Mutter
Copyright  ©  Isabel Henn. Es ist erlaubt den Artikel zu veröffentlichen, sofern der Text als Ganzes unverändert übernommen und der Name des Autors und der Link zur Originalseite genannt wird.

Wes Annac – SanKAsKa And The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : This Moment of Now Is Divine – 3 June 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
You are learning to sharpen your focus as your perceptions begin to broaden quite exponentially, and along your magnificent Earthly journeys you’ve experienced the difficulty that we’ve long wished to assist you with in any and every moment.
We wish for you to understand that what you experience at present is very carefully planned-out and coordinated, because your ability to understand that your Lives are running along a Divine script and that everything is truly okay in every moment, despite the nature of difficulty you experience, determines the amount of satisfaction you are to gain from your experience on the Earth.

Aisha North: Special Message about the Second Gathering Around the Pond Jun 3, 2013

Special Message about the second Gathering around the Pound by Aisha North.
Dear friends!
I just got this message from the CCs, and I wanted to share it here, as it ties in with so much of what has been posted here already:
“Yesterday was indeed a resounding success, as you all in some way managed to let go of any inhibitions to accepting this heavenly gift, and so, the light was free to pour into you, and through you and into your lovely planet. You will wake up today feeling mayhaps a little bit bewildered, for where are the results from all of this anointing visible?
Again we know we are repeating ourselves, but the results from all of this will be visible to those who seek it out with their inner vision, but also to some extent to the outer. For you will see how the trickles of light will start to appear on the very surface of your world, and it will do so in the most unexpected of places. For many, this will seem insignificant, or even less so, but trust us when we say that this ball that started to roll in earnest a few months back has now gathered so much momentum and indeed power, there is nothing that can stand in its way ever again.
So today, we suggest you take it slow, and once again we suggest that you congratulate yourselves for a job very well done. For remember, it is you and only you who are making this come true. We do assist you in all the way that we can, but without your willingness to participate in this as wholeheartedly as you actually do, nothing of this would indeed be possible. So again we say thank you, on behalf of us all, and know that if you yourself still feel a little bit at a loss as to what all of this fuss may be about, trust us when we say that you will feel it in your very bones that after last night, nothing will ever be the same. For you opened the doors within that let the light come through, not only to you, but to your whole world, and that is what this process is all about.
Remember, you are the bringers of dawn by the very fact that you have put your own body and soul at the disposal for the light, so you can act as channels for the heavenly light to be able to return with full force to mankind. And that is what you all do now, 24/7, and for that, there is nothing we can say that will be able to express our gratitude completely. So let us just sign off by saying simply thank you for all that you do for us all.”
With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

A Message From The Cosmic Light Beings - Abigail Wainwright - June 3, 2013

A Message From The Cosmic Light Beings

This message has reached YOU through divine synchronicity. This has reached you because we feel YOU need to know just how beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, talented, special and needed YOU are on earth. At times you have doubted yourself and your worth on this planet. Please do not listen to those who doubt your self worth and light; for it is not within higher truth, but a projected shadow cast from their own self doubt, pain and limited beliefs toward themselves at this point in time. This is a confirmation to your heart and soul that you are truly LOVED and VALUED within the Cosmos for just being YOU. We know you are doing so much good on this planet and it is time to know the truth! YOU are magnificent and valued beyond measure for all you are doing to assist this planet! Although some of your fellow earthly beings may be masked and unaware of your unique work and contribution you put out into the world, there are many beautiful beings around you NOW who are supporting you and are very grateful for all that you do. Keep being YOU, shine your light uniquely and without justification… and know that YOU really do make a difference for earth, humanity and universe. LOVE is the answer. We are ONE and we are LOVE.
~ The Cosmic light beings through Abigail Wainwright

