lunes, junio 13, 2016

John Smallman - Jesús - No se castiguen por errores u oportunidades perdidas - 08-04-2016


Todos somos Uno, no existe la separación. Muchos en los reinos espirituales les han dicho esto una y otra vez y aun así siguen con dudas y escepticismo a pesar de toda la prueba evidente de lo contrario.
Así que tenemos que seguir diciéndoles esto hasta que finalmente resuene con ustedes y sus dudas y escepticismo desaparezcan como seguramente lo harán.
Ustedes son amados y apreciados más allá de su habilidad para imaginar o concebir y queremos que sepan eso así que continuaremos trayéndolo a su atención al esperar pacientemente a que ustedes despierten.
Nuestra paciencia, diferente a la suya, es eterna, ya que en realidad no existe el tiempo. Lo que es, es.
Despertar es su destino y no pueden evitarlo, sin embargo pueden elegir retrasar ese momento indefinidamente.

Benjamin Fulford 6-14-16… “US and UN power hand-over or hostile take-over up for grabs”

Posted by benjamin, June 14, 2016

Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding. This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.

The backdrop to these now on hold negotiations is an increasingly chaotic situation in the United States, the Middle East and Europe as the bankruptcy of the Western financial system begins to affect social and economic stability.

Brenda Hoffman - Learning to be Sovereign - June 13, 2016

Dear Ones,
Perhaps some of you recently released others with thoughts of, “Did I say the right words? Did they misunderstand me?”
Yet, you feel a freedom you have not felt for some time. The freedom of self-love. The freedom of releasing those no longer of your frequency or in 3D terms, interested in the same direction as you.
The thought of losing anyone has been a difficult sensation for most of you throughout this transition. Much like being in a marriage that is not right for you, “If I capitulate on this piece maybe he/she will return physically or emotionally.” Thoughts encouraging someone to return to or remain in your life – but not directed to what you need or deserve.

Anna Merkaba - June 21st Portal – Part III of Ascension – Part III of Ascension is Beginning to Unfold Rapidly on GAIA - June 13, 2016

Greetings Everyone,

Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As I mentioned in my previous message to you a lot is happening at the moment. I am sure that most of you have heard of the 3rd Wave of Ascension. Or as I have been explained Part III of Ascension.

They are also talking about “The Event” which I am sure many of you have heard of before. I would like to just quickly say that although the event is to be a truly magnificent experience, I strongly feel that we should not wait for any grand events in order to change our lives and mold them into what we wish them to be.

domingo, junio 12, 2016

John Smallman - Saúl - La completa honestidad desarma a cualquier asaltante - 10-04-2016


La completa honestidad detiene el chantaje. Pero el miedo detiene la completa honestidad. Parece un juego de palabras pero no lo es.
La humanidad está esperando impacientemente a despertar.
Sí, la gran mayoría permanece ajeno a este evento inminente y largamente esperado de enorme significado en el esquema general de las cosas.
Sin embargo, en un nivel más profundo donde nunca pueden olvidar que todos son Uno, todos saben que su despertar es inminente por esto la impaciencia. ¡Qué paradoja!
Aquellos de ustedes que han mantenido su Luz en alto – trabajadores de la luz y portadores de luz – y aquellos de ustedes que han percibido que el cambio está en el aire han estado trabajando tiempo completo para llevarlo al cabo.

Crop Circles 2016 - Gerlingerstraße, Berlin, Germany - 12th june 2016 - UFO Deutschland 2016

Webinar - Bringing Heaven to Earth Requires a Human Body

Sheldan Nidle - Nuestra larga relación con las ballenas y los delfines… - 07-06-2016


9 Akbal, 16 Pax, 12 Manik
¡Selamat Jalwa! Lo que habéis estado esperando durante tanto tiempo está comenzando a tomar forma.
Se han dado órdenes para liberar una parte importante de los fondos humanitarios y de prosperidad.
Hay preparados nuevos calendarios para deshacerse de esta realidad de la cábala y de su miríada de seguidores.
Los oscuros saben que su tiempo se ha acabado y que varias capas de arrestos clave están comenzando o en espera.
Se han aplicado acuerdos revisados mientras entra en juego un nuevo sistema de transferencia de fondos.
Se espera que las elecciones en América se retrasen cuando pueda ser declarado oficialmente un nuevo gobierno NESARA.
Cuando se manifiesten esos acontecimientos van a declararse públicamente varios anuncios.
Esos asuntos ya están comenzando a surgir por todo Internet porque, uno por uno, los informadores clave se están haciendo conscientes de lo que ya está ocurriendo.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing -June 12, 2016

Dear One,

Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.

Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.

At work in the world is the principle of Divine Timing. It is one of the immutable laws in the universe, such as Divine Order and Divine Justice. It is not something that you can push to make it go faster. There are times when you must wait upon the will of God in order to have your dream manifest in the most appropriate way for your highest good. This requires patience.

