Another BIG Transition
The Greater YOU intentionally and
simultaneously splintered off multiple different aspects and inserted
them into different “lives”, incarnations and different “selves” in
different times, countries, different sex bodies etc. on physical Earth
across time. YOU did all this and much more in nonphysical dimensions
and states of being and awareness and YOU did it all, YOU are still
doing it all, for this current Ascension Process. This “you” reading
this here now, and this “me” writing it are the aspects that are incarnate during the time on Earth when the actual Ascension Process is physically happening, physically manifesting
within this time on Earth. Said another way, these versions of “you”
and “me” have lots and lots and lots of help from the other aspects of
our Greater Self all helping in their unique ways to get this Cosmic Job
done here and now.
That wasn’t even what I wanted to talk
about… What I’m aiming at with this short note is that some massive
positive NEW energies (the NEW blueprints or templates) have been coming
into this timeline and physical dimension — which of course also means
our bodies and consciousness — since mid-May 2013. Why? Because many
people and things are prepared enough (integrated, transmuted, cleared,
neutralized, and Rewired) for the NEW to finally start manifesting or coming online so to speak within this physical dimension and our physical bodies and brains. (More about this in my upcoming article recap on The Second Trimester)
As I’ve said before, Phase One of the Ascension Process was the
difficult and dark transmuting phase; Phase Two now is when we’re
beginning to, within physicality, actually have the NEW blueprint energies start to replace the old ones.
Karen Bishop wrote a great and accurate
post May 31, 2013 about this latest big energetic change we’re going
through now (and will continue to very intensely throughout the next
three months) entitled ‘Letting Go’. Thanks Karen. ♥
Please take note of how she talks about
what I call the Stair Steps within the Ascension Process in her post
about the different levels, and stages, that people experience the
Ascension symptoms and the Process itself. Karen mentioned in it about
how some of us have transmuted and gone through the ‘cleansing process has reached so deep that…’ their
body now literally vibrates internally within every cell. I’ve talked
about this ongoing aspect of the Ascension Process and have called it
the Rewiring of the Body and/or the Rewiring of the Brain. I’ve been living it myself for about eleven years now and I’ve written multiple times about this inner body vibrating
and what it sounds and feels like to me, especially now when I’m
napping and am half-awake and half-asleep. It’s a massive roar of sounds
and an intense but wonderful rapid spinning movement of Light Energies
within every cell of my body and brain which is all highly positive and
feels like I’m vibrating faster and faster, which I am, and which you
Denise Le Fay
June 1, 2013