Ovni se transforma al darse cuenta que lo estan grabando 2013 ufo amazing


OVNI Entrando Al Volcán Popocatépetl - 30-05-2013

LEAKED!!! Russian cosmonaut reveals UFO ALIEN truth

Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of June 2013 – 3 June 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225There is a phrase that comes to mind as I think about the month of June, “You can’t unring the bell”. It refers to the truth that you cannot undo the past. We have been addressing many of our past issues since January 2013, especially in May, and have become very aware of how the past has impacted the present moment. In June we have the chance to undo the past, in a way, by setting a new course and direction for our lives. While we may not be able to unring a bell, we can get a new bell to ring and that’s what June offers us, if we can see it and if we are ready for it.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 3 June 2013

hilarion2Beloved Ones,
You, as our beacons of Light, are igniting the very atmosphere around you as you move through your daily activities. You are each powerful in your own ways and contribute much to the stabilization of your planet. More of you are now stepping out of the dense fields of expression into greater feelings of joy and happiness, peace and harmony and this in turn adds to the collective field of humanity. You are aware that your thoughts, words and deeds have a greater influence on those around you than you ever thought was possible and you are ever more discerning in the ways in which you interact with your sisters and brothers, always mindful that the impact upon their fields of energy be one of blessing, empowerment and goodwill.

Debbie Erasmus - A Message from The Arcturian Group 6/2/13

Gaia_by_kimag3500We are here to assist any and all wishing to ascend into the higher dimensional energy now available. More and more Light is pouring into the earth as many sacred portals are now open to assist in this momentous time of awakening.
We hear many of you say that nothing is changing. Do not look for world changes based in third dimensional concepts, for these are simply ideas of what you believe should happen based in limited knowledge of the world as you have known it.

Wes Annac - Preview: The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter 45th Issue – Weekly News and the Channeled Bits - Jun 2, 2013

The following is a preview of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which we’re offering for $11.11 a month. This Newsletter forms the basis of our income, and every subscription is greatly appreciated. Option to subscribe will be given below.

Hello dear friends, and welcome to the forty-fifth issue of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, I’ll discuss the unfortunate loss of insider “Poofness”, as well as recent findings from the 9/11 Consensus Panel related to the alleged phone calls made from Flight 93 on the morning of September 11th.
We’ll also absorb updates from the Pleiadian High Council and the Ascended Masters; we’ll bless the energies of stress and frustration (as well as those who feed them) during our astral travels; and I’ll answer two out of four questions given from a dear reader, regarding the ascension timetable and the particular manner in which Archangel Michael represents Himself.
In other news – The 9/11 Consensus Panel, which is comprised of scientists, pilots, professors, attorneys, and journalists, has come out with findings related to the alleged phone calls made from Flight 93 on the morning of the September 11th attacks, which are disturbing to the average person yet unsurprising for those who know what really took place that morning. (2)

Tazjima – The Great Divine Director: Be True to One’s Self - Tazjima - Jun 2, 2013

I AM the Great Divine Director, also known by the Hindu peoples as Ganesh, one of the sons of Siva. I am known by many names, but have always worked for the forces of evolution upon this planet, for the benefit of her people. Know that I do not belong to any one culture or religion, but that I serve all humanity in my alignment and service to the Will of the Mother / Father God and the Creator.
These many past days our scribe has demonstrated God’s will in her life by again committing to her path, to its importance and position in her life. Know that you are constantly tested to see if that commitment is still held, although all experience is useful for the shard of the Creator that you are. However, those who would lead, teach and demonstrate to the awakening masses must first be willing to commit their lives into the hands of their Self, the internal connection to Source, in order that the connection be of the highest, purest possible.

Charles Hall’s Tall White Alien Public Talk in Sydney 2013 (Part 1) - Millennial Hospitality

A few weeks back I went to a talk by Charles Hall in Sydney and made some notes. This article will be part one of two, of my summary of the talk. Before I go any further  I have to state that during this four and a half hour session, I really started to lean towards what Charles Hall experienced as most likely being real and that Charles Hall believed what he had seen and everything he was saying.

His wife was beside him and supported him during the whole talk and also spoke from time to time on stage. I found him to be a very humble man, and a very brave man because of his many experiences. From what he explained, many men failed at what he had to do, where he managed to overcome the fear and stick in there and do his job. Even his body language and stance went towards his character and what he was presenting.