Crop Circles 2016 - Krasnodar, Krasnodarskiy, Russia - 9th June 2016 - UFO 2016

Barbara Marciniak - 2016/05/25 Approaching end

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - 6/12/16

Welcome dear ones. As the new world emerges you are beginning to see the beliefs and concepts of past generations fade away regardless of attempts to hold them in place by those who find their security in them.

Looking back even a few years and comparing the thoughts of then versus now and you can see how far you have come. Animal rights as they are today, were unheard of even as recently as 20 years ago. Women and men both individually and as groups, are coming to realize that feminine energy is not less than the masculine but that both are equal parts comprising the whole.

Those raised in or taught beliefs that they were born less than, sinful, or somehow damaged and in need of fixing, are awakening to their true nature and reclaiming the power they ignorantly allowed to be taken from them through these beliefs.

Alcyon Pléyades 40: Reencarnación, ECM, alteración de los polos, magnetita, cambio climático

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Channeled Images - 12/06/16


Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 12-19, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The events in the world continue unabated. There is a greater intensity to all that is brought forth for the recognition of awareness from humanity. Everyone is prompted to connect to a higher level of understanding of themselves and the people around them, to discern what is truly of importance in one’s life. There is still much that needs to fall away so that the shackles that have bound each individual to stay in lower density are lifted from them and no longer in effect. The Great Awakening of the Earth’s inhabitants has begun in earnest.

Look to your neighbor and reconnect with them. People are seeking meaning in their life and it might be you who can serve as the catalyst that opens the understanding that they need in order to move forward. The Lightworkers of the planet are being uplifted to a higher level once again and this can be a difficult time as they process this higher frequency energy within their human operating systems. Know that you have the ability to rise to meet these energies with equilibrium and balance. Any expectations of how things should be must be let go. Be open to new adventures.

sábado, junio 11, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Pleiadians - Preparing For First Contact--The Portals are Opening - 6-10-16

By the Pleiadians


The Portals Are Opening

Greetings, this is Sharman and Shelia speaking as one being,

Because you, our brave ascending ones, are NOW regaining your innate “Sense of your Multidimensional SELF,” we both wanted to share with all of you the process of returning back into your complete SELF, Divine Complements merged into ONE being.

We will speak as one being to share with our Earth away team our version of how reunion can be challenging after separation. The process of “re-merging” with your Divine Complement after one of you has been away on assignment to the third dimension can be challenging.

Hence, as more and more of you prepare for your return to your fifth dimensional SELF as well as your Divine Complement, we wanted to address that issue. We have discovered that there can be many complicating issues such as the earthbound one falling in love with a human.

Mysterious Deep Earthquakes-Continents Begin Cracking--Chaotic Weather Worldwide

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - …vuestro progreso hacia las dimensiones superiores de Luz - 10-06-2016


Es importante dejarse llevar, porque al hacerlo atraeréis a otros para que puedan tomar el mismo camino que vosotros…. hacia las dimensiones superiores de Luz.
Los acontecimientos del mundo están conduciendo hacia un gran final que dará una gran satisfacción a los Trabajadores de la Luz.
Tras un largo periodo de retrasos se verá que han llegado los días finales, y los Oscuros ya no tendrán el poder de dictar el futuro de la Raza Humana.
Las Fuerzas de la Luz están en gran medida al control y están evitando catástrofes importantes programadas para sumergir al mundo en otra gran guerra.
La paz está llegando y muy pronto se darán pasos para elevar las vibraciones sobre la Tierra, que luego resultará el fin de toda forma de acciones bélicas.



Por los Pleyadianos a través de la Dra. Suzanne Lie


La Segunda Transmisión a la Tierra

Saludos a nuestra Familia Terrestre,

Yo Soy el Comandante Sharman aquí de nuevo para enviarles nuestra segunda Transmisión Pleyadiana a la Tierra. Ya he compartido un poco de mis experiencias de tomar un envase terrestre durante la línea de tiempo cerca del 2016 DC. No obstante, ya que muchos de ustedes estarán regresando también a sus Naves Estelares o mundos Hogar, me gustaría hablar un poco sobre mi proceso de regresar al hogar en mi Nave después de una encarnación bastante larga en la Tierra 3D.

Como he dicho, mi Complemento Divino, Sheila, me ayudó grandemente en la recalibración de mi frecuencia de vuelta a mi resonancia pentadimensional innata. Lo que descubrí fue que la razón por la que me había perdido tanto en la tercera dimensión era debido a que mi frecuencia de resonancia se salió de alineación con mi centro pentadimensional.