Charles Hall’s Tall White Alien (Part 2) - Millennial Hospitality

Charles Hall’s Tall White Alien (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1)
By Laron at Transients
This is the second and final article in my summary write up of the talk I went to with Charles Hall in Sydney back in April. This is a question and Answer session.
Question – “Why have the tall whites grown so tall based upon where they come from on their planet?”
Answer – The gravity on their planet is one and a half to two times stronger, Charles suspects. It also has a much higher air pressure, and higher temperature. But his answer is that because of the evolution of their species, based upon needing to be a certain height to survive, and the conditions of their planet, that they have simply grown to that height.
He provided a story of how he fell over and scratched his knee, and then the next (day? week?) the tall whites came and asked him how it healed so fast as they do not heal this fast and they have to be very careful about hurting them selves, or falling over, as they are a long way from the ground because of their height.

domingo, junio 02, 2013

“Be as a Spring in the Desert” – Sanat Kumara – June 2, 2013, by Tazjima

Dried Flowers

I AM Sanat Kumara, also known affectionately as “Raj”. I presently serve as planetary logos, from the holy city of Shamballa, home of the Ascended Masters and connection to your sister world, the neighboring planet of Venus. Through the ages since before the great Fall of Man, I have played many roles and presented many faces to many cultures. Some know me as Ahura Mazda; Skanda, the warrior son of Siva (Shiva); and to some I am known as the Ancient of Days. Whatever my name, whatever face that I present to your consciousness, I am one with you within the secret sanctuary of your Heart.

My Higher Self: How to Protect Yourself From Dark Beings and Entities - Andy Bojarski - June 2, 2013

NoYou are now awakening. As your light gets brighter, it becomes more visible. As it becomes more visible, lots of beings are attracted to your light. Remember that for everything that is the light, there is the counterpart of the dark.
Dark beings will be attracted to your light, especially as it becomes brighter. You must discern between good and bad entities that may want to talk to you and be around you, or take your light.  Discernment is the key.  So how do you know who is bad or who is good?
You do this through the Universal Law of Challenge. Challenge that entity or being in the name of Mother / Father God three times. Under this Universal Law, that entity being that is around you must reveal to you it’s true identity or disappear. Darkness cannot affect you when your light is strong and when you are confident and unafraid.

Preserve your Exuberant Energy with Gratitude Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ June 02 – 09, 2013 Received by Julie Miller 
June 02, 2013

It is known and understood by now that all within the grand universe is vibrational by its very nature, including each of you. The Spirit of your Whole Self is pure energy dear ones, fluctuating within certain vibrational frequencies. Learning how important your vibrational frequency is will provide you the knowledge required for you to apply concentrated focus in all areas of your life and journey.

You, my dear friends, are the ones who will carry out these changes. – Ron Head - June 2, 2013

here I am
Today we will focus upon the subject of changes to your world once again.  If you are one who gains most of your information from the television or newspapers, then you may very likely have overlooked several hints pertaining to what we are about to tell you.  If you also, or exclusively, get information from what has been termed alternate media, then perhaps you have begun to put together a slightly different picture of what is occurring at this time.

The hints of impending change are available for you to see, if you wish to see them.  And, as we have told you on more than one occasion to expect, they are beginning to gather a momentum of their own.  We have used the terms snowball and avalanche.  Well, perhaps they have not reached quite those proportions yet, but they will.  And we will have had something to do with the energies and nudges which have produced the climate in which this will happen.

Mother Mary: You Are the Love-Bearers of the World ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ June 2, 2013

MotherMary.Love-Bearers2Mother Mary:

Hello sweet ones, my beloveds. I come before you with great news. For all around there are shifts of magnificent and gigantic proportions.
You are the love-bearers of the world and as such you must hold it constantly, in spite of seeming evidence to the contrary.  That ability to hold it, no matter what, is what sets you apart, my dear ones, and is what makes you so invaluable.
Yes, you may need to pause at times and gather your strength and refresh yourself. But it is in your make-up and mission to continue on holding Love for all around you, and for your beloved Mother Earth who takes such good care of you.

Judith Dagley – NOW Is The Moment Of Power…Do Not Go Back To Sleep – 2 June 2013

judithdagleyNOW Is the Moment of Power…Do Not Go Back to Sleep!
6.1.13  NOW is the Moment of Power
The only “place” that is real  is made of energy, and it is called NOW.  You are also made of energy, and your energy is in the NOW.  NOW is the only place where you are ALIVE.
So you can see why NOW is the moment of power. It is where you choose what you want to create– and you DO create– through your own frequencies, whatever reflections match them. DO you see? What you’ve  called “reality” is not. It is simply  your own reflection. The only thing about it that is “real” is the energetic being that is YOU
DO you see? YOU are the reality creator! You spin out continuous, creative, expressions of your own energy– because every NOW is NEW. Do you understand? This means that in every one of them you are also creating  ANEW. Stay present then! USE your power to CHOOSE your creations!