Desde mi larga visita a la Tierra tridimensional, comprendí totalmente cuán fácil era recalibrar el Ser con el entorno social, en vez de con la frecuencia de Gaia. Si hubiera permanecido en total resonancia con la Tierra, no me hubiera perdido porque podría haber sentido la protección de un planeta entero.

viernes, junio 10, 2016



Por los Pleyadianos- A través de la Dra. Suzanne Lie



Saludos desde nuestra Nave Estelar Pleyadiana,

Dentro de su AHORA estamos comenzando una serie de transmisiones desde nuestras Naves, las cuales están justo más allá de su atmósfera. Enviamos estas transmisiones a aquellos habitantes de la Tierra que están listos para expandir su conciencia, y por eso sus percepciones hacia la “Realidad transicional de la Tierra.”

Para aquellos que son capaces de responder y aceptar los muchos escritos, películas, publicaciones de blogs y comunicaciones humanas que les recuerdan que algo está cambiando en el planeta Tierra, lo que pueden no saber es que “donde está su atención, allí están ustedes también”.

En otras palabras, si su atención está limitada a las noticias tridimensionales, comunicaciones, trabajos, asuntos financieros, y confrontaciones violentas, su conciencia bajará al nivel de miedo que estos mensajes crean.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 17 // JUNE



¡Bendiciones y Gozo para cada uno de ustedes!
SOY el Gran Director Divino viniendo desde la 144va. Dimensión de realidad para asistirlos a traer el entendimiento de cómo expresa cada ser en la forma humana su vida a través de las multi-realidades de lo que han sido previamente y qué significa esto en sus momentos futuros.
A medida que aprenden más sobre las Leyes Universales pueden empezar a aplicar cómo están representadas en su vida personal.
Por supuesto los elementos que componen una ley específica son generados desde la Fuente de Luz que ustedes son, a través de su Presencia Yo Soy, en su Mónada, y luego en la existencia de su Yo Superior.
Es entonces cuando se manifiestan a través del acondicionamiento físico de su conciencia en la realidad de quien ustedes se piensan ser en cualquier momento dado. .
La Ley de la Causa y Efecto, comúnmente conocida como la Ley del Karma, representa quiénes son ustedes como ser, sus trayectorias en las muchas dimensiones, y cómo va a coexistir esa energía en la que han vivido en su experiencia humana.
Esto es muy cierto para cada ser encarnado en la Tierra.
No es una elección del ser o de la mente humana, es una ley que está incorporada a través de la Esencia de su Ser para ser manifestada en el cuerpo físico o su experiencia de vida.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - NEW Earth Is a Brand New Life - 6/10/2016

You are being provided with a HUGE OPPORTUNITY for a whole new life that is full of everything you desire, full of magic, completely physically abundant and where all is easy again. There is little to DO each day, other than to be totally committed with every particle of you to THE LIGHT... Your Light... in which you fulfill your own purposes, missions and roles in-service as a Light BEing here....

This is a different kind of life, so it takes some time to evolve... technically it takes your whole existence here, and all of your other existences too. It is a process of transcending everything you didn't know you held within. It is a process of learning from scratch, every thing, from a space of higher consciousness. It is a process of upgrading continually, of releasing all that no longer serves. What this is becomes visible in your moments and what you experience will be a result of what you choose and do.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Pulling Away, The Equinox, Tuning-Up, Physical Matter Forming Faster... - 6/10/2016

Many may be feeling the call to pull way away over the last week... this continues strongly even now as we continue through this HUGE POWERFUL EQUINOX phase that began a few days prior to the recent NEW Earth Moon.

The profoundness of silence and peace is necessary to fully honor the template upgrade process without distractions and distortions in your field. This is where we become "selfish", for it's not being selfish.. it's quite the opposite... It's necessary all along the way.

There are times that we are called to pull away, and we DO that which our Universe brings to us as appropriate and we cut everything else out. We can work in solitude and silence, we can BE in this space and still honor all as one....

Children Develop Cool SuperPower (Third Eye)

Natalie Glasson - the Andromedans - Enhancing Your Connections with Self and Others - 10th June 2016

It is with love, truth and blessings, we the Andromedans come forth to greet you. The love we share to you is not greater than any other love within the universe of the Creator; it is simply an expression of the Creator. We love you deeply and wish you to know within your mind and heart that we are present to support you in your present and coming stages of ascension.

A question you might wish to ask yourself when connecting with all different types of souls and beings of the Earthly reality and the inner planes reality could be, ‘Am I allowing myself to recognise the true source and essence within each being, connection and experience?’ This question invites you to realise that there are so many levels of connection and communication. When you connect with a soul/ person you may only allow yourself to connect on a superficial level because of inner fears of receiving the Creator or a feeling of being unworthy. You may find yourself distracted by the reactions of your mind, emotions and personality when creating and recognising connections with others or even the Creator. The question we have shared with you encourages you to contemplate what a true connection or a source to source experience is, why it is important and what stops you f rom recognising the true essence of the Creator in all souls, situations and experiences.