Embrace your Passion Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ May 31 – June 07, 2013 Received by Julie Miller May 31, 2013

Everything you set out to do, including fulfilling your Divine Purpose requires passion, fervent enthusiasm. Successful outcomes are always reached when you apply full effort every step of the way, never giving up even when challenges present themselves. Understand dear ones your Divine Purpose is your calling, thinking from the Right way with the Passion that is motivated through your spiritual heart from the unconditional love that is there that touches all you do. Your internal fire, your passion is your motivator; your passion energizes you to fulfill each phase of your journey with zeal. Realizing with the acceptance of God being in your heart is the source of your spiritual passion – He comes to you through your acceptance and Lights within you a fire that is both holy and sacred.

Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – Allow The Nonphysical The Connection First -2 June 2013

nonphysicalBefore anything can happen in your physical experience, you must allow the vibrational connection to occur in the nonphysical realm first. Everything that appears in your experience is just the tip of this iceberg of vibrational reality that is going on just beneath the surface. That which appears in the physical is like the crust of a vibrational pie that has been baking in the oven for quite some time, based on your vibrational offerings over time.

ALLOW yourself to be WHOLE Message from Archeia Lady Purity Received by Julie Miller June 01, 2013

Gratitude fills my whole and complete spirit for the opportunity to be here today lovely hearts through your own divine sister.

We often see so many of you working so hard to be perfect, the truth dear lovely hearts is becoming whole in all parts of your being; whole in your body, heart, mind and spirit will bring towards absolute purity and clarity of your Whole Self.

Until you have brought yourself into spiritual wholeness, you will feel discontentment – lacking of peace of mind. When this kind of feeling is observed and felt, you cannot deny it, embrace this feeling lovely hearts for within the feeling is the information needed to begin making the necessary changes that will bring you on the path to achieve spiritual wholeness. Achieving spiritual wholeness has nothing to do with being perfect lovely hearts. Perfection takes on singular definitions, while wholeness defines completion that demonstrates the harmony between your heart, mind, body and spirit. If you choose the road to perfection, you will not discover your wholeness.

John Smallman – Saul: Some Startling Revelations are Shortly to be Disclosed Jun 2, 2013

John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms, where we truly are not separated from you, excitement is building; in fact, we are bubbling over with it!  I know you have been told this countless times over the last few years, but it is incumbent on me to tell you yet again, humanity’s awakening is divinely ensured and the moment for it to happen is very close.  Many of you are feeling tired, angry, and depressed, almost as though you had been short-changed, conned, or even swindled by those who are telling you of the wonders that await your awakening. It seems that you have been waiting and waiting and waiting.  The waiting seems to have been interminable, so it is no wonder that you are feeling upset and that your doubts and anxieties have been intensifying.

BREAKING!! Cloud Split by HAARP Caught LIVE on CNN?

Mermaid 3000 Feet Deep Off the Coast of Greenland Mermaid Caught on Film

Birth Certificate Truth Vatican Admiralty Law and Uniform Commercial Code

Jesus through John Smallman - These last moments of your illusory life experience are very intense June 2, 2013
We are one Consciousness, God (our Source), all those in the spiritual realms, and all those in physical form throughout all physical universes.  Love and all Its many aspects are conscious energy waves in infinite abundance flowing freely throughout creation, and anything not in alignment with Love is completely illusory.  God is Love and He could not and would not wish to create anything that was not in perfect harmony with Himself.  In Reality, in the divine Presence there is brilliant, awe-inspiring Light, in which there is total clarity, total understanding, total wisdom, and unconditional loving acceptance of all of God’s creations.  What you experience within the illusion – fear, anger, anxiety, suffering, in fact, general alarm, pain, and confusion – is UNREAL!  You built and maintained the illusion to experience lack of Love, and it seems that you succeeded!  But that is because you focus your attention on it to maintain and support it, and you are afraid to let it go.
You have convinced yourselves that bodies are real and need protection, and therefore that does seem to be the case because your imaginative powers are very effective.  And because you have chosen to convince yourselves that your illusion is real it appears to be so.  However, as you have been told, you have now collectively decided that the time for the illusion is past.