Kara Schallock - Surrendering and Flowing to What Is - 10-Jun-2016

Even while we are releasing very deep and very old patterns, we are definitely absorbing more Light, more Love and more Magic! As we clear, we also are clearing our space (aura and environment). We release the clutter and the past so we can be evermore free and present in the New. As we do this, our outer world reflects our inner world. We cannot change within without it affecting our outer. We are embodying our higher consciousness more now. We have the impetus of our present Gateway of Love to help us be more of who we truly are. No matter where you perceive you are, the bigger Truth is that you are becoming more of your Authenticity; and your consciousness is being heightened, which creates more refined forms in your outer life. There truly is no separation between your inner and outer life. For many, there is no other choice but to surrender to What Is. Some have wanted to just let it all go, questioning whether anything is truly happening Ascension-wise. This is all a part of it.

Mike Quinsey - Higher Self - 10th. June 2016

World events are heading for a grand finale that will give great satisfaction to the Lightworkers. After a long period of delays it will be seen that the final days have arrived, and the dark Ones no longer have the power to dictate the future of the Human Race. The Forces of Light are largely in control, and are preventing major catastrophes planned to plunge the world into another great war. Peace is coming and very soon steps will be taken to raise the vibrations upon Earth, that will eventually result in an end to all forms of warlike actions. You will then truly know that the end of hostilities has resulted in world peace. At last it will be safe for our friends from other planets to land on Earth, and openly meet you. It will also signal the beginning of changes that will truly bring about permanent peace.

jueves, junio 09, 2016

Suzanne Lie - los Pleyadianos - PREPARÀNDOSE PARA EL PRIMER CONTACTO - EL INTERROGATORIO . Cap. 4 - 29-5-16


Por los Pleyadianos – A través de la Dra. Suzanne Lie



Debido al amoroso cuidado de Sheila, me recobré más pronto de lo que esperaba. Logré salir de esta experiencia con un respeto mucho más grande por los humanos, así como muchos otros voluntarios galácticos que visten un envase terrestre durante la era posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y hacia el AHORA de la preparación para el contacto.

Por supuesto, muchos humanos son aún inconscientes de que el contacto con su Familia Galáctica es inminente, pero más y más parecen estar despertando a este evento. El internet terrestre ha permitido a las personas comunicarse entre sí libres del complejo del “poder sobre los otros” que se enfoca, no en la verdad, sino en mantener su control sobre el planeta.

Sé que pronto seré llamado a mi interrogatorio, así que tendré la oportunidad de compartir todo lo que he aprendido. De hecho, con esa idea, soy llamado a la sesión informativa. Estaba esperando esta llamada, así que estoy listo para dejar mi camarote e ir a la sala de sesiones.

Después de los saludos cordiales, me senté delante del panel que por primera vez me asignó a mi misión y me deseó suerte mientras iba a tomar un envase terrestre. Esto puede parecer confuso, pero aunque pareció pasar mucho tiempo en mi realidad tridimensional, las funciones de la Nave son vía el AHORA de la quinta dimensión y más allá.

Ron Head - El Consejo - ¡Listos! - 12-04-2016

Hay una gran probabilidad que en su futuro muy cercano ocurrirán eventos que harán de nuestro tema de hoy muy relevante aunque no lo parezca en este momento.
Queremos tratar con más profundidad algo que hemos mencionado más de una vez en mensajes pasados pero no le habíamos dedicado todo un mensaje.
Le hablamos a una gran cantidad de personas alrededor del mundo. Muchos de ustedes han estado siguiendo nuestros mensajes por algún tiempo.
Pero es también el caso de que muchos de ustedes están colocados en áreas donde aparentemente están solos o donde hay muy pocos de aquellos que llaman trabajadores de la luz. La razón para eso puede que pronto se vuelva más aparente.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - El poder de la plegaria - 27-05-2016


El poder de la plegaria es legendario, y cuantos más ofrezcan las suyas más se puede producir una respuesta notable.
Los asuntos están progresando bien a pesar de las apariencias externas, y progresan hacia una solución pacífica que traerá la paz al mundo.
La labor de realizarlo parecería imposible a la vista del número de puntos problemáticos que existen, pero mayores poderes que los de la Tierra echarán una mano para crear la paz mundial.
Llega un momento en el que “basta ya” y en el que los asuntos kármicos pueden ser interrumpidos para asegurar que la paz sea realizada y los Oscuros sean detenidos.
Ya se han dado fuertes pasos para establecer la escena para que se logre la paz abordando la causa raíz que hay detrás de los puntos problemáticos.

Blossom Goodchild - ¿Dentro y fuera de las dimensiones? - 01-06-2016

Federación de la Luz: ¿Dentro y fuera de las dimensiones? La VERDAD es aquello que se encuentra dentro del alma.
Blossom: Buenos días y bienvenidos a mi mundo. Una pregunta para ustedes ¿si me lo permiten? Un amigo escribió haciendo muchas preguntas diversas.
Una recurrente es “¿Es la Tierra plana? “, Y el otro día, “¿es frío el sol?’.
Todas las cosas acerca de las que han estado leyendo en línea.
Instintivamente sé que estas no son el tipo de preguntas que eligen responder.
¿Pueden explicar por qué, ya que puede ayudar a muchos a entender “nuestra” posición? Gracias.
Federación de la Luz: Saludos a usted y todos los que se conectan como UNO a través de estos mensajes.

Selacia - House of Mirrors - Tips for Clarity in Unsettling Times - June 9, 2016

Living now can be unsettling and exciting at the same time. With so much in flux on our planet, it can feel intense and uncertain - yet the wise part of you knows something wonderful is in the making.
Divine Changemakers Role
On those days when you feel stressed or just on overload from the plethora of incoming information, take a time out to remember the wonderful new world being birthed. As a divine changemaker you are an instrumental part of this birthing!
Clarity in House of Mirrors
On some days, you may feel like you're living in a house of mirrors. So much is being reflected back to you from so many places and dimensions. It can be mind boggling to get perspective on all you are experiencing, and to know what to believe about the reality you are witnessing. 

Sheldan Nidle - “Nuevo Vosotros”…. un Ser entre mundos - 31-05-2016

Estáis en una operación que está destinada a crear un “Nuevo Vosotros”. Ese Ser va a ser inicialmente un Ser entre mundos.
9 Cib, 9 Pax, 12 Manik
¡Selamat Jalwa! ¡Hay algunos grandes cambios en el horizonte!
Los que están articulando rápidamente la nueva república NESARA están muy cerca de completar este arduo proyecto.
El objetivo de esos diligentes patriotas es el de lograrlo tan rápidamente como sea posible.
Por ahora, la primera parte de una financiación general de dos partes está ya acabada.
La siguiente parte se espera que se complete pronto.
De acuerdo con los conocedores de esto, cuando toda la financiación administrativa esté completa esa república NESARA podrá ser declarada oficialmente.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Su colectivo se acerca cada vez más al punto crucial - 29-03-2016


¿Qué ocurre? ¿Por qué me siento sin fuerzas a veces? ¿Por qué mis sueños son tan violentos?
Estas son algunas de las preguntas que estamos recibiendo de ustedes estos días.
Hay muchas otras también pero todas muestran su confusión de las cosas que pasan y que creían que ya habían concluido.
Esto no es verdad para todos ustedes, así que no se sientan omisos por pasar momentos muy felices.
No es que se hayan apartado y volveremos después con ustedes.
Cada uno de ustedes está parado en un sitio diferente en su sendero personal pero hay muchos que sentirán que estamos tocando su situación actual con este mensaje.

Sheldan Nidle - Las nuevas semillas estelares - 24-05-2016


Las nuevas semillas estelares* que estaban naciendo fueron contradiciendo lentamente esas “normas” de los oscuros….. El mundo, tal y como lo conocéis, está cambiando.
2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik
¡Selamat Jarin! ¡Vuestro mundo se está preparando rápidamente para una sorpresa que realmente os va a conmocionar a todos!
La Luz ha sido forzada a esperar el momento adecuado para golpear.
Hasta ahora, a los oscuros y a sus diversos secuaces asociados con el régimen conocido como USA, Inc. se les ha dado un cierto margen.
Esto les ha permitido dedicarse a ciertas trampas a escala global.
La Luz está preparada para concluir esta extraña parte de vuestra historia.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - June 6, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.

I greet you today with love and optimism. Please know that all is proceeding as planned. We keep a pulse on everything so please understand that all is well. We understand how challenged most of humanity is right now. This is how it is supposed to be because the third dimensional way of living is complete. It is challenging to know within that it is over and that life is going to be entirely different from what you have known.

This ascension process is not for everyone. I am sure you know this as you see some that you love leaving their incarnations. Some are unable to adapt to the changes or they choose not to adapt. Just think if you have had everything your way on planet earth by controlling money, having power and manipulating others, you will be sorely disappointed when you lose your grip. This can be a big shock and you will begin to see how awkward it is becoming for those in this category.

Blossom Goodchild - June 9, 2016

Hello! Last week’s chat was rather mind blowing for many. I fully accept what you said. Yet, that doesn’t mean I necessarily understand it! At the end of the day … I FEEL that it doesn’t really matter WHAT we understand.  What matters is that we LOVE and FEEL LOVED. For me, being here upon the planet is not just about lifting its Vibration into a Higher /better place, it is also about ‘finding myself’. The ‘God-self’ in me.
The largest of heartfelt welcomes to you this day. To Each One who follows their path and acts upon that which reunites them with this very thing ... their God- self.
An interesting word that … ‘God’. Warms and soothes and uplifts the hearts of many and turns off the minds of so many others. I guess I look upon God as Source/Love. That makes more sense to me, as being brought up a catholic (convent boarding school, strong catholic father) the word ‘God’ also turned ME off for a long time. Although now, I am much more comfortable with it.