Jeshua via Judith Coates: Channeling and Non-Separation - Jun 1, 2013

jeshuaJeshua: Channeling and Non-Separation, as channeled by Judith Coates, May 28, 2013, at
Beloved one, many in your world have asked, “What is channeling?” And many have been afraid of it and have said, “Channeling is opening to things that I do not understand.” And that statement is very true in the world: the ego sees much to fear because it does not understand, cannot comprehend the Whole Self.
Channeling is opening to a greater awareness of Who you are. In the Dream of the Holy Child – which is Who you are – you drew an imaginary boundary, a boundary around the body and around the personality that you feel yourself to be, and have said, “This is all there is to me. This is who I am” – forgetting that you were the one who drew the boundary in the first place. You are the one defining the boundary. And in doing that, you have drawn a boundary in a great sea of beingness, the great sea of beingness which you are. That boundary exists nowhere except in your own mind and belief.

Preparing For Ascension 2 Activating Light Body

Another BIG Transition - Denise Le Fay - June 1, 2013

Another BIG Transition

316x380 stair stepsYesterday, May 31, 2013, I had another big and important Higher Awareness that stretched across time space, and on a larger level, consciously connected multiple “past” lives and selves that have all been working on this Ascension Process in their own ways, in their own locations and timelines. There are lots of us (our multiple other “past” lives and selves etc.) who are all Team Light members that volunteered and were inserted across time (and space) that have all been working on, working for, and working towards this current Ascension Process — the Ascension of Consciousness Process — that WE are living in our bodies and consciousness. You don’t think you came in here now in this life/body/awareness to do this massive Ascension Work as a isolated and singular solo act did you? Not hardly!

sábado, junio 01, 2013

Preparing For Ascension 1

Lightbody Activations (Lifting The Shadow) - Transmissions for June and July 2013

Travel INSIDE a Black Hole

OVNI entra al volcán Popocatépetl - 30.MAYO.2013

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Our God-Self: Retreat Into The Heart Of Being! – 1 June 2013

Retreatsig.By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloved Ones, I Am your God-Self!
Yes, at this time the currents of events are  now sprawling into all directions, because so much is happening in the mind of humanity.Where else does all this happen but in the mind? Content of consciousness not being played out in the human brain for eons is coming to the surface and is being registered by those who have opened themselves up for a bigger picture. In that case you have opened your awareness beyond your individual interests, as you care for your whole species and your planet and beyond.

Peace is Vital at This Moment – SaLuSa 1 June 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean

Global PeaceDear ones, we salute your brave courage during this period of intense awakening across your planet.
The cabal is doing all it can to tighten its grip around you and break your spirit. However, the people have the courage of taking to the streets, of supporting each other and of taking their power back from corrupt politicians and corporate cruel interest.
We wish to salute the global movement of union and cooperation, setting into motion a world that would be based on mutual support, understanding and love. People are waking up to the fact that their trust was misplaced when it comes to politics, and realize the need to set in place a better, more humane system, which would not allow for corporations to stir public affairs and interests, and place their gains before human welfare and happiness.
Although your voices seem steadily unheard by the governments, behind closed doors they tremble, which prompt them to increase terror attacks and expands military and policing budgets, to acquire more and more powerful machines, to spy on your personal conversations on the net and on your phones.

Aisha North - Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2, 2013
Dear friends!
Last night, I had such a wonderful vision. I saw myself finally opening up my heart by reaching inside my chest, and lifting out my heart. I held it in my hands, and then I released it into the air, and it flew up like a bird. But then, it changed into this beautiful, iridescent blue butterfly, and it soared above me. I opened my chest even more, and I let the light flow into it and fill it completely, all the way into the deepest corners. And from my chest, hundreds of butterflies came flying out, all the same brilliant blue colour as the first one. They all flew out into the world, and each one landed on a different person. I saw them landing on each one of you, on my family and on my friends, on strangers, and on my guides and family on the other side of the veil.

Shifting now - The power of your mind! How to shift into the best reality possible! - Anna Merkaba


What started out as a rather awful day full of disappointments, stress, anxiety and sadness, turned into the most wonderful day full of incredible experiences, wonder and pleasant surprises. All this happened because I decided that I was going to think positive no matter what.