Crop Circles 2016 - Vanzaghello, Milan, Italy - 8th June 2016 - UFO 2016 Italy

Benjamín Fulford - 06-06-16. La mafia jázara Rothschild usa maniobras dilatorias, pero el tiempo se acaba

09 Jun

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

La soga que se está cerrando sobre la mafia jázara y el nexo de la familia Rothschild que lo controla está apretando cada véz mas fuerte. Después de haber perdido una fecha límite para encontrarse con un representante de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco, se supone que debe reunirse con un mensajero de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco mañana un representante del Barón Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild (7 de junio) en los EE.UU... Si los Rothschild se pierden esta reunión o no llegan a un acuerdo, en principio, a continuación, la SDB, los gnósticos Illuminati y otros grupos aliados prometen que será declarada época de caza para todo ese grupo familiar genocida.

Además, la quiebra oficial de la Corporación de los ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA el 2 de mayo de 2016 ha desencadenado negociaciones de alto nivel entre las autoridades estadounidenses y chinas esta semana. En Beijing un intercambio económico y diplomático de alto nivel está concluyendo el martes.

miércoles, junio 08, 2016

Sarah Varcas - June 2016 – April 2017: Eris Conjunct Uranus - 08/06/2016

Rising Up
Image: “Rising Up” by Gary Rosenberg

Revolution Within and Without


Sarah Varcas

9th June 2016 sees the first exact conjunction between Eris and Uranus in the 24th degree of Aries. In it we meet the untamed feminine: wild and radical, owned by no one, shaped by nothing and prepared to do what it takes to expose the enduring lies that diminish and debilitate humanity. She points the finger without hesitation, names the oppressor and fights to the death of all falsity presented as truth. Eris is our power – men and women, one and all – to take a stand; to face the unpalatable facts of our sterile life; to honour the deep, gutsy knowing in our very bowels that life itself is raw, passionate and cannot be tamed. Her alliance with Uranus affords her ever greater influence, instilling within those who join her crusade the power to shake awake even those most deeply asleep in this world on the brink.

Unlike Mars who will fight to impose, Eris fights to expose. She refuses to accept the social mores of conformity used to keep us down. Eris unflinchingly illuminates millennia of denial and degradation of the feminine, highlighting equally its trademark oppression of women and girls, alongside its brutalisation of boys and men. Currently aligned to Mars, the archetypal masculine, we see these two forces in intense dialogue, negotiating a settlement and positive way forward which honours both polarities in us all.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody & Anchoring Lightbody--3 Day Webinar - 6-8-16

Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody

The Arcturians

More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column.

The kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and is often known as the “Sleeping Serpent.” As you consciousness expands into your fifth dimensional gamma waves, the kundalini energy begins to rise up your spine.

At first, the kundalini moves up a little bit, you must adjust to that unique feeling, as well as the other new sensations in your body. Therefore, you go back into your daily life, and the Kundalini moves back down into the base of your spine.

But the next time your consciousness arises, your attention is focused on your personal transformation, and you are ready to continue your process of personal transmutation, the Kundalini moves up a bit higher, but returns to the base of your spine as you gradually adapt to this unique sensation,

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - La verdad tiene que conocerse - 03-06-2016

La verdad tiene que conocerse y vuestra historia debe reescribirse de acuerdo con ello.
Todo va bien a pesar de cualquier apariencia externa, y los diferentes aspectos asociados a la Ascensión siguen en avanzada preparación.
Los Oscuros siguen perdiendo poder y sus opciones se están limitando mucho.
Les hemos pedido muchas veces su rendición pero lo han rechazado, pareciendo estar preparados para luchar hasta el amargo final.
Ciertamente, no pueden escapar a la justicia como habían planeado, pero casi con certeza intentarán regatear en lo que concierne a su rendición.
Se tienen que enfrentar al hecho de que sus días están contados y que ya no pueden esperar cumplir su plan original de dominación del mundo.
Muchos grupos han dado apoyo a los de la Luz y juntos representan un formidable reto para los Oscuros.
Junto con muchos individuos poderosos, ellos representan una poderosa fuerza por el bien.

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - Iluminación e Inspiración - 22-05-2016


Queridos Míos: Deseo hablarles hoy sobre la Libertad. 

Empezaré diciendo que ayuda el orientarse a la perspectiva de ver su vida como el tener la libertad PARA ser o hacer, no una libertad DE algo.
Con este enfoque ustedes son libres para avanzar más allá y despejar viejos patrones, con la intención de avanzar hacia la Luz y su nueva vida sin vivir en el pasado, que es simplemente su lugar de aprendizaje.
Y avanzando adelante y viviendo lo que han aprendido ustedes son libres para catapultarse a realidades más expansivas, que es su verdadero derecho de nacimiento.
La libertad es permitir y aceptar la expansión hacia el Verdadero Ser de uno para descubrir las infinitas posibilidades. Es el abrirse más allá de las limitaciones.
Sus Yos Superiores los están alentando a abrir las puertas que están aguardando a ser abiertas.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Pineal Gland Stargate Third Eye - June 8, 2016

Awakening the Galactic Human DNA
Revelations of the Starseed Empath 

The pineal gland is a dormant stargate in the middle of the human brain, a bridge of higher dimensional awareness and time travel. There are multidimensional portals in the human body field that can be attuned for direct communion with the electro-magnetic energy of the grid and Universe. These human stargate portals are avenues to telepathic communication with the Galactics, the angelic kingdom and your DNA star essence of sovereign power.
The intuitive sensitive empath and starseed are already inclined to attune to these subtle energy fields which can resurrect these human stargate portals. Your sensory resonance of empathy is your first nature of being, a way shower of your direction and path that leads you to the reawakening of the Galactic Star Human DNA lineage.

Pineal Gland Stargate—the way to disclosure—knowing who you are.

Reawakening the pineal gland 3rd eye stargate can reveal hidden information and secret knowledge that can bypass traditional forums of disclosure as there are information link highways that can be accessed via the crystal link transmitter into an interdimensional library. As you come on line in this way, you are enhancing the light grid web so that other light bearers and starseeds can more easily tune into and align collectively.

martes, junio 07, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - Maestro Hilarion - Del 05 al 12-06-2016 - Junio 5, 2016

05 al 12-06-2016 

Amados, Durante estos días la vida se ha tornado en un período de recepción, procesamiento e integración de las descargas de energías a fin de que sean asimiladas y equilibradas.
Sus días están llenos de esto. El tiempo pasa rápido o lentamente, dependiendo de las necesidades del momento. Mucho ocurre ante su conciencia observadora.
Lo que se ha mantenido dentro de los cuerpos astrales de la humanidad están surgiendo y limpiándose; de esto es de lo que se trata la gran purga.
La mayoría de la humanidad que ha hecho esta elección de purgar, está lista para seguir adelante.
Ahora es una cuestión de hacer el trabajo, siendo constantes y persistentes, para hacer todo lo necesario para llevarlo a cabo hasta el final. La vida a veces parece ser un sueño.

Sheldan Nidle Update - A grand global revolution of consciousness! - 6-7-16~

Orders have been given to release a major part of the humanitarian and prosperity funds. New schedules to rid this reality of the cabal and its myriad henchman are now in place.

9 Akbal, 16 Pax, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! What you have long awaited is beginning to take shape. Orders have been given to release a major part of the humanitarian and prosperity funds. New schedules to rid this reality of the cabal and its myriad henchman are now in place. The dark realizes that its time is up and that several layers of key arrests are either starting or else in place. Revised agreements are being implemented as a new fund transfer system comes into play. The election in America is expected to be delayed when a new NESARA government can be formally declared. When these developments are manifested, a number of announcements are to be publicly declared. These items are now beginning to pop up all over the Internet as, one by one, key informers become aware of what is now occurring. These reports are being distributed in order to notify some of you of what is either brewing or just on the horizon. The time is soon to end the long period of global influence of the cabal. This process took longer than we initially anticipated, but what we expected is currently beginning to unfold!

Crop Circles 2016 - Standdaarbuiten - 5th june 2016 - UFO Netherlands 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Tools for New Energy Management - June 7, 2016

There’s a whole new paradigm opening up for us as energy portals and containers. For many decades we have been working with energy and in many cases, holding it within our energy bodies because there was no place for it to go. If you have experienced bloating, nausea, and weight gain in the past ten years, you know what I am talking about. Now we are able to process the energy and move it on, uploading it to the earth and grounding it in the earth grids.
This is what we do on a collective level; on a personal level, we are grinding away lifetimes of drama, trauma, and the fear of shining our light. While our fears are justified, they are no longer useful or beneficial and it’s time to consider new directions. We are the new energy expansion and ascension leaders and energy management is our tool for progress. How can you make the best use of the energy in your life now, using it with confidence and clarity?

Crop Circles 2016 - PHASE 2 - Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, UK - 5th june 2016 - UFO 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - Willoughby Hedge, East Knoyle, Wiltshire, UK - 5th June 2016 - UFO 2016

lunes, junio 06, 2016

La Ceremonia de Apertura del Túnel más Grande del Mundo fue un Ritual Bizarro Oculto

Bienvenidos a la Realidad 

Con la asistencia de las personas más poderosas de Europa, la ceremonia de apertura del "Gotthard Base Tunnel" en Suiza fue un oscuro ritual, inquietante, extrañamente satánico. He aquí un vistazo a otra celebración de la élite oculta.