Constructions workers who decided that the perfect time to start drilling the building so that it was shaking at 7 in the morning….. SO WHAT.. Land lady coming in while I was in the middle of the shower.. GREAT!... Driving on a highway in a torrential rain and swirling off the road nearly getting into an accident… AWESOME! Food gone bad in the car all because I turned the fridge to HEAT instead of COLD.. YAY!... And sooo much more!

The great thing about all this is that this gave me an opportunity to try out the Universal Laws and see how they would apply to these situations. Instead of being frustrated at all of these experiences, I decided to look for something positive in each of the “disappointments” that were coming my way.

THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS: We’ve all heard this. Think happy, be happy… right, sometimes you just don’t have it in you to BE HAPPY in that instant, no matter how hard you try. They say when you force yourself to smile your body responds instantly and your mod is uplifted. Sadly it doesn’t always work…I tried to sing happy songs.. nothing… think about all the good things and remember all the fun times I’ve had… NOTHING.. I set there driving and feeling SAD… because I was so exhausted.. it is then that I decided that what I needed was a good shake.. And so I forced myself to “sit dance”.. you know, when you sit in a car.. and you begin to shake your body as if you’re dancing. And FINALLY.. finally!!!!!! I cracked a smile! Ohhh the glorious feeling of being happy again.. even if for a split second… I say split second because it disappeared just as quickly as it came… and I was back to my gloomy self.

The sadder I got.. the gloomier everything seemed.. the more “accidents” kept rolling my way.. here’s when I remembered another trick! BE IN THE NOW… I thought to myself that I was going to just enjoy the fact that I’m on the road again YAY! Looking out the window seeing beautiful trees and clouds.. that is when I began to note the shape of clouds.. and birds.. and such.. the day began to shift into a new direction… until.. I spaced out completely.. and barely avoided an accident..

I decided it was time for SHIFTING into a NEW reality.. This is the BEST trick in the world, taught to me by a wonderful friend of mine (you know who you are ;P) … and so THIS IS WHAT DID IT !!! I said to myself.. I AM GRATEFUL for everything that I have.. BUT.. I want to shift into another reality.. where I am completely happy, completely at ease, completely safe, completely complete, joyous.. etc., etc., etc… and LO AND BEHOLD… I began to feel how my body actually started to accommodate me completely without question to all of my thoughts and desires to feel the emotions of happiness, peace, etc.,

It was THEN and only then that I finally began to feel energized.. something I badly needed in order to keep driving.. I felt incredible!!! I began to experiment with confirmations, etc., etc., but instead of say “I AM so and so”.. as we’re all begin taught.. I kept saying “I AM SHIFTING NOW INTO.. blah blah reality.. SHIFTIN NOW!!!!”

Not only did I instantly begin to feel better, but surprising to me, I was completely aware of the NOW.. time stopped existing.. I was just there… IN THE NOW…. BEING GRATEFUL… AND HAPPY!

So the point of me sharing this experience with you.. is next time you find yourself, frustrated, exhausted, stressed, angry .. SHIFT into the reality you wish to be in.. because by staying in the gloomy state of mind.. you’re only making yourself even more sad, and even more sick, and attracting more and more trouble your way. It’s true.. so please use the power of the shift… OFTEN and enjoy your present reality to the fullest :D MUCH LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL. ♥

Talking together – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 01, 2013

My child, you are not alone. You are in every instant surrounded by invisible lightbeings. They guide and lead you. Likewise they also protect you. I too am always with you. I am in your heart und know each moment how you feel. I know all your sentiments, all your thoughts. Nothing is strange to me. You can’t hide anything from me, only from you and your fellow men. I know you from your inside and outside and so nothing needs to be embarrassing in front of me. You can talk about everything with me. I listen to you and answer you, if you however hear me lies in yourself. Listen to me and and we both can have wonderful conversations, my child. I wait so much to talk with you. ~
Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