Midiendo más de 57 km y con un costo de más de 11 mil millones de euros, el "Gotthard Base Tunnel" es el proyecto de túnel más largo y más caro del mundo en la historia. Pasando por los Alpes suizos, el túnel tardó 17 años en completarse y se dice que es un símbolo de la unificación europea en un contexto de creciente nacionalismo y el cierre de las fronteras.

Para celebrar la inauguración de este túnel, una elaborada ceremonia se presentó delante de dignatarios europeos como la canciller alemana Angela Merkel, el presidente François Hollande de Francia y el primer ministro italiano Matteo Renzi. Mientras que la mayoría esperaría una optimista, ceremonia de celebración, los invitados fueron más bien llevados a un espectáculo inquietante orquestado por el director alemán Volker Hesse, donde un hombre vestido como una cabra fue presidido por un extraño ritual.

Maryann Rada - You Are in Heaven’s Gateway: Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian - June 6, 2016


We are Asket. In the world today, you have come to see a lot of disruption in the normal processes of nature and the normal processes of your social order. When order can be put aside and the muscle of human will can be pushed into the forefront of your world’s stage, so that that’s what you experience — the will of someone or something greater than your own making itself felt — the chaos that you experience in such times is something of a bewilderment to many of you, and we would like to point out today how within that chaos some pearl of order and perfection can be found.

Brenda Hoffman - Enough of Fear Clearing Already! - June 6, 2016

Dear Ones,

Your life is about to be easier than you have dreamt possible for eons. For you have cleared so much, including that of the past few weeks, that you no longer need to delay your joy.

Of course, many of you are thinking, “What about this dilemma? Or, “My earth dream creation is impossible.” So it is you are attempting to delay your joy even though such is no longer possible.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 06/06/16

Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Benjamin Fulford 6-6-16… “Rothschild Khazarian mafia using delaying tactics but time is running out” Posted on 2016/06/06

Posted by benjamin, June 6, 2016

The noose that is closing on the Khazarian mafia and the Rothschild family nexus controlling it is getting tighter. Having missed one deadline to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society, a representative of Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild is supposed to meet with a messenger from the White Dragon Society tomorrow (June 7th) in the US. If the Rothschilds miss this meeting or fail to reach an agreement in principle then, open season will be declared on that entire genocidal family group WDS, gnostic Illuminati and other allied groups promise.

Also, the official bankruptcy on May 2nd, 2016 of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation has triggered high level negotiations between US and Chinese authorities this week. In Beijing a high level economic and diplomatic exchange is concluding on Tuesday.

domingo, junio 05, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Drinking the Sweetness of Divine Love - June 5, 2016

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.
This is one of my favorite Gabriel Messages. It describes the beautiful experience of receiving Divine Light and allowing the power of Divine Intelligence and Love to permeate your energy system.
When we are willing to ask for the blessing of Divine Light, our hearts can become an open vessel to receive. This willingness is a huge step in our evolution, especially when life seems so difficult to understand in these fast-changing times.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - You Are Here to Experience Unlimited Physical World Abundance: Mastery through Purity & Utilizing Your Gifts - 6/5/2016

The peace of silence and cosmic symphonies are beyond exquisite. The beauty of NEW Earth is too. The joy, the brilliance, the magnificence.... all present when one is present, connected and functioning within flow. The Cosmic Light Upgrades shift and change, speed up, slow down, increase in strength and frequency, decrease for particle realignment.... Every moment can be utilized to be productive for whatever is important right then. Each moment will be a different vibration.....

New higher consciousness awareness bring new understandings, new opportUNITIES, new blessings, new gifts and abilities, new amazingness....

The human aspect will focus on what they do not have, what is not enough, what isn't comfortable, what doesn't work and have judgment of other's realities too..... technically these are all excuses not to stand in one's own power and take command of physical realities here.....

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 5-12, 2016

Beloved Ones,

During these days life has taken on a period of receiving downloads, processing downloads, integrating downloads and assimilating and balancing the energies. Your days are filled with these. Time passes either quickly or slowly depending on the needs of the moment. Much passes before your observing consciousness. That which has been held within humanity’s astral bodies are surfacing and cleansing, this is what the great purging is all about. The majority of humanity is ready to move on, they have made this choice. Now it is a matter of doing the work, being consistent and persistent, doing all that is necessary in order to see it through to the end.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2016 Sedona Seminar (Day 2)

Metatron via Tyberonn : A New Dawn & The Requisite Resolution & Message of Hope!~

Judith Kusel - The Shift in Vibrational Frequency Bands - June 5, 2016

We are riding the wave of expansive cosmic rebirthing – the rebirth of Mother Earth.

Rebirth follows the dying; the dissolving of the old and therefore the re-birth comes in the wake of what has been before, but now in a rejuvenated, shape and form. It is revitalized, reactivated.

It cannot be what has come before – that is now redundant.

It has to be that resurrection into a higher Light-embodied form and therefore moves into a much higher vibrational frequency band.

As the earth is being reborn – so are we.