The Ascended Masters: You’ll find the Mastery We’re Known For - May 30, 2013 - Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Every lesson you’re being given is ultimately designed to help you find the emotions, heart sets and understanding of the higher realms, and we ask you to treat yourselves and those around you with the grace and ease of the Creator; which many of you are beginning to find yourselves able to do with increased ease.
This is because the pure energies delivering your ascension, which you are absorbing and assimilating unto yourselves with fervor yet grace, are settling upon your perspective and helping you to understand and see the Divinity of every single moment of the infinite and glorious Now.

viernes, mayo 31, 2013

Substantial Shifting of Gaia Energy Structures Occurs at this Moment…- Gaia Portal - May 31, 2013

31 May gaia_energy1Substantial shifting of Gaia energy structures occurs at this moment. Although the process of reshaping Gaia’s Higher D energetic patterns has been ongoing during the past 12 years, significant acceleration occurred during the end of year gateways, and in this now moment, particularly, increase in rate of formation of structures, leading to final so-called “Golden Age” grid, is occurring.
Those aware of these energies may have sensed a strong energetic shift during the past several hours. Tiredness and “out of place” sensations are due to this shifting out of outgrown Gaia energetic patterns and acceleration of formation of Golden Age patterns.
Light Worker types attuned to the needs of Gaia will understand necessary movement patterns required by them for assisting the planet into the final grid arrangements. Understanding that movement is being called for this Higher Purpose, will ease any incurred disruption energetics.
We of ÉirePort say, to all those called to service, “Enjoy the Ride…”

Suzanne Carvell-Melchizedek and Lemuria - May 31, 2013

Michael  is the  Divine God of the universe.  You are Wife of  Jesus the son of Michael let me explain.Michael entered here in the beginning and had his son Jesus with him. Together they made Earth. Lemuria went nine miles to the South and Nine miles to the East and Mighty Love and Mighty Light descended on Earth. Jesus landed and lived on Lemuria for many years before you arrived. Many families arrived here only to become Entities of powerful Angels. No one liked Jesus like you did. Let us   say you saw the Man. Many Men you also saw and their questions now appearing among the people. Jesus now insists on linking.

Decision – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 31, 2013

You alone decide if you are happy or not, my child, even if you maybe don’t believe me now. Your happyness or every other condition in which you are is based alone on your own decision. All that comes to you is in its nature neutral, it is your decision that makes it a positive or negative appearance for you. There are people who like the rain because it is important for their plants, others like the sun more, because it let their fruits become ripe. You see it lies solely in the consideration of the individual, how he perceives something. Since it is your judgement how you view something, so it is also your own decision how you feel with that. You don’t need any exterior reason to be happy, when you pure and simple decide for this, my child. Can you now see, how simple it really is?
~ Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Archangel Metatron ~ Hope, being in peace and going with the flow ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont…-meline-lafont/

AA Metatron

Dearest brothers and sisters of the Light, dearest incarnations of the God spark, dearest hearts of Love. It is I, Archangel Metatron, who has the pleasure to address all of you in order to incite your beloved hearts to express Love and joy. The aim of my message today is to bring enlightenment and to lead all of you to one and the same consensus in Love and peace.

Today we are going to discuss the topic of hope and peace. Hope is a beautiful thing as it procures a joyful feeling and an uplifting energy. Hope creates opportunities and manifests realities, that’s why we say that it is important to be hopeful as it stirs your ‘spirit’ and gives you the impetus to persevere because you feel something wonderful is coming your way.

Scott Bartle – BANCORRUPTCY – 31 May 2013

A Lifetime-To-Lifetime Process - a message from Neale Donald Walsch Saturday, 17 November, 2012 (posted 31 May, 2013)

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we began a discussion of the difference between being a ”seeker” of The Holy Experience and being an “explorer” of it. Continuing on that topic...

Being an explorer of the full experience and knowing of life’s ultimate reality can often separate us from our family, friends, and peers, who wonder why we have not accepted the answers that they have found or accepted, and why we are not experiencing what they are experiencing.

They may even make us “wrong” for being in a place of mind and spirit other than the place where they reside, and rather than honoring us for the bravery of our exploration, they may warn us against it, or even ridicule us for undertaking it.


24 May 2013

Tonight’s Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius will embark the Earth upon a journey of enlightenment that will teach us all that life itself is the best teacher and that we can all learn mighty things from one another no matter our differences.  Expect that the virtues of truth, wisdom, reason, and freedom envelop our thoughts and motivate our actions as the eclipse wave raises our collective vibration.  The world will feel smaller as we grow closer to one another with the events and experiences to come that will knit the fabric of our human family anew.  International bonds will grow and gleam as this lunar wave directs the course of our lives in accordance with God’s cosmic order. 

The Greatest Habits of Your Heart - a message from Caroline Myss Friday, 31 May, 2013
Theological discussions often take shape around exploring the difference between an ordinary understanding of a single word and imagining how that same word would be interpreted by the soul. For example, the word, habitus, is Latin for habits of behavior and routines. All individuals have a host of certain habits that bring order to their physical life. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and watch the news, for example. And then I check my email. There was a time when I just had coffee and watched the news - that was pre-email. Email is the new addition to my decades old routine. Then I hit the shower and then the office. And so the day goes.

jueves, mayo 30, 2013

Limitation or Liberation ~ Which Do You Choose? ~ Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. As more and more of the masses are feeling a discontent initiated by their Soul Self, it is vital that the Wisdom Teachings of Ascension are reviewed and shared with those around you. You, the awakened STAR SEED, are the ones who will now spread the emerging WISDOM TEACHINGS of the future.

Whether aware of it or not, humanity and the Earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times, beloveds. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light. This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Father/Mother God of each universe, out into every level of Creation so that gradually every Spark and fragment of Creation will have access to an appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. The Light of Creation or Adamantine Particles is being made available to every Soul that has ever been created; however, there are some rules that apply to this “Light Redemption” process: each Soul must prepare their vessel by lifting their vibrational patterns to a certain level of harmonious frequencies in order to receive these particles of God Light, and you must remember, after receiving these particles of Light, they must be activated by your loving intention. Love is the power source, the generator of these precious particles from the Source of All.

The manuscript of survival – part 317 - Aisha North - May 30, 2013

The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of unchartered possibilities still lying dormant.
Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment

It Carried Me Into Paradise


AngelicView: Thanks to Daniel, for sharing his story. Translated to English from Spanish. Daniel had Spinal Meningitis, but the doctors didn’t know it. He was in a hospital in Peru, and dying. He had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed. He described himself an invalid. Then the NDE, which I will post below. After he decided he wanted to come back to Earth, his body healed. Not only that, but he had abilities of a prophet (although he doesn’t tell us what he sees) and his grades improve greatly at University. Especially in Math, he says – and I have found that is quite common in NDE’s – that suddenly they just seem to understand Math better.
Another interesting point about this story is that he sees his Angel as one with butterfly wings. This is similar to Dr. Eben Alexander’s experience and also the story of The Butterfly People of Joplin Missouri. I love it when I find similarities in NDE’s.

From Mike Quinsey ~ ADAMA ~ by Nancy Tate -May 29, 2013

Hi Friends,
Nancy and Bob have been my close friends for quite a number of years, and I am sure you will find their experience very interesting.

In Love and Light Mike Quinsey.

Bob Tells of Our Meeting Adama in Weed, California, Near Mt Shasta in the Winter of 2012.
The four of us involved in this event have all reviewed this write up of what we saw and agree that this write up is what we saw took place.

New Earth Revolution ~ Cosmic Weather Report #5 ~ via SanLeoSol

Dear Loved Ones this is Ashtar speaking in the name of the Galactic Federation. I am assisting my beloved friend Master Juliano in his weekly message because we’re heading to an important moment in human evolution. We’re standing on the threshold of a global shift in consciousness. At this particular moment lots of people already feel the energy that’s moving them into the New Time: a time of abundance and endless possibilities. These people feel that within now and very soon there will be a BIG SHIFT. From our perspective, that’s in the NOW.What’s important my Beloved Lightworkers that you start to feel that it’s happening at this particular moment. Feel it in every cell of your body. Feel it in your heart space and start to share your feeling with others. You don’t have to shout it. Just radiate your energy and BE the portal for the people you are connected with. Yes my Beloved Ones. The times ahead are more beautiful than you can imagine. On the other hand there is still work to do on earth: the dark forces will resist till the very end. Most important: KNOW that your power is unlimited and expect the unexpected. You’re the LIGHT.
In the Love and Light of Mother Gaia. Adonai.
Lord Ashtar & Galactic Federation
Channeling by SanLeoSol